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Regal Princess Review - Baltic 6/14 - 6/25


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Again a huge thank you for sharing and taking us all along,enjoying every minute.:D


Thank YOU so much for taking all of the time to follow along! I so appreciate all of the nice words and kind comments!

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I'm not going to quote FraudBroad's complete thing about the trip home - you can read it above - but I need to comment on my own experience. I was part of her CC group on this ship. I also am an airline employee but was travelling on a service award from my wife's employer so was on an airline I was totally unfamiliar with (KLM) plus flying as a confirmed, revenue passenger is something I just don't do very often (not flying standby, particularly to a cruise, relieves a lot of stress).


First, I really don't get why people feel they must check-in well in advance. A boarding pass issues at the airport an hour before departure is as good as one issued online 24 hours in advance. I would never pay money to check in early. I did have internet minutes to burn (platinum free package - thanks to having T-Mobile for cell service which includes unlimited international data, I did most Internet while in port) so did although KLM's app is so bad, it really wasn't worth it. Couldn't get them all saved in the phone until after we were back in Copenhagen. I had entered passport information on KLM's website months earlier and that part worked with no requests for us to re-enter anything.


Our flight was at 9:55, just 25 minutes after the earliest legal time for Princess so we were in the second disembarkation group. Off as scheduled at 6:25 and quick trip to the airport. Grabbed bags from the Princess tent and headed to KLM to check the bags.


At this point, I noticed KLM (and since they're co-owned) and Air France had a couple of counter positions with Princess signs with a long line. I guess this was for people with Princess air arrangements but our Princess arranged travel ended with the transfers - we were now on our own which thankfully let us use the no line check-in kiosk and automated bag drop. Quickly out of there and through security by 7:45 leaving us over two hours to kill. So yes, you can easily make those 9:30 to 10:00 flights.


And then…we arrived at…the LARGEST FREAKING DUTY FREE STORE I’VE EVER SEEN IN MY ENTIRE LIFE….I mean that place was FREAKING MASSIVE….It had EVERYTHING…perfume, make-up, cigarettes, candy, chocolates…you name it…they sold it…so what did we do? We shopped.


You obviously have never been to the new Heathrow Terminal 2. They have a two-level shopping area (you enter on one level and leave on the other so you have to walk through both levels). CPH's was small by comparison. And when I was at Heathrow in December (working station visit), I had to pass through it three times (twice while working, then when departing).


Anyway, the first things I noticed was no place to sit so although no gate was posted for our flight, we just headed to the gate where we had arrived figuring it would be that gate or one near by (CPH is not a large station for KLM and they just use a couple of gates). We sat until our flight was posted at a gate two away from where we were.


Quick flight over to Amsterdam, through Schengen departure passport control, and over to our flight to Chicago. We had purchased KLM's Economy Comfort (extra legroom) for the long flights months ago so reasonably comfortable plus the B-zone (second area) of their 747s have the galley on right side and seats on the left in a 3-2 configuration, the three side against the window and the two side against the galley wall. We went with the 2-side (although no window which I really prefer) just so we wouldn't have another person to deal with.


KLM is aggressive at indicating that the lavs at the front of the B-zone are for Business Class; none the less at one point, we were directed to use them due to carts in the aisle. Despite that, another flight attendant was about to shoo me away until I said the purser told me to go there.


Finally arrived at O'Hare. Bags start coming out. There's mine but where's my wife's. Finally talked to a KLM person who looked at a list and said it wasn't on the flight. They couldn't have made an announcement about who you needed to see? Gave us the needed information but was surprised they wanted us to submit the claim on line rather than in the airport (I think they really don't want to deal with the paperwork at the airport). I dropped in a bit of industry jargon to let them know they weren't dealing with a know-nothing flyer which did get a little bit of a reaction. At least this happened on the way home as even after it arrived on the next day's flight, it still took them another 24 hours to deliver it.


