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Almost left in Bermuda on 9/11


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If 4,000 passengers can make it back on time and 2 can't, it seems like the information regarding the time to get back is clearly stated so that the responsible passengers knew it.

Honest to goodness, there's always going to people who'll always blame the cruise line (doesn't matter if its NCL, Royal or Staten Island ferry[emoji57] ) instead of taking personal responsibility for their own lateness and action.


Especially when 4000-something people managed to get back before 3pm,and last I checked, 4000 wants & needs 》over 2 people who can't get back on time. Thousands are always going to be more important than 2, especially when they're onboard already and ready to enjoy their journey back home or whatever part of the trip their on. ALWAYS.


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Also as a seasoned cruiser I have NEVER heard crew verbally mention all aboard time unless directly asked but I do look for the sign and do ask them....but I am seasoned



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Well, that's a surprise!

On several of our cruises, we have heard the crew mention, many times, while getting off the ship, to check and be back at the "all aboard time" and even mention "earlier the better". Some times they have asked us to check our watch if there was a time change.

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Seriously calm down your anger is clearly getting the best of you


This is a very real mistake on ncls part to continue running this erroneous video




If and when ncl stops running the video then that is no longer an excuse


As of now they haven't stopped running it so they bear responsibility.



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Continue to claim that its the cruise line fault when it clear that a extremely same number (2 people) just don't know how to tell time. And no, I not angry, but asking very good common sense questions will seem that way to you, lol.[emoji57]


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Well first off...they need to stop running the tv clip saying 4:30!!!!


Ftlog it has been reported here that it has been playing for weeks after the time was changed


What is wrong with ncl?


I have posted it before and will post again....


There is a big problem with communications lately.... Not only this video mistake....but the incredibly inept way the breakaway schedule change has been implemented


For those who have been under a rock...ncl was forced to change the winter 2016 ba from 12 to 14 days...but continued to advertise...and take ressies for this cruise as a 12 day on their website long after they notified current ressies of this change. What were they thinking by not updating their website and allowing it to accept ressies?


Feel sorry for those who booked during this lengthily " mistake " period and bought airfare!!!


Sorry but ncl is asleep at the wheel



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I agree with the above, but I also think Bermuda has it's own special challenges. All it takes is for one accident on the south shore road and you will be late, if you are already running a little behind especially.


Many people rent boats and a few may have issues with the engines.


School is also in session there now, which slows down traffic as well.


I was on the first cruise of the time change to 3:00 pm. There were people who did not know about it at the Haven Bar. They didn't believe me when I told them. There were quite a few guests that English was not their primary language. NCL should certainly have changed the TV scroll by now--almost 2 months.


I think if there was ever a place that a monorail type transportation system would work, it would be Bermuda. Just expect the unexpected, and give yourselves plenty of time cushion for getting back to the ship

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Why is it so hard to acknowledge that as long as there is misinformation being made available that the source of that misinformation (NCL) has some responsibility?


Believe it or not, some people don't schedule every last second of their cruise, they don't study every piece of paper that gets dropped in their cabin, they don't focus on reading every little sign, and they tune out the annoying cruise director announcements. All they need to know are a few key pieces of information, such as when to be on the ship, and do the rest spontaneously (It's called freestyling). They see what time to be on the ship on their TV, commit it to memory, and plan accordingly. Why look anywhere else?


Why is it so hard to accept that?

So you mean to tell me - you can't folded up a daily with the day's departure time in your pocket / wallet/ purse/bag? Interesting.....


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What you don't know is, how many of 3998 who did get on board were surprised to see the ship leaving an hour earlier than they expected.
No, but I've been on enough cruises that I see that there are many that wait until the last possible time to get back onboard and there only seemed to be 2 that were late.


Everyone on here has been on cruises and even on my first cruise, I read the dailies, listened to the announcements and saw the signs as to what time I should be back. If I would have seen conflicting information, I would have certainly asked why two different times were posted. What we don't know is if the TV is still running the wrong time, but even if it is, you would certainly think that if folks only watched the TV, there would be more than 2 passengers late for the ship, because I certainly can't believe that everyone on the ship was 2 hours early in getting back onboard.

Edited by NLH Arizona
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No, but I've been on enough cruises that I see that there are many that wait until the last possible time to get back onboard and there only seemed to be 2 that were late.


Everyone on here has been on cruises and even on my first cruise, I read the dailies, listened to the announcements and saw the signs as to what time I should be back. If I would have seen conflicting information, I would have certainly asked why two different times were posted. What we don't know is if the TV is still running the wrong time, but even if it is, you would certainly think that if folks only watched the TV, there would be more than 2 passengers late for the ship, because I certainly can't believe that everyone on the ship was 2 hours early in getting back onboard.


