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Cruise from Hell on Carnival Conquest


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Our recent much anticipated cruise vacation to the Southern Caribbean on the Carnival Conquest became a nightmare due to the constant disruption of our sleep at all times by the screaming and crying of a 2-year-old in the cabin next door. That "experience" was compounded by the unpleasantness and lack of professionalism of the Carnival Guest Services staff in dealing with what should have been a routine issue. Their attitude, until we created a major incident very late in the cruise, was one of “we-do-not- care, nor can be do anything about your ruined vacation”! Once we made it clear that their lack of action was totally unacceptable; and a public shouting match where the Guest Services Manager participated, we were finally assigned a room where it was possible to actually sleep, with 2 days remaining on our 8-day cruise. We were also reluctantly “invited” to a dinner and a bottle of wine at the steakhouse, something we would have preferred to do without in the interest of having the problem resolved earlier and in a professional manner.


The pattern was one of inaction and constantly shifting bureaucratic barriers erected by the staff at every turn to avoid a resolution (we were not given access to the Hotel Director, who was too high and mighty to be bothered with mere guests). Carnival’s unwillingness to recognize its responsibility put us in the impossible situation of ourselves having to confront the parents next door, which was obviously not an option and would not have resolved the problem. We certainly expected better treatment from Carnival and an early resolution of a problem that must arise quite often. Further compounding the arrogant and irresponsible attitude of Carnival, a written complaint elicited a response which essentially stated that we should be happy at their generosity, in that we could enjoy the cruise for all of the last two days, and received a free dinner for our trouble. Thanks but no thanks. Never again will we cruise on Carnival!


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I had planned on reading this post and reading about how something had gone horribly wrong with your cabin, such a a toilet issue or an air conditioning issue. Something that Carnival had control of. Even something like you getting a drink spilled on you by a waiter or who knows what?

But a child next door crying? Yes that's unfortunate, but what really did you want them to do for you? Im sure the parents next door were just as miserable as you were. But honestly security can't really knock on the door and handle a crying baby the same way they would a loud drunk who's partying too loud. The child doesn't know better, and the parents can't help it. Carnival can't kick them off the ship because their baby cries, and it's very likely they didn't have anywhere to move you as ships do sail very full.

Although I am sorry you lost sleep, I don't see how that's the cruise line's fault. This could happen in any hotel, any cruise line, any airline, anywhere in the world you chose to travel.

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I slowly opened this thread worried what our upcoming Conquest nightmare might be, broken stabilizers? No power? Toilet explosions? But no even worse... Crying babies! The horror!!! LMAO

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I was next door to young children waking up around 5:30 - 6 AM each day and running back and forth in the cabin (you could actually hear them running around in the cabin) and being loud (loud enough to wake us). To me, that is something that should have been handled by the parents, but they seemed to not even care. That would never fly with me if my kids were doing that. But in your case, sometimes trying to calm a crying and screaming kid can be very difficult. It can happen anywhere and definitely not the cruise line's fault, nor are they responsible for something like that.

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I think this one should get some kind of award for the most outrageous complaint that "ruined" someones cruise.


OP - going forward you guys should probably not cruise, or vacation, or go to the store. probably best to just stay at home.

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It's unfair to blame your "ruined" cruise on a crying child. Yes, it sucks. I should know, I have a two year old who is in the throws of his terrible twos and throws a tantrum like a DIVA (think Mariah, lol) but it's not anyone's fault. Kids cry. It happens.


I'm sure the parents of said child were miserable and probably embarrassed too. I know when my kid cries for hours and we're in a hotel I'm dying because I worry about the people next door. It something no one has control over, not even Carnival security, what were you expecting them to do? Arrest the toddler? Ha!

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I had planned on reading this post and reading about how something had gone horribly wrong with your cabin, such a a toilet issue or an air conditioning issue. Something that Carnival had control of. Even something like you getting a drink spilled on you by a waiter or who knows what?

But a child next door crying? Yes that's unfortunate, but what really did you want them to do for you? Im sure the parents next door were just as miserable as you were. But honestly security can't really knock on the door and handle a crying baby the same way they would a loud drunk who's partying too loud. The child doesn't know better, and the parents can't help it. Carnival can't kick them off the ship because their baby cries, and it's very likely they didn't have anywhere to move you as ships do sail very full.

