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Botswana's Top World Ranking for 2016??!!


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We are now at less than three months till we head to Cape Town and doing our South Africa to Mozambique cruise on the Silversea Silver Cloud, plus then our time at Victoria Falls. AND, then three different safari camps in Botswana as a part of overall adventure escape from the Midwest winter cold in late January and February 2016.


From the Los Angeles Times Nov. 3, they have this headline: "Best country in the world? Botswana, says Lonely Planet" with these highlights: "When you think of places you'd like to visit next year, does Botswana pop to the top of your list? It did for Lonely Planet. It also ranked Botswana as the 'it' country, calling it 'invigoratingly wild.' "


From the Independent newspaper in London/UK, they noted: "The land-locked African country, which will celebrate 50 years of independence next year, is known for its rare combination of desert and delta, as well as its vast array of wildlife. A total of 17 per cent of the country is dedicated to national parks and in 2014 the Okavango Delta became Unesco’s 1,000th World Heritage Site."


Lots of newspapers and others played up these results and it certainly helps building up our excitement for visiting this areas of the world, especially being in Botswana that has placed its priority on quality, ecco-tourism. Their long-term plan is to not want too much development and/or over use of these key, fragile areas with their scenic/wildlife wonders.


Their LP publication also named Transylvania in Romania as the best region and Kotor, Montenegro, as the best city. They noted that if you are looking to stretch your dollar on your vacation, Lonely Planet gave their top recommendations as best for value as: 1. Estonia. 2. Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi in Vietnam. 3. East Africa. Lots of very good options for future travel!!


For those who have done past cruise/travel experiences in and around South Africa, do others have highlights, tips, secrets, ideas, etc., to share regarding Botswana, etc.? Don't be shy!! Look forward to hearing and learning more.


Full stories at:




THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


From our Jan. 25-Feb. 20, 2015, Amazon River-Caribbean combo sailing over 26 days that started in Barbados, here is the link below to that live/blog. Lots of great visuals from this amazing Brazil river and these various Caribbean Islands (Dutch ABC's, St. Barts, Dominica, Grenada, etc.) that we experienced. Check it out at:


Now at 31,963 views for these postings.

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  • 2 weeks later...

From an e-mail this morning, they have this headline: "Best Trips 2016" with these highlights: "National Geographic Traveler presents the New Year's must-see places. Whether it’s Botswana's Great Plains or snow-covered Greenland, these 20 go-now destinations will get you packing."


This profile of Botswana is headlined: "All Hail This African Queen". Here are some highlights for what they share: "In a part of the world not given to small gestures and bland landscapes, Botswana's Okavango Delta still manages to leap out at a person as a singularly unlikely miracle. A massive fan of water that gets its start in rivers percolating out of the deciduous forests of Angola's highlands, the delta evaporates 200 miles later in the sands of the Kalahari Desert. This wilderness is one of the last places to see the Big Five of the traditional African safari: elephant, lion, buffalo, leopard, and rhinoceros. It so nearly wasn't. By the 1900s, European and American hunters had killed almost all of the area's elephants. In the decades that followed, conservationists reversed the near collapse of this exquisitely balanced ecosystem. In June 2014, UNESCO designated it a World Heritage site. The romantic intimacy of the delta is best explored in a guided mokoro (dugout canoe). Experienced this way, the Okavango is Venice with wildlife."


Interesting summary from the knowing National Geographic folks. This profile and rating really helps in building the excitement for being there in February 2016 after our South Africa, ten-day cruise.


Full story at:



THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


Enjoyed a 14-day, Jan. 20-Feb. 3, 2014, Sydney to Auckland adventure, getting a big sampling for the wonders of "down under” before and after this cruise. Go to:


for more info and many pictures of these amazing sights in this great part of the world. Now at 126,421 views for this posting.

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We stayed at Muchenje lodge near Chobe National Park. Here are the pictures from that portion of our trip. Loved it, and would definitely go back, and explore more of this country.


WOW!! Great collection of pictures and images from your Botswana adventure. Appreciate this link and your sharing. Right at two months as of today till we depart for Cape Town and South Africa. The excitement is building!!


