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All Things EARTH... part 2


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Exciting for Margaret & Laurie with the eclipse!


Les has retina appt on Monday (vision is very slowly starting to improve ❤️.  He still can’t see well enough to drive.  His gallbladder surgery is Wednesday


where we’re not sure what he’ll feel like eating afterwards we’re having his 75th bday celebration early on this Saturday


my shoulder replacement is the 17th. Thanks for asking!  Melody

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We arrived in LA yesterday afternoon and are glad we missed the earthquake in NY. Flights will be disrupted from there for several day as they play catchup.


I checked our house camera and we can see it stop and restart a few times during the quake but otherwise everything looks fine. 


We're waiting for boarding to begin. So excited to be on the water again! We are birthed next to Sapphire Princess which we will be on in the fall.

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My daughters felt the after shocks here at the house! They thought a big truck went by, but there was nothing there.  They were trying to figure out what it was.


I'm glad you are all set to go!

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The eclipse...amazing!  Our weather was not exactly ideal, as it we ended up with a fairly heavy cloud cover. That being said, certain areas of the sky lightened up, and we were able to witness this amazing event.  The whole process - the way it got quiet, cooler, turned dark.  It was an incredible thing to experience.  I can imagine that those people in sunnier areas got quite a treat, but I am not complaining.  It was a once in a lifetime event, unless I am able to line up travel with a future eclipse.


I am so happy that the bank closed for a half hour so that we could all experience this.


I hope Margaret had a great view! 


I have a vacation coming up, or I guess you can call it a staycation.  We have a few appointments, some estimates, and things of the sort.  We have one estimate for a deck so far, but as we research more and more, it is likely we will do this ourselves.  I was avoiding that because i was worried about my husband, but Humira has been a lifesaver for him.  Still, with our full time jobs, I know it will take a while to do.  The savings will be worth it for us, as it will leave money for some of our other projects. We might even be able to get the deck furniture this year too.


I've been thinking about Anita.  She handles moving and changes so well.  It must be challenging though.  


I continue to putter with putting outfits together for my cruise in September.  I can say that I have most of the dinner outfits figured out, but not completely. Once it warms up, I will start bringing out my warm weather clothes and I can get some ideas for daytime outfits too. It was very nice today.  It will be in the mid 60s for the rest of the week, I believe.  It is always energizing when the weather changes.


Good luck with Les' surgery tomorrow!

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Had a fabulous eclipse day!  Calm seas and clear skies. Lots of corona activity and solar prominences (flares). Got to watch from the shade of our balcony. IMG_4720a.thumb.JPG.e4ba2ab3694a54e66d68b11706bcfe00.JPG


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22 minutes ago, MJC said:

Had a fabulous eclipse day!  Calm seas and clear skies. Lots of corona activity and solar prominences (flares). Got to watch from the shade of our balcony. IMG_4720a.thumb.JPG.e4ba2ab3694a54e66d68b11706bcfe00.JPG


How wonderful!!  Excited for you Margaret!!

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Les is recovering well from the gallbladder. Nothing more needed there. His eyes are still an issue. He’ll have more eye surgery when we get back from Hawaii in June to repair a tear in the other eye & scar tissue in both. Thanks for asking. Melody

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It's been a rainy, cold weekend here.  I guess what I would expect for April, but I'm looking forward to having weather that is at least dry.  At the same time, with such limited snowfall over the winter, I know we need as much rain as we can get.


Maybe....just maybe...we might have a deck to enjoy when the weather gets warmer.


At least with cruise clothing planning and excursion planning, I can pretend it is warmer!  I was tempted to start putting away certain clothing and getting out warmer weather clothing.  Not so much that I can wear the items yet, but I know that there are certain wintry things I am not going to put back on, and if we get a warm day, I don't have to go digging.


This also lets me think about the daytime outfits too.  I've added more tank tops over the winter, as Old Navy has a certain type that I like, and they have some great colors for us earth people.  


I picked up two pairs of shorts from Costco last week.  They were inexpensive, and the pull on styling has worked well for me lately.  One of the pairs I don't really love, but the other is pretty nice.  The colors are a bit odd, so I have to think about what I have to wear with them before I make a decision.  I know they had some really nice solid olive green shorts should I decide to make an exchange.


I don't fuss for daytime outfits, other than wearing outfits that I feel happy in.  Depending on if it is a sea day, port day or beach day, I may throw in earrings or a necklace, and that makes the process fun. 


