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Top Things Right and Wrong on board the star


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Talk about insults—well, Viking just blew it—BIG TIME

After sending us a letter yesterday (May 16) stating “I am delighted to welcome you to Bergen for the christening of Viking Star”.”A special Christening Dinner will take place tomorrow evening at Greighallen at 18:00. Please plan to meet in the Living Room at 17:00 to disembark Viking Star and travel to Grieghallen”. “After dinner, you will be transported by bus to Bryggen” (the location of the christening). Well, after waiting 45 minutes with other guests we were informed that those of us that are the 50 day PAYING customers were UN invited to dinner. Only the friends of the owner and the big wigs who are on the ship for the christening were invited to dinner. We, the paying customers, could make our OWN way to the christening later if we so chose.

WHAT AN INSULT—to be UNinvited and then have to WALK OUT of the “holding pen” in front of all the other “real” invited guests.

This TOPS the cake—INSULT added to previous injuries.

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Talk about insults—well, Viking just blew it—BIG TIME

After sending us a letter yesterday (May 16) stating “I am delighted to welcome you to Bergen for the christening of Viking Star”.”A special Christening Dinner will take place tomorrow evening at Greighallen at 18:00. Please plan to meet in the Living Room at 17:00 to disembark Viking Star and travel to Grieghallen”. “After dinner, you will be transported by bus to Bryggen” (the location of the christening). Well, after waiting 45 minutes with other guests we were informed that those of us that are the 50 day PAYING customers were UN invited to dinner. Only the friends of the owner and the big wigs who are on the ship for the christening were invited to dinner. We, the paying customers, could make our OWN way to the christening later if we so chose.

WHAT AN INSULT—to be UNinvited and then have to WALK OUT of the “holding pen” in front of all the other “real” invited guests.

This TOPS the cake—INSULT added to previous injuries.


Are you serious?? It's not the 50-day "guests" who are the crazies, it's the company. If so, this borders on demonic and Viking deserves to go bankrupt.



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To make matters worse (IMO), none of the company executives delivered the message. Instead, Paul Reynolds, Cruise Director, was the one that had to deliver the message. The Viking's Owner's Representative was in attendance but obviously felt that although he is VERY high up in the organization, he would let the Cruise Director be the bearer of bad news. And I'm sure Torstein Hagen, Chairman, was there but I don't know what he looks like. Supposedly he was sitting by the Deck 1 bar this afternoon.


Viking doesn't have a clue what this did to the already low morale of its 50-day passengers.


The letter also invites us to a special tour to a farm and a Viking monument at 10 AM tomorrow when we get to Stavanger. I plan on showing up at the Star Theatre, per the letter, for that. I will report later on how that goes.


For other 50-day passengers, Martha at the Explorers' Desk told me at 3:30 PM today that if you have a paid tour scheduled for tomorrow and want to go to on this 6-hour farm tour you can get your money refunded since this was late notice. Just talk to Martha at the front desk. I told her I would tell other 50-day passengers this. Martha IS trying. Unfortunately, though, Martha has tried to find out details about this tour but no one has responded to her emails since they are at dinner...

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This is staggering. How many times can Viking get something so simple so wrong. I really think some explanation and a commitment to new actions from Viking is long overdue.


I originally felt that by September 15 when I am boarding it will all be sorted and the problems of the past 5 weeks would be fully resolved wherever physically possible, but I am having my doubts. I have only paid my deposit so far (UK customers get different payment terms) but I will pay the outstanding balance and still look forward to my cruise (plus a 3 night tour of Italy beforehand) but I will go with lower expectations that I expected and hopefully they will be exceeded.



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There are no words......any company with class once they realized the error should have made alternative plans for you to have dinner and get bused to the ceremony! After all you probably funded the whole shindig with your payments in 12/2013!!!!!!!


Edited by kathy9
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There are no words that can describe what Viking did. I truly believe that this is just how Viking operates and will continue to do so. This is their management style. If the head of the company was there than if further drives this point home that it is a disinterested company when it comes to it's passengers.