We will be staying in mid February 2016 for two nights at Belmond Savute Elephant Lodge that is situated in Chobe National Park. This location was the country’s first national park and is its third largest. We will also be staying at Belmond Eagle Island Lodge and Belmond Khwai River Lodge.


Look forward to any other posts, tips, ideas, secrets, etc., to be share to benefit us and/or others planning Botswana trips in the future.


THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


Did a June 7-19, 2011, cruise from Barcelona that had stops in Villefranche, ports near Pisa and Rome, Naples, Kotor, Venice and Dubrovnik. Dozens of nice visuals with key highlights, tips, comments, etc. We are now at 206,885 views for this live/blog re-cap, including much on wonderful Barcelona. Check these postings and added info at:


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I enjoyed Cape Town and wine country quite a bit. We also got down to the Cape of Good Hope, taking the scenic route along the bay with spectacular scenery.

We also did 3 days of safari at Thorneybush Lodge in a private reserve near Kruger in So. Africa.

Also fabulous!

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I enjoyed Cape Town and wine country quite a bit. We also got down to the Cape of Good Hope, taking the scenic route along the bay with spectacular scenery.

We also did 3 days of safari at Thorneybush Lodge in a private reserve near Kruger in So. Africa.

Also fabulous!


Appreciate these items and suggestions for in and around Cape Town. Yes, we are planning to take the scenic route along the bay down to the Cape of Good Hope, etc. We won't go to Kruger, but will do two different national park game reserves was we sail along the South African coast. Keep the good tips and ideas rolling along. Now less than two months till we depart for Cape Town.


THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


For details and visuals, etc., from our July 1-16, 2010, Norway Coast/Fjords/Arctic Circle cruise experience from Copenhagen on the Silver Cloud, check out this posting. This posting is now at 189,609 views.


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  • 3 weeks later...

From the Daily Beast news website, they have this headline: "2016’s Hottest Destinations" with their best suggested places to visit during this coming year.


Here are some of their highlights on Botswana: "The south African nation celebrates 50 years of self-governance in 2016, and it's well worth helping celebrate a country that has become a benchmark for conservation (stringent wildlife anti-poaching laws) and stable government (democracy reigns with a strong human rights focus) within a struggling continent. New camps along to Okavango Delta, like the fully reimagined water-based safari at Belmond Eagle Island Lodge, provide further access to one of the largest conglomeration of animals on the planet."


Great to read this media profile, especially about Eagle Island Lodge. It just re-opened in Nov. 2015 after a mega-million-dollar total re-do and we will be staying there in mid Feb. 2016. It has been dry there lately, but we are excited about all three of the Botswana Belmond camps where we will visit in about a month and a half.


Full story at:



THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


If Venice is one of your future desires or past favorites, look at this earlier posting for many options and visual samples this city that is so great for "walking around", personally seeing its great history and architecture. This posting is now at 55,674 views.

Venice: Loving It & Why??!!


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From the Los Angeles Times Travel Section Dec. 26, they have this headline segment about: "must-see destinations".


On of their top 16 suggestions for visiting in 2016 is Botswana. Here are some of the story highlights: "It's a smallish country, about the size of France, with not quite 2 million people. But Botswana has the Okavango Delta and the vast Central Kalahari Game Reserve. In fact, 38% of the country's territory is set aside for national parks, reserves and wildlife management areas. And as of 2016, it also has 50 years of independence. Before 1966 it was a British protectorate known as Bechuanaland. Now, as a democracy with a reputation as the least corrupt country in Africa. Botswana is an increasingly popular destination for safari-seekers. In the delta, you can canoe past hippos. In Moremi Game Reserve, you see lions on the prowl. In Chobe National Park — well, you'll find about 50,000 elephants for starters."


Sounds super great! Glad we will be there in mid February 2016 doing three different camps in these areas mentioned in this article. We will be in Botswana after our Feb. 2-12 cruise along the South Africa coast.


More Botswana info at:



Full story at:



THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


Enjoyed a 14-day, Jan. 20-Feb. 3, 2014, Sydney to Auckland adventure, getting a big sampling for the wonders of "down under” before and after this cruise. Go to:


for more info and many pictures of these amazing sights in this great part of the world. Now at 130,312 views for this posting.

