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MITSUGIRLY BREAKAWAY's 1 last time for the year-review/pictorial


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As always, your reviews are always fantastic! You have a beautiful family and love how you all cruise together and have so much fun.


Members of my family have been in my ear about wanting to go on their first cruise. I told them I already have two booked for 2016 and not sure how I can squeeze another one in there.



Love your pictures and I'm looking forward to the rest.

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Definitely still enjoying your review!


Thanks for sharing the snorkel park pictures. I was surprised to see that so much coral managed to survive there considering the large number of people thrashing around on a daily basis. I was surprised that you found an octopus there! Sure wouldn't be where I would expect to see one, so that was a great find! I was glad to see that you shared the picture of the fire coral because I'm sure a lot of people don't know what it looks like. Hopefully your picture will save someone from a painful sting.


Sakari was awesome climbing that rock wall! She sure was not going to let her big brothers leave her behind! In fact, seems like she lead the way.


I was hoping you would show the moongate because I think they're really cool. I understand there are others located in other places around the island. Did you happen to notice any of them in your travels?


Your pizza in the specialty restaurant looked good, but I sure wouldn't want to pay an upcharge for it. Then again, we don't normally eat in specialty restaurants anyway.


Smart move the way you and the girls used the Next Cruise booking to get the best deal. I think if I'd surprised my DH by telling him I'd booked without him he would have thrown me overboard! No, not really, but he does like to be involved in the decision. Fortunately for me, he does enjoy cruising. :D


Thanks for the comments. Snorkel park did kinda surprise me with everything we were able to see there. The octopus was a nice shocker as well. :eek:


Yes, there are other moongates around, however we didn't go to any of them. I did manage to catch the one while we were on the bus the last time we were here and I hadn't even realized it until someone pointed it out to me in that review. I have seen pictures of Tobacco Bay in the past that showed a moongate, however it's no longer there. I looked and looked this time so they must have removed it.


I agree. I would never pay and upcharge for the pizza in a specialty restaurant when you can get it for free...and even if they didn't have pizza at all on the ship I wouldn't do it. We normally don't eat at the specialty restaurants either. When we do it's usually the Asian (which is now free of course) or Teppanyaki.





I have been enjoying your review so very much. Thank you for the very many hours it takes to prepare. I can't believe you are managing this as well as all the other things you have to do in your life. The adventures and misadventures your family has had has kept me quite entertained and wanting more. I will be very sorry when your trip report is finished.


Reading your review has me longing to return to Bermuda. Our first trip there was 40 yrs ago (gasp) and we stayed at was then the Sonesta beach Hotel, which had an amazing underwater bar called the Obso Lounge. Like a reverse aquarium, you could have a drink while watching the underwater community swim by. The most amazing thing I remember were groupers the size of doors! I kid you not. These things were at least 6' long and massive, and there were many of them. I wish we had spent much more time there. Shortly after our trip, it was destroyed by a hurricane and never rebuilt. Now, of course, with overfishing, we're delighted if we see a huge fish of 24". I wish I could return those times with the appreciation I have now.


We will be on the BA for the first time soon, and are curious about the iconcierge app. You mentioned it briefly, unless I missed something. Did you text with other members of your family on board? I find that to be a wonderful resource, especially on long voyages where you might be doing different things than your partner and wonder where he/she is. If you did use it, did you have to pay for it? My daughter (she's addicted too) was on the GA 2 years ago and it was free at that time.


I loved your report on Tobacco Bay as that brought back fond memories too. Our last cruise to Bermuda was about 10 yrs ago on the Norwegian Majesty, and it docked in St George's so we were able to scoot over there easily. The big ships can't go there, so they built up King's Wharf since then. Many changes have occurred.


Sorry to hijack your review. Thanks again!


Oh my gosh, thank you so much for the description of when you were there so long ago. The underwater bar/lounge sounds amazing. Too bad it was destroyed. I would have loved to do something like that.


As for the iConceirge. Yes, we did use it and each one of us got it from each room. It's pretty awesome to use while on the ship. There is a charge ($7.95 each device), but well worth it to be able to keep in touch with each other. I wish they would do this on all the ships now. I was on the Getaway last year and it wasn't free then, so they must have changed it some time between the time you were on and I was on. :( Still worth it though.

