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UBP raised to $79 per day


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I really do wish they'd eliminate the included UBP and lower prices. I really don't think there are enough alcoholics increasing their bookings to offset the cost to the rest of us who would rather book at the lower rate without UBP because there's no way we'd ever drink even close to enough to equal the cost of the UBP.


There are cruises that cost less than the face valued of the UBP even with the tax and service included.


If you don't drink pick one of the other perks and save the grat charge that will reduce your total cost.

Edited by insidecabin
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While I understand your point about not judging others, isn't calling people "rude" judging them?


It's a good point but I have a very fine line that I use. In the post that I quoted (which was the only one to which I referred) there was a major generalization being made. You have to admit that they were saying that people who pay for and enjoy the beverage package are alcoholics. They didn't preface it by saying "in my opinion." Also, the statement does start with "I really don't think" but that was about being enough alcoholics booking cruises!


So, when I said it was rude, I was referring to the specific behavior that I'd just witnessed/read. I also stated very clearly that it is what "I think" - It was my opinion. Not stating a fact.


I wasn't make a judgement. I was specifically giving my opinion on someone stating as a fact (people who buy the UBP are alcoholics) something that is obviously just their opinion. Two different things.


You might think it's splitting hairs. But honestly, the fact that I took the time to type out this response should show you that it's something I take very seriously. I take words in general quite seriously.


But no worries.

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It's a good point but I have a very fine line that I use. In the post that I quoted (which was the only one to which I referred) there was a major generalization being made. You have to admit that they were saying that people who pay for and enjoy the beverage package are alcoholics. They didn't preface it by saying "in my opinion." Also, the statement does start with "I really don't think" but that was about being enough alcoholics booking cruises!


So, when I said it was rude, I was referring to the specific behavior that I'd just witnessed/read. I also stated very clearly that it is what "I think" - It was my opinion. Not stating a fact.


I wasn't make a judgement. I was specifically giving my opinion on someone stating as a fact (people who buy the UBP are alcoholics) something that is obviously just their opinion. Two different things.


You might think it's splitting hairs. But honestly, the fact that I took the time to type out this response should show you that it's something I take very seriously. I take words in general quite seriously.


But no worries.


You can argue words and definitions and name calling until the cows come home, but in the end, a person who must have alcohol to have a "good time" has a problem.


I worked many years in the transportation business, and for safety reasons, we instituted random testing. None of those who failed the test were (in their own words) alcoholics until they realized that the tests rendered them unemployed, then they were more than willing to attend the AA meetings in attempts to get their jobs back.


Funny how words can be used to change people's attitudes, isn't it.

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You can argue words and definitions and name calling until the cows come home, but in the end, a person who must have alcohol to have a "good time" has a problem.


I worked many years in the transportation business, and for safety reasons, we instituted random testing. None of those who failed the test were (in their own words) alcoholics until they realized that the tests rendered them unemployed, then they were more than willing to attend the AA meetings in attempts to get their jobs back.


Funny how words can be used to change people's attitudes, isn't it.


This thread is about the price increase of NCL's UBP.


If you would like to enlighten the forum on the virtues of alcohol consumption, perhaps you should start your own thread.

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This thread is about the price increase of NCL's UBP.


If you would like to enlighten the forum on the virtues of alcohol consumption, perhaps you should start your own thread.


If I feel the need for instructions from you, I will submit a formal request. Thank you for your interest.

Edited by swedish weave
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It's a good point but I have a very fine line that I use. In the post that I quoted (which was the only one to which I referred) there was a major generalization being made. You have to admit that they were saying that people who pay for and enjoy the beverage package are alcoholics. They didn't preface it by saying "in my opinion." Also, the statement does start with "I really don't think" but that was about being enough alcoholics booking cruises!


So, when I said it was rude, I was referring to the specific behavior that I'd just witnessed/read. I also stated very clearly that it is what "I think" - It was my opinion. Not stating a fact.


I wasn't make a judgement. I was specifically giving my opinion on someone stating as a fact (people who buy the UBP are alcoholics) something that is obviously just their opinion. Two different things.


You might think it's splitting hairs. But honestly, the fact that I took the time to type out this response should show you that it's something I take very seriously. I take words in general quite seriously.