Finally off to the Customs exit. We both have Global Entry but since we had both bought some Finnish chocolates, had to answer yes to the "food" question which gets you a big O on the form indicating a Customs (but not Immigration) issue. The CBP agent was about to send us on our way when (my take on it at least) a supervisor on a power trip walked by, saw the O on each of our forms and without further inquiry, told the agent to send us to secondary. So f-in nice to be back in the U.S. after just walking by Customs in Europe when you have nothing to declare (and what we had would be "nothing to declare" when in Europe). Another five minutes wasted after the time wasted dealing with missing bag. And to be clear, just because you say yes to one of the questions does not normally earn you a trip to secondary. I've had the O before and was sent on my way in about five seconds after verbally declaring what I had that had me answer yes.


Called taxi and 30 minutes later were home. Loved the cruise but being back in our own bed felt very nice.

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Final Thoughts


Multi-Generational Cruises


I spent over 10 months planning this cruise. When my daughter chose the itinerary I knew it had been on my mother’s bucket list for years and years. It wouldn’t have been right to go without my parents and I wouldn’t have wanted it any other freaking way…flash forward to my daughter batting those big brown eyes at her Poppy and that was all my mother needed. They were in.


My aunt, like myself, is widowed and doesn’t have anyone who is able – or willing – to travel with her. I always feel guilty so she makes the cut…in all honesty, I can’t say that will be the case next time we travel. I love her with all my heart and she’s been there through thick and thin with us. But there’s just so much I can take. Give me a 5 year break and maybe I’ll feel differently!


I lost my husband 6 years ago to Melanoma. Yes, skin cancer can and will kill. I’ve seen it with my own eyes….those Caribbean loving cruisers out there…you know who you are…put on your damned sun screen….see a dermatologist once a year…you’ll thank me later.


Anyway….when you lose something so precious in your life your priorities change. And my priority is my girls and building memories with them that will last a lifetime. I could have gotten my kid a really nice, expensive graduation gift…something concrete. Instead I chose to build memories with her.


The fact that my kids got to share this experience with their grandparents is simply priceless. No other way I would have wanted to do it.


Was it frustrating at times, yes, of course it was…did I re-think what I had done…of course I did….but I didn’t have anyone else to blame but myself and I would do it again, ten times over.


My parents came to Illinois from Florida on more than one occasion to help out when my husband was sick. When he was dying they dropped everything and drove to be here and stayed for over 3 months. They’ve been here for the best times in my life and the absolute worst times in my life. I think I can bear two weeks of potty stops and endless questions and even then I will never repay all they have given me throughout my life.


Traveling with teens is NEVER an easy thing to do…when they are over tired and struggling to get over jet lag you just want to shoot yourself. My Dad said to me when I was planning this trip that he didn’t think they’d really enjoy it…that it might be too much for them. And I totally agreed….and it was…but in 50 years when I’m dead and gone they’ll look back and say “That was the coolest thing Mom ever did with us.” And they’ll be right…and they got to share it all with their Graham Cracker and Pop-Tart as well. That just makes the whole damned trip simply perfect.


Thoughts on the Baltic


I truly believe this is a cruise that should be on each and every single solitary cruiser’s bucket list. I mean seriously….what other itinerary can you take where you go to a PENIS PARK? Yes…I said it again…there you go…PENIS!!!!


Copenhagen is truly a charming, lovely, very walk able city and I hope someday to return (ummmm…not on SAS airlines) and really see all that the city has to offer. While the hotel rooms were small, they were clean and functional and I wouldn’t hesitate to stay there again. If you are planning a Baltic cruise from Copenhagen, please do schedule some time pre/post cruise to truly enjoy this jewel of the Baltic.


Oslo Norway….I had such high hopes….and they were all dashed by MY decision to take the HoHo bus. People from our Cruise Critic Roll Call that took tours saw everything and truly enjoyed all the city had to offer. Next time…..if there is a next time…and if there is you can guarantee I’ll be a solo traveler….I’ll book a tour. And hopefully if there’s a next time it won’t be raining!


Berlin, by far, had the biggest impact on our entire group. Everything about the city is very moving and thought provoking. I understand it’s a BIG trip to go from the port to Berlin but if you’ve never experienced Berlin and are able to…make the trip…you won’t be disappointed. As far as the concentration camp is concerned, if you can do it, go. We should never, ever, ever forget what happened during WWII. The history that Berlin has to offer is amazing. Don’t miss it!


