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Is it OK to use walkie talkies?


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Some posts that bordered on rude have been removed. Please discuss the subject, not each other. Thanks.
Better idea -- let's talk about YOU. How goes it? Have they kept the BBQ away from your part of the valley? How close to the 20,000+ acres of trouble are you out there?


On topic:


We've taken FRS radios with us on several cruises when we've had a large group. We haven't needed them and don't use them on the ship, but they have turned out to be very handy when we feel the need to split up at port calls.


To the non-shopping Flaggler:


If you want the long range variety, you'll need to be specific in your shopping. Best bet are the ones that can be programmed across the full range of channels. Some channels won't allow you to use the full power no matter what, so be sure to read the manual and pick channels that will if you need the range. The good ones also let you select power on the high power channels, so for maximum range, you'll need to set them up that way. The best of them come with vibrate, full channel selection, and tone control so that you're not picking up everyone else's comms in the event that you've picked a popular channel.


When I bought ours, the Midland GXT-400 was good bang for the buck.

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Better idea -- let's talk about YOU. How goes it? Have they kept the BBQ away from your part of the valley? How close to the 20,000+ acres of trouble are you out there?


Thanks for asking. We are way too close. We're about 5 miles east of West Hills, the most serious area of the wild fires. My car and lawn look like December in Nome with the ash piled up (and I just got my annual car wash done on Tuesday!) and we've had to keep all windows closed in our house because the acrid smoke stinks. The scariest part is seeing the open flames all over the western part of the Valley at night from our second floor windows.


That said we're far enough away and the firefighters are doing such a superb job that we're confident that we're safe for now.

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....Which means my blood sugar goes from high to low FAST and I need a way to get a hold of DH quickly. I don't want to be chained to him for a week to 17 days onboard; I might be in the spa while he's on the running track. We ONLY use them if I have a problem with my sugar that I cannot fix myself in a hurry. We keep them on vibrate and there's no screaming into them.

Glad he used to run marathons;)


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About this whole thing, I use walkie talkies all the time, on full volume, no joke. I personally see no problem with it. I may get bad looks, but who cares, you are on a cruise! Have fun, be yourself. Whatever it takes to be in touch and stay safe. While I am at it, I believe in deck chair saving. Okay I said it. :-)

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About this whole thing, I use walkie talkies all the time, on full volume, no joke. I personally see no problem with it. I may get bad looks, but who cares, you are on a cruise! Have fun, be yourself. Whatever it takes to be in touch and stay safe. While I am at it, I believe in deck chair saving. Okay I said it. :-)


So it's your world and we should be grateful to live in it?


Whatever. I'm sure you have endless ways of rationalising selfish behaviour so there's no point arguing.

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So it's your world and we should be grateful to live in it?


Whatever. I'm sure you have endless ways of rationalising selfish behaviour so there's no point arguing.

No-This wasn't meant to be an insult or hurt anyone, it was just my oppinion. I think differently then some of the posters, clearly. If there is a bad experience, people still fly, people still cruise. If they really hated it, then they wouldn't do fly or cruise.

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No-This wasn't meant to be an insult or hurt anyone, it was just my oppinion. I think differently then some of the posters, clearly. If there is a bad experience, people still fly, people still cruise. If they really hated it, then they wouldn't do fly or cruise.
Hey, I think I can understand this kind of "live and let live" way of thinking. That said, if you leave your squawking FRS radio (walkie-talkie) with your book to "mark" your deck chair by the pool for an hour, you aren't going to mind too much having to go for a little swim in order to answer it, are you? Hey, it's a lot cooler than diving for pennies at the bottom of the pool.
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No-This wasn't meant to be an insult or hurt anyone, it was just my oppinion. I think differently then some of the posters, clearly. If there is a bad experience, people still fly, people still cruise. If they really hated it, then they wouldn't do fly or cruise.


So knowing that what you're doing is annoying others but choosing to do it anyway doesn't make yu re-evaluate your decision? I guess it would bug me more if I thought I was that bad experience that people had and still cruised anyway. No worries, we'll just steer wide of you if we ever happen to cruise with you. It's a big ship.


One question, though. I've always wondered why chair hogs think it's ok. Can you explain this?

