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Free UBP promo charging me $29/day service charge?

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I don't drink even 2 drinks a day. Maybe 5 over the entire week


It's not for us. Others like it. Good for them



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So then for you, getting it as a perk and paying the service charge would be ridiculous. However there are a lot of us that enjoy the package and totally get

our monies worth.

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2 drinks at retail but it only costs pennies a pour for ncl plus minimal fixed costs ...per drink



I can't imagine how many they pour per minute. Lol


Face it the drink package in reality only costs pennies to give away. The extra 18% is most,y profit to ncl. Because they pay the bartenders a salary!!! Regardless of the 18%. The only extra they are getting is the cash pax feel they must leave them because they get salary anyway


So do the stewards....and waiters....you can remove dsc if you want but crew is still getting salary



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Again, you can apply this same logic to ANY cruise line, bar or restaurant, it's not unique to NCL.


I think it's a great deal, even with the extra charge the total price of the cruise is similar to that of other lines that don't include the drinks. So it's still a good deal.

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pretty sure it's for 2. That's the only way the $29 figure works out. $28.44 per day gratuity.


We had the UBP last month but we aren't big drinkers. We started out gangbusters but by around Wednesday I was drank out and probably only had 1 or 2 a day.




For a week, that $29 per day comes to $203. Because the UBP, while nominally "free" is generally offered as one choice out of several, the value of whatever option you do not select should be added to that $203 to get the real out of pocket to you. If you elected the "free D.SC." - $13.50, or $27 per day - $169 per week, the real cost is $372. Figuring about $10 per drink, that's 38 drinks - 19 per person or between 2 and 3 per day. If you average more than that, the package makes sense, otherwise: no.

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Again, you can apply this same logic to ANY cruise line, bar or restaurant, it's not unique to NCL.


I think it's a great deal, even with the extra charge the total price of the cruise is similar to that of other lines that don't include the drinks. So it's still a good deal.


I am sure NCL loves your way of thinking !!!!!

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Why is there no 18% svcg in Haven? We will be paying the extra $2 pp/pd D.Sc...is it an attempt to entice more Haven patrons or to encourage larger tipping of butler/ concierge etc?


I was surprised when I booked and there were no gratuity charges on the "free " drinks and dinners.




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Why is there no 18% svcg in Haven? We will be paying the extra $2 pp/pd D.Sc...is it an attempt to entice more Haven patrons or to encourage larger tipping of butler/ concierge etc?
Because suites/Haven get all 4 choices automatically. In lower stateroom categories, if you don't want the UBP/SDP (or if you have a problem with the 18%), you can just choose a different perk. Suite guests have everything "forced" upon them. :p If you don't want the UBP/SDP, you can just ignore them. They don't cost you anything.
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This is why we took the wifi package plus an obc from our Ta


Done with the specialty places as they just aren't what they used to be


Drink package is a joke and would never in a million years drink that much....calories alone are disgusting


Shore excursions. Really? All that does is guarantee Ncl full excursions and I watch excursion prices and it's quite apparent they have raised them significantly...of course the local tour guy is still getting the same $$ I'm sure. Lol. And who in their right mind cant just take a taxi to a gorgeous beach in the Carib? In most if not all Carib ports regulated taxis are well run and dependable. It's your choice if you choose to use some non regulated one to save $5.



Also it's only $50 per port per cabin ...um...so a family of 4 must book Ncl excursions at Ncl prices? Really....I have a bridge for sale btw


It should be noted that I have booked Ncl excursions in the past when the prices were lower and I felt it important to be with Ncl...as in our 5 hour call in Tortola at 7 am. The smart money booked the baths excursion thru the ship if you wanted to go there. Primarily for return to ship timing. If had a full day DIY would be ok but not for our call.


I would take the free dsc if offered but it isn't right now


Every single one of the perks is designed to fund Ncl in one way or another. I'm sure the wifi will be slow but I also set up my iPhone thru Verizon for their $40 package as well. I'm not penny wise and pound foolish. I always have a plan b/c/d at the ready


Regarding the drink package...well since it costs Ncl pennies per pour....they are nt giving away much. If it COSTs them $10 per day per pax in alcohol cost plus overhead...that's a lot


You can't think retail drink prices when analyzing the package from Ncls standpoint...you must think cost. So the 18% they charge you covers their cost....unless you are naive enough to this the bartenders get it....


The bartenders get a salary plus the cash you throw at them because you feel guilty they work so hard ....it's their choice remember


Also IMHO. Ncl who we know reads these boards is thrilled we all think the dsc does NOT get to the crew....they and the crew know that means we will

Pay the dsc plus tip in cash


I dont remove the dsc and only tip $30 to the steward per cabin. He deserves it.