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  • 2 weeks later...

It's snowing now in Columbus. Our first snow of the season here. Looks great!! Nice big flakes. BUT, it is good that we escape the cold Midwest before things get too challenging during this winter.


We had a wonderful dinner last night at home with the former Columbus Zoo Director and his wife. Lots of good insights and tips from both of them. He really likes our schedule/plan. Of special interest was his super strong love for Botswana's Okavango Delta. He calls that specific location his all-time favorite spot in all of Africa from his 25 different visits there. This morning he followed-up saying "Your trip will be fantastic." He really likes all of Silversea Silver Cloud cruising stops along the South Africa coast. Lots of opportunities to see and do more. His wife especially loved the waters, sights and coastline of Indian Ocean that bumps up against this part of Africa. She said we would be surprised for how amazing is that part of the world.


Among their special insights are that for the Okavango Delta at the time we are there in February that the birds will be so many, varied and special. Plus, ALL of the elephants and other animals there, etc., etc. They both super love Cape Town. They, like others, have mixed views for whether or not Robben Island is worth it. Near Cape Town, they rate Kirstenbosch Botanical Gardens as the best for all of the world that they have ever seen or visited for these types of gardens. He said for late January when we are there that their unique and colorful flowers and plants there will be at the peak, best of season stage.


Having dinner tonight with another seasoned travel couple who have been to Africa fives times. More good, fun research and prep work to get ready for our first visit to Africa. It's a hard "job", but somebody has got to do it!! Any others here on this CC Board have good tips, insights and ideas for our Africa/Botswana travels? Don't be shy!! Please share here.


THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


Super loved Dubrovnik!!! See more details and lots of great visual samples/examples at this link. Have had over 30,588 views on this posting and appreciate those who have tuned-in and dropped by.


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  • 5 months later...

Regarding Botswana that we visited in February, they have just had some unique and different "news" and attention. This African nation the size of France with only two million people, has become the world's largest producer of diamonds in value. Until this trip and the research/planning, I did not know that Botswana was such a large producer of high-quality diamonds.


From the London/UK Daily Mail two days ago, they have this headline: "Buyer offers world record £45million for 1,109-carat rough diamond, but the owner STILL won't sell" with these sub-headline details: "Biggest found for more than 100 years, roughly the size of a tennis ball, discovered in Botswana, largest rough diamond mined since 1905, failed to achieve £53million estimated price."


Here are more highlights from this story: "The three billion-year-old jewel was uncovered by Lucara Diamond Corp at its Karowe mine in Botswana in November last year and was described as a 'once in a lifetime discovery'. The diamond was auctioned at Sotheby's in London following a worldwide tour. But the gem failed to achieve the £52million estimate. It is a 'rough' diamond which means it will be cut and polished into a more refined gem. It is exceeded only by the 3016.75-carat Cullinan Diamond, which was mined in South Africa in 1905. The Cullinan was cut into nine diamonds which are now held in the Crown Jewels. Independent reports say the Lesedi la Rona has the potential to yield the largest top-quality diamond that has ever been cut and polished"


For caring (and rich) husbands or ladies, this stone is still available for purchase . . . at the right price!! Just think of the airline frequent flyer miles that you could get by putting this "rock" on your credit card!


Anyone interested in buying this unique diamond?


YES, we super enjoyed Botswana earlier this year!! Check out the live/blog below for many pictures as evidence and "proof" for the greatness of these excellent areas, etc.


Full story at:



THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


AFRICA?!!?: Lots of interesting and dramatic pictures can be seen from my latest live/blog at:


Now at 15,735 views for this reporting and visual sharing that includes Cape Town, all along the South Africa coast, Mozambique, Victoria Falls/Zambia and Botswana's famed Okavango Delta area.

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  • 2 months later...
We also spent a week in the Okavango delta,3 days in a wet camp and 4 in a dry camp,it was a magical experience and one we would love to repeat .:):)


Appreciate this above sharing from our friends in the UK. Glad to hear that your experience was so great!!