Do you ever think about a color you really want to add to your wardrobe?  For me, I've been thinking about warm blues.  It could be teal, dusty aqua, or something in that area.  I don't know why, but I keep thinking about wanting that color so if I see a shirt or a pair of shorts, I may grab them.

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Laurie, we were 75 & 80 this weekend. Our daughters& husband gave Les a propane fueled fire pit table for his 75th It’ll be great for our patio. 

our granddaughter went to the prom this weekend




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Les had his retina detach again on Monday, surgery Tuesday (his 75th bday). Shoulder replacement for me yesterday. Seems to be ok, but nerve block hasn’t worn off yet. Melody

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First, those are beautiful pictures of your granddaughter, Melody!  And the fire pit sounds wonderful.  My family has always enjoyed having a campfire in the yard, but since we have dogs now, we really haven't had any.  Both of the dogs are petrified of them.


Someday though, I would really like to get a propane fire pit.  We could go out for a bit, and just turn it off if we were bringing the dogs out.  Both of them are very attached to us, and hate having us out of sight when we are home.


Oh, all these surgeries for you two!  Do they know why Les is having so much trouble with his eye?  


I can imagine too that your shoulder will be rough for a bit.  I feel so badly that you two have had so much going on.


Brian and I are off next week.  It is mostly about appointments and things like that. I just found out that he has to work Saturday.  Not sure why yet, but they told his department it was mandatory for all of them so I guess our vacation starts a day later!  He will be pretty tired tomorrow, as he is currently working at the Bruce Springsteen concert. His work days start at 7 AM.



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We knew the retina could detach again due to the size of the detachment with full macular off. He had so much scar tissue too. It’s been a tough couple months 

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We're waiting to disembark after a wonderful cruise. Being away for 15 days is so different, we really got to relax and enjoy each day, including some really lazy ones.

I'm coming home with Mark's cold, which is no fun, but at least it waited until the last day to appear! Can't wait to see my kitty. ❤️



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Welcome back, Margaret!  It sounds like you had a fabulous time.  I can't wait to hear all about it.  I have never been gone longer than 8 days total (that includes flying in the day before a cruise) so 15 days seems like a long time!


My husband and I are off this week.  We are starting off by having some plumbing work done.  No emergency or anything like that - this was planned. We are having our two outdoor spigots replaced and then getting an estimate for some other work that we may or may not do in the near future.


Tomorrow, we have a 10 AM estimate, a 1:00 meeting with our financial planner, and then a 5 PM appointment for both of our dogs.


We don't have a ton of stuff planned, but I am armed with a list, lol.  We plan to do a little shopping for a stair runner, check out some local antique places, and there is an outlet mall trip planned for Thursday.  There are a few other things I'd like to do as well.  We originally discussed seeing a movie, but I'm not sure if there is anything that will interest both of us.  Kung Fu Panda is something I would enjoy, we'll see what my husband says!


You can tell I'm a big movie person, right?


Melody, I hope your shoulder is doing well, and that Les is recovering well from his gall bladder surgery.  I'm sorry that he has to have more eye surgery.  


I think your weather may have changed back to cold, right?  I caught a little bit of the Rockies baseball game on Saturday evening, and there were flurries!  

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It's been a great week off!  We've been doing odds and ends, and everything is moving along well. I wanted to share with you where I am at with my wardrobe planning for my cruise.

It's funny how I can often have things figured out, and at other times, I'm totally up in the air.

Here is a formal night outfit I feel certain about, including the jewelry.



I'm excited about it, as I love red, and while there is a lot of sparkle in the jewelry, it feels fun.


As of right now, I'm not wearing the green dress for a formal night. I will likely wear it when we go to Chops.




If I change my mind and want it to be formal, this is how I will accessorize it:




These are the same sandals as I am wearing with the red dress.  It is a bit of a tonal outfit with the jewelry, but I like it.


The sandals are called champagne.  They are essentially a soft gold and very comfortable.


For my rust jumpsuit, I really liked these sandals with it. I can go from stylish to frumpy pretty easily, especially with my proportions.  I felt this worked well.  This was my sister's necklace, and I thought it might be nice to wear a necklace because the jumpsuit has a v-neck.  My daughter noticed these earrings would work.  It's fun to have things already in my wardrobe.  I've had the sandals for about 3 or 4 years, the jumpsuit I wore a few times last year, and I've had the earrings for ages.