Ok. let me address the pennies a pour theory. i buy for a large restaurant chain and our cost, buying in bulk for many locations, for , grey goose vodka , is 1.70 a drink. Hardly pennies. And we are located in a market with lots of competition. Let us now compare to that to a cruise ship... in the middle of the ocean... with no competition.. I think they can charge what they want.

And since you are pouring it at home for pennies a day, I can only assume your are drinking rock gut and pouring 1/4 ounce drinks. And that you should perhaps stay home...

As for the server who will follow you around with a cooler of beer for that price, all day, good luck with that. Even working at the tipped minimum wage of 5, all day would be 90 bucks plus the 18 tip...so youre at 108. But most tip more for a private bartender but I am sure you would not because you drink for pennies. lol

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Celebrity's recommended daily tips are "shared by your Dining & Culinary Services Staff, Stateroom Attendants, Other Housekeeping Services Personnel, as well as staff from other departments who work behind the scenes to enhance your cruise experience". Not bartenders. Bar orders and beverage package purchases have 18% added to them, just like on NCL.

There is no reason for you tip any more, that is the whole point of the automatic tips. If you want to pat yourself on the back for tipping 23%, go right ahead, but tips are not calculated based on the cruise fare. Someone in the cheapest inside pays the same amount in tips as someone in the highest mini-suite category, whether this corresponds to 5% or 50% of their cruise fare.


That 18% is included in their daily price. If they say $59 a day, it's $59 though. Maybe different if it is purchased but I've gone with them 5 times as recently as 4 months ago, and when it is a "perk," aka free, you don't see an additional 18% on the value of that package.

Hardly patting myself on the back as I had no choice in this NCL freestyle "choice" world. They demand it.

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Because suites/Haven get all 4 choices automatically. In lower stateroom categories, if you don't want the UBP/SDP (or if you have a problem with the 18%), you can just choose a different perk. Suite guests have everything "forced" upon them. :p If you don't want the UBP/SDP, you can just ignore them. They don't cost you anything.



I have never been one to ignore "free" flowing beverages!



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Ok. let me address the pennies a pour theory. i buy for a large restaurant chain and our cost, buying in bulk for many locations, for , grey goose vodka , is 1.70 a drink. Hardly pennies. And we are located in a market with lots of competition. Let us now compare to that to a cruise ship... in the middle of the ocean... with no competition.. I think they can charge what they want.


And since you are pouring it at home for pennies a day, I can only assume your are drinking rock gut and pouring 1/4 ounce drinks. And that you should perhaps stay home...


As for the server who will follow you around with a cooler of beer for that price, all day, good luck with that. Even working at the tipped minimum wage of 5, all day would be 90 bucks plus the 18 tip...so youre at 108. But most tip more for a private bartender but I am sure you would not because you drink for pennies. lol



You are making no sense

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Ok. let me address the pennies a pour theory. i buy for a large restaurant chain and our cost, buying in bulk for many locations, for , grey goose vodka , is 1.70 a drink. Hardly pennies. And we are located in a market with lots of competition. Let us now compare to that to a cruise ship... in the middle of the ocean... with no competition.. I think they can charge what they want.

And since you are pouring it at home for pennies a day, I can only assume your are drinking rock gut and pouring 1/4 ounce drinks. And that you should perhaps stay home...

As for the server who will follow you around with a cooler of beer for that price, all day, good luck with that. Even working at the tipped minimum wage of 5, all day would be 90 bucks plus the 18 tip...so youre at 108. But most tip more for a private bartender but I am sure you would not because you drink for pennies. lol


You are making no sense


How does the above not make sense? There is no world in which a drink costs pennies.


I manage a bar and even our rail vodka is almost a dollar a pour for just the cost of the vodka. But the vodka isn't the only cost of the drink. You have to pay for the mixer (juice, soda), the ice machine that makes the ice, and the water in the ice, the glass that it's served in, washing the glass it's served in, the blender the makes the slushy drink, the electricity to run the blender, the bevnap or coaster it's sitting on, the shelf the liquor sits on, the cabinet it's stored in, the stool the patron parks on, the floor the stool is sitting on, the heat/air conditioning to keep the patron comfortable, the liability insurance incase something happens to the patron, in addition to the staff to make the drink, move the stock (barback), manage the shift..... The list goes on and on.


Our median pour price is $2.50 a drink BEFORE the cost of anything that goes into the glass.


The only way a drink costs "pennies a pour" is if you're drinking Nikolai a half oz at a time, warm, at home, in the dark, where your other costs are already sunk in your price of living.

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How does the above not make sense? There is no world in which a drink costs pennies.