From the London/UK Independent newspaper, they had this headline in mid July: "Ahead of the game: on safari in Botswana" with these highlights about their: "concentration on high-cost, low-volume tourism, and a 2013 ban on hunting, keeps the national parks pristine and removes at least some of the threat to declining game populations."


This story also noted: "The Republic of Botswana celebrates 50 years of independence from the British Empire on 30 September this year. It is one of the great success stories of post-colonial Africa. A film by Bafta award-winning director Amma Assante, A United Kingdom, out this autumn, documents the extraordinary tenacity and vision of Sir Seretse Khama, the tribal chief and activist who became Botswana’s first president." Yes, it was great in preparing to visit Botswana to have read about their national background and their long history of tribe self-rule and never being a colony under the British. Botswana was a "protectorate" and that made a big difference with their smooth transition to full independence and their current economic/government success.


This story had many other details and nice pictures from visiting in Botswana and nearby Zambia. They also listed this website for more information: botswanatourism.co.bw


Full story at:



THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


From our Jan. 25-Feb. 20, 2015, Amazon River-Caribbean combo sailing over 26 days that started in Barbados, here is the link below to that live/blog. Lots of great visuals from this amazing Brazil river and these various Caribbean Islands (Dutch ABC's, St. Barts, Dominica, Grenada, etc.) that we experienced. Check it out at:


Now at 43,122 views for these postings.

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  • 3 months later...

For those seeking interesting and different locations, this weekend's New York Times Travel Section will have this headline: "52 Places to Go in 2017" with many different ideas for adventures to be considered for the future.


Here are a few story options and highlights of special interest to us: "Botswana: Old lions, new digs in the heart of the Okavango. If you’ve seen an African wildlife documentary in the last 30 years, chances are good that the filmmakers Dereck and Beverly Joubert had a hand in it. This spring the Jouberts, National Geographic explorers in residence, along with the company Great Plains Conservation, will open Duba Plains Camp, a luxury tented camp in a private 77,000-acre portion of the Okavango Delta that’s rife with lions, elephants and species specific to northern Botswana like the red lechwe." Yes, we super loved Botswana from our experiences being there in February of last year.


Here is another wonderful option cited: "Dubrovnik, Croatia: New ways to enjoy a gem on the Dalmatian Coast. With its limestone-paved streets and 80-foot-high walls surrounding Old Town, this star of the Dalmatian Coast has long been able to rest on its aesthetic laurels — you might recognize it as King’s Landing on 'Game of Thrones.' "


Among other great places highlighted are: Madagascar, the Great Barrier Reef, Portugal, Puerto Rico, Thailand, Sedona, Athens, Madrid, the Lofoten Islands of Norway and Budapest. Some of these locations we have super enjoyed visiting, but there are lots more wonderful places meriting future attention. It's great doing this exploring and considering other interesting locations for the future. Love reading these various stories about nice options to consider!!


Full story at:



THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


Enjoyed a 14-day, Jan. 20-Feb. 3, 2014, Sydney to Auckland adventure, getting a big sampling for the wonders of "down under” before and after this cruise. Go to:


for more info and many pictures of these amazing sights in this great part of the world. Now at 165,786 views for this posting.

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  • 2 months later...

From the Conde Nast Traveler April 2017 magazine that arrived at home today, their cover and entire edition is all about . . . AFRICA!!


Lots of interesting stories, photos, details, ideas, etc. From their editor, his previewing column has this headline: The Making of Our Africa Issue. The cover features journalist and TV anchor Oumy Ndour from Dakar as an "ambitious young creative". She is quoted saying: Young people are increasingly asserting themselves. And now, because of the dynamism of the African continent, that famous phrase ‘The future is Africa’ is no longer rhetoric. It’s something concrete.”. The CN Editor says "her words captured the essence of this issue".


There are a number of different articles included in this edition. They feature much about South Africa, Botswana, Zambia and Mozambique that we were fortunate to visit a year ago. And super loved our experiences there. Later in April, you will be able to access these stories and details from the Conde Nast website. Or, go out now and buy a copy!


For Cape Town, the article on page 38 says it "has become something like the Sydney of Africa, with dramatic coastlines hugging a thoroughly modern city and a strong design and food game." The V&A Waterfront is called the "creative hub" of Cape Town.


