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All Things EARTH... part 2


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The weather is underway here too.  We started the morning in the 40s, close to 50.  We are currently at -11 with windchill.  We were fortunate - we didn't get a ton of ice in the transition.  The white out is really something though.  One minute, you can see, the next minute, you can't.


They let us out of work at 3:00, as a lot of local places were shutting.  We have no plans to go anywhere tonight.  We are going to just relax, watch sports or movies, and I will figure out what we will have to eat because as I already mentioned, we aren't going back out!


I have everything for the holidays, and plan to start cooking tomorrow.  I might make a few dips for tonight, such as french onion and the cucumber dill one that I have...just because.  Where there's chips, there is dip, right?


Stay safe, everyone!

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Laurie, hoping you fared ok during the storm we've had. I know you are not in Buffalo, but the news from there is extremely scary and we've been hoping your area was not affected quite so badly. Here in Michigan we've had minus temperatures and lots of icy roads, but snow totals were less than expected (not the 8 inches forecast). Most major roads are passable, though we're driving with great care. Fortunately the interstates are clear enough for easy travel. We leave for home tomorrow morning.


Today we met with extended family who don't live close for lunch. We picked a central location for the various factions and met up at the Cracker Barrel. Most of them I haven't seen since my dad died because the pandemic kept us at home for so long. Good to hug on my 97 yo aunt and my dad's youngest brother. Saw some cousins I haven't seen in forever. A really good day. We were there for 3 hours!


I used to hit up the post-Christmas sales at Lord & Taylor. I sure do miss that store. I did see a pretty teal top at the Cracker Barrel that was tempting. They have a peacock section with lots of teal. Right up my alley!





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We really lucked out with the weather.  The drive home Friday wasn't thrilling, but it got considerably worse a few hours later, which would have been my normal time to leave work.  I am so happy the bank closed early on Friday.  It was a complete white out.


Now Buffalo...you've heard.  My sister lives in Buffalo.  She has health issues, as well as my husband.  My niece ins in retail, so my sister was babysitting the twins, who are just 16 months old.  Her daughter could not make it to pick up the twins, as the weather was so awful.  She ended up turning around and going home.  My sister was so scared...she was worried about what if something happened to her or her husband or the grandbabies.  Fortunately, they did not lose power, but they are both unable to shovel and it was not the kind of weather event where you can go out every two hours, and shovel to keep up.  Their son and a friend were able to create a path yesterday to the house, and my niece made it to be able to pick up the kids.  I"m not sure, but I think she parked a few blocks away and walked.


The inner city where most of the poor live is the last on the list for plowing.  It's a mess.  I'm not sure they could have done anything differently, other than perhaps place plows in strategic areas so that when it stopped snowing and blowing enough, they could be working on the whole city.  In reality, your highways and main roads are always done first.  Ideally, you branch out from the main roads like a spider, going into different directions.  That hasn't happened, but the last I knew of, they were close.


One thing you learn in an emergency is that we hear so much about negative, bad things.  The helpers are there too though: the neighbors that call you constantly to make sure your oxygen supply is okay, or that you have food.  The barber who lets people stay in his shop because they have no heat.  There are lots of good people out there.  I read today that there was a local snowmobile club where the members were driving to areas not yet accessible to bring medicine and what not to those in need.


Melody, it looks like you had a great Christmas!  I didn't see too many coats!  We were well below zero from Friday through Sunday, with strong winds still.  It was the wind chill that was the issue.  Air temps got down to about 6 degrees at one point, and the windchill dropped everything to around -14.  My poor puppies.  I put older towels in the dryer and then put their coats on to take them out.  When they come back in, they get wrapped in the warm towels!


It's much better now though.


I really wanted to see what wrapping paper and gift bags were on sale, but I haven't had a chance to see if anyone has anything left.  I'm a big recycler - I've used some gift bags for at least 10 years now.  Do any of you do that?  I get torn between wanting everything looking pretty and coordinating, and then there's the practical side that says to reuse that ugly bag and put a new tag on it, lol.


I can imagine Michigan had to feel adventurous, Margaret.  You mentioned using extra caution on the roads.  


While I do not have a family gathering planned for my side of the family, we got together with my husband's side of the family a bit early, a few weeks before Thanksgiving.  It can be hard to coordinate everyone sometimes.


I miss Lord and Taylor too.  There are so many stores I miss.  I was telling my husband the other day that we go to the outlet mall around once a year, and that is it!  All my shopping is online, and I miss shopping in person.  We had a Bon Ton up the street that I loved, before they kept trying to reinvent themselves after they started to have financial trouble.

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Laurie, we were low 30s on Christmas Day. We all ran outside & took our pictures than ran back inside & had hot cocoa (peppermint schnapps was available) or homemade eggnog (Crown Royal salted caramel was available) to warm up. Our coldest days were Thursday & Friday before Christmas, -35 with windchill & actual temps of -16 to -18. Unbelievable weather that Buffalo has had this year, even by Buffalo’s standards. Our city’s idea of snow removal is ‘think spring’. Side roads do not get plowed unless there is more than 6-8” of snow. 