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No-This wasn't meant to be an insult or hurt anyone, it was just my oppinion. I think differently then some of the posters, clearly. If there is a bad experience, people still fly, people still cruise. If they really hated it, then they wouldn't do fly or cruise.
So you are one of those people who does whatever he wants, whenever he wants no matter how it bothers others. Please do us a favor and post when you book a cruise so I don't get on the same one.
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It is so crazy that people don't realise the law of reaping and sowing. The more we consider others, the better our life becomes! Crazydude - you need to chill mate and start thinking about others. Life can only get better! :) BTW - this was typed and posted on an eMac. :D

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I've used talkies all my life so I'm accustomed to them. :)


If I can hear the squelch tail in my bunk and am awakened thinking I am being called to service I will be upset, however. :mad:


Use COMMON SENSE and you will be fine. :)





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It doesn't bother me that other people don't like it, since safety is more important to me, than the comfort of other people. On deck chair saving: why is this ok: This is okay since the person who saves it took the time to get the chair first. I believe that moving or taking someone else's chair is rude, and wrong. However, but saving it, makes no difference. Lets say you are in the sun, and you are hot and want to go for a swim. So, you put whatever you are doing down, and go in the pool. Or, you go to the bathroom, and put your stuff down. If someone moves it, that is wrong. There is a reason why cruiselines do not enforce "No deck chair saving" since it is based on a first come first serve basis. Note: Only about 2% of cruisers use this board, meaning that there are other people who use walkie taklies, and save deck chairs. They are just too affraid to show who they really are.


On a side note: Whoever uses the Emac, I just don't perfer the mac, as I know the PC in and out. It is just a personal preference, and it is my goal to never use a Mac. I feel that Apple is WAY TOO big of a company.

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It doesn't bother me that other people don't like it, since safety is more important to me, than the comfort of other people. On deck chair saving: why is this ok: This is okay since the person who saves it took the time to get the chair first. I believe that moving or taking someone else's chair is rude, and wrong. However, but saving it, makes no difference. Lets say you are in the sun, and you are hot and want to go for a swim. So, you put whatever you are doing down, and go in the pool. Or, you go to the bathroom, and put your stuff down. If someone moves it, that is wrong. There is a reason why cruiselines do not enforce "No deck chair saving" since it is based on a first come first serve basis. Note: Only about 2% of cruisers use this board, meaning that there are other people who use walkie taklies, and save deck chairs. They are just too affraid to show who they really are.


On a side note: Whoever uses the Emac, I just don't perfer the mac, as I know the PC in and out. It is just a personal preference, and it is my goal to never use a Mac. I feel that Apple is WAY TOO big of a company.


It is interesting that you see your behavior as ok and other's as rude. Interesting, but predictable. There is no first-come, first-served rule on the cruise ships that allows you to save a chair for hours while you are nowhere near the upper decks and others cannot find seats together. There IS a rule that says you cannot leave a chair unattended for more than 30 minutes and expect your things to still be there.


As far as walkie-talkies being used for safety, that's just silly. You're not in a jungle, you're on a cruise ship with phones in practically every public place. Your wanting to make the least effort possible to say you're still watching over things isn't a safety appeal.

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It is interesting that you see your behavior as ok and other's as rude. Interesting, but predictable. There is no first-come, first-served rule on the cruise ships that allows you to save a chair for hours while you are nowhere near the upper decks and others cannot find seats together. There IS a rule that says you cannot leave a chair unattended for more than 30 minutes and expect your things to still be there.


As far as walkie-talkies being used for safety, that's just silly. You're not in a jungle, you're on a cruise ship with phones in practically every public place. Your wanting to make the least effort possible to say you're still watching over things isn't a safety appeal.


Which cruise line has this rule? Where is it posted? I didn't see it when I went on the Summit in August...

How do people know if you have been there for thirty minutes or not. What if there is a bathroom problem, and you are on the toilet for over a half hour. What do you do then. People are rude and disrespectfull about moving them , so the people who don't move them are also. IN ANY CASE, this is a useless discussion and no one ever wins, until the cruise lines make a final decision about this hot topic.


I think walkie talkies are far from silly. Sure, there are phones, but where do you call? Where do you know to call? Technology is so advanced today, why not take advantage of it? Yes, cruiselines do ask you to refrain from using it in the show lounges, but refrain is the key word. They know how knowing where people are and what they are doing is important, so they can't prohibit them.