Tallinn is the one city that I was most looking forward to. I did have the walking tour printed, but gave it to my aunt and parents to use when they went in without us. At that point, is was time to spend some one on one time with my kids and I wouldn’t have changed it. I’d strongly suggest scheduling a tour in Tallinn. Yes, there are many, many, self-guided walking tours out there but if you do that, you don’t learn the history. Tallinn, like the other Baltic ports, is steep in history that you don’t want to miss. Next time I’ll for sure be booking a full tour.


St Petersburg is called the “jewel” of the Baltic and I do get that. But know going into it that it’s totally exhausting and you see so much in a two day period that by the end your head hurts. It’s a LOT of history and it’s THEIR history…told their way…with much left out.


Everything, and I do mean everything, in Russia seems very controlled…you see what they want you to see, when they want you to see it and you’re just along for the ride.


When you see the countless palaces and all of the opulence you understand why the Czars were overthrown…and then they keep telling you how wonderful they were and you get confused…and they never talk about Lenin, Stalin or communism. It’s a paradox…


If you love art then RUN to the Hermitage…just know they tell you what you’re going to see and you don’t really have a say at all. For myself, I wish we’d skipped it…I would have rather of enjoyed a longer stay at Catherine’s Palace or Peterhof. Just my own opinion!


But I wouldn’t change a thing…probably the only time in my life I’ll have the privilege of setting foot upon Russian soil. If you book a private tour with a registered company in St Petersburg (TJ’s, Alla, Anastasia, SPB, Best Guides…..just to name a few) they will take care of your Visa and you WILL be in a smaller group than what you’d have if you booked through the ship. And you WILL save a TON of money!


But don’t miss St Petersburg. Just don’t bite off more than you can chew!


Helsinki is a beautifully clean and bright city. It was certainly a surprise and I really had no expectations going in. Again, book a tour or take the public transportation and see all that this lovely city has to offer. I again made the WRONG decision by booking the HoHo bus. Learn from my mistakes peeps and have a good time seeing everything!


Stockholm was probably my favorite port and I would LOVE IT if Princess did an OVERNIGHT there! Seriously, my favorite city! I would love to spend an entire day seeing everything in Gamla Stan. Just people watching, drinking a nice Swedish beer and getting to know the people. I’d love to return one day for a longer stay than 5 hours. Our tour guide, Marina, could not have been a better guide or a nicer person. I hope a lot of you are lucky enough to get Marina as your guide!


This trip is a great example of would've, should've. I should have taken public transportation in Oslo and Helsinki and said screw you to the HoHo buses...I should have been more selective in the tour I chose in Russia and spent more time at places that I really enjoyed..and I sure as heck would have gone to Peterhof on a SUNNY DAY!!!


Rain is prevalent in the Baltic. Come prepared...even when the weather forecast says sunny and 70's everywhere...for Heaven's sake pack a waterproof jacket and an umbrella! Don't be me in your pictures...the one in the big white Princess Jacket...with the pony tail tied to the top of her head...with the jacket and hood I seriously looked like a cone head from an 70's SNL episode.



Thought on Regal Princess


Prior to this cruise I’d sailed on Royal Princess twice so I totally knew what I was getting into. My kids and my Dad had not, so it was great to see the ship through their eyes.


Yes, there is no stinking center stair case and for the love of God can we please put that particular topic to rest on these boards? Again…just so you know….THERE IS NO CENTER STAIRCASE ON REGAL PRINCESS…Now that that’s over…book a room that is either on a high deck with a center location or move someplace forward or aft. Its nuts when you are sailing on deck 8 in the center and can’t walk down one flight of stairs to deck 7 and you have to wait on an elevator…or stand and watch as the over-crowded elevator just passes you buy….it nauseating to say the least. Save yourself the frustration, book a cabin in a different location.


Princess live is a GREAT venue for the Cruise Director’s Staff as it’s a full on TV studio and they love it. The fact of the matter is the chairs suck, it’s a lousy place to hold trivia when you want to sit as a “group” and actually face each other, and it’s too small to hold all that want to attend events such as “Marriage Match” and “Liars Club.” But it is what it is, it isn’t going to change, so just know going into it what to expect.