For Botswana and Zambia, the article on page 44 calls these "two of Africa's most politically stable countries, with some of the most varied, wildlife-rich, and unspoiled landscapes on the continent."

Full story at:



THANKS to Conde Nast Traveler for bringing back such great memories! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


AFRICA?!!?: Lots of interesting and dramatic pictures can be seen from my live/blog at:


Now at 30,656 views for this reporting and visual sharing that includes Cape Town, all along the South Africa coast, Mozambique, Victoria Falls/Zambia and Botswana's famed Okavango Delta area.


Here is the look you might see in your mailbox and/or at the newsstands for their cover on their April 2017 edition about Africa.:


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  • 1 month later...

From the London/UK Telegraph earlier this month, they have this headline: One of Africa's most expensive countries just got costlier: Botswana introduces $30 tourist tax.


Here are some of the story highlights: “Botswana has overcome opposition from its tourism bosses to introduce a $30 (about £23) tax on all tourists entering the country in an effort to raise money to support conservation in the safari hotspot. The Botswana Tourism Organisation (BTO) has said the fee will be owed by any visitor to Botswana’s airports and border posts from June 1, payable at the point of entry. Residents of countries within the Southern African Development Community (SADC), which counts 15 members, will be exempt from the charge.


Glad that we avoided this added tax, but understand that keeping Botswana maintained at a high level (for Africa) is also important.


Full story at:



THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


For details and visuals, etc., from our July 1-16, 2010, Norway Coast/Fjords/Arctic Circle cruise experience from Copenhagen on the Silver Cloud, check out this posting. This posting is now at 214,609 views.


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  • 4 months later...

For those interested in Botswana, its history/background, how it moved to its more recent economic success/stability, etc., you want to view the recently-released movie called "A United Kingdom".


From the website IMDb, you can read more at:


They note it is: "The story of King Seretse Khama of Botswana and how his loving but controversial marriage to a British white woman, Ruth Williams, put his kingdom into political and diplomatic turmoil."

Much is covered involving the historic "triangle" between the UK, South Africa and Botswana. References are there as to how the British acted (badly) during this period, the broken promises, Winston Churchill's role, the discovery and growth of the diamond business there, etc. If you are interested in history and these types of "historic period pieces", it is worth getting this DVD and viewing. Much of the movie was shot in Botswana and brings back nice memories from our visiting there last year. Botswana is one of Africa's best success stories with the move to self-government and keeping corruption to a minimum.


THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


AFRICA?!!?: Lots of interesting and dramatic pictures can be seen from this live/blog at:


Now at 35,361 views for this visual sharing including Cape Town, along South Africa’s coast, Mozambique, Victoria Falls/Zambia and Botswana's famed Okavango Delta area.

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  • 3 months later...

From the BBC Travel News Section, they have this headline: “What's It Like to Live in a Well-Governed County” with these highlights: From Canada to Botswana, these six nations consistently rank highest for their progressive social policies, trust in government and effective justice system.


Here are some of the specifics noted about Botswana in this article: "Botswana consistently ranks as one of the strongest-governed countries in Africa, especially in its role in containing corruption, regionally ranking the highest in both the World Bank assessment and Rule of Law Index. The national revenue from diamond mining has been fairly well distributed throughout the county. 'The entire country was founded on national unity and that is still the case to date,' said Sehenyi Tlotlego, Botswana native and philanthropy coordinator for safari company Sanctuary Retreats. 'We are a nation that believes and practices ‘Ntwa kgolo ke ya molomo’, which means ‘Disputes are resolved effectively by debating them to a conclusion, and not by going to war’.' The country is known for having strong personal freedoms. That freedom extends to everyday interactions. 'Batswana are easy-going people, that believe in open talk and do not take kindly any hidden agendas. It is advisable to be open and discuss issues in the interest of resolving them,' said Tlotlego. Every village with 500 or more people qualifies for a medical clinic and primary school, said Tlotlego. Conservation has also been a strength of Botswana’s government, which has led to tourism driving 12% of overall GDP. Said Tlotlego. 'Botswana has set up and supported one of the strongest anti-poaching units in Africa.' "


Nice to read of these achievements in Botswana and their continued progress in the 21st Century. Glad that we visited and super enjoyed Botswana in early 2016.


