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Norwegian: Gives Military Discount and Cancels! (Reveiw of Horrible Customer Service)


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Having a spouse in the military sometimes makes it impossible to plan things in advance, in the same respect the vacation time we do get is priceless time we get to spend together as a family. We decided to spend some of this quality family time and a lot of our money on a cruise this February.


With our current location we chose Hawai'i (still a 10+ hour plane ride), and the only option we had within Hawai'i was Norwegian for this specific time frame. We booked our cruise, received a confirmation email, and proceeded to show up at the terminal.


When we showed up it appeared they had no record of us on the manifest. The employees on the floor were directed to give us a couple of emergency numbers to contact and have us give them a call. I used a kind man's phone (we were out of country, as we are living overseas, and therefore did not have cell phones) and called my credit card company, the charge for the cruise was pending. I called both emergency numbers they gave me, no one answered at either number.


After a lot of back and forth between the employees on the ground and the employees on the ship and a great amount of frustration on our end, I demanded to speak to whoever it was they kept "calling up" to. Jason, passenger services manager, came down and explained to us that "someone" had cancelled our reservations 16 minutes after we made them. They were unable to tell us who "someone" was. Keep in mind we received confirmation emails but never got a cancellation email. He went on to explain that maritime laws prohibited us from boarding the ship unless "Miami" said we could and unfortunately Miami was the one not answering the phones. I made sure to explain our situation. We had flown 10 hours, my husband serves in the military and we are stationed overseas, therefore we have no cell service here, we have no ride, and no place set up to stay in Hawai'i. He assured us that he would do everything he could and come back down to keep us informed. That was the last we saw of Jason.


We sat at the terminal for several hours with 5 bags and two small children waiting. Finally, after many questions, and prodding the person we were working with on the ground went up to the ship to speak to Jason. She came back, not with Jason, but with a card with the same emergency phone numbers on it. She basically told us that Jason said there is nothing that can be done and we will have to contact Norwegian to attempt to get our money back for the cab rides to and from the terminal and hotel expenses. I asked her why Jason didn't come down to speak with us in person. I got no comment other than "he sent me." Meanwhile, we sat there with no phone and a charge on our credit card from Norwegian for a couple thousand dollars.


I understand mistakes are made. Things are overbooked and seeing as how they offered us a military discount we were probably the cheapest of the last few reservations made, so they gave us the boot. All relatively understandable, however the way the company and ship handled the situation is deplorable. They did not inform us of the cancellation at all, and they made little to no effort to help us out, or to even acknowledge their mistakes.


I'll add that the pending charge from Norwegian went from pending to posted the next day and stayed on our account for several days before dropping off. Norwegian really dropped the ball with this one and have yet to respond to any of my attempts to contact them in writing (as I want all records of my correspondence with them).


I booked this cruise having seen a couple of other horrible Norwegian reviews. I honestly thought the customers must have had some wrong doing in the situation. Well I can assure you, this was not the case in our situation. Although I know we are the minority they really should review their practices and fix what is wrong with their business.

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First off - I thank your husband for his service to our country.


I feel for your situation and hope that you were able to have some quality time in Hawaii with your family. I understand it is extremely expensive, but you could have been stranded in a lot worse situations.


The only thing I do not understand is that nowadays you check in for a cruise online had print all of your cruise documents for boarding beforehand including luggage tags.

Had you logged in at anytime to NCL.com you could have been aware that you were not technically booked on the cruise. So there is some responsibility on your own part.


I am not saying that NCL did not mess up in some fashion, but due to laws a lot related to homeland security which you should understand being military that what happened at the port is against their control or authority.

Edited by titangas
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That sounds horrible but how many days before the cruise did you book? It sounds like you did no online check-in before and had only the automatic confirmation email but no guest ticker contract from the edocs?


The whole thing doesn't make sense. No payment confirmation? No documents or receipts of any kind? How did you know what cabin?



You say the charges dropped off your cc a few days after it was posted and you didn't question it then?

Edited by RuthlessBoss
cc question
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Thank you for your responses. Yes, it is clear we booked the cruise at the last minute. The rep told us there were 4 cabins left upon booking. And I knew when we booked that we probably wouldn't be able to log in online to check in due to our lack of Internet access. I expressed my concern about this to the rep during the phone call and he assured me that it was no problem and to just make sure to give ourselves a couple of hours to check in at the terminal. I understand that being stuck at the terminal could have been avoided had we checked in prior. As I said, I also understand that we were a last minute booking and having had such a low rate we were the ones to go, but I feel like they most certainly could have handled the situation very differently. I was truly much more angry with the way they handled the situation than the situation itself.