Food on this voyage was just “eh”…not the best I’ve ever had but certainly not the worst. The service in all of the venues was always top notch, just what you’d expect on a Princess ship. Svetlana and Dragon, our waiters in the dining room (the whole 3 times I showed up there) were always exceptional. And the waiters and waitresses in club six for the platinum/elite cocktail hour were always outstanding.


You already know my love of Alfredo’s…it’s simply the best pizza at sea!


Breakfast for me every single morning was in the International Café. They always have muesli, my favorite, and a perfect sweet treat to go along with it!


I spent time in Club Six, Vista Lounge, the Palazzo and had dinner one night in the Crown Grill. All were nicely decorated, had comfortable seating and seemed to fit any crowd that was there at a given time. The only time the Palazzo seemed crowded was when they had the Beatlemaniacs play there and the night of the balloon drop. I was still able to find seating both times.


Regal Princes for sure lived up to my expectations and even exceeded a few. I won’t hesitate to sail her again…in fact I can’t wait to sail her again…or sail any ship for that matter….I do need a 12 step program for cruising…or so I’ve been told…the first step is admitting you have a problem….


We couldn’t have met nicer folks through our roll call and our dinner together in Copenhagen was one of the highlights of the trip. I’d sail with those peeps anytime. We truly won the lotto when it came to passengers on this voyage!




And now, to finish the tale of poor solo Aussie sailor Trevor…bless his little heart…just love that man.


So Trevor is the UNLUCKIEST…LUCKIEST man I know…and here’s why.


So yes, Trevor lost (or it was pick pocketed) his passport and cash in Copenhagen…but he was able to make it to the Australian Embassy and get a new passport. In fact, when they FINALLY buzzed him in (it was a weekend, he didn’t have an appointment….like you should have one for an emergency passport when traveling overseas???) he let another couple, who was waiting, in the rain, with him come in also. They were so thankful that when they shared a cab after they insisted on paying the cab fare. And he made his scheduled castles tour with five minutes to spare!


Then, in SPB, when he lost his credit card, sweet Inna our tour guide paid for his lunch and refused to let anyone pay her back.


When he got back to the ship in SPB and his brother wired him OBC…Princess didn’t wait the required time to release it…he got the cash right away and was good to go for the rest of the trip.


And then I get home after a long journey and have an email from Trevor…bless his little pea picking heart…


He disembarked Regal and went back to the same WakeUp Copenhagen hotel that we all stayed at pre-cruise only to find out the luggage room was full and his room wouldn’t be ready until after 3:00. He met a lovely couple at check in who offered to let him stow his bags in THEIR room while they all went to take the HoHo bus around town….and then…when they got on the bus…the bus would only take credit cards, no cash….and the same couple paid for his HoHo ticket with their card and let Trevor pay them in cash.


But wait…It doesn’t end there….solo Aussie sailor Trevor…the UNLUCKIEST LUCKIEST man I know…was going to take the metro to the airport the next day for his flight home…he gets to the metro station…and the machines ONLY TAKE COINS OR CREDIT CARDS…NO PAPER BILLS…and poor sweet Trevor was OBVIOUSLY without a credit card and had NO COINS on him…


And then it happens, in walks his tour guide from his castle tour 12 days previous, who NEVER uses that particular station…and who’s more than happy to purchase the metro coin Trevor needed to get back to the airport and safely home to Australia.


And there you have it folks…the full tale of solo Aussie sailor Trevor…the UNLUCKIEST LUCKIEST man I know!


Who wants a t-shirt?


Thank you all so much for all your nice comments and kind words….this cruise was truly a once in a lifetime experience. Despite some of the trials and tribulations, I’d do it all over again…this time maybe with more tours scheduled, screw the HoHo and I’m definitely never flying SAS again. But time with family is the best and those memories are simply priceless.