I am on the fence a little, as I initially had my heart set on different earrings.  The earrings I had in mind would entail no necklace.



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This outfit here is fairly set.  I'm unsure about the sandals right now.  I have a few that I can wear with the dress.  I often look at a few features for cruising in footwear: is it versatile so that I can wear them with multiple outfits?  Is it comfortable? Is it safe?  We take the stairs a lot and there is nothing worse than bring worried I will slip or to feel a blister forming.


So these are comfortable and safe, I just don't know how many pair I'm bringing.  Once I nail down the dresses, it becomes easier.




with the purple dress, im feeling more confident daily that it is going on the cruise.  I was stumbling on jewelry when my same daughter reached into my jewelry and said "wear these!" I think she is right.  I was looking to make statement with the earrings and these do.




I couldn't get a good picture of the bracelet, but it is a nice look that goes with everything.


So these are almost set.  I have a dress I can wear for the other formal night.  I got it before my last cruise, and it was a great deal.  I tried it on recently and my husband thought it was great.  I'm feeling kind of self conscious at the moment so I am not sure.



it is full length.  I took a picture using the mirror in our room, but since we have been sanding some.sheetrock repair in the hall, I never realized how much dust was all over.  I think this may be what I bring.  Thoughts? With some better shape wear? Maybe.



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Laurie. I love all your outfits including jewelry. If you feel you need better shaping for the last dress do it, you won’t be comfy otherwise. 

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Thanks, Melody.  My last dress to complete out the seven nights should be the gold swing dress, but while it still fits, I've always been a bit uncomfortable in the dress as it is a little short. I have those crescent earrings with the dried flowers on them and I really want to wear them!  I think I may just try on the dress with my sandals and re-evaluate.  I have other options, but I really wanted to wear that outfit so we will see.



As to the orange/coral dress. I really do like it.  I have shapewear, I just need to try on the dress with it. One thing I'm not keen on with some shapewear is that it creates what I call the barrel effect. Maybe I'll try the dress on with a few different things and see if it makes a difference.

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I'm at that point where I'll wear the short dresses while I still can. 🙂  The black feathered-hem dress that I took on this last cruise falls into that category where I have to watch how I sit. I feel the same way about my heels... I know that day is coming where I won't be able to manage the height that I'm doing now, so I'm going to enjoy them while I can.


And do as the French women do... if you think your undies might show, make sure they are cute! When I was younger I had a couple short flowy dresses that I wore matching bike shorts with because of going up and down the subway stairs. One that I particularly loved was yellow and white, and I wore it with white bike shorts and white sneakers.



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I have lots of photos to sort through from our recent cruise. Then between having Passover right after we got back, loads of laundry to do, and then picking up our new car on Friday, it was a crazy first week home. And I have a cold. So I'll get to posting eventually. 🙂 

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It's always so busy when we return from vacation, isn't it?  We have to sort out all the laundry and souvenirs, organize pictures, etc.


I am going to try on that yellow dress again soon. I've just been busy and haven't gotten back to it.  


We did decide on a stair runner, and based on how long it will take, I need to get moving on painting!  My husband has graduation weekend next weekend, so I will probably get it done then.  The hall is really the upstairs hall, the downstairs hall, and the staircase.  However, when I was doing all my painting in the fall, I did the upstairs and downstairs hall, so it is only the stairway left.  The reason I need to get moving though is that I want a fresh coat of white on the stair risers, and then paint the spindles and newel post.  


At least I won't have something half done, which is a pet peeve of mine.  I kind of knew when my husband said he wanted to do a little cosmetic work first what would happen though, lol.  


We have the bed down from the spare room, and frame is partially dismantled.  I expect to have a lot finished up by the end of next weekend.  Removing the bed is for the home gym setup.  We have floor mats and a set of weights now.  We are very seriously looking at something called Total Gym, as it will give us some variety in exercises and not take up too much space.  I have an elliptical, but I admit it isn't not as easy on my hips as the ones at the gym so I am going to have to ease into it.  Hip issues abound in my family and I had to get a cortisone shot last year.  I find that it feels better with activity, but I have to make sure I don't overdo it.  I may need to think about a new routine, which is why Total Gym seems like a good choice.  I've always loved all those machines at the gym, and this kind of combines them to a cerain degree.

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