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Your wonderful reviews either bring back memories or fuel the fire for future Travel! I love to snorkel and your fish pictures are amazing! Thanks for telling us the names of the fishes; I saw those squirrel fish in Bermuda and wondered what they were! I recently bought a paddleboard cause once you try it you are hooked! You would love it! Question was the old style cruise reward still available ?


Thanks for the comments. Glad I'm bringing back memories AND fueling the fire for future travel there. :D I was kinda disappointed in not seeing as many fish this time around. Last time was amazing, especially the parrotfish. Oh well, maybe next time.


I don't think I have the balance to be able to ever paddleboard. It just looks like it takes too much coordination...and well, I'm the one that's always getting hurt and breaking a bone. :p


I hope your first day back at school went well and you have found that you are going to like the course you are taking. Thanks again for spending the time and effort to post your fabulous review.


I was wondering if the free tram was still running around the dockyard? I noticed you never had a picture of it, and that was one nice thing for many of us who don't like to walk too far.



My first WEEK back to school has been h3ll to put it nicely. :mad: Not liking it AT ALL. However, I already knew that this class is one of the busiest and hardest classes in the course, so I was prepared at least. There's a lot to do and a lot of papers and I started trying to work ahead for the week and I'm still not caught up. LOL My first real big APA paper is due today and I have been working on that alone for 5 days. :eek: All I can say is, even though this class just began, I can't wait for it to be over. :D


Yes, the free choo-choo looking tram is still running. But where the BA docks, it doesn't come to that side. But all you have to do is walk down the pier and catch it. No worries. :)

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Love your reviews. They make me want to go to the beach even though I don't like the sun (too fair skinned) and I am not much of a swimmer. I cruise for the ship, which I normally stay on, when in port.


Well I'll take that as a compliment then if I managed to bring this out in you. :D



Next time you HAVE to order wine, ask for White Zinfandel. This is a blush colored wine that tastes more like fruit punch than wine. It is very easy for a wine beginner to drink White Zin and enjoy it from the first time they drink it and it is widely available in the US and on cruise ships. White Zin is really considered a gateway wine - that is a good first type of wine to drink for someone who has not had wine before. As a wine beginner, you don't want the sweetest wine - it will taste absolutely horrible to you. White Zinfandel contains less alcohol and doesn't typically have an aftertaste.


What you could have done in La Cucina with the wine you didn't like was order a ginger ale or 7Up or Sprite and combine that with the wine 50-50 or 70-30 depending on what you prefer - just pour the soda pop and ice into the wine glass. This is called a wine cooler. Some people add fruit juice to this as well such as orange juice.


Loved seeing the octopus photos. They are so cute!


Anyway, hope my wine advice will help you sometime in the future.


I love that Sakari made it up the rock wall! That was awesome!


Thanks for the tip on the wine. I will have to try that next. I guess I never thought by ordering the sweetest wine that it wouldn't be good. Who knew? LOL


Oh gosh darnit, I should have thought about asking for some 7up or ginger ale (do they have that on the ship?). I should have thought of this just for the fact of Kendra not being able to drink her drink at the hotel that night and having a glass of water and 2 straws sipping them both at the same time in order to make it taste better. :p I do still have the rest of the bottle left in my refrigerator (do these things go bad? LOL). I'll have to try that still.


Sakari was so excited about the rock wall. I have such a daredevil on my hands. :p

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Kim, your best choice for a sweet wine, of the wine selections you showed, would have been the Moscato.


Great review! Thanks.


NOPE! Wrong. :D That was suggested to me by a friend of my daughters. She drinks it all the time and said it would be best for me to start out with. So, my daughter showed up at my house one night with a bottle of Moscato. YUCK YUCK YUCK...it's still sitting in my fridge. :p


I agree. I drink red, but I can't believe that the waiter wouldn't automatically suggest the Moscato when you you said you wanted something sweet. It is a dessert wine and is sickeningly sweet.


Nope, that wasn't one that he suggested. Good thing because I would have said no anyhow.

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I was going to say the same thing. The other choice would have been Reisling, which is also a sweet white, though not as sweet as Moscato.



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The Reisling is what we got and didn't like it. Yucky-poo. :o


Still LOVING the review!!!

It just keeps getting better and better.:D:D

Is Sakari just fascinated with birds, or does she go through phases with her drawings? lol

She is great, for her age!!!!