Oh...and for just a chuckle...PENIS...PENIS...PENIS


The end folks…Peace out

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Wow! That was quite a tale. I have coordinated 2 multi-generational 7 day cruises from American home ports, and that was enough stress. The first one was Mexico with my husband, our 2 teenagers, and husband's parents. The second was to Alaska with the same group, except we took my daughter's friend (who had never been away from home more than 1 night) instead of my son. By the 5th day Grandpa would complain that they were making him eat too much. The main sanity saver was that the grandparents did their own thing in the ports every day but once, when they insisted that we had to go see brother-in-law's condo in a rather seedy area of Puerta Vallarta, and trying to negotiate a van for all 6 of us almost sent husband running back to the ship.


Even though I said "never again" I have another 3 generation trip next month with both grandmas and daughter...looking forward to seeing if it goes better leaving the men at home.


You are a brave, brave woman!

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Thanks you for the entertainment, I followed along with you the whole time! DH and I did the Baltics and a transatlantic last fall on the Regal and loved it. I mainly just wanted to say I agree wholeheartedly with your comments about Berlin. We flew into Berlin and stayed for several days before driving up to Warnemunde and we loved everything about it! It is a fascinating city and I can't wait to go back! I'm glad you took the time to go there.

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Wow! That was quite a tale. I have coordinated 2 multi-generational 7 day cruises from American home ports, and that was enough stress. The first one was Mexico with my husband, our 2 teenagers, and husband's parents. The second was to Alaska with the same group, except we took my daughter's friend (who had never been away from home more than 1 night) instead of my son. By the 5th day Grandpa would complain that they were making him eat too much. The main sanity saver was that the grandparents did their own thing in the ports every day but once, when they insisted that we had to go see brother-in-law's condo in a rather seedy area of Puerta Vallarta, and trying to negotiate a van for all 6 of us almost sent husband running back to the ship.


Even though I said "never again" I have another 3 generation trip next month with both grandmas and daughter...looking forward to seeing if it goes better leaving the men at home.


You are a brave, brave woman!


You can't help but LOVE to travel with family! Honestly, the memories and priceless and worth some occasional aggravation. I wouldn't have done this trip any other way!


Thanks so much for your kind words!


Thanks you for the entertainment, I followed along with you the whole time! DH and I did the Baltics and a transatlantic last fall on the Regal and loved it. I mainly just wanted to say I agree wholeheartedly with your comments about Berlin. We flew into Berlin and stayed for several days before driving up to Warnemunde and we loved everything about it! It is a fascinating city and I can't wait to go back! I'm glad you took the time to go there.


Thanks so much and aren't we so much smarter than those people who DIDN'T GO??? Seriously, if you're making the trip and have never been to Berlin...DON'T MISS THE TRIP! Berlin is amazing!


Thanks for your nice words and for reading my novel :)

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FraudBroad, great cruise journal! I shed a few tears when you told of the loss of your husband. I'm a fair skinned redhead and have never been a sun worshipper, but had a melanoma last year. Thankfully I already saw my dermatologist every 6 months after several squamous cells and 2 Basal cells, so it was caught in situ. Now it's every 3 months and will be forever.

You are so right about grabbing and enjoying every experience with family. [emoji41]



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I will so miss your wonderful and entertaining review. It was the first thing I checked every day. Thank you so much for generously sharing your trip with us. You've provided us with invaluable information and suggestions and, if we're ever fortunate enough to cruise this itinerary, your review will be a great little guidebook. So happy for you and your family for all the wonderful memories you made!

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FraudBroad, great cruise journal! I shed a few tears when you told of the loss of your husband. I'm a fair skinned redhead and have never been a sun worshipper, but had a melanoma last year. Thankfully I already saw my dermatologist every 6 months after several squamous cells and 2 Basal cells, so it was caught in situ. Now it's every 3 months and will be forever.

You are so right about grabbing and enjoying every experience with family. [emoji41]



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Thank you so much! I didn't mean to make you cry!


My husband had a Swiss and Swedish lineage...and believe you me...somewhere along the line someone slept with an italian because my hubby had dark hair and an olive complexion!


Melanoma can happen to anyone


Thank God yours was caught early and you're okay! Keep up with the dermatologist!!! You're a good girl :)

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I enjoyed your series immensely. Reminded me of Erma Bombeck's "At Wit's End" articles. Thank you so much.