The only way to get the message out there is to write reviews on the Cruise Critic Member Review site. Consistent bad reviews will eventually hit Viking pockets.

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So in an effort to try and make lemonade out of the bushel of lemons we were handed late this afternoon, at last there were a lot of very well dressed up diners in the Restaurant this evening!


As one of the "Univited" I have no plans on going into town for the grand speeches (then being unable to reboard the ship until 11:30 as it will have repositioned itself into the middle of the harbor). And what happens if it rains as it has been on and off all day? In our special letter it told us we didn't have to worry about the rain because they had reserved the VIP lounge in the Radisson Blu should we want to use that, but my guess is that we will be univited to that too. So -- more lemonade -- I think I'll enjoy the fireworks from my balcony and if it gets cold, just go inside my room. I'm sure I'll be able to hear the whole concert from under the covers of my bed; even with several pillows over my head, I shouldn't miss a beat.


And all those REAL VIPS were a nice decorative touch with their Norwegian costumes on. And now that they, and the Press Corps have left the ship and are enjoying the special dinner we were (un)invited to, the Internet is pretty fast again! Yippee! Maybe I can upload a picture to the kids....

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So in an effort to try and make lemonade out of the bushel of lemons we were handed late this afternoon, at last there were a lot of very well dressed up diners in the Restaurant this evening!


As one of the "Univited" I have no plans on going into town for the grand speeches (then being unable to reboard the ship until 11:30 as it will have repositioned itself into the middle of the harbor). And what happens if it rains as it has been on and off all day? In our special letter it told us we didn't have to worry about the rain because they had reserved the VIP lounge in the Radisson Blu should we want to use that, but my guess is that we will be univited to that too. So -- more lemonade -- I think I'll enjoy the fireworks from my balcony and if it gets cold, just go inside my room. I'm sure I'll be able to hear the whole concert from under the covers of my bed; even with several pillows over my head, I shouldn't miss a beat.


And all those REAL VIPS were a nice decorative touch with their Norwegian costumes on. And now that they, and the Press Corps have left the ship and are enjoying the special dinner we were (un)invited to, the Internet is pretty fast again! Yippee! Maybe I can upload a picture to the kids....


I love you, Elizabeth.

xo Paquebot

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I just started a new thread for today's incredibly insulting and offensive behavior by Viking so it gets the clear attention it deserves. There are so many things I like about this cruise, but their management failures and incompetance is so glaring and obvious I am amazed they continue to ignore it.

Please comment about today's insulting "uninvitation" on that thread if you can.

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In my post that started this thread I listed technology issues and communications high on the list (# 1 and 3 respectively) of things wrong. As others have noted, since leaving London, Wifi went from being tolerable and free to being nearly useless and still free. The explanation you can get when you pin managers down is that they switched service providers in London and the new one is not working right. But its been several days now and you still have to get past blustering by them before they admit it is problem. I can no longer upload any images. Nor can I use Outlook to received or send email. This is a problem for everyone. I spent hours going to Starbucks on Friday and Saturday to get email and work done and post my blog posts. I guess I will have to do the same in Stavanger and on until they fix this.

So I would say that my list remains accurate.

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I actually noticed the degradation right after Barcelona when the Press Corps started cycling through. Got even worse again since London when even more press and big wigs got onboard. Actually at the moment, since all the VIPS got off for the 'celebration' I'm finding the speeds like they once we're some 30 days ago. I even have managed to upload 2 pictures (in different e-mails) and emptied out my inbox during the concert. I'm sure it will be the pits when they all reboard.


As far as what Viking is telling us about anything, the one truth I've learned is that whatever the reason for the delay / mishap / malfunction is, it is NOT what they are telling you. You can only count on misinformation from them.

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Washashore and others.....the invitation to the festivities.....you wait in a particular area just to be told you are not high enough in the pecking order to go so get lost?!?!