Can't wait for more...


Yes, Sakari is very fascinated with birds...and a lot of various animals. She watches the Planet Channel non-stop and can name animals I have never even heard of before. When you say "bird", she will correct you and tell you the type of bird. She knows them all. She also has a fascination with dolphins and whales. She can name all the different types of whales too...humpback, sperm, beluga, blue whale, orca...the list goes on. She's also very into actually learning about them. She was telling me the other night how flamingo's are born white and by eating algae makes their feathers turn pink. I had no clue...nor is there any instance that I would need to know this information, but if I ever do...I can always go to her as my source for animals. I think she's going to be another Bindy Irwin. ;)

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Snorkel park looked a ton better then I expected. The pictures are all fantastic and I love that you caught the sneaky octopus..


Sakari! Her on the rock climbing! Rockstar! Seriously..


I have a opinion question.. Which are your favorite NCL ships and your least favorites.. I know they all have their good and bad, but..


I don't think you have been on the Gem, we are scheduled on her for the repositioning cruise to San Juan next October.. And it should be interesting to see her after drydock.. Epics was crazy intense how much they did..


So if you had to pick top 3, bottom 3..


Yea, I know a lot of people don't suggest going to Snorkel Park, but it's not "that" bad. Yes, it is man-made and yes the sand isn't the powdery stuff like some of the other beaches and yes it doesn't have the "true beauty" of the Bermuda beaches. But...it does make for a decent day when it's your last day in port and you want to still be at the beach and stay close to the port. We have now been there twice and given the same circumstance, I would go back if we needed to stay close.


As for my favorite ships...my all time favorite still remains the Epic. We had such an amazing time on the ship. I'm honestly not sure if the reason was because 1) it was my husbands first cruise ever 2) it was the first time I had cruised for about 12 years 3) cruising had changed so much since the last time and I was just simply amazed...or 4) it really was the ship. :D We absolutely LOVED Blue Man, but they are no longer there. :( Our roll call for the Epic was the best roll call I have ever been on. I made so many friends and I'm still friends with a majority of them. We still call each other, talk on social media, and YES repeat cruises with each other. I will go on the Epic again (fingers crossed) next year when she comes back. I guess I'll find out then if my opinion remains the same about her.


I would have to say that after that is the Spirit. Such a beautiful ship, even though she's old, and the Asian decor makes her so different from the rest of the fleet. We (and Sakari) loved the back of the ship with the pirate water park pool area. It's way different than the other ships kids area.


Third would have to probably be the Sun. We had an amazing time on that as well. The cruise was great from the ship to the staff to the ports to our friends being on that cruise. I liked the layout too and it was so easy (plus not very crowded). Of course the Sky is the sister ship and we loved her the same as well...there's only a few changes with it (that I liked better than the Sun).


After those would be the GA & BA, then the Pearl and then the Jewel.


My least favorite...the Dawn. After that the Star. Of course both sister ships.


(I do have to add that if I was just picking my favorite ships all around, including Carnival, the order would probably be Epic, Dream, Pride, Spirit...and so on). :p


I do plan on going on the Gem and the Jade when I get a change. Sakari was on my phone on social media and seen NCL had posted a picture of the Gem. She informed me that we had NOT been on that ship yet and we need to book. She's so addicted. :o


I just showed her where you said she was a Rockstar and she is just giggling away. :p



Hi Kim,


I've read all your reviews but don't think I've ever commented before (sorry about that!). I was very grateful for your info about cruise next and cruise next ultimate- we are going on our first cruise in Jan and if we like it I'm hoping to use this scheme to book our next one!


I see that you can pick additional perks for balcony cabins and above- I was wondering if you know, does that mean that there's no advantage in using cruise next ultimate (over cruise next) if you're going to book an inside? I find the whole scheme confusing to be honest!


Also your little girl is just the cutest- and I think she shows some real talent with her drawings!


The way it works is if you actually book the cruise while you are on the ship, you will get the perks that are currently offered. Or, you can just buy the certificates for future use and get whatever offer they have going on at the time you booked. We booked just to save the offer of getting to pick one of the packages they had running (the UBP). However, if you keep up with things, they had a 2 day special that you got to pick 2 offers (back at Halloween I think it was), which was even a better deal at the time. So, you win some you lose some. You just never know. :p

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First of all I love reading your reviews and seeing your pictures! I am getting ready to do my first NCL cruise on the Jade in January - cant wait!!