Wow! Just WOW...such a huge compliment!!! Thank you SO MUCH!!!


I will so miss your wonderful and entertaining review. It was the first thing I checked every day. Thank you so much for generously sharing your trip with us. You've provided us with invaluable information and suggestions and, if we're ever fortunate enough to cruise this itinerary, your review will be a great little guidebook. So happy for you and your family for all the wonderful memories you made!


Thank you so much for taking the time to read this novel...I do appreciate all of the nice words and kind comments!

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I am so disappointed that this review is finished. Every morning at breakfast I would check to see if there was more. Your review is the best I have read on this forum. Your honesty and humour is what made this so enjoyable to read. I also cried when I read about your husband, here in Australia we have the highest skin cancer rate in the world and I was of the generation that would smother our body with baby oil to get a better tan [emoji853] Your girls will always remember this trip with you and their grandparents, and yes they will be saying how great Mum was when she took us on this trip. We are a family of 5 and we all went to Italy to visit mine and my husband relatives when they were 21, 19 and 17, 6 years ago. We had dramas but we had the best time, now and again they will mention a part of the trip and what a fantastic time they had. Regarding Berlin you have put my mind to rest, as we are doing the Baltic cruise with Celebrity in August and I have booked a private tour to Berlin for the 4 of us. I was concerned that it was a long way to go for just 6 hours of a whirlwind tour but as my husband said this would be probably the only chance we get to go there and it was very expensive so I booked it and I am happy that I did. Finally I can see why you got on so well well with Trevor as you seem to have the same unique sense of humour of us Australians! Thank you again for this wonderful reviews






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Edited by sonia2509
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Thank you so much for allowing us to come along with you through your review. And thank you also for sharing your story.... I currently have my 4th brain tumour and am planning a cruise for my mom and me. Her first and I am so excited!

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I have certainly enjoyed reading your review of your family's travels to the Baltics.

It is a trip that your parents.aunt ,daughters or you will not soon forget.

You created memories for all of you,especially your daughters.

I am sure,in the years to come, they will remember their Mom who led the whole bunch on quite an adventure with good natured humor and a stick -to-it attitude.

But, I think you give your daughters a gift everyday.

By your example,you give your daughters a way to cope with the ups and downs of life.

That is truly a valuable gift.

I wish you and your family many good days ahead.

I am sure that some of those days will include cruising for you either solo or with family.

You are all set for your next cruise with the packing tips some CCers have given you.

Now, set sail and have a great time!

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I've got to agree that your story is one of the best I have read here on CC.


Its a good thing my boss likes to cruise and his wife is a TA, as I was laughing out loud while at my desk at work reading the end of your story!


You just can't make that up for sure!!:D


Thanks again!!

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Hi Fraudbroad, loved, loved, loved your amazing, descriptive, hilarious cruise review! We are off 7/13 to catch the 7/17 Baltic Cruise on the Regal. We have booked most of our excursions with SPB, but I now have to look back and contrast and compare to make sure we are seeing the good stuff. We have done multi-generational Alaskan, Hawaiian and Caribbean cruises and they have provided some interesting experiences. We took our 3 boys on a Mediterranean Cruise last Summer. My 13 year old did not appreciate me posting on Facebook that he saw his first "boobs" at a posh beach in Mykonos and that according to his older 20 year old brother, "they were good ones!" Traveling with family makes for amazing memories, though I'm grateful that this trip is just with my Husband. Off to rethink my packing choices for next week!

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Final Thoughts


Multi-Generational Cruises


I could have gotten my kid a really nice, expensive graduation gift…something concrete. Instead I chose to build memories with her.



I couldn't agree with you more, and it is truly priceless. When our youngest graduated from college, her dream itinerary was the Med (maybe we should have swapped kids?). So off to Rome, the Med, and Venice we went. When her older sister (who went back to college when the younger one got her degree... not to be outdone... and they both now have their Masters - got to love sibling rivalry) graduated, we took she and her husband on a two week cruise to Alaska (their choice, as neither wanted to fly to Europe). Both trips were fantastic and wonderful memory builders. You won't ever regret your decision to give "memories" as a gift!

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