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Minimalism when packing for a cruise

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Always looking for tips on how to save on packing. I know I'll never get to the carry-on size but want to pack sensibly. Always pack travel size toiletries and never take a lot of shoes. Have short hair so hair dryer not really needed. My rule of thumb is 2 shirts for each bottom, maybe not be for everyone but works for me.:)

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I find the trick is mix and match. One pair of black trousers and a plain skirt and a few tops instead of several of each. Also lightweight clothing that can be rinsed and dries overnight. My hubby has lightweight shirts and trousers too. And layers work best, rather than heavy pants and tops. I only own lightweight pants and I carry a pair of lightweight tights to go under, instead of one lightweight snd one winter pair.

Toiletries- take travel size (either buy small containers or keep from hotels. I do have to bring good hair conditioner though. And I HAVE to have body moisturiser. I check whether the cruise line supplies it so I know how much to bring. I bring just enough of everything so I'm not bringing big half empty containers home.

Often we travel for 7 weeks so have different climates. I bring a few tops etc that I wear but don't need anymore. I donate them to someone at the end of the trip, or if going from, say cold to hot, I will discard the winner clothes then. It then gives me room for purchases and helps me deck utter my wardrobe. Admit it, you have too many clothes. LOL

Most people bring too much stuff.

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We did pretty good last week - I had a small rolling bag and a soft side tote I carried on top of the rolling bag plus a carnival tote for my purse and paperwork. About the only overpacking was the OTC mess that I carry everywhere I travel and too much sunscreen since I ended up not laying out by the pool as much as I thought. Came home with one clean tshirt and one clean pair of underwear. I was pretty pleased with myself.

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Sometimes it depends on the airlines you fly. We will be on AA which I am very familiar with (actually way too familiar with...) and Lufthansa. The carry on limits on Lufthansa are not that bad, but my carry on wouldn't qualify, so I got a new one. In fact, I really needed it. It's larger than my other one, but the dimentions are right. I generally fly with a small Travelpro case that expands a lot, a carry

on and a shoulder/computer bag.


For a trip that includes 4 nights pre cruise, 10 day cruise, and one night post cruise (plus the flight), I will take white jeans, blue jeans for the flight and black pants for formal nights. Lots of tops. Several pairs of shoes inclucingn the crocs flats mentioned earlier. I roll my clothes in the checked suitcase. The wrinkles fall out pretty easiy.


I take lots of meds and also carry a virtual pharmacy with me. I'm looking forward to using my new carry on since it will hold a lot more than the previous, but will qualify on most international airlines. I do wish that the

airlines would get their acts together and agree on carry on limits.

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When my boys were little and I sent them to camp, I packed a days worth of clothing (tee shirt/shorts/socks) in a ziplock bag (quart or sandwich size) compressed the air out and put one in for each day of the camp (14). He came back with 2 used and 12 unused bags! I now put stuff in the small bags and compress the air out to fit more in a small bag. I always bring extra bags, they are great for damp/wet clothes, leaky bottles, etc. Prior to my last cruise I gathered stuff and packed my bag 2 weeks early. 2 days before leaving I unpacked everything and left half of it at home! Still didn't wear everything on a 7 day cruise! I am getting better and only brought carryon size bags, although I checked them (for free) on the way home and took only those things you shouldn't pack on the plane with me.

Can't wait for my next cruise to refine my packing skills.

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I find that packing varies according to whether I have to fly to get to a cruise or not. If not, no problem, everything goes in subject to the luggage being manageable without assistance (just in case!). If flying, weight is the limiting factor, and washable separates come into their own.


One thing we started to do years ago is pack into big plastic bags (swing bin liners are cheap, and can be re-used in the bin afterwards!). Dirties go into separate bags for going home, to keep them away from any unworn items.


We were really glad that we had adopted this idea when we arrived in our cabin once to find that our newly delivered suitcase smelt of fortified wine (like Madeira). Someone had put a bottle in their case and it had clearly broken. The sticky sweet liquid had got into our case (and I don't know how many others) and was all over our plastic bags, but IT HAD NOT GOT INSIDE THEM. I still have nightmares when I think of the washing/laundry we would have needed.

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I definitely over packed on my first cruise- I didn't end up wearing half the clothes I brought with me. It will be interesting to see if I can refine my packing and only take what I know I will wear as opposed to what I think I will wear on this cruise.

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packing cubes are great! i had never used them until about 2 trips ago and could not believe the difference. and it helps that you can always find your socks.

i also go light on the jewelry and stopped bringing too many "just in case" toiletries... i figure if i really need something i don't normally use daily at home (cold meds, antacid ect) then i can just buy it at the shop onboard.

i used to really struggle with fitting all my clothes into my bags, particularly for longer trips... but a few years ago, i lost a significant amount of weight and now my clothes are so much smaller i can pack much easier. never really took into account how much space they were taking up before - but it's been a nice perk of getting fit. although now i pack gym clothes & running shoes which i would have never brought before, so it probably evens out, lol.

