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When did Margaritaville become a specialty on Escape?


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Two questions come to mind with regard to more staff. Are there berths for more staff. If there are no berths for them, what venue do you take them from, keeping in mind that that venue would now have an issue.


Unfortunately I'm pretty sure nobody will answer your question it makes too much sense.

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Two questions come to mind with regard to more staff. Are there berths for more staff. If there are no berths for them, what venue do you take them from, keeping in mind that that venue would now have an issue.


I can't answer that simply because I don't know. I've not been in the galley so have no idea if there are berths or not. In regard to what venue staff could come from that would be up to NCL to determine in regard to past experience as to guests in other venues. They keep count by asking to see our guest cards.


Keep in mind also, that with this venue now going to a pay venue lots of people who would have gone here will now go somewhere else, over crowding the other two free venues.



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"hogs from gathering at the trough" Are you referring to the customers NCL has been wooing?

Amazing how a business can get their customers to turn on one another to fatten the bottom line of said business!


I didn't say it but I was going to, when I was waiting in line I felt like a dog waiting at the trough. I'm glad Ncl is doing this so that now maybe people can go and have a casual lunch at Margaritaville and not have to wait over 2 hours. Someone said over an hour no I was there the line was over two hours

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I didn't say it but I was going to, when I was waiting in line I felt like a dog waiting at the trough. I'm glad Ncl is doing this so that now maybe people can go and have a casual lunch at Margaritaville and not have to wait over 2 hours. Someone said over an hour no I was there the line was over two hours



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I didn't say it but I was going to, when I was waiting in line I felt like a dog waiting at the trough. I'm glad Ncl is doing this so that now maybe people can go and have a casual lunch at Margaritaville and not have to wait over 2 hours. Someone said over an hour no I was there the line was over two hours


I am so glad you are happy


Hope you feel the same when you are paying extra for any food onboard :D



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I didn't say it but I was going to, when I was waiting in line I felt like a dog waiting at the trough. I'm glad Ncl is doing this so that now maybe people can go and have a casual lunch at Margaritaville and not have to wait over 2 hours. Someone said over an hour no I was there the line was over two hours


They are doing it on purpose so you will love to pay for better/faster service!

Edited by Reader0108598
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If you think it's too expensive, don't eat and drink there. Margaritaville isn't mandatory.


I just had a long discussion with my son about how much pressure I would feel I was under if I had been the planner of my upcoming extended family cruise. Thankfully I introduced them (and dozens of others) over the years, so their first choice was NCL and I went along.


If I had to call everyone and explain the 2 raises in DSC, the going a la carte, the no Spongebob, etc everytime it happened, I would be a massive ball of stress.


As it is, my cousin who is a very young widow with 3 kids has promised her kids that they can go to Margaritaville on our cruise. They're very excited about it, and now it's going to cost her $60 for a lunch that she has already paid for OR she can not take them and they'll be really disappointed. She's now paying $56 a week more for DSC.


People can say, just don't go, just don't drink, just don't do any of the things you've been planning since you booked your cruise. I think that's lame.

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I guess I'm puzzled as to what there is about this brand that would draw anyone in if the food is mediocre at best? Why would people go on vacation in the Caribbean (or anywhere else) and go to some American chain restaurant/bar? Does anyone else think that going out of the country and then spending your time in an American chain restaurant/bar doesn't make any sense? But then there are McDonalds everywhere...


The McDonald's in the Hong Kong airport is the devil I know. Every time I am there, no matter what time of day, the lines are three times longer than any other eatery. Some folks like to know what they are getting, even if it is Mickey d's.

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I just had a long discussion with my son about how much pressure I would feel I was under if I had been the planner of my upcoming extended family cruise. Thankfully I introduced them (and dozens of others) over the years, so their first choice was NCL and I went along.


If I had to call everyone and explain the 2 raises in DSC, the going a la carte, the no Spongebob, etc everytime it happened, I would be a massive ball of stress.


As it is, my cousin who is a very young widow with 3 kids has promised her kids that they can go to Margaritaville on our cruise. They're very excited about it, and now it's going to cost her $60 for a lunch that she has already paid for OR she can not take them and they'll be really disappointed. She's now paying $56 a week more for DSC.


People can say, just don't go, just don't drink, just don't do any of the things you've been planning since you booked your cruise. I think that's lame.


This says it all. For some families, this won't be just a small charge to deal with. Looking forward to what was advertised shouldn't be a burden.