Although I am sorry you lost sleep, I don't see how that's the cruise line's fault. This could happen in any hotel, any cruise line, any airline, anywhere in the world you chose to travel.


Carnival could have changed cabins for us early on, which they ultimately did for the last two days, so they did have cabins available, they just chose not to accommodate us! And to all those who think other people's screaming babies at all times are just fine, I have a Chinese curse for you: May you experience interesting times with screaming babies in all your future accommodations!

Edited by brauningrr
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I had planned on reading this post and reading about how something had gone horribly wrong with your cabin, such a a toilet issue or an air conditioning issue. Something that Carnival had control of. Even something like you getting a drink spilled on you by a waiter or who knows what?

But a child next door crying? Yes that's unfortunate, but what really did you want them to do for you? Im sure the parents next door were just as miserable as you were. But honestly security can't really knock on the door and handle a crying baby the same way they would a loud drunk who's partying too loud. The child doesn't know better, and the parents can't help it. Carnival can't kick them off the ship because their baby cries, and it's very likely they didn't have anywhere to move you as ships do sail very full.

Although I am sorry you lost sleep, I don't see how that's the cruise line's fault. This could happen in any hotel, any cruise line, any airline, anywhere in the world you chose to travel.


I went into reading this thinking there was going to be some major catastrophe (a robbery, rough seas, missed ports, etc.), but a 2 and a half year old child turning someone's vacation into a cruise from hell????? :eek:Some people must have a very low threshold when it comes to being irritated. What was Carnival to do, put the child in the brig (an act I'm sure the poster would not find as a suitable punishment for the child's crime)? Please, with so much else in the world to worry about, a crying child is one of the least thing to clutter one's mind with. I hate to wonder if the poster's children / grandkids, if there are any, behave like little Stepford children 100% of the time 24/7/365 and if not, what should be done to accommodate the other "inconvenienced" guests:D

Edited by cruising mickey
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Carnival could have changed cabins for us early on, which they ultimately did for the last two days, so they did have cabins available, they just chose not to accommodate us! And to all those who think other people's screaming babies at all times are just fine, I have a Chinese curse for you: May you experience interesting times with screaming babies in all your future accommodations!


They were most likely saving the extra room for someone with a real issue.

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Never again will we cruise on Carnival!


Sounds like a good choice for you.


Oh, and the childish tantrum must have been contagious as you say you engaged in the same behavior with Guest Services later in the week. Wondering how many other cruisers asked to be "accommodated" because of your crying ? Maybe a different thread will pop up here about the screaming couple at the Guest Services desk. That would be a hoot !

Edited by lizardhowson
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Sorry Brauningrr, It must have been frustrating for sure, but there must have been other people on the other side of the crying child's room, I wonder if they also complained. Regardless, guest services should have shown more understanding. It is good at least that you finally got a quiet room, and a dinner at the steakhouse, I know it seems like not much, but it is something.


Unfortunately crying children are beyond the control of Carnival ship staff, and often also of the child's parents. Some cry a lot, and some dont. The parents too must have been very tired.


I hope that there was some aspect of the cruise that you enjoyed. Hopefully when you have calmed down a bit and recovered from this unfortunate experience you will find some better memories among the cries.


Hope your next cruise whichever line, is much more enjoyable.

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The poster could have framed his complaint better.


But if any of the people telling these folks to stuff the money they paid and listen to a small child scream night after night............................odd. Very odd.


Is the child sick and no one is getting medical attention?

Is the child being abused. ? happens all the time. Every hour of every day. Some don't survive it.

Is the child being fed? Needs water?


Why in God's name would the STAFF of the ship not go to that cabin, if for no other reason than to make sure the child is ok.


SMALL CHILDREN do not SCREAM night after night When Unless something is WRONG. Way wrong.


I AM HORRIFIED at the responses.


And if that child was abused and wound up dead..as they often do.....................Carnival would have been sued for billions. Probably by the parents who did the abusing the way our world runs.


As a Teacher..........IF I did not report Suspected (not KNown) Child Abuse..I WAS also GUILTY. Ditto for my daughter who is now a teacher. mY SISTER......a RN..........would go to jail if she did not report it.



Edited by AmberTeka
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They were most likely saving the extra room for someone with a real issue.

They could switch OP's cabin, and pass OP's original cabin to someone with a "real issue", if you truly believe OP's original cabin was just fine.

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The poster could have framed his complaint better.