There are no announcements, that's been confirmed by several people, there were certainly none on the Dawn last week.


I agree, many people board much earllier than last minute, so those would have made it back on time, but not realized they were cutting it close.

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So you mean to tell me - you can't folded up a daily with the day's departure time in your pocket / wallet/ purse/bag? Interesting.....


What does that have to do with what I wrote?:confused: You obviously missed my point or more likely don't care to accept it.


Sure, any one of us can put the daily in our pockets. But what if someone doesn't want to? After all, this is freestyle cruising, maybe they don't want to schedule their day. Maybe they spend every working day following a schedule of events and they don't want to do that on vacation????


Maywell I have a direct question for you: Can you accept that some people on the ship don't care one bit about the scheduled activities and therefore have no reason to even look at the dailies? Can you accept that or is it just to far fetched for you to accept?


But back to my point....


For those who have difficulty comprehending what I wrote, my point is that as long as NCL publicizes wrong information, they have someresponsibility if passengers have the wrong boarding time. Notice that this time I emphasized "some". Notice that I didn't say it's entirely NCL's fault, I didn't say the passengers don't have some responsibility as well. All I am saying is that NCL has some responsibility for publicizing the wrong boarding time.


Why is that so hard to accept?:confused:


Maywell, let me turn it around another way. I infer that you feel NCL's publicizing the wrong on board time in just one place does not mean NCL has any responsibility for passengers who might see that one time and get back to the ship late. What if NCL stated it in two spots (let's say the video and a cruise staff announcement that was corrected 10 minutes later). Does NCL have any responsibility now? How about 3 places? 4? At what point, in your opinion, would NCL be responsible?

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Announcements are made at the start of exiting the ship via cruise director its a must and it's in his commentary.


The announcements could not be heard in my stateroom on deck 11. I heard absolutely none of the announcements when I was in my stateroom a couple weeks back on the Dawn.


Personally I believe it's up to the passengers to check times just like you do for any other appointments in your life including flights.

Of course it is. But just for my own curiosity, how many times should one check the departure time? Apparently in the mind of many people on this board, while on an NCL ship you need to check multiple times in multiple locations because some of the published times might be wrong and it's up to you, the passenger, to figure out which one is correct.


Wouldn't it be a lot easier if NCL simply didn't continue to publish the wrong time? How can it possibly be OK to publish the wrong time?

Edited by PATRLR
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This horse passed on weeks ago. Can we stop beating it now???

Just sayin'

As long as there's people that stay blaming others (in this a cruise line) for their own shortcomings - that horse is forever going to left black, blue and beaten to oblivion. Just saying...


I mean - I didn't know a TV promo program from like years back would trump up dailies, a shore excursion / Guest Services desks, Electonic signs at the gangway, daily announcements from the cruise director/ captain current information. What happens when that TV promo info gets updated - What will people here blame next for 2 people each week, lateness /tardiness? [emoji52] [emoji17]


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There are no announcements, that's been confirmed by several people, there were certainly none on the Dawn last week.


I agree, many people board much earllier than last minute, so those would have made it back on time, but not realized they were cutting it close.

And it was confirmed by another passenger that there were both signs and announcements.


And folks keep saying that the TV still has the wrong time, when in fact only one poster said that it had the wrong time on one sailing and they have no idea if it was fixed or not. You would have thought if the TV time was such a big issue, that many would have pointed it out.


And all of those passengers that thought it was 4:30, because they saw it on the TV, came back 2 hours early, I seriously doubt that.

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For those who have difficulty comprehending what I wrote, my point is that as long as NCL publicizes wrong information, they have someresponsibility if passengers have the wrong boarding time. Notice that this time I emphasized "some". Notice that I didn't say it's entirely NCL's fault, I didn't say the passengers don't have some responsibility as well. All I am saying is that NCL has some responsibility for publicizing the wrong boarding time.


Why is that so hard to accept?:confused:


I'm confused as well. You are assuming that those two passengers used the time on the TV and that is why they were late. There is no proof that that is fact. Not to mention, you have no idea if the time is still 4:30 on the TV on that cruise. After all, I'm guessing that the passenger who posted that it was 4:30 on their cruise would have alerted Guest Services to the mistake, at least that is what I would have done, so as far as anyone is concerned, it might have been changed to 2:30.
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Continue to claim that its the cruise line fault when it clear that a extremely same number (2 people) just don't know how to tell time. And no, I not angry, but asking very good common sense questions will seem that way to you, lol.[emoji57]


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Nope Not The cruise lines fault .


Since I last posted on this subject, I WENT To Bermuda. I talked to the captain of the Dawn about this at length before the M&G started.


It is Captain Svedung that is leaving passenger be-hide EVERY WEEK .