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On the last night of the cruise when I am packing to go home, I take notes. I make a list of what I should left home and what I needed more of. This is extremely helpful when I pack for my next cruise. I have learned to bring less makeup, less jewelry and more moisturizer.


I absolutely LOVE this idea. Right after when the trip is fresh in mind, you know what items you didn't touch and which were important. I'm going to write myself a note to do this when we get back home after our next trip in June. But those notes sound right to me, less makeup (I always get lazy on the trip and wear little) less jewelry and more sunscreen, moisturizer and aloe! :)

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On the last night of the cruise when I am packing to go home, I take notes. I make a list of what I should left home and what I needed more of. This is extremely helpful when I pack for my next cruise. I have learned to bring less makeup, less jewelry and more moisturizer.

We did this on the way home from our second cruise! We'd packed lighter than our first cruise, but we realized we'd wasted effort and space in bringing along things that weren't used. We wrote down all the things we actually used, and now we still use that same list. We adjust our packing list, if necessary, for excursion specifics, but otherwise that list has helped us reach "right sized packing".


I enjoy the 'proud' light packers. Pack light if you want and less clothes and more money works but.... Some of us like having choices for clothes and jewelry I won't were ugly just cause it's easy and I won't give up make up even though I don't need it and husband doesn't mind. I style my hair - enjoy dressing up and have fun doing it.

Travel in one bag if you like -- I'll take more thanks - I you can usually spot the 'one baggers' by their shoes and outfits LOL

1. I have plenty of choices. I just make them at home while I'm packing.


2. I seriously doubt you actually can tell who packs lightly, but I'm absolutely certain no one can tell whether you over-pack. Why? Because the vast majority of cruisers are busy with their own fun and aren't bothering to "keeping score" about what other people wear from day to day.


i used to really struggle with fitting all my clothes into my bags, particularly for longer trips... but a few years ago, i lost a significant amount of weight and now my clothes are so much smaller i can pack much easier. never really took into account how much space they were taking up before - but it's been a nice perk of getting fit. although now i pack gym clothes & running shoes which i would have never brought before, so it probably evens out, lol.

Yeah, some of my clothes are actually child sized, and it does help with packing in one bag, but, honestly, if you fold carefully an awful lot will fit into a rolling carry-on.

Edited by MrsPete
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I absolutely LOVE this idea. Right after when the trip is fresh in mind, you know what items you didn't touch and which were important. I'm going to write myself a note to do this when we get back home after our next trip in June. But those notes sound right to me, less makeup (I always get lazy on the trip and wear little) less jewelry and more sunscreen, moisturizer and aloe! :)

About make up: Do you have some old, almost-gone make up? Stuff that you really should replace anyway? Take that almost-gone stuff on your cruse and throw it away at the end of your trip -- and buy new stuff to use everyday at home.


Consider, too, what you'll actually wear on a cruise. With fresh sun on my face, I tend to stick to just moisturizer and eye make up.


Use the same concept for toiletries: Bring your almost-gone deodorant and your 1/2 bottle of shampoo.

Edited by MrsPete
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My plan for my cruise at the end of the year is two carry ons... Lots of mix and match and several maxis. I say plan because this will be my first attempt at traveling light. We have several flights to get to our destination and I would prefer not dealing with missing luggage. Yes a have travel insurance and my cc actually has baggage protection also but still a hassle that hopefully can be avoided. I have packing cubes and hope this works out. Planning outfits hasn't been too difficult toiletries are a bit complicated due to airline restrictions but worse comes to worse I'll buy some shampoo and conditioner in Sydney even though it's expensive. My actual packing list looks big but I think it will work out...wish me luck



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Ok, so I don't do this anymore since my wife frowned on the practice. But I took the "take and toss" method to some extremes when I traveled solo cross country years ago.

I basically took all my old clothes right down to socks and underwear. As I wore the clothes I discarded them rather than wash. I only returned home with the clothes that I still wanted and purchased new clothes as I needed it.

It let me purge my wardrobe and get rid of some hole-y worn out things. I didn't care what I looked like because I was behind the camera 100% of the time. I left with a big suitcase full of everything and came home with less clothes and more memories and photos.


I'll still sneak some toss away items in my suitcase now, but nothing like that trip!

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Ok, so I don't do this anymore since my wife frowned on the practice. But I took the "take and toss" method to some extremes when I traveled solo cross country years ago.

I basically took all my old clothes right down to socks and underwear. As I wore the clothes I discarded them rather than wash. I only returned home with the clothes that I still wanted and purchased new clothes as I needed it.

