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adjusting tips


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So, that said, I pose the question ---Why does it bother you and others on this board how others decide to handle this matter as long as it is within the guide lines established by NCL ?


YOu can pay double or more if that is your desire, but others have the right to handle as they choose, also.



Funny that isn't it people play by the rules and yet get told they can't afford to cruise.:confused::confused:

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There was a cruise line once upon time, long, long ago in 1999 they decided to piss off all the travel agents by capping commissions at $500 per cabin. Not an agent would sell a Renaissance cruise. They collectively boycotted and on Sept 30th 2001 they ceased operations. Some blame 911 - and although that was a hit for every travel company, it is not reasonable to believe that 19 days played a significant role in their demise. It was just the straw that broke the back. It was the agents that destroyed it.


You win the NCL forum if you know who was responsible for that cost saving measure.




How many guesses do I get ???? LOL

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So, that said, I pose the question ---Why does it bother you and others on this board how others decide to handle this matter as long as it is within the guide lines established by NCL ?


YOu can pay double or more if that is your desire, but others have the right to handle as they choose, also.



Funny that isn't it people play by the rules and yet get told they can't afford to cruise.:confused::confused:

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Funny that isn't it people play by the rules and yet get told they can't afford to cruise.:confused::confused:

Well have to pay the DSC 1st to even get it back via refund anyway, which means one has to be able to afford to cruise - fair play and just to me.


Sent from my SM-N910T3 using Tapatalk

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Ok... This will be the last post about this whole sitch.. The last word... If everyone knows that there are a certain percent of passengers who remove the auto tip.. Why is there never a post on how the majority can "make up the difference" by actually increasing the tip that they leave? I mean..if the people who strongly object the removal practice then they should be the first ones " leading the charge" to the passenger service desk demanding they increase their own auto tip from 13.50 to say 16.00 per to compensate if I fact it's not that big of a deal to them.


I will look for that door behind the omlette station and try to sneak on back. I can't believe their was actually a " people behind the scenes" jar


Christmas is the time for giving....more then just advice.


Let's all make eye contact and greet one another with a genuine " I'm lucky enough to be on vacation" smile... Pass it on




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If enough people remove the DSC, it could benefit the crew by making NCL either increase the crew's pay, or at least be more open about how the fund is handled.


For anyone to blame the DSC removal strictly on service issues is foolish to say the least. Some are aware of the ambiguity in NCL's description of how this fund is distributed, and have countered this by removing it and tipping in cash. NCL has now attempted to discourage removal by not allowing the DSC to be removed onboard, and it now appears they are delaying the refunds.


Ask yourself what their purpose is ????

Edited by swedish weave
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Please let me know if you get your refund. I plan to tip in cash and get the auto tipping removed. After I've tipped all week in cash I would be livid if I didn't get the auto tips removed and had tipped double.

Since everything goes on my charge card I would have to dispute the charges which is trouble but I would feel I had to do it.

Children should not have to tip the same amount for the cabin attendant, it's still only one cabin to clean and vacuum and one bathroom to clean. I would tip the cabin attendant half since they did have to make the bed for the child. The dining room I would tip the same as an adult because they require the same service. I do believe NCL has raised their SUGGESTED amounts to more then what they actually distribute to their crew and will tip less then the SUGGESTED daily amount BUT I believe those I tip will actually receive more with NCL's hand not in the pot.


Most kids probably actually create more work for a room steward. I know my rooms/cabins are always neater when traveling with out the kids. Just one example the younger ones drop their cheerios and junk and create a whole lot more vacuuming.


You could save yourself a whole lot of worry by just leaving the DSC as is, and enjoy your vacation.


No waiting on line at guest services, not need to have to carry cash while roaming the ship, in your bathing suit, work out clothes etc or worry about having enough singles to last you or that you may miss a bus boy or attendant at the buffet.


Not accusing you personally, but it is quite comical all these people that come up with all these different excuses and reasons to try and change something, that requires a whole lot more effort unless the true reason is that are just being cheap.

Edited by titangas
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Ok... This will be the last post about this whole sitch.. The last word... If everyone knows that there are a certain percent of passengers who remove the auto tip.. Why is there never a post on how the majority can "make up the difference" by actually increasing the tip that they leave? I mean..if the people who strongly object the removal practice then they should be the first ones " leading the charge" to the passenger service desk demanding they increase their own auto tip from 13.50 to say 16.00 per to compensate if I fact it's not that big of a deal to them.


I will look for that door behind the omlette station and try to sneak on back. I can't believe their was actually a " people behind the scenes" jar


Christmas is the time for giving....more then just advice.