I manage a bar and even our rail vodka is almost a dollar a pour for just the cost of the vodka. But the vodka isn't the only cost of the drink. You have to pay for the mixer (juice, soda), the ice machine that makes the ice, and the water in the ice, the glass that it's served in, washing the glass it's served in, the blender the makes the slushy drink, the electricity to run the blender, the bevnap or coaster it's sitting on, the shelf the liquor sits on, the cabinet it's stored in, the stool the patron parks on, the floor the stool is sitting on, the heat/air conditioning to keep the patron comfortable, the liability insurance incase something happens to the patron, in addition to the staff to make the drink, move the stock (barback), manage the shift..... The list goes on and on.




Our median pour price is $2.50 a drink BEFORE the cost of anything that goes into the glass.




The only way a drink costs "pennies a pour" is if you're drinking Nikolai a half oz at a time, at home, where your other costs are already sunk in your price of living.



I believe the poster you are quoting is just pointing out that when ncl gives the "free" ubp away....


That too many pax are looking at it as though ncl is giving away drinks that cost ncl $11 to $15....


That's not the case of course as the drinks probably cost $2 a pour plus some allocated small change in ncl overhead


Using the term " pennies a pour" which I think is appropriate to make this very strong point to the uninformed pax.... Is just to say that....ncl is only giving away a $2 item not a $15 item



Ncl would love you to pay $15..... But great marketing strategy allows them to "give it away" for a mere 18% gratuity plus an inflated initial cruise price. Lol



They raise the cruise price and then charge you 18% for the free drinks....marketing genius



Ncl makes out well as the pax is probably paying $5 a drink with the free package plus the higher cruise price to start with in order to get the free package. Lol



So....at $2 a pour which I would still consider pennies....and a net cost to pax ( accounting for the higher cruise fare plus 18%) of maybe $5 a drink with the free package....ncl has made $3 a drink



And pax can think they got a great deal



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I don't drink even 2 drinks a day. Maybe 5 over the entire week


It's not for us. Others like it. Good for them



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Same for us. I opted for the dining and internet package. The cost of the gratuities on the drink package was more than we've paid for drinks on our last 3 cruises. The gratuities on the dining package was only $30 total and worth a try as we probably would have gone to at least one specialty restaurant anyways. We also would have picked up some sort of internet package to keep touch with the kids, probably not the amount of time included but there is no gratuity on it and it is included so ok. We do our own thing in ports so the excursion credit again not worth it for us. We would have ended up paying more to use than we normally do without it.

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Same for us. I opted for the dining and internet package. The cost of the gratuities on the drink package was more than we've paid for drinks on our last 3 cruises. The gratuities on the dining package was only $30 total and worth a try as we probably would have gone to at least one specialty restaurant anyways. We also would have picked up some sort of internet package to keep touch with the kids, probably not the amount of time included but there is no gratuity on it and it is included so ok. We do our own thing in ports so the excursion credit again not worth it for us. We would have ended up paying more to use than we normally do without it.


I am doing the same as you for the same reason. On my 120 day cruise they wanted $250 for the "free" drink package. I never have that big of a bar bill! So took the specialty package and the shore excursions although I may switch to the internet one. Haven't decided yet!


The beverage package is great for people that have 5 or so drinks a day. Hey when I was in my 20's I would have jumped on the drink package :D But now its so not worth it-especially since we are casino guests so we drink free in the casino.

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They are.


Base price for my balcony cabin on Eastern Caribbean Getaway cruise, last week of May, 2014: $1029. (We also paid $499 for our son) We then purchased the UBP.


Base price for my balcony cabin on Eastern Caribbean Escape cruise, last week of May, 2016: $999. (This time our son was free) We paid just the gratuities on UBP.


Tell me again they didn't give me something for free? Exact same cruise, same itinerary, same week, same cabin... It's costing us several hundred less. I know not everyone has this same experience, but to act like we are all being ripped off or losing money is a lie.


NCL Star: Aft PH Suite, Nov 2014 - $1749 w/ $300 OBC.

NCL Jewel: Aft PH Suite, Apr 2016 - $1749 w/ UBP, UDP, Shorex, Free DSC.


I know that the free perks are subsidized elsewhere. We knew this immediately even when others denied it. (!!!) But to act like we are all being ripped off or losing money is a lie.

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NCL Star: Aft PH Suite, Nov 2014 - $1749 w/ $300 OBC.

NCL Jewel: Aft PH Suite, Apr 2016 - $1749 w/ UBP, UDP, Shorex, Free DSC.


I know that the free perks are subsidized elsewhere. We knew this immediately even when others denied it. (!!!) But to act like we are all being ripped off or losing money is a lie.


After your April cruise - when all items are tallied - you should do the arithmetic.


What will your bottom line be, and how will it compare with your bottom line on your 2014 cruise? If you had essentially the same number of drinks, a straight comparison should be easy.