The Captain CAN WAIT .


And it more like 10 people that we know of he has stranded recently.


What is it going to take a bus load of folks stranded on South Road you realize this Is hard nose move .



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Nope Not The cruise lines fault .


Since I last posted on this subject, I WENT To Bermuda. I talked to the captain of the Dawn about this at length before the M&G started.


It is Captain Svedung that is leaving passenger be-hide EVERY WEEK .


The Captain CAN WAIT .


And it more like 10 people that we know of he has stranded recently.


What is it going to take a bus load of folks stranded on South Road you realize this Is hard nose move .




You would think each week, people would learn to not mess with that captain. And yeah, its going to take a yellow cheese busload of people trap at a edge of cliff dangling for dear life on a NCL shore excursion for him to wait, otherwise, he's protected by the contract when you're doing your own private thing/excursion . And good that's he's sticking to his guns regarding tardiness - 1-60 minutes past offical departure time IS STILL LATE!


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Every cruise for a month is a pattern, NCL has to look at it's systems and processes because something isn't working.


No its not, its called being stupid. If 99.9999% of the people made it back in time its not an NCL issue. I've seen people miss the ship in Cozumel and Nassau. This is nothing new.

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You would think each week, people would learn to not mess with that captain. And yeah, its going to take a yellow cheese busload of people trap at a edge of cliff dangling for dear life on a NCL shore excursion for him to wait, otherwise, he's protected by the contract when you're doing your own private thing/excursion . And good that's he's sticking to his guns regarding tardiness - 1-60 minutes past offical departure time IS STILL LATE!


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how are these people to learn this? Do you think they all come here? LOL

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As long as there's people that stay blaming others (in this a cruise line) for their own shortcomings - that horse is forever going to left black, blue and beaten to oblivion. Just saying...


I mean - I didn't know a TV promo program from like years back would trump up dailies, a shore excursion / Guest Services desks, Electonic signs at the gangway, daily announcements from the cruise director/ captain current information. What happens when that TV promo info gets updated - What will people here blame next for 2 people each week, lateness /tardiness? [emoji52] [emoji17]


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I'd like to see this electronic sign, and "years back" ? Exaggerate much?

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I'm confused as well. You are assuming that those two passengers used the time on the TV and that is why they were late.

Please don't put words in my mouth (or my posts ;)) I made no assumptions about what any passenger did or didn't do.


Take the boarding time, the port, the ship, etc out of it. My statement comes down to ... so long as the cruise line publishes bad information, the cruise line has some responsibility for any use of that information. How can that not be true?:confused:

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As long as there's people that stay blaming others

Who is blaming others?


I mean - I didn't know a TV promo program from like years back would trump up dailies,

Does that TV program announce itself as being from "years back" and outdated? How is a passenger supposed to know that she shouldn't trust what's on that program?


What happens when that TV promo info gets updated - What will people here blame next for 2 people each week, lateness /tardiness?

Well, I won't blame anyone because so far in this thread I haven't blamed anyone for anything. If thye update the TV program AND they deliver consistent information to the passengers then I will stop saying that NCL has some responsibility here.

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Please don't put words in my mouth (or my posts ;)) I made no assumptions about what any passenger did or didn't do.


Take the boarding time, the port, the ship, etc out of it. My statement comes down to ... so long as the cruise line publishes bad information, the cruise line has some responsibility for any use of that information. How can that not be true?:confused:


Of course it's true. Admitting it would perhaps lend a bit of credibility to the poster that thinks NCL is absolutely perfect.


Arizona admits that there is a communication issue with NCL as most of us can agree on.


I like a lot about NCL, but I don't think they're beyond reproach. There's a lot of issues and communication on and off of the ships is the biggest problem.

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The fact that people have been left every week since the departure time change indicates there is a problem. Whether it is the contradictory information or passenger error, NCL's communication with its customers has degraded to the point where people no longer find them trustworthy. They could take steps to correct the problem, they could stop changing policy every month so that at least their own employees can keep up, but they don't. Instead they continue to forge, full speed ahead (while going much more slowly) into FDR's delusional vision.


I am going to take the opportunity to try other lines. I already booked my first Carnival cruise. My loyalty to NCL has been eroded by their lack of goodwill towards customers.

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Please don't put words in my mouth (or my posts ;)) I made no assumptions about what any passenger did or didn't do.


Take the boarding time, the port, the ship, etc out of it. My statement comes down to ... so long as the cruise line publishes bad information, the cruise line has some responsibility for any use of that information. How can that not be true?:confused:

Sorry, didn't mean to put words in your mouth, but you keep sighting this as an example as to why NCL has some responsibility in those that are late. When in fact, no one has any idea if the time is wrong on the TV still.
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