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I did have payment confirmation and a confirmation email. All of which I showed to the employees that were working with us at the terminal. Because it was a last minute booking we were not assigned a cabin, which is normal for a last minute booking. You get at least what you pay for. It was no cause for concern.

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Having a spouse in the military sometimes makes it impossible to plan things in advance, in the same respect the vacation time we do get is priceless time we get to spend together as a family. We decided to spend some of this quality family time and a lot of our money on a cruise this February.


With our current location we chose Hawai'i (still a 10+ hour plane ride), and the only option we had within Hawai'i was Norwegian for this specific time frame. We booked our cruise, received a confirmation email, and proceeded to show up at the terminal.


When we showed up it appeared they had no record of us on the manifest. The employees on the floor were directed to give us a couple of emergency numbers to contact and have us give them a call. I used a kind man's phone (we were out of country, as we are living overseas, and therefore did not have cell phones) and called my credit card company, the charge for the cruise was pending. I called both emergency numbers they gave me, no one answered at either number.


After a lot of back and forth between the employees on the ground and the employees on the ship and a great amount of frustration on our end, I demanded to speak to whoever it was they kept "calling up" to. Jason, passenger services manager, came down and explained to us that "someone" had cancelled our reservations 16 minutes after we made them. They were unable to tell us who "someone" was. Keep in mind we received confirmation emails but never got a cancellation email. He went on to explain that maritime laws prohibited us from boarding the ship unless "Miami" said we could and unfortunately Miami was the one not answering the phones. I made sure to explain our situation. We had flown 10 hours, my husband serves in the military and we are stationed overseas, therefore we have no cell service here, we have no ride, and no place set up to stay in Hawai'i. He assured us that he would do everything he could and come back down to keep us informed. That was the last we saw of Jason.


We sat at the terminal for several hours with 5 bags and two small children waiting. Finally, after many questions, and prodding the person we were working with on the ground went up to the ship to speak to Jason. She came back, not with Jason, but with a card with the same emergency phone numbers on it. She basically told us that Jason said there is nothing that can be done and we will have to contact Norwegian to attempt to get our money back for the cab rides to and from the terminal and hotel expenses. I asked her why Jason didn't come down to speak with us in person. I got no comment other than "he sent me." Meanwhile, we sat there with no phone and a charge on our credit card from Norwegian for a couple thousand dollars.


I understand mistakes are made. Things are overbooked and seeing as how they offered us a military discount we were probably the cheapest of the last few reservations made, so they gave us the boot. All relatively understandable, however the way the company and ship handled the situation is deplorable. They did not inform us of the cancellation at all, and they made little to no effort to help us out, or to even acknowledge their mistakes.


I'll add that the pending charge from Norwegian went from pending to posted the next day and stayed on our account for several days before dropping off. Norwegian really dropped the ball with this one and have yet to respond to any of my attempts to contact them in writing (as I want all records of my correspondence with them).


I booked this cruise having seen a couple of other horrible Norwegian reviews. I honestly thought the customers must have had some wrong doing in the situation. Well I can assure you, this was not the case in our situation. Although I know we are the minority they really should review their practices and fix what is wrong with their business.


Oh wow I'm so sorry this happened to you.


You know lots of times I read complaints on these board where people were not happy with things but I gotta tell you this is the FIRST time that I'm in awe of how horrible you were treated and what happened to your family. I would not let this go and demand some type of compensation be made for NCLs huge mistake. Please make sure you do not let this go this was a really horrible thing. Let us know the end result.

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Thanks for updating and giving us some more details.


Sounds, real last minute -- I am a planner, so it is hard for me to judge or access situations like that.


It seemed you covered your bases and informed them that you could not check in online. I hope you can get some resolution for your troubles.


Out of curiosity -- What did your family do?

Did you stay in Hawaii for the duration and take your scheduled flight back or did you change your flight?

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I did have payment confirmation and a confirmation email. All of which I showed to the employees that were working with us at the terminal. Because it was a last minute booking we were not assigned a cabin, which is normal for a last minute booking. You get at least what you pay for. It was no cause for concern.