So, I am wondering what kind (brand) of snorkel gear you use...? I have decided to buy my own instead of renting them...seems to be a lot out there to choose from!


Thanks, and cant wait to read more!


Aww thanks. I hope you have a wonderful cruise on the Jade. Some day I'll make it on her. :)


We both have US Divers snorkel gear. It comes in a package (we purchased online) that has the mask, snorkel and (smaller travel) fins. It comes in a zip-up bag. Of course I have added to it since I purchased it with the no-fog solution and my snorkel socks (which I wear everywhere on the beach). I like them because the fins work amazingly good and they are smaller than your normal fins. Easier to carry around, walk in the water and smaller to pack. They work great because of the flare they have on them.


Great review with terrific pictures.


Sakari is such a brave little thing! I wish my kids had even just an ounce of her daring. My son is outgoing, but cautious. And my daughter is so shy she barely speaks. I have to cajole everyone into trying new stuff and dancing with me once in a while. Sakari's got one thing in common with my daughter though - the drawing. We can't go anywhere without sketchpads and pencils because Allison draws constantly.


I've been reading all your review for research since we've never sailed NCL before and our first cruise on the Getaway is coming up in April. So far I have flights booked to FLL, Hyatt Place at FLL, the MGS transportation to and from the port. Little French Key and Nachi Cocum. Still not sure about Belize, mostly because Harvest Caye construction finishing is still up in the air.


She has always been very outgoing and brave. Kendra is (and always has been) the same way. Always have to be the center of attention, will talk to anyone, loves performing...the list goes on.


Sakari also carries a notebook around with her. Even when we are just going for a car ride or out to eat she has it. I have to keep her stocked up in paper and pens. She usually gets a lot for birthdays and Christmas. The schools have even donated paper to her at the end of the school year before. :eek:


I plan on trying to head back to the Western Caribbean next year (I miss it). I want to check out Harvest Caye, since it will be something new. :) Come back and let me know how you liked it and what you did.

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I wasn't a wine person until recently, and I still prefer sweet wines. For your next trip, get a moscato. They are always sweeter wines!


Oops. Didn't read all the other comments, but I still say go with moscato. :p


Love your review as usual. Still disappointed you aren't beating me to the Escape.


Good luck with classes. I'm postponing my RN to BSN for a little while to take a break.



LOL, yep other suggested it, but I have now officially responded to it...I hate Mascato too. :o It's still bitter to me. Sigh...I'm never going to find anything I like. :(


I felt like I had post-poned the RN to BSN long enough (fellow classmates were either starting the program or already half way done with it now) and figured it was time. I am going to attempt to take it easy this time around by only scheduling classes here and there. I'm in no rush (and can't let it get in the way of vacation of course :D). So I have this 5 week class now. I have already scheduled 2 classes for next semester...1 runs for 5 weeks ending in March and the other runs the entire 16 weeks...BUT it's an elective class and SUPER easy according to every and the best part it you can work ahead (which means I'll be able to take a week for vacation some time in there). :p

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My wife only drinks White Zinfandel because it is sweet. I like most all wines - but then again I also like beer.:D


I also thought your choice of pizza was good - was it??


I am going to have to give this White Zinfandel a try since it has been mentioned twice now.


Yes, the pizza was good. I just wish we were a little hungrier than we were when we went. We had 3 pieces left over and Sakari ate them, so they must have been pretty good because she never eats that many pieces that are that big. LOL :p


I don't drink beer and only sweet wine. My drink of choice is a dirty banana or pina colada so I third or fourth the moscato when you order wine. A lot taste like juice- no joke. Riesling, champagne or white zinfandal, but ask for a sweet one as some can be dry, are your second choices for sweet wine.


My drink of choice is the dirty banana as well (and now the Toasted Almond). Moscato doesn't do it for me. It's bitter too.

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I would go for the Moscato as well... I too do not care for wine, but always wished that I did like it.. Well I finally found Moscato which I really really like - sweet but not overwhelmingly sweet, not bitter at all.. :D


Moscato is bitter to me. :( I really want to find some that I like.