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I agree in principle, but I don't think they can just decide to do so without BuffetCo approval. They may require the menu being similar to land.


the easiest solution is to simplify the menu - it's probably the main problem with a kitchen of that size - if they simplified the menu to things that can be still high quality, but are easier to expedite, lines will decrease.
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I'm considering a variation on C myself. D is not really a threat to NCL, just their staff, so as a bargaining tactic it doesn't hold a lot of power.


>>>Originally Posted by hpecorari View Post

That's fine. But do you care or have any feelings about NCL claiming something is complementary, taking your money with that being the case and then changing it to a 'pay' venue after the fact?<<<Harriet





I've been sitting this one out for a little while to collect my thoughts about the Margaritaville change. My initial thoughts were two-fold: (1) The free Margaritaville restaurant wasn't going to make my upcoming cruise on Escape a total success, just as having to pay (or skip) Margaritaville isn't going to ruin my cruise; BUT...(2) This is bait-and-switch on NCL's part, pure and simple. Something that was included at the time we reserved our cruise, and was still included at the time of our final payment, is now an added-fee attraction. The options seem to be: (a) just shrug our shoulders and accept the extra fees; (b) skip going to Margaritaville entirely (thus eliminating at least one meal there that we surely would have taken); © approach our TA or NCL directly about the situation and request some onboard credit (OBC) to compensate us for the "lost" included meal (I figure a $25 cabin credit would cover the food charge for a reasonable meal for two people there, and if we decide to go there more than once, then we'll cover the additional cost ourselves); or (d) failing that, deduct the cost of one Margaritaville meal from the onboard service charges (OSC) we pay at the end of the cruise, or deduct them from gratuities over and above the OSC that we would have otherwise given to the staff during our cruise.


Quite frankly, option (d) is not an attractive one to us, because it places the burden on the hard-working folks who deserve to receive their tips, gratuities, and share of the OSC's. We have never deducted anything from such funds on any of our past cruises, and we'd definitely prefer not to go that route on the Escape. The best option, to me, would seem to be © above. Many passengers will either use (a) or (b), and that will help solve the "overcrowding" problem. But for the folks who feel strongly that NCL has taken an unfair tactic, and who approach NCL calmly to discuss their displeasure with the turn of events, NCL would be doing themselves, and their passengers who feel this way, a favor with some good customer relations to relent and grant an OBC. But if NCL refuses to make any sort of an adjustment, then we're back to (a), (b) or (d). If a passenger goes with (a), then the passenger forks out extra money for a formerly free meal *AND* NCL gets rewarded for its bait-and-switch tactic with extra revenues. Not an attractive option to some, including me. If a passenger goes with (b), then NCL isn't rewarded with extra revenues (but it does get "rewarded" with smaller crowds), but then the passengers lose out on a venue they may have been looking forward to as an included feature of their cruise.


Reading thru some of the posts here it's obvious where some of you come down. I wonder, though, if enough passengers go with option ©, while holding out the possibility of option (d) as a threat if they don't receive satisfaction (whether or not they would actually use option (d)), if it might pressure NCL enough to relent on either the a la carte charges entirely, or to at least make it an official policy of giving out a $25 cabin credit for those who insist upon it.


So...where do you come down???

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As it is, my cousin who is a very young widow with 3 kids has promised her kids that they can go to Margaritaville on our cruise. They're very excited about it, and now it's going to cost her $60 for a lunch that she has already paid for OR she can not take them and they'll be really disappointed. She's now paying $56 a week more for DSC.


People can say, just don't go, just don't drink, just don't do any of the things you've been planning since you booked your cruise. I think that's lame.


Agree! If this is something you and your family have been looking forward to, this change is more than disappointing. Some people have been saving for a long time for this cruise and the experiences it will bring. The cost does make a huge difference for some.

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Having read through this thread I figured I would throw in my 2 cents. First, while the change is not a "deal breaker" with cruising on NCL, it is a bit troubling. First of all I feel it is naive to think this was not in the works from the get go. Making the change after a single week, I do not think so. Granted there were problems on the three day and transatlantic, but those are unusual cruises, not the norm. I would think any business if it was being sincere would allow at least a month to see if the staff and facility could handle the demand. They obviously did not do this and as stated I believe this was the intent all along. With that being said I believe their decision to change was at least dishonest when they were promoting this venue as included. If you have been to any area where they have a Margaritaville, you would know how popular they are, mediocre food and all. Our family enjoys them for the atmosphere, music and the gift shop, which at this point they do not have on the ship. If they were sincere that the demand was a surprise, then NCL has the worst marketing research people in the country. The second issue I find troubling is the reduced number of included venues for lunch. As has already been detailed by Harriet, there are now two or three fewer venues that are included on their largest ship meaning the lines and wait time will be shifted to those venues. We cruise NCL for the options and in particular the entertainment. We are cruising the Escape because it is new and the UBP and I am sure we will have a great time. I do not see how this and other recent changes are going to improve the product and the on board experience. Any way, my 2 cents


Coach Jim

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I can't answer that simply because I don't know. I've not been in the galley so have no idea if there are berths or not. In regard to what venue staff could come from that would be up to NCL to determine in regard to past experience as to guests in other venues. They keep count by asking to see our guest cards.