I'm sure this happened, just not sure how. You should always get an assignment, either a cabin number or a guarantee. Also you said no internet access, yet you received an email confirmation and receipt. Where are you stationed that you could not use the internet? A 10 hour flight would indicate the Far East? You were not "bumped" because you were military and a cheap ticket, you were bumped because you had no reservation. Also, because your military, there is transient housing/hotel on the bases there. Hope you husband or you contacted them for assistance. More details are required. I'm guessing that your still not home? You have internet access now, so still in Hawaii? If so there is military assistance for you there.

Edited by rvsullivan
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I am so sorry this happened to your family. It's horrible to think of your family stranded without a plan so far from home.


It sounds to me like you did nothing wrong. I can't understand why a cancellation email wasn't sent 16 minutes after you booked. That should be automatic.


And contrary to what some believe, online check-in is not required on NCL, it's only recommended. Passengers checking in at the pier are simply instructed to make sure they allow 2 hours for check-in.


I really, really hope NCL both apologizes and generously compensates your family for this inconvenience.

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I am so sorry this happened to your family. It's horrible to think of your family stranded without a plan so far from home.


It sounds to me like you did nothing wrong. I can't understand why a cancellation email wasn't sent 16 minutes after you booked. That should be automatic.


And contrary to what some believe, online check-in is not required on NCL, it's only recommended. Passengers checking in at the pier are simply instructed to make sure they allow 2 hours for check-in.


I really, really hope NCL both apologizes and generously compensates your family for this inconvenience.


Why would NCL apologize? The cruise was "somehow" cancelled right after booking. Of course they wouldn't be on the manifest.


I'm stuck on no internet, yet it was used. What kind of military base has no communication with the outside world?


Who/how was this cruise booked? Sounds like she spoke with someone.

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Was this booked with NCL or a third party?


I will also agree you were not bumped because of military discount. It was because the reservation went away, for whatever reason.


It all sucks, but is seems like there must be a bit more to this story.


Was the charge on your credit card for the full cruise amount?

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Could there have been an issue with the credit card? Were the plane tickets purchased last minute (I could only imagine 4 tix for a 10-hr flight last minute would not be cheap) and was the same credit card used? Could it have been a credit card limitation? All genuine questions. I can't imagine what could happen in 16 minutes to cause the cancel unless NCL really didn't have an available cabin to sell (especially one that could accommodate more than 2 people) in which case they really should have notified the OP by email of the cancel.

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I do think both NCL AND the travel agent should apologize absolutely! There is known to be at least one room still open, not to public but its there. An adjustment should have been done somehow to get you on board.

Did you call NCL itself while in port? What did they say?

I'm simply saddened that your vacation was ruined. My husband is 21 years military and I understand how hard it is to get time off.

I hope NCL sees these posts and reaches out to you.

Edited by peanutbutterjelly
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First off - I thank your husband for his service to our country.


I feel for your situation and hope that you were able to have some quality time in Hawaii with your family. I understand it is extremely expensive, but you could have been stranded in a lot worse situations.


The only thing I do not understand is that nowadays you check in for a cruise online had print all of your cruise documents for boarding beforehand including luggage tags.

Had you logged in at anytime to NCL.com you could have been aware that you were not technically booked on the cruise. So there is some responsibility on your own part.


I am not saying that NCL did not mess up in some fashion, but due to laws a lot related to homeland security which you should understand being military that what happened at the port is against their control or authority.


Nope!!! Read this thread. I was on this cruise with this passenger and he had all the documents!!! http://boards.cruisecritic.com/showthread.php?t=2174071 It was NCL that dropped the ball, not the passenger. I think in this case also


Plus, none of the people questioning this were in this passengers shoes! It happened and I saw it unfold on the cruise I just returned from. The passenger had ALL the documents, room assignment, etc. When he showed them, they were like, "oh sorry, we have to call Miami"


NCL has the WORST customer service I have ever been a part of!! And I do understand what the OP went thru, as it had just happened on the cruise I was on. I am beginning to think it happens all the time now(and the passenger on our cruise said he was told that it happened all the time), or there is some major software problem with the NCL computers. If the OP states she did not cancel, why don't you believe her?

Edited by Level six
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Nope!!! Read this thread. I was on this cruise with this passenger and he had all the documents!!! http://boards.cruisecritic.com/showthread.php?t=2174071 It was NCL that dropped the ball, not the passenger. I think in this case also


Plus, none of the people questioning this were in this passengers shoes! It happened and I saw it unfold on the cruise I just returned from. The passenger had ALL the documents, room assignment, etc. When he showed them, they were like, "oh sorry, we have to call Miami"


NCL has the WORST customer service I have ever been a part of!! And I do understand what the OP went thru, as it had just happened on the cruise I was on. I am beginning to think it happens all the time now(and the passenger on our cruise said he was told that it happened all the time), or there is some major software problem with the NCL computers. If the OP states she did not cancel, why don't you believe her?