This feels like a junior high degrading debacle plot to a bad 80's movie!

Is this exceptable in the Norwegian workforce? Maybe it is......had no idea they were so "stuckup". They sure do not know who are the ones that keep those boats afloat

Kinda makes you feel yucky:(

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About the spa, pool and gym equipment: What are the hours? Somehow I missed that. It seems like the outdoor deck equipment would be open at all times but what about the other? The pool hours? The hours for the spa that are not appointment related? Are the hours separate for men and women? Are showering facilities co ed? This doesn't seem logical but I've never taken a cruise so I don't know.


Thanks for the feedback

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About the spa, pool and gym equipment: What are the hours? Somehow I missed that. It seems like the outdoor deck equipment would be open at all times but what about the other? The pool hours? The hours for the spa that are not appointment related? Are the hours separate for men and women? Are showering facilities co ed? This doesn't seem logical but I've never taken a cruise so I don't know.


Thanks for the feedback

I have a review of the spa and exercise facility coming. Your questions are complicated a bit. But a quick simple answer


1 Spa is usually 8 to 8 and fitness is usually 7-10. The female and male dressing rooms (separate) are usually locked when Spa is closed.

Top deck is always open along with its exercise equipment. Same with 2nd deck track.

Upper pools seems to be open 24/7 whenever they are open (wave action or some ports result in some closures). Lower pools would be those in the spa which go with spa hours.

I am pressing the ship to expand hours of spa and fitness center. but one issue with expanding fitness center is that crew get to use it at 10 PM when it closes to guests. So expanding past those hours for fitness center entangles two groups that the ship probably wants to keep separate.

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Thanks for the "quickie". I've been reading your wordpress blog and knew a review of the spa was forthcoming but I'm meeting with my travel companion today and wanted to pass along the info if I could. You seem to be having a great time and I'm sure that your experience will improve ours.

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There are no words that can describe what Viking did. I truly believe that this is just how Viking operates and will continue to do so. This is their management style. If the head of the company was there than if further drives this point home that it is a disinterested company when it comes to it's passengers.


The only way to get the message out there is to write reviews on the Cruise Critic Member Review site. Consistent bad reviews will eventually hit Viking pockets.


I just can't believe they have screwed things up so poorly. I am on the May 31st Viking Homelands, and am very discouraged by what I'm reading on here. I'm going to try and go in with a fresh perspective, but it's becoming increasingly difficult. I've never cruised on Viking, but my family has been on many of their River Cruises and have loved the experiences. I realize Viking Oceans is a new company, but they come from the same and I can't believe that they are capable of screwing this up so miserably for their customers. It would be wonderful if the press would pick this up and run with it, and maybe there will be a legitimate reporter who will put out a report about Viking's huge screw up and run with it. But more then likely, they will all be too drunk and too full from Viking's wining and dining to care.

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I tried to keep myself up with our cruise in January but after the festivities and how poorly passengers were treated.....it sort of makes me think they are nothing but show!

I have cancelled and have rebooked with Crystal...my husband is relieved!:p

We love the Crystal product and would like to see Viking watch how Crystal does it!

Possibly, in a few years, when all their ships are built and in the water as well as management corrections.....we will sail then!

But I will not pay $$$ to be treated like I do not matter!

Good Luck to all of you and in hopes for improvement for all of your cruises!

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I just can't believe they have screwed things up so poorly. I am on the May 31st Viking Homelands, and am very discouraged by what I'm reading on here.


Please note that all is not bad on the ship. As I noted in the post that started this thread there are many great things about the ship. But, yes there are problems as well. I think its worth balancing your interests and priorities against those plusses and minuses.

Food, environment and crew attitude are excellent in my opinion and that has made this cruise awesome.

Management's cohesion and intercommunication has been poor, but also making slow progress forward.

