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QE 18th November 2015


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Wednesday 2nd December


Our last port of call in the Caribbean was St John’s in Antigua, and we had an excellent day here. Once again we had pre-booked an excursion entitled ‘Best of Antigua’ which was a six hour trip starting in St Johns. We travelled through the countryside with our host ‘Joe’ whose day job was as a Radio Station disc jockey, but who also liked meeting people and showing them the island. He was a mine of information and we soon arrived at cliff top location known as Shirley Height’s and view the remains of the fortifications built there, including the block house ruins. From this area Eric Clapton’s modest (not) retreat was pointed out, reminiscent of the one we saw earlier in September owned by the Ex president Bush’s family near Newport USA, but perhaps not quite as grand.

From Shirley heights we had a marvellous view over Nelson’s Dockyard, Galleon Beach and English harbour. We then were taken to the Dockyard where we had a quick tour followed by an excellent Lobster Lunch at the Dockyard’s Copper & Lumber Inn.


After lunch we were taken to a sandy beach where we had around 11/2 hours to swim, shop or take in refreshments. The sea water was beautifully warm, although the beach did shelve a little, so care was needed. We then were taken for a further drive back to the ship where we arrived at 4pm, 30 minutes before our ‘last back on board time’. QE then reversed up the channel before turning around and pointing back towards the Azores and we now have 5 sea days before we reach Horta.


We did enjoy our day Antigua very much.



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I forgot to mention that while we were having lunch at the marina yesterday I spotted an older sailing yacht wearing the blue ensign and the Prince of Wales feathers. A very nice yacht and looked to be very well maintained, called Gloria.


Nice boat and nice spot for a bit of sailing !



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I forgot to mention that while we were having lunch at the marina yesterday I spotted an older sailing yacht wearing the blue ensign and the Prince of Wales feathers. A very nice yacht and looked to be very well maintained, called Gloria.


Nice boat and nice spot for a bit of sailing !



Glad you are enjoying yourselves. I have just booked QM2 to New York next July which includes 3 nights in hotel in New York. Am really looking forward to crossing the Atlantic on a liner rather than a cruise ship. Not too bothered about New York as went there many times when I was cabin crew for BA. Continue to enjoy your cruise John.

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Glad you are enjoying yourselves. I have just booked QM2 to New York next July which includes 3 nights in hotel in New York. Am really looking forward to crossing the Atlantic on a liner rather than a cruise ship. Not too bothered about New York as went there many times when I was cabin crew for BA. Continue to enjoy your cruise John.


Hi Pat,


Sounds good to me, will you be in one of the upgraded cabins after the 'remastering' and refit? Our cabin in 2017 should be one of the newly refurbished cabins.


I'm itching to see what they are doing with Kings court, the buffet area, as that bit never worked for us.


Now steadily crossing the Atlantic again, beautiful day today 27C and flat calm - although the captain is expecting it to become a little more bouncy tonight/tomorrow morning.


In fact we have had our visit to the port of Horta in the Azores cancelled, and replaced with Praia da Vitoria on the island of Terceira owing to concerns over tendering there.


For some reason we are still enjoying the 'Grills Experience', I just hope it is not too addictive :eek:



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Hi Pat,


Sounds good to me, will you be in one of the upgraded cabins after the 'remastering' and refit? Our cabin in 2017 should be one of the newly refurbished cabins.


I'm itching to see what they are doing with Kings court, the buffet area, as that bit never worked for us.


Now steadily crossing the Atlantic again, beautiful day today 27C and flat calm - although the captain is expecting it to become a little more bouncy tonight/tomorrow morning.


In fact we have had our visit to the port of Horta in the Azores cancelled, and replaced with Praia da Vitoria on the island of Terceira owing to concerns over tendering there.


For some reason we are still enjoying the 'Grills Experience', I just hope it is not too addictive :eek:



Glad you are having a leisurely time crossing the big ocean you two. Enjoy it. If you go on to the Cunard website there is a tag to what they are doing and pictures of Kings court. Looks good to me but then, I hadn't seen the old set up.


Love Pat

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Glad you are having a leisurely time crossing the big ocean you two. Enjoy it. If you go on to the Cunard website there is a tag to what they are doing and pictures of Kings court. Looks good to me but then, I hadn't seen the old set up.


Love Pat


Hi Pat,


I did exactly that yesterday, and eventually the pics downloaded. It is always difficult to see the real setup from the mockups, and it is a large area. It looks like some of the corners have been removed though.