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After your April cruise - when all items are tallied - you should do the arithmetic.


What will your bottom line be, and how will it compare with your bottom line on your 2014 cruise? If you had essentially the same number of drinks, a straight comparison should be easy.


I should have mentioned we purchased the UBP in 2014. So, the bottom line difference is substantial. Say $1000 in rough numbers.


And both were Mex Riv cruises...same itinerary.

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I believe the poster you are quoting is just pointing out that when ncl gives the "free" ubp away....


That too many pax are looking at it as though ncl is giving away drinks that cost ncl $11 to $15....


That's not the case of course as the drinks probably cost $2 a pour plus some allocated small change in ncl overhead


Using the term " pennies a pour" which I think is appropriate to make this very strong point to the uninformed pax.... Is just to say that....ncl is only giving away a $2 item not a $15 item



Ncl would love you to pay $15..... But great marketing strategy allows them to "give it away" for a mere 18% gratuity plus an inflated initial cruise price. Lol



They raise the cruise price and then charge you 18% for the free drinks....marketing genius



Ncl makes out well as the pax is probably paying $5 a drink with the free package plus the higher cruise price to start with in order to get the free package. Lol



So....at $2 a pour which I would still consider pennies....and a net cost to pax ( accounting for the higher cruise fare plus 18%) of maybe $5 a drink with the free package....ncl has made $3 a drink



And pax can think they got a great deal



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Problem is, you are assuming that everyone thinks and operates like you do.

We don't.


I enjoy a drink with dinner, and i accept that I will pay more for that drink out at a restaurant than I will at home, just as dinner at a restaurant will cost me more than if I made the same dinner at home. I am ok with that. I am paying for the service of not having to cook it myself. The cooks, servers, and bartenders have to be paid and yes, it is ok for the restaurant to make a profit. If I deem the service worth the increased cost, I will eat there, if not I will go elsewhere or eat at home. I am not being fooled into believing that the restaurant costs the same as eating at home.


Its the same for cruises and other vacations. I realize they are charging me more for service and i accept that. I feel that it is worth the cost. If I didn't I wouldn't cruise. I find value in the UBP because I am going to choose to drink on my vacation, even if those drinks cost more than they would at home. We spent close to $600 on alcohol on our last cruise the $200 or so for the UBP is a bargain for us, even if the prices are inflated becuase we would buy the drinks anyway.

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NCL Star: Aft PH Suite, Nov 2014 - $1749 w/ $300 OBC.

NCL Jewel: Aft PH Suite, Apr 2016 - $1749 w/ UBP, UDP, Shorex, Free DSC.


I know that the free perks are subsidized elsewhere. We knew this immediately even when others denied it. (!!!) But to act like we are all being ripped off or losing money is a lie.


When did you book the April 2016 cruise? Prices have skyrocked since last spring.


We are sailing on Dawn next week and paid $1,549pp for a SJ Family Suite with UDP (the original one that covers the entire week), UBP, $75 per port excursion credit and prepaid DSC. We booked last April and that was a really good deal for everything we got.


Last June, NCL raised prices big time and our exact same suite went up to $2,900pp with SDP, UBP, $50 shore excursion credit and wifi package.


I have been checking every week since we booked and the pricing/deals never got better than when we originally booked. So basically now they are rolling the cost of the perks into the price of the cruise.

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When did you book the April 2016 cruise?


April 2015.


Doing the same itinerary again in 2017, too. That one is current priced at $1899 for an SF on the Jewel w/ UBP, SDP, Shorex credit, and some internet thing. So, still very comparable to my 2014 trip... a little higher.


On that one, though, I'm going forward to an SE which is around $2200 or so. Apples to oranges comparison though as the fwd's are typically priced higher.

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Here's my simple math logic:


2013 cruise with DCL: No beverage package and our on board account for drinks was about $900.


2014 cruise with RCCL: Beverage package cost a total of $730.00 for the two of us including the tax/gratuity added on.


2016 cruise with NCL: Beverage package cost a total of $173.88 in gratuities/taxes.


There is no complaining in my book! I think this is awesome. I will happily pay $172.88 for drinks on the entire cruise for the two of us.

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Here's my simple math logic:


2013 cruise with DCL: No beverage package and our on board account for drinks was about $900.


2014 cruise with RCCL: Beverage package cost a total of $730.00 for the two of us including the tax/gratuity added on.


2016 cruise with NCL: Beverage package cost a total of $173.88 in gratuities/taxes.


There is no complaining in my book! I think this is awesome. I will happily pay $172.88 for drinks on the entire cruise for the two of us.

Same here. If you factor in inflation, the cost per cabin hasn't gone up anywhere close to what we save using the UBP so we still come out ahead.

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