Excursions, so far, have often been of poor quality and often, the management of excursions (assembling, etc) has been poor. But just now, for the first time, Viking just made an announcement that we are getting into Oslo 30 minutes late (pretty rough weather last night) and so guests should not start assembling in their excursion locations as scheduled. That is not only a first, but another sign that they are slowly but surely working their way through their weaknesses and problems. They have communicated something in advance in a way that shows better coordination of excursions.


Again, my bottom line is that we are having an incredible cruise and and incredible time and would do it all over again.


There truly is, though, an attitude effect on your pleasure and happiness. Keeping a positive attitude allows you to stay happier when, inevitably, things are not quite what you thought or hoped they might be.


One reason I have tried to post about good and bad is to avoid creating an impression that we are all suffering on board. I think even the most pessimistic person on board has been generally enjoying him or herself.

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We (the 50 day-ers) had a “thank you” meeting with the owner last night. Didn’t hear much “thank you” but did hear a “sorry” about the long planned and hyped christening dinner fiasco. He was sorry that the dining facility could only hold 340 of his personal friends (most of whom were onboard), so we (the 50 day customers) were “uninvited” .


He was pleased that Viking had shampoo bottles that could be read in the shower, that they were refining the cucumber salad recipe so it matched his mother’s, and that they had added one more minute to the poaching time of the salmon. So he was quite pleased with their successes.


Personally, I would give up the color coded shampoo bottle in the shower and knowing his mother’s salad recipe for some communication and responsiveness to concerns.


Things like the ability to communicate with the outside world have a higher priority to me than shampoo bottles and salad recipes. I would rather see the lack or internet access, lack of live TV service and simply the ability to communicate with the ship’s services via a telephone (that is ANSWERED) addressed. It would also be nice that once you contact ship’s personnel you received the SAME answer as others that may have asked the same question. And finally when issues are brought to their attention how about a solution to the problem—like the fellow who has had a $7000.00 bill posted on his ship board account since the third day of the cruise with no resolution. (the owner replied “don’t pay it” which is ironic since you are required to give them a credit card number before you can even board the ship!!)


They just don’t get it—no matter how much you tell them---as long as it looks pretty (and apparently tastes good) that is all that matters. It doesn’t matter if it doesn’t work. But what the heck, Tors, have another gin and tonic on US!!!

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I have been trying to keep up with all the comments posted on CC. We spent almost a month in China and Hong Kong with Viking in 2013 that was fabulous! We decided on Viking Homelands July 25th 2015 and paid in full Dec 31st 2013. After reading most of the comments, I have been more than apprehensive about the trip. We also have a 2 night Bergen/Oslo post extension, then immediately after we fly to Amsterdam for an 8 day Viking Rhineland Getaway cruise.


I thank you for all the comments, good and bad. I have decided that we will have to do what we can to make the trip enjoyable for us. I do hope communication does improve in the next 67 days. If this trip turns out poorly, we will not book with Viking again. We have been on many cruises so feel we are able to compare the quality expected with the monies spent.


A quick question. I have booked our shore excursion in my account. Does this account have to be paid in advance of the trip?

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Just wondering if someone can confirm that Viking is now staying with flexible dining in the main dining room?

When we booked 2 years ago our TA told us it was flexible (as in Oceania) but then we discovered later it had been switched to fixed dining and reservations could be made depending on which category of cabin had been booked (V1 and 2 were not permitted to make any).

Our TA had never heard of the switch despite being a member of expedia which is a large group.

We were pleased to hear Viking had reverted to flexible during the maiden voyage and are wondering if that is going to continue....

I know everyone is getting off in Stockholm (when we board on May 30th) but I wonder whether someone would mind checking that they are sticking with flexible arrangements for the next leg of the cruise.

Many thanks.

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The Restaurant's computer system does not have the functionality in it for set dining. Therefore I'm going to assume that Viking is not going to spend time "fixing" that to match what they advertised when there are so many other system issues that the IT department needs to work on. I'm not going to ask anyone on the ship since I honestly don't believe I would get an informed answer. I'm pretty sure The Restaurant will be only flexible dining for many months to come.

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