But no worries.

That is a huge response to a simple yes or no question, isn't it?


FWIW...being that this is a discussion forum, unless attributed to an exterior source, EVERYTHING posted here is an opinion...it really doesn't need to be stated.


Still...any person's opinion about someone else's behavior is always that person's judgment as well.



Reminds me of the "Mean People Suck" bumper stickers and how they made fun of the people who couldn't understand that saying that people suck is...in and of itself...mean.

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That is a huge response to a simple yes or no question, isn't it?


FWIW...being that this is a discussion forum, unless attributed to an exterior source, EVERYTHING posted here is an opinion...it really doesn't need to be stated.


Still...any person's opinion about someone else's behavior is always that person's judgment as well.



Reminds me of the "Mean People Suck" bumper stickers and how they made fun of the people who couldn't understand that saying that people suck is...in and of itself...mean.


OK - how about this:


No. (I don't think I was being judgmental.)


Full disclosure: Yes. (I do think you're being a little obnoxious in your attempt to "call me out." Why do you care?)

Edited by Suze10860
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OK - how about this:


No. (I don't think I was being judgmental.)


Full disclosure: Yes. (I do think you're being a little obnoxious in your attempt to "call me out." Why do you care?)

I guess you don't think calling someone obnoxious is being judgmental either?


FWIW, I don't care...just holding out a small hope that you might not be so judgmental (sorry...opinionated) about other people in the future...especially since you don't like it when it's done to you.



But that is just an opinion.

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The important thing is we are communicating and it is a healthy exchange of ideas. Some people are going to purchase the package to max it out, while others such as myself just like the fact that I can have an occasional drink without counting the cost. And if someone wants to max it out, fine with me who am I to judge. I am getting ridiculed in another thread for calculating how often I can have a drink- but because I have thick skin I don't care about what anyone thinks of me.

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I really do wish they'd eliminate the included UBP and lower prices. I really don't think there are enough alcoholics increasing their bookings to offset the cost to the rest of us who would rather book at the lower rate without UBP because there's no way we'd ever drink even close to enough to equal the cost of the UBP.


I don't drink much at home, but when I'm on a cruise, I put the fun in Functional Alcoholic :)

Edited by SuiteCruiser
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the cost of the package is all smoke and mirrors


What matters is that "Total" line on the invoces and what that includes.


if it does not include some of the spends you add them.


if still in budget you cruise. if over you look for another one.


Those that don't drink much could benefit from looking at UK bookings where you can substitute the beverage for OBC(US is Shore ex credit) and there is no extra charge on the dining option if you take that.

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I don't drink much at home, but when I'm on a cruise, I put the fun in Functional Alcoholic :)




Thank you! At home it is completely normal for me to go a month without touching alcohol, but on a cruise with UBP I have no problem putting down 8-10 drinks in a day.


I'm not sure where some get the idea that because a person is drinking a lot on a vacation that that person has an alcohol problem. It is completely normal for your behavior on a cruise ship to be significantly different than in every day life.


And further, while I can't speak for every one, 10 drinks over the course of a ~14 hour day does not make me (250 lb. man) "sloppy drunk". It keeps a nice buzz, and I wouldn't drive the ship, but I'm not stumbling over myself and vomiting.


I get the impression that those who are most concerned about "drunks" on cruise ships have never actually been drunk. It is possible to drink quite a bit over the course of many hours and not be black-out stupid drunk.

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Thank you! At home it is completely normal for me to go a month without touching alcohol, but on a cruise with UBP I have no problem putting down 8-10 drinks in a day.


I'm not sure where some get the idea that because a person is drinking a lot on a vacation that that person has an alcohol problem. It is completely normal for your behavior on a cruise ship to be significantly different than in every day life.


And further, while I can't speak for every one, 10 drinks over the course of a ~14 hour day does not make me (250 lb. man) "sloppy drunk". It keeps a nice buzz, and I wouldn't drive the ship, but I'm not stumbling over myself and vomiting.


I get the impression that those who are most concerned about "drunks" on cruise ships have never actually been drunk. It is possible to drink quite a bit over the course of many hours and not be black-out stupid drunk.


I agree with you that some people handle alcohol better than others.