These two cases don't seem to be remotely connected. Your friend had documentation and corrections were made/attempted and OBC was given.

OP had not paperwork, room assignments or anything else it seems. Waiting to hear followup from OP.

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Why would NCL apologize?

After the fact, the OP was told that her reservation was cancelled 16 minutes after it was made. The charge was initially listed as pending on her credit card, but eventually posted as a completed transaction which remained for several days on her account.


NCL sent a confirmation email, but did not send a notice of cancellation. Notifying customers of a cancelled reservation is not optional. It is inexcuseable that the customer was not contacted by NCL. They are absolutely owed an apology.

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These two cases don't seem to be remotely connected. Your friend had documentation and corrections were made/attempted and OBC was given.

OP had not paperwork, room assignments or anything else it seems. Waiting to hear followup from OP.


So, if you had traveled to Europe/Hawaii, paid for the airfare, used your vacation, paid for hotels, transfers............and not been allowed to remain onboard/or board at all how would you feel?

In the case of my fellow cruiser, IMO $500 was a token and did not right the situation at all.

In the case of OP, obviously she would not pay for airfare, travel on limited vacation time if she was not positive she had reservations.

Mistakes were made, but who made them? I don't think it was the OP.


I don't think they are related, but two reports in one day?

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Nope!!! Read this thread. I was on this cruise with this passenger and he had all the documents!!! http://boards.cruisecritic.com/showthread.php?t=2174071 It was NCL that dropped the ball, not the passenger. I think in this case also


Confused, you say you were on the cruise with this passenger, but in your post on the other thread said they were left in port. ?????
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Confused, you say you were on the cruise with this passenger, but in your post on the other thread said they were left in port. ?????

I think it's pretty clear that Level six took the cruise that the other passenger was *trying* to take. :cool: It did get worked out, though they didn't get the promised room.

Edited by Pikaia
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I do think both NCL AND the travel agent should apologize absolutely! There is known to be at least one room still open, not to public but its there. An adjustment should have been done somehow to get you on board.

Did you call NCL itself while in port? What did they say?

I'm simply saddened that your vacation was ruined. My husband is 21 years military and I understand how hard it is to get time off.

I hope NCL sees these posts and reaches out to you.


I am a veteran myself, so I understand what you mean when you say it is hard to get time off for military personnel. At least it was difficult.


However, the OP planned this 7 day cruise (plus travel) from a location 10 hours away by airplane (which covers a HUGE area when you consider that New York to Honolulu on Hawaiian is an 11 hour flight)...and this was planned at the last minute. So last minute, in fact, that they couldn't complete the online check in. Needless to say, it must NOW be very easy to arrange time off.

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After the fact, the OP was told that her reservation was cancelled 16 minutes after it was made. The charge was initially listed as pending on her credit card, but eventually posted as a completed transaction which remained for several days on her account.


NCL sent a confirmation email, but did not send a notice of cancellation. Notifying customers of a cancelled reservation is not optional. It is inexcuseable that the customer was not contacted by NCL. They are absolutely owed an apology.

Also a little confused about the credit card. If it was posted as a completed transaction, wouldn't there have to be a credit for it to be deducted from the account, instead of it just disappearing. A pending charge disappears, but I've never had an actual charge disappear without a credit to offset it.
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Confused, you say you were on the cruise with this passenger, but in your post on the other thread said they were left in port. ?????


It was a 21 day cruise, some people booked the cruise as B2B. We were on him the first leg when he found out they had no record of his reservation for the second leg. He was given a cabin, read that thread.


The left at port comment was relating to this OP post.

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I think it's pretty clear that Level six took the cruise that the other passenger was *trying* to take. :cool: It did get worked out, though they didn't get the promised room.
What other passenger? Isn't this thread about the military family?
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Also a little confused about the credit card. If it was posted as a completed transaction, wouldn't there have to be a credit for it to be deducted from the account, instead of it just disappearing. A pending charge disappears, but I've never had an actual charge disappear without a credit to offset it.

I've noticed that on one of my credit cards. As long as the charge never showed up on a printed monthly statement (or PDF), they don't bother to formally credit my account. The charge just disappears.

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