I always drink Merlot or a blended wine called Apothic. After reading all of your recommendations, I am going to go out and get a bottle of Moscato to give it a try.:)


Haha, let me know what you think. :p

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Kim, I'm thinking that life has gotten pretty busy for you all of a sudden. No worries! Do what you have to do, we will be here when you get back. :D


Hope school is going well for you, even if it is keeping you busy.


Oh gosh, you don't even know. This has been the worse week at school. So much homework and 2 test and an APA paper that is kicking my butt! Had I not worked ahead, I think I wouldn't be able to meet the deadline of today submitting my paper. School=the suck at the moment.


I do hear that it's the busiest week of the 5 weeks. So, hopefully next week will be better. :)


I agree. Malbec from Argentina is delicious. Another sweet red is called Sweet Red Roo made by Yellow Tail which is from Austrailia. Sweet whites are Moscato & Riesling. Sweet sparkling wine is Prosecco.



I'm taking notes. I have a feeling I'm going to end up with a bunch of wines half drunk in my fridge. LOL :p

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My [emoji173]️ just sank a little now knowing your least favorite ship is The Dawn as we'll be on her (that just sounds bad..I'm so immature for my 37 years) in 35 days. We really will have nothing for reference since the last cruise I was on was 10 years ago or so and it was Carnival Conquest and I can't remember being to overly joyed with that ship either. We will still have a great time I'm sure..or I'll make it a great time!

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Hi all!


I bought a bottle of Moscato yesterday as I'll be getting a couple of bottles on my Epic cruise so want to get something I might like.


Mitsugirly has a lot going on with starting school so we'll just have to wait 'til she has some free time. We know she's worth the wait!;)


~ Jo ~ :)


Awww, thanks Jo. I really appreciate it. :)


I'm not sure how much wine education NCL waiters/waitresses get. Pair that with a religion that doesn't allow its followers to drink alcohol and it may be nearly impossible for some servers to actually have any idea as to what kind of wine to recommend.


Moscato is technically a dessert wine and pairs best with fruit and cheese. Sometimes it can be paired with charcuterie IF there are sweet components such as figs or dried fruit present. Sometimes it is served with brunch, especially if you are serving something sweet such as French Toast or lemon muffins.



Moscato is actually made of Muscat grapes - there are 200 varieties of these. Some Moscato is made to be completely dry. So you may have a big surprise if you order Moscato without knowing about the specific wine you are ordering. Moscato d'Asti is a sparkling wine. A bitter aftertaste is fairly common with Moscato wines. You can generally determine if it will have the bitter aftertaste by the color of the Moscato. The paler the color the less bitter the aftertaste as this indicates less grape skins were used in production, yielding a thinner wine. At any rate, I would not recommend having Moscato with most dinner entrees as it would not be very compatible. The wine is supposed to enhance the flavor of the food, not take away from it. The Lindeman's Bin 90 Moscato is definitely a dessert wine. I don't know why NCL would put that Moscato on the list under white wines - very incorrect to anyone knowledgeable about wine but then I find NCL's overall wine list terribly lacking. I have hope that Mr. Del Rio will fix this problem. We don't mind spending $100+ on a fine bottle of wine but we do mind being served mediocre quality wine and that's most of NCL's wine list. Their list of Chardonnays is particularly poor. No Cakebread or Grgich Hills??? Really? On the current list there is only a very small handful of hand made wines on the list (perhaps 4). This is why so many oenophiles bring their own wine onboard and pay the corkage fee.


White Zinfandel is more appropriate with entrees as it has a better balance of components to compliment a wide variety of foods and is sweet, but not overly sweet - just right: http://www.foodandwine.com/articles/wine-101-zinfandel

The other thing about White Zinfandel is that it is so popular that you can get it in almost any restaurant in the US and on almost any cruise ship by the glass or by the bottle.


BTW, I don't mean any of this as a criticism of those who drink Moscato with an entree. However, I would like to suggest you try other wines instead. It does take a while to develop a wine palate. For most of my students, starting with White Zinfandel is an easy segue to drier white wines and then red wines, especially softer red wines such as Merlot. The most important thing to understand is that wine affects how your food tastes and food affects how your wine tastes. Many times I have poured champagne and had students try it after water only, then after bread, cheese, caviar and finally a sweet all of which alter the taste of the champagne. It will actually seem to change the champagne from dry to very sweet back to dry depending on what is eaten with the champagne. This simple demonstration shows students in the most dramatic fashion how food can affect wine.



