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Another LIVE from Quantum of the Seas for April 12th - April 24th!

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I absolutely love waking up and looking at the virtual balcony. The rest of my review will probably be randomly filled with pictures of it (wanted to put it "pictures out of it", but it isn’t really accurate; however it is real enough looking at it that I feel that way about it).


For breakfast we went to the American Icon Grill, and any time we are both going to breakfast that is probably where it will be. So unless there is something unusual about it, I probably won’t be mentioning breakfast again. It is just easier with my mom’s dietary needs.


After breakfast we went straight to the Northstar. The line was right at the 60 minute mark (I think RCI must think that makes it sound like less time than an hour). And it really was right about an hour when the picture below was taken. This is it going up one more time and then the next time up we will be on it.



Once the previous trip was on its way down, they took us out of line, so I could get mom up the ramp to the elevator. We then waiting at the elevator for the previous riders to disembark. This is the view waiting for the elevator



And this is mom in the elevator.



We absolutely loved it as much as we thought we would. They told us when in port instead of going to the side that it goes 100 feet higher. So at some point in port, we will do it again. :)

The obligatory selfie in Northstar



Mom in Northstar


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And two more random shots




Mom then went to the Ladies Pamper Party. And while she did that, I played Tribond with a fun group of ladies who were better at it (but I did help with a few answers. We were one answer away from all correct, and we had the correct but changed it since none of us were sure.



While I waited for the Pamper Party to end, I played on a recumbanent bike and the outdoor options on the bikes and treadmills were quite fun. This was from the San Francisco 2 one. This seems a good point to mention that I do have videos taken that I will be posting once I get home. But for now, I just don’t mess with it.



We love the butterflies all over the ship.



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We then went to the 270 cafe, and were planning to have the roast beef again for lunch and see the robo show that was on the schedule. However, this day it happened to be more cooked and dried out than usual. Since the grilled cheese on the menu looked appealing from the description, I went to order it. That’s when I found out that it’s not at all what I think of as a grilled cheese. So I snacked on our bacon from home to bring my energy level up enough to last through the robo show.


We ended up over to side for the show, since the lift down to the bottom level was not working. It was fun (particularly the science section), but at some point, we’ll try to go back so we can watch it from a better angle).


We then went to the Windjammer to find me some food. I had gotten mom some food (she hadn’t eaten much of the roast since it was really too dried out for her too). And on the way back in, I happened to sigh as I passed an RCI waiter. It wasn’t intentional. I was just feeling disappointed since I had been looking forward to a grilled cheese from when I first read it on the menu on the first day. Anyway, the waiter asked me was everything okay. I said yes and that it was just that I was disappointed about the grilled cheese. They (first waiter who asked me and then a waitress who he said would help) immediately wanted to fix it. I first though had to describe what a grilled cheese was (apparently they don’t have them in wherever they from). Eventually we got to that it was sort of like a panini with just cheese. And she went with me through the WJ to get the various pieces, and then had it grilled at the panini station. So once again RCI came through, and this will be one more example of why I stay loyal to Royal.


Before the cruise, I had really been hoping that due to RCI’s tie to Dreamworks that the new movie Home might be shown at some point. It was showing in 3D in the theater. It was great fun.After that we went back to the room to relax for a while until the comedy show and enjoy the virtual balcony.



This was also when I wrote most of yesterday’s post.

The comedian, Troy Thirdgill, was very, very funny. Our favorite but was the section on “7% of any group of people is crazy.” We’ll probably reference this for the rest of our lives.



We then attempted to have dinner in the WJ. For my mom’s dietary restrictions, it just doesn’t work. And I barely liked anything that happened to be served that night. I think it didn’t help that it was near the end of the service and much of the food seemed to have set in the heat for too long. We won’t be going there for dinner again, whether that means we miss a show or not.


The reason we had gone to WJ for dinner was so that we could get to the Finish the Lyric gameshow. We intended to just watch. However since he begged/pleaded for female players, here I am.


I sing fine. And I know Disney songs, songs from musicals and many worship or hymn lyrics, but most contemporary lyrics (no matter the era) are not something I know. It was fun even with being eliminated first. I got a an itty bitty Northstar bag that mom is using for her morning pills as well as a larger RCI bag that makes a good swimsuit bag, so it was worth it.


It was then off to bed with us. Overall, it was a very fun sea day.

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Loving the report and it looks like you and your mom are having a great time! Thanks for all the effort to write up and post pictures, it is much appreciated!


You're welcome. I am enjoying doing it.


And my mom and I do try to have as much fun as can manage to. :D

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The main writing of the day 4 post(s) is done. And I wrote the first paragraph of the day 5 post. And at some point I'll finish those.


However yesterday morning, I saw the rock wall had basically no line. And after a photo recreated here ...


I decided to try going higher. The short version (as I type on my phone at ~4:30 AM) is that I twisted my knee in a way it shouldn't go.


And then I made the possibly unwise (but still not one regret) decision to proceed withy birthday 2 hour horseback ride through the rainforest. I loved every minute of it.