It let me purge my wardrobe and get rid of some hole-y worn out things. I didn't care what I looked like because I was behind the camera 100% of the time. I left with a big suitcase full of everything and came home with less clothes and more memories and photos.


I'll still sneak some toss away items in my suitcase now, but nothing like that trip!


I did this with a couple pairs of socks and underwear on my cruise in April. Last fall I had a five hour drive in a rental car and overnight hotel stay before a flight to our two week cruise. As I was not arriving to the hotel until 9 pm and not going anywhere else I picked a t-shirt and pair of socks out of the rag bag (they had been laundered,) wore them (along with a pair of yoga pants) for the car trip, and pitched them the next morning. DBF found this less than enchanting but hey, he wasn't going with me...

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I understand this thread is in the Saving Money on Your Cruise forum but ...

Over the last 2 trips we bit the bullet and bought new luggage . The old luggage was still serviceable but it was heavy and had zipper issues . The new bags are much lighter , roll better and do not smell musty .

In addition we got "conforming" hand luggage . The old ones were on the edge of the size limit . These too are lighter.


Is new luggage at all about minimalism ? Well the new luggage is a size smaller and is so much lighter that it makes travel much easier . So yes !

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I understand this thread is in the Saving Money on Your Cruise forum but ...


Over the last 2 trips we bit the bullet and bought new luggage . The old luggage was still serviceable but it was heavy and had zipper issues . The new bags are much lighter , roll better and do not smell musty .


In addition we got "conforming" hand luggage . The old ones were on the edge of the size limit . These too are lighter.




Is new luggage at all about minimalism ? Well the new luggage is a size smaller and is so much lighter that it makes travel much easier . So yes !




Yes! About eight years ago I bought a good set of luggage - nice pockets, large one is big enough for us to put most of our needs for a week and just check one bag. The smaller bag is just under the max for a carry on so if I travel alone I rarely need to check a bag - even though I get free bags worth my CCs I like to hang on to it on my way TO my trip.

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  • 3 weeks later...

1. I have plenty of choices. I just make them at home while I'm packing.


2. I seriously doubt you actually can tell who packs lightly, but I'm absolutely certain no one can tell whether you over-pack. Why? Because the vast majority of cruisers are busy with their own fun and aren't bothering to "keeping score" about what other people wear from day to day.



Well said, MrsPete. As to whether people are keeping score of what others are wearing, I feel sorry for those who have nothing else to do; I figure I am doing them a service by providing free netertainment

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We do carry on only.


When we return from a trip (usually 6-8 weeks of land and 1 cruise) we unpack and take note of anything that we did not use or did not use often enough to justify packing. We also keep in mind what we wish we had taken.


The result has been less, but more layered clothes, lighter easy wash no iron clothes, and we stick to a simple colour combination.


The biggest thing for us was shoes. We simply decided to take 2 pair each, one on our feet the other in the bag. Plus a very small/light pair of waterproof sandals. We take 2 ipads and one camera. That is it for the electronics.


No duct tape, no over the door shoe holders, no medicine cabinet, no cabin decorations, no extension cords, no just in cases. No expensive jewelry, just the basic toiletries.


After many trips this works for us. Might not for others.

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For a cruise - one roll-on suitcase each, one small bag that will fit on top of the roll-on + back-pack for meds, valuables and credentials. Easy self-disembarkation. We laugh at those that struggle with a lot of baggage. We did one trip to Italy for two weeks and one to Spain for two weeks with carry-ons (BTW one week was in a clothing optional resort). For a cruise I have a silk sport jacket that doesn't crease for "formal" nights. Other nights - Dockers & a golf shirt. For my wife - pants & a blouse (dressy one for formal nights). Did one week at Club Orient (clothing optional) with one carry-on for the two of us + a back-packs.



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A couple of cruises ago, I forgot my pants. No joke; my 4 pairs of dress pants were sitting in my closet and I, the planner, never grabbed them. 2 khakis, one black and one grey pair. My partner gave me a pair of his black pants and believe it or not, I wore them every night (I had them cleaned once). Ever since then, I only bring 1 pair of black pants and switch out my shirts, which is about 4 now. I wear my swim trunks most of the time during the day and on excursions so that also cuts down on the number of pairs I bring. The wicking shirts are the greatest as you can look refreshed every day and you could hand wash them if need be in the sinks and they dry super fast. Great thread, thanks.

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I travel with one pair of Dockers, two pairs of short pants. If he weather is cool I may replace the Dockers with jeans. Used to take five shirts. Now it is four because of those easy care, easy to wash collared shirts that wick away the moisture. Our clothes are all geared to travel-wrinkle free and easy care. We do layers and we everything is mix and match so nothing is only worn once or twice. Works for us. Cannot imagine travelling with checked bags anymore let alone lugging them about.

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