Let's all make eye contact and greet one another with a genuine " I'm lucky enough to be on vacation" smile... Pass it on





Because other passengers who abide by the rules of paying the service charges for themselves, shouldn't have to increase their own to make up for the others cheapskate ways. At least NCL sorta rectify the situation by making the refund after the trip is over and not before - If one truly had a genuine service issue that was recorded and made a note of by staff that need a refund; they'll get in back in less than 2 weeks. If it just to not want to pay for non-important reason, like say, paid in cash tips and/or not wanting to pay for a child - then yeah, those people can wait the full 2 weeks and then some.


Fair is fair, and NCL is playing by the rules too - its just that people who want to take advantage of the contract language of "discretionary", are not liking that NCL are using the open-end wording of their own contract too. C'est la vie..

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So a 3 year old should pay $27 a day in DSC according to a couple on here...:confused:


The DSC should be a flat rate per cabin and not per person....the larger the cabin the more the charge.


We have also found out that DSC means a couple of different things on NCL literature...NCL needs to change this.

Ok. So let them share towels and a set of silverware.


I PRAY for the day but the service charge is mandatory and cannot be adjusted.


Some of you that say it's their money it doesn't matter… Don't you realize that others are subsidizing the amount for them?. If everybody pays their fair share the tips/DSC or whatever you call it would not go up as much.

Edited by DMH15
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The one thing I have loved about our cruises is the staff.. Every now and then we might get a waiter that is just blah, not bad just blah. I can't say enough for how we have been treated. We usually get to know a few from yapping and I am happy to go to guest services and get one of those "who made your trip special" cards.


I am a bit of a clean freak and I found only one restroom that was not immaculate on our past cruise on 11/8. It was by the bar near O'Sheehans. I am beyond impressed with the cleanliness. From the buffet, to the rooms to the public bathrooms. I have zero desire to get sick while on vacation and they sure do their best at round the clock cleaning.


We leave extra for the ones who work their butts off for us, like the room steward, a great waiter..


I can't fathom reducing the tips.. Even if say you have a lousy employee at one place, why hurt the others. Complain if you want based on that person.


If anyone has worked in the service industry at some point maybe they would have a appreciation for what a pain in the rear and disgusting people are..

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So predictable.....by the way there is no complimentary dinning on any cruise.... it is pay for up front.


I agree with the OP that paying full up DSC for a 3 year old is a joke. Half price would seem more realistic.


When a person rents a hotel room and tip the cleaning staff, I'm sure most do not tip more because they have their 3 year old with them.


As for not being able to afford a cruise you sure make a lot of assumptions....


I guess you don't bother to read the FAQ for NCL - Everyone that is 3 years and up gets charge for the service charges. Don't like that's their policy - than you and others that don't want to pay for children, should reconsider sailing on NCL. Not my issue that you don't like the policy nor do I care that you're not liking their new refund policy either.


Personally, I like their new refund policy, it means one better have a very good excuse and it has to be documented onboard for you to even get it back in less than 2 weeks. Using the excuse is not wanting to pay for a three year old - Yeah you can wait 2 weeks, heck maybe a month or 2. Going to have the credit card refund it back to you before the NCL does - I want one of you cheapies to prove my hypotheses of NCL sending it to a collection agency is true. :D

Edited by maywell
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If one can not afford $12-13.50 per day, for each person above the age of 3 years old - then one can't afford to cruise, period. Doesn't matter which cruise line it is - your kid / spouse or whomever going with you, is occupying public space on the ship, eating breakfast/lunch/brunch/snacks, using the lavatories and has to sleep somewhere.


Sent from my SM-N910T3 using Tapatalk


Enjoy knocking down the straw man? ;)

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Because other passengers who abide by the rules of paying the service charges for themselves, shouldn't have to increase their own to make up for the others cheapskate ways. At least NCL sorta rectify the situation by making the refund after the trip is over and not before - If one truly had a genuine service issue that was recorded and made a note of by staff that need a refund; they'll get in back in less than 2 weeks. If it just to not want to pay for non-important reason, like say, paid in cash tips and/or not wanting to pay for a child - then yeah, those people can wait the full 2 weeks and then some.


Fair is fair, and NCL is playing by the rules too - its just that people who want to take advantage of the contract language of "discretionary", are not liking that NCL are using the open-end wording of their own contract too. C'est la vie..


Are you telling us that NCL is purposely withholding the refunds ??? Can you furnish anything to support your statement ???


I would not be surprised if you are correct, but it would be nice to know for sure.

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Ok. So let them share towels and a set of silverware.


I PRAY for the day but the service charge is mandatory and cannot be adjusted.


Some of you that say it's their money it doesn't matter… Don't you realize that others are subsidizing the amount for them?. If everybody pays their fair share the tips/DSC or whatever you call it would not go up as much.

Very well said.


I hope that those that are tipping their great Cabin Steward cash are giving them enough to make up for the others that are removing/reducing their DSC, because it hurts that great Cabin Steward as well, but I'd bet they don't care.