Now though... the best I say is that on the bright side the pain is now localized (a personal preference I have to the all over ache that it was when decisions were made).


So I'm not yet sure how my review will be proceeding from here. It may just go to highlights and favorite photos as done from my phone.


And to end this post with something happy before I wander out in my mom's chair to refill my ice bag...the 3 best things I had at Wonderland last night.

Lobster caviar thing


Beef Terrior


And birthday Red Velvet cake that the waiter got me after I asked what the same cake slice was that I saw them bring someone else.


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So a few more best bits from my 40th birthday (just skipping day 4 for one since it really is already written in a way that's too much trouble/discomfort to do now).


The day started with listening for the shout out my mom put in the CD's box.


I really enjoy Dru's dry sense of humor, and in a different way Jose's wacky sense of fun. I think they make a good and balanced pair.


Next came the character breakfast. After some trouble with where to sit (short version would be a waiter who didn't know the venue or how to get a wheelchair through spaces), I had a great time.

Having a chocolate laden breakfast was one of the main reasons I booked this for my birthday.


The muffin was blah, but the other sliced thing was awesome.

Character photos


Dancing with King Julian was lots of fun, although I'm never posting the video that this shot is from. I enjoyed shaking my booty with him, and no one needs to see that.


And I got mom to get up for the photo with Gloria.



After the breakfast was when I went wandering for something fun and ended up at the rock wall.

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So here's what happened. There was basically no line. I've done it a few times before (never very high or anything). I got harnessed up. There was an older gentleman standing at the rail who I asked if he would take my picture. He said just set it up and show him where to press. I did. I got a a few pegs up and a few feet off the ground and posed. He took the asked for picture (or so I thought). I then decided to see how high I could go. The answer turn out to be no higher. I tried to use my right leg to push me up higher and apparently it was at a bad angle. My knee went in towards the wall and made a popping sound. I screamed but still clung to the wall. The loader-spotter person helped me down I'm a way that felt safe to me. He then repeatedly asked if he could call medical. He later said that he was worried that I'd broken it.


Time for an aside to explain why I knew it wasn't a broken bone and kept saying no to him calling medical. I grew up with something called Osgood–Schlatter disease. Basically from when I was around 11 on, when I grew I'd get a fracture in top of my tibia. So I know my knee pain and it's levels really well and I knew it wasn't broken.


After recovering on the ground for awhile, I stood on my own and got back to the bench. This was where I discovered this was the photo the older gentleman took.


I'm around 3 or so feet above that.


So since I'm stubborn and really wanted the photo, and a very nice young man who was a good rock climber (and photographer) got this series of photos for me.


He knelt down to make it look like I was higher than I was.


I then hobbled/limped back to the room where mom and I went to medical to get a knee brace/sleeve that would fit it and give me more support for it. This is a pretty wall art on the way there.


They were helpful and suggested rest, ice and elevation, which I did at my convenience (so only at lunch and for a brief period pre-excursion.


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So after the medical office we went to lunch. I love these crab cakes.


And if you want an actual grilled cheese the way it should be made, then American Icon for lunch is the place to come. I ordered it without the soup and double the sandwiches.


Then they brought this and sang Happy Birthday.




This was cute but it's too sweet for me so I ordered the banana sundae.


When we got back, this was in the room.


The octopus makes a good knee prop. And the blanket will make a good lap blanket for my mom.

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So after the medical office we went to lunch. I love these crab cakes.


And if you want an actual grilled cheese the way it should be made, then American Icon for lunch is the place to come. I ordered it without the soup and double the sandwiches.


Then they brought this and sang Happy Birthday.




This was cute but it's too sweet for me so I ordered the banana sundae.


When we got back, this was in the room.


The octopus makes a good knee prop. And the blanket will make a good lap blanket for my mom.


Wishing you a very happy b'day, so sorry about your knee.:(


Thank you for taking the time to take us along. Very enjoyable.


BTW, I, for one, couldn't open the attachments :confused:

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Wishing you a very happy b'day, so sorry about your knee.:(




Thank you for taking the time to take us along. Very enjoyable.




BTW, I, for one, couldn't open the attachments :confused:



They were pictures. I had to reconnect to the ship internet while posting. So somehow it didn't work right. Let's try again.






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Thank you for sharing your cruise with us! I appreciate your descriptions of both pros & cons. Have you seen many armchairs (especially in dining rooms or WJ)? My DH now uses a cane (sometimes also a rolling walker w/seat), and he has a difficult time getting up out of a chair without arms.

Thanks again for taking the time to post such an enjoyable account of your cruise! I hope your knee isn't painful during the entire cruise!

Happy Sailing and Happy Birthday!! :)

Edited by sea-cruise
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Thank you for sharing your cruise with us! I appreciate your descriptions of both pros & cons. Have you seen many armchairs (especially in dining rooms or WJ)? My DH now uses a cane (sometimes also a rolling walker w/seat), and he has a difficult time getting up out of a chair without arms.