But if any of the people telling these folks to stuff the money they paid and listen to a small child scream night after night............................odd. Very odd.


Is the child sick and no one is getting medical attention?

Is the child being abused. ? happens all the time. Every hour of every day. Some don't survive it.

Is the child being fed? Needs water?


Why in God's name would the STAFF of the ship not go to that cabin, if for no other reason than to make sure the child is ok.


SMALL CHILDREN do not SCREAM night after night When Unless something is WRONG. Way wrong.


I AM HORRIFIED at the responses.


And if that child was abused and wound up dead..as they often do.....................Carnival would have been sued for billions. Probably by the parents who did the abusing the way our world runs.


As a Teacher..........IF I did not report Suspected (not KNown) Child Abuse..I WAS also GUILTY. Ditto for my daughter who is now a teacher. mY SISTER......a RN..........would go to jail if she did not report it.






We only have op's account. The child probably cried on and off during the night, like many do. Could have been as simple as missing their own bed or favorite toy or grandma. OP is upset and probably exaggerated. Dont know, but sometimes when you are tormented by excessive noise it seems endless, yet it is just and on and off thing, but over time it becomes unbearable. Also, if the crying, was screaming/screeching etc, other rooms would have heard it and made complaints or notified someone. OP probably just needs to take some deep breaths and get over it, move on, and plan the next cruise on another line. JMHO.

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if it was a small child being abused....ignored..........hungary........wet and unchanged...hit.......shaken


that baby was already in hell.

This is a very good point. I know infant can cry any time. But how could a 2-year-old cry long hours EVERY night?

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I'm sailing on Conquest on Sunday and was hoping there wasn't some awful situation like all the toilets backing up. :eek:


Look, I'd be upset if a crying/screaming child kept me awake every night. Really, I would.


But I also don't know what anyone on the ship could do about it. Yes, someone possibly should have called that cabin but what would that really accomplish?


I personally don't understand why people want to cruise with small children. The kids are too young to get anything out of the trip and the parents are probably not getting much from it either, having to haul a small child around and "deal" with tantrums in public/crowded spaces for a week! But they do.


I can't wear ear plugs, really. But I always use my phone's white noise app whenever I'm away from home.

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While the possibliity of child abuse or illness etc does exist, chances are it was just a child not adjusting well to unfamiliar surroundings. Perhaps instead of criticizing Carnival they could have approached the parents and offered to help in some way.


By the way my husband snores. If you are in the room next to ours please bring ear plugs. Perhaps I should go to Carnival and request a separate room. It drives me crazy some times.

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My nephew told me his 2 year old screamed the whole time on a plane flight home in spite of everything they tried. When the plane landed everyone applauded. I doubt if people said it was the plane ride from hell. Most people showed them compassion - been there done that. I also thought ships sail full and didn't know you could request a different cabin! Guess I was wrong. Hope it wasn't next to a senior who farted loudly every night - hah! :D

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Carnival could have changed cabins for us early on, which they ultimately did for the last two days, so they did have cabins available, they just chose not to accommodate us! And to all those who think other people's screaming babies at all times are just fine, I have a Chinese curse for you: May you experience interesting times with screaming babies in all your future accommodations!



I am sorry you didn't get the cruise you wanted. Especially since we all take cruise vacations to relax and typically spend some time planning for the vacation. I personally am amazed Carnival had available and gave you another room. That's huge!! I would have got earplugs and let neighbors know so if possible they could help with the problem. Remember they were in the room with the child and were probably more horrified than you but we're trying to have a family vacation of their own. It's possible the child suffered from ship movement etc.

I have no doubt i would not have enjoyed hearing the screaming either. I never know who is gonna be my neighbors on the ship either. However, I think you were just unlucky in getting a room assignment next to a screaming child. Don't give up on Carnival over this and yes they didn't do it fast enough but they did try to make it right with new room and dinner.


If you book again and get the same problem then give up. I wish you the best on your future cruise vacations with whoever you choose to sail with.

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This is a very good point. I know infant can cry any time. But how could a 2-year-old cry long hours EVERY night?



If the child was sick, that may have been why. But at some point the kid would have fallen asleep from exhaustion. So I doubt he or she cried the entire time. I think the OP is greatly exaggerating the actual situation.


And personally, I would prefer entirely child-free vacations as well, but you will never get that on a cruise ship unless you go on an adults-only cruise. Not sure why the OP isn't sailing on one of those ships.

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