We usually wait till after Jan 6 to take down Christmas decorations but this year we’re going to do it today & tomorrow (as weather looks to be conducive [snow] to being indoors & I'm having an EGD on Friday to decide what’s going to happen with my reoccurring hiatal hernia. 

I enjoyed Lord & Taylor, I really miss Filenes (especially their basement). Melody

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Laurie, I'm glad to hear you are doing ok. There are a lot of sad stories this Christmas for so many families.


We were lucky. We arrived before the storm. I had booked a room with a kitchenette, so we just stocked up at Meijers and spent the day at the hotel. It was -2 that night with wind chill -22. By Saturday afternoon we were able to creep over on icy roads to my brother's house for Christmas Eve day, and the next day for Christmas. By Monday the highways were clear enough that we could go to Lansing and see my dad's brother and sister. She is 97!  Was wonderful to hug her again after 3 years. We compared manicures and jewelry. 🙂 She is an amazing woman.


Last night we stopped in the middle of PA and found an Amish-owned restaurant for dinner. Had one of the best ham dinners ever. Super cute gift shop in front. So fun to scout out someplace interesting on the road. 


The interstates are fully dry now and we are making good time on our way home. Can't wait to cuddle my kitty later today.





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Happy & Healthy New Year to all!  We’ll celebrate with Chinese take out & maybe a glass of wine. We haven’t gone out on New Years in many, many years. We’ll walk outside at 9pm to watch the 5 fireworks shot off top of Pikes Peak (it’s the 100th anniversary of the AdAMAn Club) a group that climb Pikes Peak to shoot off the fireworks. They have a big show at midnight, we haven’t stayed up for that in years…maybe this year

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Happy New Year!!  Well, almost!  We are low key for this holiday.  We ran errands this morning and went to Lights on the Lake tonight.  Then we drove around to see all the decorated houses.  Nothing like mid 50s a week after it was below zero, lol.  I always mKe homemade pizza with a few munchies.  We generally force ourselves to make it to midnight for a champagne toast, and then we fall to sleep right away.


Tomorrow I'll make breakfast and use the rest of the champagne for mimosas.  I'm making lasagna for dinner.

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  • 2 weeks later...

How is everyone?  It's been quiet here.


We've been working on putting away all our decorations, and taking care of some things.  I always say that I am not a New Year's resolution person, but there is something about being just past the holidays, home a bit more, etc.  I always feel the need to organize and take care of things.


Last weekend, in addition to starting all the disassembly of four trees and a lot of decorations, we went and got a new fireproof box.  I have folders set up with everything related to wills, health care proxy, life insurance, where our accounts are at, etc.  I've had all this stuff for a while, but it wasn't organized the way I wanted it.  I have always said that I don't want my family guessing or struggling to find info.  My husband and decided we needed to do this and while it was hard in a way to think about, I felt so relieved after.


We will be making some small changes in the near future, but I love that things are in one spot so it is easy to maintain and review.


Since going to the gym has become almost impossible at times, I decided to invest in an elliptical.  It will be here Monday, and I'm really looking forward to it.  It will fit in the spare room, but I can already see it is going to be rather tight in there. We will make it work.  It is a clean, bright room and I will be able to play music or put in a small TV if I wish.  


Question for you all: have you sailed out of Miami recently?  My daughter and I did back in May, but I understand the hotel no longer has a cruise port shuttle.  I almost always have transfers set up from the airport to the hotel, and the port to airport.  I choose a hotel with a cruise shuttle. 


For some reason, there doesn't seem to be many options.  My TA has let me know about three airport based hotels that all provide transportation to the cruise port. Since we are low key the day we fly in, we don't look to rent a car and go all over - we usually try to walk to a local restaurant.  A nice bar at the hotel means we can have a drink or two while we catch some sort of game on TV.


I haven't found much info yet on the hotels, but I'm not sure we can just walk to a restaurant from any of them.  Have any of you stayed at these places?  I'm going to check the board here and do some more research.


These are the hotels my TA suggested.  Like I mentioned, it was hard to determine if we could walk to a restaurant.  A few of the placed offered breakfast, like many hotels do.  I confirmed a bar at another.  But that is as far as I've gotten.


Springhill Airport South Marriott

Hampton Inn Miami Airport East

Four Points Miami Airport

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Laurie, we never book a hotel because of a shuttle (I hate shuttles). Shuttles are almost always more expensive than grabbing a taxi, Uber or Lyft & with the last 3 you don’t wait for everyone to be loaded & be crowded on a bus. 

our last time in Miami we stayed at Hampton Inn Miami South Beach. 1 block to Lincoln Road (open air shopping & restaurants) 2 blocks to the ocean. Little breakfast area, rooftop pool, nice little bar & a porch with rocking chairs to people watch. We took a taxi from airport to hotel (set rates) & another taxi from hotel to cruiseport. It was fun. 

any of the Blue Lagoon hotels are nice too. Melody

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Melody, there are usually lots of hotels that offer a shuttle, so I have a bunch to choose from.  That isn't the case this time.  Generally speaking, almost ever shuttle from the hotel to the port that I've taken has been less than $10, so it hasn't been expensive at all.