I just love how knowledgeable you are and your descriptions. Thank you so much for that.


Ok, so I want to know what wine is good for just sitting around and drinking a glass (for me)? I would love to be able to just relax with a glass of wine (not eating) after a day at work while charting or while doing some homework. So take food out of the picture and give me a suggestion. :D

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Ok here's a question regarding Honduras from your precious experience. I had decided on LFK because we could stay longer but I decided to read your Maya Key review again and you got to stay longer on that one....hmmm. Maya key is cheaper. Do you have a favorite between the two? Now I'm torn!!



LFK by far. Enough said. :D (BTW, they have added A LOT more since we were just there in November. I hope to get back there some time next year with an update).



Your snorkeling pictures are fantastic. I bought a version of your camera and took it to Alaska and am very happy with the pictures I took on it. I can't wait to try it snorkeling in the future.

Being late to the ship makes me very nervous as well. glad you had no issues getting back.

I am not a wine drinker either but I do like beer....well bud light. not many others really.

diet coke is really my posion these days.




The link is in my signature so whenever you get time you can click on that. Again I am really slow at posting and still have to finish day 5 of the trip and then 2 more ship days plus embarkation.


Hope school is going well for you. My daughter is going for nursing and she is always so busy with her classes and clinicals.



I'm so glad that you were happy with the camera and pictures. I just love mine and the quality it produces. :)


I will definitely check out your link after I complete my review. Not much extra time these days and it's killing me. Thanks for letting me know the link is there. (As you can see, I'm reallly slow on finishing this one too lol).


Nursing school=the hardest thing I have ever done in my life. If I knew what it was going to be like before starting, I probably wouldn't have done it. I really wish that I would have went to school back when I was young and had a "crisp" mind. I think things would have been a lot easier on me. But...life happens. I'm just very thankful that I finally pursued my dream.

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Fantastic review! I have sailed on the Breakaway to the Bahamas, but we are booked on the Breakaway Bermuda sailing in early June. Great pics and info that I will keep in mind. Thanks!



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I hope you have a wonderful time on the BA to Bermuda. :)


As always, your reviews are always fantastic! You have a beautiful family and love how you all cruise together and have so much fun.


Members of my family have been in my ear about wanting to go on their first cruise. I told them I already have two booked for 2016 and not sure how I can squeeze another one in there.



Love your pictures and I'm looking forward to the rest.


Thank you for the comments. We do have a lot of fun...and drama of course when Kendra is along for the ride. :p


Aww come on, there's always time for another "squeeze". :D

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Cant wait to read he rest! I know your busy but get so excited when this is brought back to the top. I keep thinking its you! lol.


LOL, this bump will be mine today. :D


Wow' date=' Kim must buried in school, work, and family to be AWOL this long. Hope she's doing ok.[/quote']



Burried doesn't even begin to describe it. :eek:

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My [emoji173]️ just sank a little now knowing your least favorite ship is The Dawn as we'll be on her (that just sounds bad..I'm so immature for my 37 years) in 35 days. We really will have nothing for reference since the last cruise I was on was 10 years ago or so and it was Carnival Conquest and I can't remember being to overly joyed with that ship either. We will still have a great time I'm sure..or I'll make it a great time!


Aww, I feel so bad now. Just know there are TONS of people that LOVE the Dawn. Everyone has their own experiences and I'm not saying we didn't have a good time on the Dawn or disliked the ship. It's just not my favorite. Every cruise is a good cruise and we have a good time. I'm sure you'll have a great time. Most people like her. Did you read my Dawn review? There's tons of pictures in it of her. Maybe that will help. :o


Please, please, please, have a great time! :)

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WHEW...all caught up with comments. I thought that would never end, but hey, at least I have some knowledge and suggestions on wine now. :D


I'm so sorry for taking so long to get back to this review. I have never done this before. School has just been terrible. So much work, test and papers on the first week. I have been getting up to get Sakari off to school, coming home and working on school work until it's time for work. Go to work for 3 hours, come home chart...then right back to school work until usually around 2am. :eek: I'm lacking in the sleep department at this point. :( I have been told that week 2 is not as much work. I'm going to hold on to that thought. :p


I PROMISE I'll be back today with more. My homework is done, my test are done and my paper is completed. I just have to proof read it, make sure my grammar and references are ok and submit today before midnight.