Edited by NLH Arizona
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So a 3 year old should pay $27 a day in DSC according to a couple on here...:confused:


The DSC should be a flat rate per cabin and not per person....the larger the cabin the more the charge.


We have also found out that DSC means a couple of different things on NCL literature...NCL needs to change this.


I'm trying to figure out how you come up with $27.00 a day in DSC.....be it a 3 year old or a 33 year old.


What am I missing?



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I PRAY for the day but the service charge is mandatory and cannot be adjusted.


Some of you that say it's their money it doesn't matter… Don't you realize that others are subsidizing the amount for them?. If everybody pays their fair share the tips/DSC or whatever you call it would not go up as much.


How do you account for people like myself on my last NCL cruise. I didn't pay any DSC because I selected it as a booking bonus.


If NCL can offer to give me the DSC, they can surely afford to replace the funds for the few who remove or request refunds of their DSC.


And the DSC went up anyway. Is this because of people removing it, or is it because NCL gave it away and raised the price for those who didn't select it as a booking bonus.


We need to apply a little logic to this subject and it would help if NCL would be upfront about the whole thing.

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How do you account for people like myself on my last NCL cruise. I didn't pay any DSC because I selected it as a booking bonus.


If NCL can offer to give me the DSC, they can surely afford to replace the funds for the few who remove or request refunds of their DSC.


And the DSC went up anyway. Is this because of people removing it, or is it because NCL gave it away and raised the price for those who didn't select it as a booking bonus.


We need to apply a little logic to this subject and it would help if NCL would be upfront about the whole thing.

Because... The DSC is still realized. It is an internal Journal entry as a line item to debit DSC and credit Marketing fund. Marketing fund is from a portion of your fare.


But if NCL picks up the so called shortfall it has to come from somewhere. But not the Marketing Fund. Rather the "Miscellaneous Fund" that also comes out of ticket prices. If this proves to be too unbalanced they will instead raise the DSC.


NOTHING IS REALLY FREE OUT OF THIN AIR. It is all in how it is accounted for.

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The staff get paid their amount whether or not people pay the DSC. It's the overage that they won't get. They'll always be paid, but their "bonus" will be less, which is a percentage of the amount extra that is paid.


Think about it, do you really think a room steward is getting paid less because all 12 of his cabins have only one person in them? Do you think he/she keeps all of the money if all 12 have the max of 4/5 people per cabin?


The bad service/good service reports help get the staff extras, like a dinner in a specialty or access to the crew pool, as well as building a strong case for future promotions.


I always leave the DSC in place, because it's easier, and then I tip more on top, but if you think that that one steward is getting stiffed, you've got another think coming.

Edited by SuiteCruiser
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Because... The DSC is still realized. It is an internal Journal entry as a line item to debit DSC and credit Marketing fund. Marketing fund is from a portion of your fare.


But if NCL picks up the so called shortfall it has to come from somewhere. But not the Marketing Fund. Rather the "Miscellaneous Fund" that also comes out of ticket prices. If this proves to be too unbalanced they will instead raise the DSC.


NOTHING IS REALLY FREE OUT OF THIN AIR. It is all in how it is accounted for.

Thanks for explaining this to those that don't seem to understand how business works with regard to promotions/perks. Edited by NLH Arizona
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I guess you don't bother to read the FAQ for NCL - Everyone that is 3 years and up gets charge for the service charges. Don't like that's their policy - than you and others that don't want to pay for children, should reconsider sailing on NCL. Not my issue that you don't like the policy nor do I care that you're not liking their new refund policy either.


Personally, I like their new refund policy, it means one better have a very good excuse and it has to be documented onboard for you to even get it back in less than 2 weeks. Using the excuse is not wanting to pay for a three year old - Yeah you can wait 2 weeks, heck maybe a month or 2. Going to have the credit card refund it back to you before the NCL does - I want one of you cheapies to prove my hypotheses of NCL sending it to a collection agency is true. :D


You are good at making assumptions.....I would bet I tip a lot more than you.....I have never reduced the DSC, and have always left a generous cash tip for my room steward. I also tip in cash for drinks etc.


A young child of 3 should not be tipping at the same rate.... they simply are not receiving the same services as a adult. The DSC should only be at a per room rate...with bigger rooms charged more.

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You are good at making assumptions.....I would bet I tip a lot more than you.....I have never reduced the DSC, and have always left a generous cash tip for my room steward. I also tip in cash for drinks etc.


A young child of 3 should not be tipping at the same rate.... they simply are not receiving the same services as a adult. The DSC should only be at a per room rate...with bigger rooms charged more.


What services is a 3 year old not receiving?

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Many who are posting here didn't pay the DSC either. If they booked certain cabin categories while the promotions were in place, the DSC was given or offered as a booking bonus. That negates any criticism they try to place on others in my mind. Talk about double standards, there are many examples on this thread.


Rationalize it any way you want, but criticizing others is totally wrong.

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