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Live from the Divina May 7, 2016


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What a good suggestion! Thanks, Chef!


Now, this was something that made me laugh. The first day, next to the burgers, there was a sign that said assorted salads. What it clearly was, was toppings for the burgers, lettuce, tomatoes, pickles.


Every day after that, there were no more pickles, they were replaced by cucumber slices.




I think somebody picked those pickles off the pickle tree before they were pickled. :D I'm sure it was just a translation error, but, it was funny.


I can't remember the name of the show that night, but, it was about Pirates. I wanted you all to see the costumes, so, I tried to take pictures at the end of songs, when they stood still for a moment.


Here's the set, a giant skull with flaming eyes.




How 2 men can hold 5 other people in the air.




There were acrobats, aerialists, everything.



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If you read my Allure review, you know I like this. ;)


"I hold my brother with my head."


Look at the makeup on the guy at the top right, very impressive.




The Swarovski staircase, pictures don't do it justice.




This may be the closest thing to a balanced meal I had all week.




Well, now it is balanced.



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I returned to my cabin to find Kitty in a perilous position.




What was this poised to strike, a Cobra?


It was too early for cookies, but, I brought a little snack back to my room. What was it, mocha pudding, custard? I don't know, but, it was fabulous. I also love these little containers they use for the desserts, very stylish and great portion control. Of course, you do see people picking up 5 or 6 of them. :eek:




A while later, I wanted something else to eat, so, I decided to try room service. The man said I would have to pay a fee, because it was after 11pm or something, that was fine.


I ordered a Chicken Caesar Salad.




It was very good. And, just to see what i would get, I re-ordered the Cheese Plate that resulted in me getting a veggie sandwich the last time.




The cheese was good, but, it was supposed to come with fruit and crackers. I expected a few grapes, maybe some strawberries? Note to MSC- 4 raisins does not equal fruit.


And, whew, one of those cheeses was stinky, no way I was gonna let that sit in my room all night, out in the hallway it went.


My advice for future cruisers is make your own cheese plate up in the buffet, like I did in December.




They always have lots of cheeses and cold cuts up there, even for breakfast.

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Friday- Our last full day, Nassau.


I decided to give them one last chance to give me a ham and cheese omelet.




I got in line just to be told they were closed. :rolleyes:


Off to the buffet! As usual, I sat near the kids buffet and watched the shenanigans. I only saw one child go in there and he was just looking for some silverware. He almost managed to knock over the cereal dispenser, though. That would have been terrible, all those Froot Loops!




I wonder if they have Mini Ham and Cheese Omelets? :D


Finally, they were packing it up, so, I saved one Mini Donut from the trash.




It was delicious, reminded me of a coffee shop in Quincy, MA that served hot, fresh donuts like that.


On my way off to Nassau, I ran into Jamie and told him I had a message from Tom and Gerry. I asked him to smile for TNGAloha.



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I decided to just go to Junkanoo Beach in Nassau and visit the Tiki Bikini Hut. For anyone that hasn't been to Nassau, (is there anyone that hasn't been to Nassau?), it is an easy walk. You just go through Festival Place, get out to the main drag and head right. As you walk, you can see the ships in the port the whole time.


This man was selling conch shells, I don't know if you can bring them back to the US? I suppose you can, or he wouldn't be selling them? I asked him if I could take a picture.







Oh no, a starfish! Would anyone care to revive the thread about the roommate bringing the live starfish home in the shower? :D


As you're walking, you will pass the straw market (if you're lucky, if not, the women there will drag you in) and you will see Senor Frogs.




The responsible thing to do is continue on to the beach.


Take a left at Frogs and basically go around the giant building. It used to be the British Colonial Hilton, but, I don't think it is anymore. Anyway, just keep hugging the building. Don't be distracted by the KFC or the McDonalds, just keep going in a half circle around the building.


Here's a little map that shows the route.



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Right after Frogs, I saw this sign.





Hmm, I could check off a few of them, right now. That reminds me, did I win the Powerball? I'll have to check my numbers. There could be a lot more cruises in my future. :D


Then, I saw this sign and I got discouraged.




1100 yards! That's 10 football fields, I don't remember it being that far. Oh well, I could always take a cab back, if I needed to.


Then, I finished my half circle around the building, which is currently under construction, whatever they're doing, and I was there.




That was never 10 football fields! Or, am I in better shape than I thought? Nah, that can't be it. :p


A man was handing out leaflets advertising the Tiki Hut.




This menu is not my photo, but, it looks the same.

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Trust me, they see you coming and will quickly strike a deal. I settled on a chair, an umbrella and 4 drinks for $25.