We tend to drink more alcohol on cruises than at home. At home, I usually have a beer before dinner then a brandy after dinner, unless we have a bottle of wine instead.


Still, we rarely drink alcohol before pre-dinner happy hour on a ship. I have never cared for drinking alcohol for breakfast.

If you drink over a longer period like 14 hours, yes, some of the alcohol you had earlier in the day will have passed through your system. Still, if you retire at 11pm, that means you started drinking for breakfast. That is your choice, I have no problem with that.


Also, I think the type of drink can make a difference. If I have two of the large martinis that are likely half again the size of a regular drink, I will usually only drink a glass of wine with dinner. More than that and its too much for me.


Memories of heavy drinking remind me of parties when I was in college and could put down almost a fifth of bourbon. That was not pretty.


I remember a roommate of mine that flunked out of college, went to a party at a frat house and drank a case of beer in one day, passed out on the lawn of the house and had to be dragged back into the house for the night.


Also, people that drink a lot can handle more alcohol.


Still, I do believe that the drinks packages encourage excessive drinking. The more people that do that, the more chance that a larger number of persons that can't handle it and show their a---- will do so.


Personally, if I find that NCL's drink packages are creating more problems on board, I may find another cruise line. We have a Sun cruise of Alaska coming up in September, where the drinks packages were a promo, so we shall see.


A question that I have regarding the drinking. If you are on a port intensive cruise and going on tours most days, how do some drink so much and manage that? For example, if your tour starts at 8am and you have a bloody mary for breakfast, but then leave the ship and don't get back until 4pm, where you could use the drinks package, how are you going to make the package economical with a short time left in the day?

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I really don't care if anyone who chooses the UBP is an alcoholic, social drinker or anything in between. Its none of my business and is really about how the latest NCL smoke and mirror routine is effecting all of us.


There are always winners and loses in these offers and it seems like most of us are on the losing side. For example, the UDP and free gratuities is a choice where we could all be winners and wouldn't mind an increase in base fares, but by NCL taking the gratuities away it leaves a sour taste in everyone"s mouth.


Now the UBP base rate rises unrealistically fast where it generates around $13 a day in revenue (18% gratuities) for something supposedly free!. Its also bothersome because for years we've been told these gratuities go to the crew in one way or another. I don't believe that any more at all because NCL works too hard to drive these fees upward.


What I believe is there are certain things the gratuities go to support such as rec rooms or parties or anything special for the crew in addition to some increase in compensation based on position and merit. That process has a base cost and once its recovered by NCL the balance goes to the company.


No I don't have proof but they remain too secretive of these fees and we would all feel better if they would just disclose once and for all how the money is distributed. I'd be happy if they would just say every single dollar goes to the staff in one way or another. They coyly don't and that's bothersome to many of us.


I didn't mean to steal the thread but the more we argue with each other the more NCL gets us away from the real issue. Why is it so important to raise the UBP base price, gratuity rates and any other piece of their product so quickly when those increases effect items that supposedly go to the crew ? Anyone who would purchase the UBP would take it as a freebee since its being offered on just about every trip.

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Even if NCL chose to disclose information regarding gratuity/service charge distribution, would anyone actually believe them?


No not at all, that's what makes their silence so deafening. Think about for a minute, everyone chooses the UBP, all 18% goes to the crew, NCL pays for the drinks out of pocket, NCL has zero income and everyone is happy.....



Edited by bjlaac
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I guess you don't think calling someone obnoxious is being judgmental either?


FWIW, I don't care...just holding out a small hope that you might not be so judgmental (sorry...opinionated) about other people in the future...especially since you don't like it when it's done to you.



But that is just an opinion.


Whew. Just went back and read a bunch of your other posts. I feel much better now knowing you're this way to lots of other people. I won't take it personally.


And for the record, I would say the fact that you've taken time to direct 3 posts at ME (having nothing to do with the actual subject matter of the thread) sort of says you DO care. Just like you seem to care about pointing out lots of other "issues" with people's posts.


And finally, you might want to reconsider the difference between being "judgmental" and having an opinion about someone's behavior. I would be judgmental if I said every long-time poster on CC is obnoxious. That's an untrue generalization. That's not the same as saying I find your responses to me obnoxious.


Carry on not caring....

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