I feel likes it's been so long since I was on here (and I'm having Cruise Critic withdraw) and I can't even remember where I'm at now. I will have to go back and see where I left off at. Hopefully I have pictures completed to begin again. If not, I'll work on getting them together and get this review going again some time today.


I'm off to completely finish my paper and then I'll return. Thank you all so much for being patient with me. I sincerely appreciate it. :)

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Oh gosh darnit, I should have thought about asking for some 7up or ginger ale (do they have that on the ship?). I should have thought of this just for the fact of Kendra not being able to drink her drink at the hotel that night and having a glass of water and 2 straws sipping them both at the same time in order to make it taste better. :p I do still have the rest of the bottle left in my refrigerator (do these things go bad? LOL). I'll have to try that still.


Sakari was so excited about the rock wall. I have such a daredevil on my hands. :p


Yes, ships always have either Sprite, 7UP or Ginger ale as they are used in a lot of mixed drinks. An opened bottle of wine goes bad in about 24 hours - there is a marked change in flavor for the worse as it starts rotting and develops a vinegar flavor. You can preserve it for a day or so by using a special vacuum stopper and sucking out most of the air in the bottle or using a special wine preservation system (very expensive - it's like the wine vending systems you see onboard NCL ships.) In most cases, though, it is best to tip out an opened bottle of wine after a day or so OR you add a piece of Mother of Vinegar to the bottle to turn it to vinegar - best done with a quality red or white wine - not a dessert wine. The old wine in your refrigerator has not only gone bad by now, it has also probably taken on food odors, so throw that stuff out! Blech! Here is where you can get Mother of Vinegar in case you ever want to try this:


It's a good solution for if you are given a bottle of red or white wine that you don't want but don't have anyone to give it to, so you could teach Sakari how to make wine vinegar which can be used in sauces or salad dressing for example. And I should mention that the red wine vinegar you make from a good quality Cabernet or Merlot is drastically superior in every way to what you can buy in stores.


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Aww, I feel so bad now. Just know there are TONS of people that LOVE the Dawn. Everyone has their own experiences and I'm not saying we didn't have a good time on the Dawn or disliked the ship. It's just not my favorite. Every cruise is a good cruise and we have a good time. I'm sure you'll have a great time. Most people like her. Did you read my Dawn review? There's tons of pictures in it of her. Maybe that will help. :o


Please, please, please, have a great time! :)



Kim, in my experience, any cruise that ends with the ship above water is a good one. [emoji6]


As for Moscato, there ARE differences. I have one of those part bottles in my fridge. It was horribly bitter. I mix it with some juice or add a little to a sauce to use it up. I hate to just pour it out.


I hope your subsequent weeks of class get easier.

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You're so silly! Don't feel bad! Like I said, We WILL have a great time. My hubby and daughter have no choice in the matter...I'll force a good time upon them...lol. We only have one excursion set up which is a Dune Buggy thingy in Cozumel. I went with an outside company that was highly recommended and I saved about 200 bucks for the 5 of us going through them and not the ship. It's 9-2 so I gave us plenty of time to get back to the ship. We are also planning on checking out Blue Kay as that looked right up my alley (from your experience that you shared) other than that... I guess we're gonna wing it...probably something that would scare the poo outta you..lol. I love your planning and attention to detail! Im just a fly by the seat of her pants kinda gal..which scares the poo out of my husband!

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I'm taking notes. I have a feeling I'm going to end up with a bunch of wines half drunk in my fridge. LOL :p


Just use those half drunk bottles to make a sangria. Tons of recipes on the internet using Moscato.


I loved Cooper's Hawk Sweet Red, but discovered that my face turned bright red and I began to feel like my breath was being cut off. The other reds that I have tried cause the same reaction so all of those have been cut for me.


With White Wines, I noticed that for most of the dry ones, I get a horrible headache and a milder reaction as above, so I don't really drink that many of them. I too have noticed that some Rieslings are more bitter than others. There is one I tend to buy more often than others and that is Schmitt Söhne Riesling.

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