The weather today has changed as predicted and we are now moving a little as we head northwards. The temp has fallen quite a lot from yesterday's 27C to 19C today, with grey skies. We did have some patches of sunshine earlier but the sun has now set, and we still have another full sea day before arriving in Terceira.


I guess we also still have to lose a couple of hours before then. Our trips on Horta have been refunded and we have booked a 6 hour trip for Praia da Vitoria and the surrounding countryside.


Otherwise all progressing well.



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Still plodding on a north-easterly course toward the island of Terceira. The sea was a little unruly overnight, but nothing too bad, and it appears to be settling down again now.


Just finished lunch in the Verandah restaurant with Maggie & JT and Glen and Monica who were both on the 2014 world cruise with us. A good time had by all.


Today is another busy social day as we are dining at the Captain's table tonight so perhaps time for a little nap this afternoon, before we prepare for our second last formal evening.


There are signs of blue clouds now, so we are hoping for a good day in Praia da Vitoria tomorrow. They have quickly offered two trips for tomorrow call, one a near full day with and island drives, lunch and the walking tour of the capital, and a half day either morning or afternoon with a visit to the capital.


We have been told there is a roughly 10 min transfer from the port to the city.



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Tuesday 8th December. Terceira


Had a good night last night at the Captain’s table in the Britannia Restaurant hosted by the Environmental Compliance officer and the Captain’s Secretary, who it turned out was newly appointed and was one of the photography department staff on the World cruise earlier this year.


Apparently the table is never hosted by senior deck officers on the night before a Port visit, but that was not important, and we had a most enjoyable evening. There were another two hosted tables, and we also met our head waiter from the World Cruise as well, which was a surprise to both of us !


This morning we arrived in the Azores, and berthed on the island of Terceira. A shuttle bus was laid on for the 10 minute trip into the town of Praia da Vitoria. However we were collected at 9am on the dockside for our day long trip around the island and to the main town of Angra do Heroismo.


We did not see Praia as we headed into the hills for a trip through the countryside, past Lajes Air Base which is a joint USAF and Portuguese airport, and up to a viewpoint at 545 metres looking over one of the ancient caldera’s which form the basis of the island. It has a volcanic core and does experience the odd earthquake, but fortunately not for some time. We continued up to the North coast and viewed several scenic landscapes punctuated by volcanic rock dividing walls and enclosed vineyards. Watching the sea crashing on the north coast reminded us of why we had been re-routed from Horta to Terceira.


We visited a small wine museum in Biscoitos and were shown how their viticulture is different using the lava rock to protect the vines and retain heat overnight. They only produce white verdhelo wine on the island as it is not warm enough for the red varieties. After visiting a small museum we were given samples of the local wines along with a little local cheese. Produce was available for purchase.


Following this we then headed in a southerly direction towards the main town of Angra do Heroismo where we undertook a small walking tour which included some pretty local gardens, and a visit to the main church. Lunch was then taken in a local hotel with views over the sea side.


We then headed up Monte Brasil, an area militarised by both the Spanish and the British, with both old forts and more modern WW2 weapons which are still on site, but also excellent views over the town, the hotel where we lunched and the sea side. After another drive following the coast road around the south eastern corner of the island we viewed Goat Island and eventually arrived back at the port close to 4pm.


Everyone we spoke to seemed to enjoy our day in Terceira, and it may have been our best port visit of the trip. The weather of course had a lot to do with this, it was an uncommon lovely sunny December day and temps reached around 20C in the beautiful sunshine. It certainly was a very green and picturesque island, and and a very acceptable substitute for Horta. It was also a maiden call for QE and QE is the largest ship to have ever docked there !

Queen Elizabeth left her last port of call on this trip at just before 5pm and we are now steaming towards Southampton for our arrival on Saturday.




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Wednesday 9th December. At Sea



On the last stretch home now, but the seas today have been calm and the sun has shone.


Roy Walker took to the stage last night and worked his charm on the audience. We have seen him many times now and after the last occasion was a little under par, he was very good again last night.


As conditions are good at present, tomorrow nights production show of 'Hollywood Nights' has been brought forward and the singer Helen Wilding will now appear tomorrow. I do not know whether or not this signifies rough weather ahead ?


The Christmas Fayre was held in the Queens Room this morning, and I think the Xmas decoration of the ship has been completed. I missed the aeroplane flying competition this afternoon.


Tomorrow is our last formal night and we have been invited to the last captains party of this trip.


Hope the sunshine continues and we can bring some home for you all !



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Thursday 10th December. At Sea


Another calm day, with a slight swell but only about 5 knots of wind over the decks. Sun is shining and we are currently about 400 mile SW of Brest. The captain expects us to be of SW England entering the English Channel approaches by tomorrow afternoon. Temps are continuing to drop, 16C currently and we are expecting 13C tomorrow.