The beach was decent and not yet crowded.







And, you can see the ships from the beach. If you could just walk along the beach from the pier....




Kitty and I made ourselves comfortable.








One nice thing about those orange towels is you can always spot fellow MSCers.


I will say, too, everywhere you go, people ask you what is MSC, what is that ship, I've never heard of it. Word is spreading and that is good for MSC, here in the States. Not so good for me, as prices will go up as they become more popular.


Even in the airport, as I stood to board the plane, a lady grabbed my backpack and asked, what does MSC stand for.

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It was a nice day at the beach.




The clouds were threatening, but, it never rained.




I struck up a friendship with a couple from a Carnival ship and we had a good time. They bought me a few shots.




This is Stefan, he brings me drinks.




Maybe too many drinks, because at one point, I zoomed in for a picture of the Divina.







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We got hungry at one point and ordered chicken.




Eventually, it was time to go, the other ships were staying later, but, we were leaving at 6.


As I made my way back to the ship, I popped into a few stores, looking for Hello Kitty keychains or something i could hide in the cabin. I never did find any, though. Sorry, future denizens of 10262. :(


At the pier, it was crowded, as everyone piled back onto the ships. I wanted to tell the Carnivalers and the Norwegians, if your ship doesn't leave till 8pm , get out of the line. But, it moved quickly enough and as I posted yesterday, I made it on board 11 minutes before cutoff.


As you saw earlier, I coordinated with Mike through Facebook and he told me where to wave and when, so, you finally can see that I really was on the ship, not faking it like the moon landing. :eek:


Goodbye, Nassau!



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The show tonight was Starwalker, a tribute to Michael Jackson. I have seen the original one four times and this was the new version. The man is not a MJ impersonator, in that he doesn't sing. It is the actual MJ singing and this man dresses and dances like him.




So, basically, it is like a MJ greatest hits concert. :)




He does a great job of dancing like MJ. The new show involves the other dancers more, even the ballet dancers get it on the action. There is a fight sequence to Beat It, involving the same guy who was the break dancing dog earlier.


There were several costume changes, all the quintessential MJ looks, but, everything is happening so fast, it's hard to take pictures and I didn't want to bother the people around me.


The zombies during Thriller look fabulous, but, it was too dark and too much smoke/fog to get decent pictures.


Of course, being MJ, there was lots of crotch grabbing.




I liked it, but, maybe I preferred the old version? I'll have to see it a few more times. :cool:

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So, now, all that was left to do was pack. I was sad to be leaving, as I always am. I always say, ....but I never did this or that. Three times now, I have said I was gonna do the games, etc with the Entertainment Team, but, I haven't. I was gonna try the F1 simulator, but, I didn't. the 4-D theater, but, I didn't. :(


I guess I'll have to rebook! :D And, not get off till I've done all those things!


A few random thoughts...


The ship is decorated in a La Dolce Vita theme, with all the Hollywood stars of the 50's and 60's shown in Italy during that time. It is interesting while you're sitting there to read about Jimmy Stewart, Louie Armstrong, etc.


I wonder if my wine package made me look like Robert Mitchum?




I headed up for some of Lmaxwell's cookies. It must have been too early or they replaced them with these. They were still good, but, not AS good.




Time is running out on my package. Every time I got close to using up my MB, they offered me 500 more MB for $11, so, I reupped twice.



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The final morning.


The disembarkation info said we had to vacate our cabins by 7am.


But, I had the Golden Ticket, because of being a Black member, I could stay in my cabin till 9. My flight wasn't till 11:30, so, believe it or not, I slept in! :D


A map of the breakfast buffet, everybody was quiet this morning.




My final bill, not too bad.





Kitty and I saying goodbye to Miami.





So, after I ate, I finished packing up, left a little something extra for Hari and headed out. My color baggage tag was supposed to be ready at 7:15, so, I knew I could just go. They don't make ship wide announcements, you're supposed to be in your departure lounge and they take you at the appropriate time.


I was dinged off the ship at 8:15, had a little trouble finding my luggage, collected it and engaged a porter at 8:30. He put me in a cab at 8:35 and I was at the airport before 9. The cab driver tried to overcharge me and told me I couldn't use my Credit Card. Fine, I'll pay cash and you'll get a smaller tip. ;)


The airport was surprisingly quiet, peaceful. I used the self service kiosk, instead of the curbside check in (See my thread Acting a Fool at the Airport, for the backstory there :mad:)


I made it through security and to my gate in record time.

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Hattie Mae, in her rocking chair at the airport.