My husband I aren't big fans of Uber or Lyft.  My daughter and I used Lyft when we needed transportation from the airport to the hotel, and I think again from the port to the airport.  One driver was great, the other was so-so.  


We have time to figure it out, but I like to plan early.  I will check out the hotel you have referenced.  Thank you for the suggestion!  We will probably end up with Uber or Lyft.


How is your weather?  We have a little bit of snow today.  We have had up and down temperatures, but it is almost always dry when it is colder.  We got lots of rain during the week.  It has been a strange winter, for sure.


I can imagine Anita is enjoying the Florida weather!  I am hoping that she and her husband feel more like themselves again.  I recall they were having some muscle issues, I believe.

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Laurie, we have been to Miami Beach several times for conferences. It is a short ride from the airport, maybe 20 minutes or so, and we always just get a taxi. One of the best things is the boardwalk along the beach. You can walk for miles. Very nice after a long flight. Your hotel can call you a taxi to take you to the pier. Just a thought.









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Margaret & Laurie. We also just take a taxi. I was talking with our front desk person in Ft Lauderdale in Dec. they said they’re having terrible issues getting shuttle drivers & many of the hotels are no longer offering shuttles (even as a cost). FYI the shuttle from Embassy Suites in FLL to port was $30 per person, we paid $15 with tip to our taxi driver total 

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I've emailed my TA with some thoughts, and we will see what she comes back with for me.  I saw a hotel called YVE and it caught my eye.  It is very close to the cruise port, and seems to be very well located as far as places to eat and so forth.  I'm going to see what she can find out for me.  It's mostly about transportation to the hotel, and then hotel to cruise port so I will deal with a taxi.  


I'm still open to suggestions.  Melody, I have started to look at the Blue Lagoon hotels.  I admit that I love having a nice view, and being able to get out and walk around.  That was a really thing about Galveston, because once you are at the hotel, you have this beautiful view, and you are right near everything.  Even crossing the streets and what not are easy.  


Melody, I forgot to mention but the new terminal is not in walking distance, from what I understand.  When we checked in to Harbor House, they said they had a shuttle but we walked because it was so close by, as you know.


So, I'm thinking about my outfits a little bit.  I love when we go to a specialty restaurant and I feel kind of dressed up, without being over the top.  


I was thinking of wearing this dress:


Twist-Neck Knee-Length Dress thumbnail image, click to view larger image.


and adding my gold sandals with this bracelet, and maybe matching earrings.  Does that seem over the top?  I kind of look at the accessories as bringing it up a notch, without making it formal. What do you think?   already have the dress, and it was somewhere around $25.00, I think.  It was on clearance through Chicos Off the Rack.  The bracelet is currently on sale as Macy's for just under $21.00.  I also have a star rewards so it is really just $11.00.


INC International Concepts - Gold-Tone Multicolor Crystal & Stone Stretch Bracelet

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Here is the link to the dress, with some different views.  The material is really great quality.  It has enough weight to lay well and hide imperfections.  It is not fitted, but has a nice shape to it.  


Twist-Neck Knee-Length Dress - Chico's Off The Rack - Chico's Outlet (chicosofftherack.com)

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3 hours ago, laurspag said:

Here is the link to the dress, with some different views.  The material is really great quality.  It has enough weight to lay well and hide imperfections.  It is not fitted, but has a nice shape to it.  


Twist-Neck Knee-Length Dress - Chico's Off The Rack - Chico's Outlet (chicosofftherack.com)

A hundred years ago I had my colors done (when that was a thing)....liked the look of the dress you posted & that color was one that was recommended....ordered it & a kimono wrap....hope I like them on....+ got 20% off so that was good.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Love that bracelet Laurie and glad to hear about the fit of that dress.


We are just back from our 9 day on the NCL Gem and had a great time. I took very few outfit pics though, and didn't even get a formal portrait done. I came home with one short dress and one tank top unworn, that was it, so I think I packed well. 

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Here is what I took on our recent NCL Gem cruise. We went from 35 degrees to 77 degrees so I had to pack for a variety of temps. I wore everything except one dress and one tank top. I tried to keep to blue, brown, turquoise, and peach.


3 dresses

2 pr long pants

3 dressy tops

2 sweaters

3 long sleeved tshirts

3 tshirts 3 shorts 1 skort

2 sleeveless tops

2 workout outfits

2 bathing suits

one casual sweater/wrap


Here was my embarkation/disembarkation outfit that I wore with my brown pants and booties (coat & gloves needed too):





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Here are my three dresses. The long navy tshirt dress I wore with gold jewelry and my brown sandals. The floral one I wore with my citrines for our dinner at Le Bistro. The denim one is the one I didn't wear. The day I was to wear it, it was a bit too chilly for short sleeves.






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