Last night we saw a new production show called Hollywood nights and enjoyed it immensely. An audience was held with Captain Alistair Clark this morning following which the voyage charts were auctioned and $850 was raised for the Princes trust. A signed photo of the 3 Queens in Liverpool was also auctioned and raised another $250 for the same cause.


Tonight is the final formal night and the 175 Starlight Ball is being held in the Queens Room, and the singer Helen Wilding is hosting tonight's 'Showtime' in the theatre.



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Friday 11th December. At Sea


We have now entered the grey skies and reduced visibility of a winters welcome home. Temperatures are still not too bad, there is little wind and only a slight movement of the ship - hardly noticeable.


Our current position is 38 miles due South of Lands End and we expect to be berthed at 6am tomorrow morning.


We attended a lecture about Tutankhamun; His Tomb and Treasures at 10am this morning and then returned to our cabin to start the first phase of packing. Second phase was after lunch, which unfortunately meant we overlooked the Guest talent Show. Last minute shopping opportunities are available for those that require duty free etc or need to spend the last of their OBC, all of ours has gone already !


Tonghts Variety showtime features the Royal Cunard Singers and Dancers, Roy Walker and Helen Wilding.


So last night on a great trip, and we have a three week wait until we set off in the same direction again :)


The Grills experience has been everything we expected, but we will try not to make a habit of it ;)


So back home tomorrow and keeping fingers crossed for our trip back home.



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Hi Maggie,


Arrived safely home after a grey wet trip up from Southampton, but the heating is on now but no sign of tonight's menu ?


Yes we had a great time once again and it was fantastic that you chose the same cruise again, after our previous trips together.


It looks like QE is late setting off this evening, marine traffic shows it still berthed at Mayflower at 1830 ?


Keep in touch, I'm sure we can hook up another trip in the future ?


Best wishes to JT as well.



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Thank John for sharing you adventures aboard the QE!


Your welcome Barbara (and Ali !). It's a bit more difficult keeping up with things when you are on the go every day, and 5 days on the trot didn't help !


With only 2 ports we had visited previously, it was an exciting trip - and Terceira really was a little jewel at the end.


We will be repeating some of the trip on our next cruise on Oceana in January, but it will no doubt feel a bit more basic after the fantastic grills experience we have just had.



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It looks like QE is late setting off this evening, marine traffic shows it still berthed at Mayflower at 1830 ?




Captain announced after boat drill departure would be 1945 because 40 knots winds are above safe operating limit. Doesn't seem like that at the quayside but maybe dropping pilot is the problem. Still be able to make first port on time.


Will have to watch departure from Commodore Club!

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Captain announced after boat drill departure would be 1945 because 40 knots winds are above safe operating limit. Doesn't seem like that at the quayside but maybe dropping pilot is the problem. Still be able to make first port on time.


Will have to watch departure from Commodore Club!


Thanks for the update, have a great trip, and if in the Coommodore Club say hello to Jullia and Kacha for me ;) we miss them already.



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Hi Maggie,


Arrived safely home after a grey wet trip up from Southampton, but the heating is on now but no sign of tonight's menu ?


Yes we had a great time once again and it was fantastic that you chose the same cruise again, after our previous trips together.


It looks like QE is late setting off this evening, marine traffic shows it still berthed at Mayflower at 1830 ?


Keep in touch, I'm sure we can hook up another trip in the future ?


Best wishes to JT as well.





We are home again after a day in transit and an early flight we made it home by early evening on Sunday. Good sunny weather here today so got all the laundry done and dried in the sun but had to use the dryer for two wash loads as it was getting dark. JT has now done all the ironing and it is now time to go to the Commodore Club. We wish :) See you next time.xx

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We are home again after a day in transit and an early flight we made it home by early evening on Sunday. Good sunny weather here today so got all the laundry done and dried in the sun but had to use the dryer for two wash loads as it was getting dark. JT has now done all the ironing and it is now time to go to the Commodore Club. We wish :) See you next time.xx


And you will be packing again very soon..Maybe don't put the suitcases away.

Looking forward to catching up next year!



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And you will be packing again very soon..Maybe don't put the suitcases away.

Looking forward to catching up next year!




Hi Chez. Quite right I have washed . ironed folded and placed all items back in the cases. Well, not all but essentials. :) SHOES. ;)

So looking forward to seeing you and catching up with so many Cunard friends. Have a fabulous Christmas and see you soon. XX

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