Kitty, of course, caused a scene at the airport. She needed the cart, I understand that, her legs are short. But, she insisted that no people could ride on the cart with her, she needed it to herself.




She said "her people" were always being accused of causing allergies in people, well, she claims she is allergic to people and needs them 10 feet away at all times. :rolleyes:


Then, she said she was hot and needed a place to cool down.




That wasn't cool enough, she needed an ice cream.



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So, knowing Kitty, you can guess where she ended up.




Which, as soon as we got on the plane, led to this.





Hello, Charlotte, my old friend. I've come to fly with you again.


What the....? Who the......? That's not an American Airlines plane!




Ah, the tree lined streets of Paris.




The Goodyear Blimp, it followed me!




It's amazing the things you see at the airport when you're not sprinting through it, it's quite nice.



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Kitty insisted on getting her shoes shined. :rolleyes:


But you don't wear shoes, I said. :mad:





A replica of the Wright Brothers' plane, I assume. North Carolina- First in Flight.




Of course, being Charlotte, you can see the Nascar sign behind it. ;)

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You know you're on your way home when you reach the absolute furthest gate in the airport. :D




Nutmeg, among the flotsam and jetsam of the cruise, helping me unpack.




Now, to prepare for my next cruise. Holland America's Maasdam to Alaska! My first trip to Alaska, so, plenty of research to do. I don't know if Pirate Hello Kitty will fit in with the HAL crowd, though.


Maybe I'll bring her cousin, the more studious, Librarian Hello Kitty.




I know some of you still have unanswered questions, I'll go back and reread this whole incoherent review and answer whatever I can. Thanks to all of you who read and commented. North to Alaska! :D

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What the....? Who the......? That's not an American Airlines plane!








Again. Thanks for review. We are doing first MSC cruise in September on Splendida and are gathering any available info.


FYI paint scheme is tribute to Pacific Southwest Airlines...long gone through mergers and originally absorbed by us air. Notice the smile?

Edited by dodger1964
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This morning I woke up, saw outside my window and there was no water...:confused: I dialled phone and said, "I need my coffee"...No one got me coffee :confused: I think I am back home :mad: but why do I still I feel the waves.


We had awesome time with 2 more families on beautiful Divina. I read first few pages of your review and its like reliving the experience. Will read the rest later. Its time to do laundry now :(

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So, now I was on my way to the show.



Tonight was formal night, so, before the show they introduced the Captain and the senior officers. The Captain spoke and introduced the Employee of the Month. The poor kid looked terrified to be in front of all those people. I've never seen an employee in a yellow uniform, so, I don't know what department he is from, I wish they had said. :confused:






Full disclosure, I went to the show twice and the second show, the kid came out pumping his fists in the air, grinning like all get out. Maybe he had a few shots of Liquid Courage?




That's exactly we were talking looking at the poor guy. They did'nt even say what department he works in.

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OK, I'm back home, but, I still need to finish this review! First, I have a question. Every morning, I woke up to a wet balcony. Was it because it rained every night or do they do some kind of cleaning that results in water coming over the side?





There was a mechanical window washer for the aft windows of the buffet that ran at night. I was aft on 12 and got some water, but my cabin didn't stick out as far as deck 11 and 10. I'm surprised you got any on 10 because it looked like 11 took the brunt. Some was just the dew, but I did watch the window washers contribute one night.


Glad you're home safe and sound. I have relatives in Lynchburg and visit once a year. Beautiful town with phenomenal hiking just minutes away. And of course, nice people :).


I've spent a great deal of time in Alaska both on land and with HAL (who does the absolute best Alaska runs) and would be more than happy to answer any questions. The librarian hello kitty will fit right in, but Alaska is a more subdued and majestic destination so I think HAL fits perfectly. Are you on the 14 day that stops in Kodiak, Sitka, and Homer? If so, you are in for a real treat. That is my absolute favorite itinerary this side of the pond.



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While I was eating, I heard chanting, coming closer and closer! That can only mean one thing, the Kid's Club was coming! :eek:


The little kids came first, followed by the bigger kids. The counselors take them to dinner so the parents can have a nice dinner out. (While I'm subjected to their kid's shenanigans ;)). I was careful to take a pic without showing any faces, so, the internet police wouldn't have me arrested.




We had 6 kids total in our group. They had dinner with kids club counslers on day 2. They were served brocolli and pasta. Our kids refused to eat with them for rest of the days :o. So we had to first make them eat at buffet and drop them to kids club before heading for our dinner at black crab. I already miss our waiter Wayanne. He is very good. AFter couple of dinners he knew what I like and knew exactly what dessert I would order.

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