Keep in mind also, that with this venue now going to a pay venue lots of people who would have gone here will now go somewhere else, over crowding the other two free venues.



That is my point, we can all give suggestions as to how to solve the issue at the restaurant (like I said less tables and it was explained that that wouldn't work), NCL is the only one that knows the number of berths (this is beds for crews and not in the galley) for crew that is or is not available and if it would be feasible to take staff from another dining venue and place them in this restaurant. I've never been asked for my guest card in the buffet or in O'Sheehan's, so I don't think they count the passengers in those venues.


Time will tell if passengers will or will not go to Margaritaville - hopefully passengers on the ship currently will let us know.

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I have facts for those who think and arguments for those who reason. The following post is intended as an initial, open-ended sketch of how bad the current situation is. Is Norwegian a pious organization? Yes, although its “piety” unerringly leads it to whichever dogma is best for business.


Speaking of which, NCL has so frequently lied about how it is a model organization that some weaker-minded people are starting to believe it. We need to explain to such people that NCL focuses on feelings rather than facts. Sure, it attempts to twist and distort facts to justify its feelings, but that just goes to show that if this post did nothing else but serve as a beacon of truth, it would be worthy of reading by all right-thinking people. However, this post's role is much greater than just to shield people from Norwegian's rapacious and lazy deceptions.


Let me conclude by stating that NCL's principles are a mockery of all that is fair and equitable. You can quote me on that.

Edited by pbfp2008
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Right on point. Some people say to just not go if you don't want to pay. But it is a big outside area that is no longer available. The outside deck area seems limited. How about scrapping Vibe and opening it up for everyone. The charging fees for Margaritaville is not just about the cost... it raises questions about trusting NCL when I book a cruise 1 to 2 years in advance.... how much will change by the time I'm on the ship. I don't mind a few changes but the list of what has changed resulting in more costs and lesser service is very long.


Having read through this thread I figured I would throw in my 2 cents. First, while the change is not a "deal breaker" with cruising on NCL, it is a bit troubling. First of all I feel it is naive to think this was not in the works from the get go. Making the change after a single week, I do not think so. Granted there were problems on the three day and transatlantic, but those are unusual cruises, not the norm. I would think any business if it was being sincere would allow at least a month to see if the staff and facility could handle the demand. They obviously did not do this and as stated I believe this was the intent all along. With that being said I believe their decision to change was at least dishonest when they were promoting this venue as included....Coach Jim
Edited by SeaWatcher65
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Just wondering, what's to stop me from grabbing a table and just enjoying cocktails with my UBP? All I miss out on is a burger, but the cocktails look interesting!:roll eyes:
Not sure you could just grab a table, if there is a hostess seating everyone. It is interesting however, they could possibly have some tables set aside for those just wanting to drink and not eat and enjoy the atmosphere, since they can't serve all the tables they have. If they did this, at least passengers wouldn't see a lot of empty tables. Edited by NLH Arizona
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I guess I'm puzzled as to what there is about this brand that would draw anyone in if the food is mediocre at best? Why would people go on vacation in the Caribbean (or anywhere else) and go to some American chain restaurant/bar? Does anyone else think that going out of the country and then spending your time in an American chain restaurant/bar doesn't make any sense? But then there are McDonalds everywhere...


I wasn't drawn due to the name. I was drawn because it was a complimentary venue that had better food and was a better location than O'Sheehan's (since I tend to hang on the pool deck.) I wouldn't have cared if they'd called it something else.


I tend to avoid these cheesy, tourist-trap chains on land, although I did visit Margaritaville in Ocho Rios because it had a beach and Wifi, and I had a drink at one in Las Vegas once. It was exciting because it was something new for the ship, but not as big of a deal as many think.

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That's actually not a bad idea - a drink only area or one with a VERY limited snack menu...


Not sure you could just grab a table, if there is a hostess seating everyone. It is interesting however, they could possibly have some tables set aside for those just wanting to drink and not eat and enjoy the atmosphere, since they can't serve all the tables they have. If they did this, at least passengers wouldn't see a lot of empty tables.
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