Full story at:



THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


Lisbon, NWSpain, Bordeaux/Brittany: Just finished June 2017 sailing from Portugal to France along the scenic Atlantic Coast, plus great pre- and post-cruise experiences. Many interesting pictures and details on history, food, culture, etc., from my live/blog at:


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  • 4 months later...

From the Sidney Morning Herald and other Fairfax newspapers in Australia earlier this week, they have this headline: Okavango Delta safari: Botswana is Africa's great success story with these highlights: I'd heard this middle-income African nation of 2 million referred to as the king of safari. After just a few minutes in the country, I was beginning to understand why. Before independence from Britain in 1966, this little landlocked country was one of the poorest on earth. But after democratic rule was introduced, and a lucrative stash of diamonds was discovered the following year in 1967, the country experienced greater economic growth than any other country in the world. Then in 1993, the government began leasing companies land on which to build lodges, thus beginning Botswana's hugely successful low-volume, high-cost and high-value safari model. Lodges must keep guest numbers small, structures need to be easily disassembled, and short 15-year leases keep standards high.

Lots of great details and pictures are a part of this profile. It help bring back nice memories from our wonderful visit to Botswana two years ago.

Full story at:



THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


SE Asia/Mekong River, Etc.! Just completed a Jan. 21-Feb. 20, 2018, first adventure through Southeast Asia with stops in Hong Kong and Bangkok, before traveling all over Vietnam and Cambodia. This includes seven days sailing on the Mekong River. Now at 23,892 views Lots of fun, interesting pictures!! See more at:


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  • 2 weeks later...

Africa was one of our favourite trips. Went four years ago and plan to return. We did a safari in Kruger with a local firm, then flew on to Vic. Falls, Botswana, and Zambia. We found it very advantageous financially to find and book direct with the tour company in South Africa than it was to deal with a local agency where we live that specialized in this travel. Other than the time zone delta skype and email made the distances immaterial.


Flew back to Port Elizabeth. Picked up a rental car for two weeks and toured about, ending in Cape Town. Our driving tour of South Africa was a wonderful experience. We stayed is some very nice B&B's.


Our South African expat friends have told us that the conditions in South Africa have deteriorated somewhat over the past four years. Not sure that we would do an independent driving holiday again.

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  • 1 year later...

Appreciate these details, comments and follow-up from super experienced iancal.  From the Vancouver Sun newspaper Travel Section in early May, they had this headline: “The Okavango Delta by air, land and lagoon” with these highlights: “Many countries in Africa boast games reserves but what makes Botswana special is its approach to tourism – low volume/low impact. The number of safari camps and the number of people they can accommodate are regulated in order to minimize the impact on the environment and wildlife.”


Interesting details and background about this wonderful portion of Botswana.  Here are some additional sharing: "The Delta is a birders paradise and home to 500 species. Under the expert tutelage of my guide, I learned to identify many different birds including; African Fish Eagle, Marabou Stork, Pel’s Fishing Owl, Little Bee Eater, various Egrets, the Sociable and Golden Weaver, and the Secretary bird with its long legs. My favourite was the African Jacana, also known as a Lily-trotter for its ability to delicately skip atop the Lotus pads."


Full story at:



THANKS!  Enjoy!  Terry in Ohio


AFRICA?!!?: Fun, interesting visuals, plus travel details from this early 2016 live/blog. At 46,205 views. Featuring Cape Town, South Africa’s coast, Mozambique, Victoria Falls/Zambia and Botswana's famed Okavango Delta.


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  • 5 months later...

From Travel and Leisure magazine yesterday, they had this headline: “50 Best Places to Travel in 2020” with spotlighted attention as a top option for: Botswana.  T+L rates these top areas as "must-visit vacation destinations, and with something to suit every interest — food, shopping, culture, history, and nature."