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RCCL posts this limit in the pool area and many cruise lines let you know there is no saving of chairs in the daily. You yourself freely admit that most find it rude in your earlier post.


Do you know what the word refrain means?


Last, I do not want to know what sort of incident regularly keeps you in the loo for thirtyplus minutes but in the case that you are stuck there, please feel free to walkie-talkie for help.


As someone else has said, all I ask is that you're open about which cruises you'll be taking. I'm more than happy to accommodate you by avoiding them. The sea is big and sailed by many more considerate of others.

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RCCL posts this limit in the pool area and many cruise lines let you know there is no saving of chairs in the daily. You yourself freely admit that most find it rude in your earlier post.


Do you know what the word refrain means?


Last, I do not want to know what sort of incident regularly keeps you in the loo for thirtyplus minutes but in the case that you are stuck there, please feel free to walkie-talkie for help.


As someone else has said, all I ask is that you're open about which cruises you'll be taking. I'm more than happy to accommodate you by avoiding them. The sea is big and sailed by many more considerate of others.


Solid thinking. I do know what the word refrain means, but I must have used it differently, or I have the incorrect meaning for it. OK-With the bathroom thing: Sometimes, it takes 30 plus minutes to go to the bathroom. It isn't anyone elses business what is going on in the bathroom, so there is no need to radio anyone.


I will NOT tell you when I am sailing, but if you catch me at the right times, you will find a clue.


If no deck saving is in the daily thingy, then it clearly isn't well read, since people clearly aren't listening. The problem is only 2% of cruisers use these boards. About .5% of the two like to save deck chairs. That means the word really shouldn't be argued about over the internet, but should be discussed on a rainy sea day, on the ship itself. Even if we come to a conclusion here, then still about 98% would still save chairs.


Clearly, cruise lines are attempting to stop deck chair saving. In the world, the cruise line will look bad if crew members move someones stuff. They will loose business that way.


If walkie talkies, getting back to the original subject, then that would be in the dailies too.


Maybe deck chair saving should be in the cruise contract. Then, when you see deck chair savers, then you can throw them off the ship, since people didn't read it.

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Sometimes, it takes 30 plus minutes to go to the bathroom. It isn't anyone elses business what is going on in the bathroom, so there is no need to radio anyone.



Hey, you're the one who brought the bathroom into this conversation! :)


In the world, the cruise line will look bad if crew members move someones stuff. They will loose business that way.



We disagree here. I think the ships also stand to lose money if they have guests who cannot use the facilities they paid to use because a small group has called "dibs" for the whole day. I say dibs, which is admittedly a juvenile term, since the behaviour is also. Many people who would like to use a chair might only want one for an hour and many people leave their "saved" chairs (another silly term, unless there is some evangelism to chaise lounges that I don't know about) for much longer while they eat, play bingo or whatever.


Even if we come to a conclusion here, then still about 98% would still save chairs.



Disagree here, too. I do not think the vast majority of people are selfish or rude. Just the small minority, who get up at 6 or 7, throw their towels on some chairs, and then go back to bed for a few hours.


Maybe deck chair saving should be in the cruise contract. Then, when you see deck chair savers, then you can throw them off the ship, since people didn't read it.


Finally, we agree on something! I'll happily throw the walkie-talkies in afterward, out of respect for your property! ;)


I think I'm done arguing on this one. We'll continue doing our best to be polite and considerate. I wish you well in your pursuits.

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Sometimes, it takes 30 plus minutes to go to the bathroom.


30 minutes, are you serious :confused: This may be possible if you were trying to read the Sunday paper, the recent Playboy magazine (one handedly) or Sports Illustrated. However since they are not available on a ship, I don't agree with your thinking.


And you are the one being rude putting your stuff on a pool chair when you are not in the area.



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Hey Crazidude, guess what I found in Royal Caribbean's guest vacation policy.


Hey you guessed it. There is a rule that clearly prohibiting the saving of chairs by the pool.


Here's the link http://www.royalcaribbean.com/content/pdf/Guest_Vacation_Policy.pdf

FYI, It uses Adobe Reader.

So I guess you can't say it's not a rule so you don't have to fallow it. Ah, to bad


Now what do I win...

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