Thanks again for taking the time to post such an enjoyable account of your cruise! I hope your knee isn't painful during the entire cruise!


Happy Sailing and Happy Birthday!! :)



Some do, some don't. You just have to find or ask for ones that do. So far every restaurant we've been to has at least some that do.

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So after resting with my leg up with ice on it for awhile, we went to go to the excursion. It was crazy trying to get off the ship since one of the people misdirected us. With some frustration, an officer helped us get off. We made it with the last shuttle group. Before getting on the shuttle, they made sure mom really wanted to do it. She did.



It was a pretty ride there, and the driver, Tito, gave an interesting description along the way.




It took around an hour plus some to get there since we got stuck in traffic.


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So once we got to the place, the people once again made sure that my mom wanted to do it. She did. They gave us helmets and proceeded with the instructions for everyone. And then asked people to separate into experienced or first time riders. I went with first time both to stay with mom and because I had messed up my knee.

Then another of the guides came over and said that while here they had a platform to help get on with at the point where everyone gets off at the river they didn't have that. And that you did have to get off the horse for a 30 minute break. But they could drive her in the jeep down to river to meet me. This river stop story turned out to be BS, and that they apparently they just didn't want mom doing it.

After she got in the jeep, he told her, we'll go down there and see if they stop. Meanwhile, when we were near the stop, they asked the group did we want to stop or did we want a longer ride. And they pushed that it was getting late and so most people said keep going. So I waved hi to my mom in the jeep. Anyway we'll be talking shore excursions staff about it as soon as we can. They are a hard group to talk to. The hours when they have staff there are rather limited. I also have to talk to them about our other two booked 4x4 excursions. I'm hoping by just resting it today and tomorrow that I will greatly improve but I just don't know.


Anyway onto the pictures that illustrate at least somewhat why I'd probably still make the same choices again.


Start of ride



A selfie with the rainforest mountain in background.



Pictures the guide took for me.




And just a couple other cool shots



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Tito got us back to the ship just barely in time for our Wonderland reservations. It was fun and the liquid lobster along with the beef terrior were worth the price by themselves.






This egg in the shell was also quite yummy.



Unfortunately the smoker broke last week apparently, so the deviled eggs didn't smoke. And my mom makes better deviled eggs at least than the one we had.


I think the Red Velvet cake slice they brought for my birthday was from Chops. It was very very good.




Except for injuring myself, it was a good birthday.

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So I woke up around 4 something in the morning and needed ice for my knee. While icing my knee in mom's wheelchair, I wondered the ship for a little while and took some pictures.


I found it odd that they ran the lights on the Northstar in the middle of the night. The bottom lights were flashing between colors.





I just thought this view of the ship's horns were fun.



The indoor pool was making waves that sounded like ocean waves.



The sun was just starting to come up by the time I got back to the room.


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So I don't have a whole lot more I want to say on this day. Being in pain on and off and not really being able to walk put a big damper on the day.


After a little more fitful sleep, I went to breakfast. I luckily got sat next to these lovely ladies, Trish and Sharon.


They were part of Tribond team the other day and we had visited with them randomly a few other times. They are both very sweet and fun.


I came in 2nd in the cartoon trivia to an older gentleman who apparently watched cartoon network a lot.



This was our view for lunch at WJ.




Dinner at Chic was good after a little trouble getting us seated and at a where both the wheelchairs would fit. After some drama with the shore excursions people trying to get problems resolved, we got lucky and hit the spa sample area and got a short shoulder massage. We then went to the thermal suite for some nice relaxation and warming up (I'd been cold most of the afternoon/evening). While there I decided to book the special for the next day that we been sold on during the samples with the same lady who's been so sweet to me while giving me the shoulder massage. She had a really fun accent so when I have to listen to the sales pitch it will at least be fun to listen to.


This was our towel animal for the night. I had to ask Carolina what it was. She said it's a origami flower and that she wanted me to have something we never had before. She succeeded. :)


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So I'm finally now posting a day when it's actually that day. I know it doesn't really matter, but it feels like an accomplishment to me.


So we slept a little late this morning. We went and did the Northstar first thing (around 10). There was no line since most people had just gotten off the ship in Martinique.


Just as they said it would, it went higher but not to the side. The views were nice.













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Next we went to breakfast at WJ, where we enjoyed the view from the back.




It was very windy though.



We wandered the ship for awhile and looked at ship pictures so far. We'll probably get a couple of them. We waited to do a possible arts & crafts, but it turned out to be origami since the original staffer was sick. So went and sat by the window in Sorrento's and mom did her crocheting while I worked on the posts for this. We then had a snack of pizza to tide us over until our early dinner.


Now we're relaxing in the thermal suite until time for my massage.


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So when I had to get on my computer briefly this morning to pay a bill, I realized the photos uploaded in the app show only as thumbnails unless clicked on. And even when clicked on they are not full size.


So all photos are still being uploaded to Flickr so that I can delete them from my phone to leave room for more. So I'd anyone wants to really see them, I'd suggest going here:


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