Here are some of the story highlights: "Take your pick from a slew of new safari lodges. The Okavango Delta just saw the opening of Natural Selection’s Tuludi, a treehouse-inspired camp with seven tented suites connected by elevated boardwalks, and come June, the solar-powered Xigera Safari Lodge will debut in the delta’s Moremi Game Reserve. On the edge of Chobe National Park, you’ll find a new, six-tent mobile camp called Linyanti Expeditions, where travelers take walking safaris through the bush in search of elephants, zebras, and rare birds. Meanwhile Great Plains Selinda Camp, in an area of northern Botswana best known for sightings of the rare African wild dog, has been dazzling guests since its opening last June, with guest rooms that put a fresh spin on the classic safari aesthetic, and exteriors that echo the thatched-roof buildings in the tribal center of the Bayei people." 


Glad in 2016 that we enjoyed Botswana and staying at three different lodges/locations.  Super great region of the world that is being protected and development in a smart, reasonable manner. 


Full story at:



THANKS!  Enjoy!  Terry in Ohio


Just completed Calgary, Jasper/Banff National Parks, Western Canada Rocky Mountaineer rail adventure, Vancouver, sailing up to Alaska, post-cruise excursion to Denali, etc.  Lots of visuals and details from our first visits to these scenic areas!!  That live/blog is at: 



Or, you could simply do a quick Google search with these terms: 

Live Terry/Ohio Muse Alaska


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  • 3 years later...

From Forbes magazine earlier this month, they had this headline: Best Places To Travel In 2023 with these highlights by writer Caroline Lupini to spotlight Botswana: From the vast expanse of the Kalahari Desert to the lush forests of the Okavango Delta, there is something for everyone in Botswana. One of the main reasons to visit Botswana is to see the incredible wildlife that can be found here—Botswana is known as one of the best safari destinations in Africa. That said, visiting Botswana comes at a price. Similar safaris in other countries (like South Africa) are often much less expensive, so it’s a perfect destination to consider using some rewards or credit card benefits to help make the trip more affordable.


We enjoyed our 2016 visit to Botswana, especially seeing the amazing wildlife, natural settings, etc.  


Full story at:



THANKS!  Enjoy!  Terry in Ohio


Early 2020, many visuals and details from New Zealand/South Pacific in going from Auckland to French Polynesia.  This includes Bora Bora, Fiji, NZ experiences, etc:  Live/blog;


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  • 10 months later...

From Condé Nast Traveler magazine last month, they had this headline: “24 Best Places to Go in 2024” with these highlights for Botswana/Okavango Delta by writer Richard Holmes: “Go. Go now. Because if you’ve always dreamed of discovering Botswana’s Okavango Delta, where seasonal floodwaters transform parched sands into a filigree of shimmering channels, right now is when you’ll be spoiled for choice. A surge in demand, coupled with a proactive approach to developing community-owned concessions, has led to a flush of new lodges across the world’s largest inland delta.  If you’re feeling adventurous, look east to the untapped Mababe marshlands and the brand-new Wilderness Mokete (opening mid-2024) for a fresh look at under-canvas exploration—out with plush campaign-style furnishings and in with geometric lines and contemporary decor.”


Sound exciting and interesting?  Maybe a good reason to head back to Africa?


Full story at:



THANKS!  Enjoy!  Terry in Ohio


Sydney to NZ/Auckland Adventure, live/blog 2014 sampling/details with many exciting visuals and key highlights.  On page 23, post #571, see a complete index for all of the pictures, postings.  Now at 247,027 views.


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  • 3 weeks later...

From the London/UK Sunday Times this weekend, they had this headline: Best holiday destinations for 2024 with one of their highlights focused on Botswana.  


Among their reporting highlights: “Once upon a time Botswana was far and away the priciest destination in sub-Saharan Africa and, while it’s still not cheap, prices in rival nations have increased so much in recent years that a safari on the Chobe, Okavango and Khwai rivers no longer seems quite such an extravagance. December, guides say, is the secret season — partly because there are fewer tourists but mainly because of the Chobe-Nxai Pan migration of about 15,000 zebras. They’re not the sole attraction, either: green season — dense bush, muddy tracks, high humidity — brings tens of thousands of elephants, high predator activity and good birding.”


Full story and other travel ideas/tips for 2024 at:



THANKS!  Enjoy!  Terry in Ohio


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