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Titantic Question for Lifes2Short

Cruise Arizona

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I posted this on that other thread, an I think you gave up on the whole point of that one even before I did, but here's what I said:


I have always been interested in the Titanic, I think since I saw the movie about it, the old black and white one with Robert Wagner maybe?? "A Night to Remember" or something like that.


Anyway, I am still confused about your Grand Parent's trip:


Were they delayed in leaving New York?, and had to postpone their trip by a couple of weeks, and hence leaving on the Carpathia going East, the same time they would have been returning home if they had kept thier original Plans??? That to me would explain it all.


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Is it OK to talk about the Titanic on cruise board, or even on board a cruise.


In theatre you are not supposed to say the name "McBeth", all though I did not know that was talking about a certain production of a show backstage. Everybody was saying, "Suzanne, quiet, quiet, don't you know you'r not supposed to say that.." I guess you never know when McDuff will swing by and take you out.

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I posted this on that other thread, an I think you gave up on the whole point of that one even before I did, but here's what I said:


I have always been interested in the Titanic, I think since I saw the movie about it, the old black and white one with Robert Wagner maybe?? "A Night to Remember" or something like that.


Anyway, I am still confused about your Grand Parent's trip:


Were they delayed in leaving New York?, and had to postpone their trip by a couple of weeks, and hence leaving on the Carpathia going East, the same time they would have been returning home if they had kept their original Plans??? That to me would explain it all.



I think at this point even I'm getting confused Cruise Az. LOL. :eek: The confusion set in from an earlier post that stated my grandparents were to sail the "Titanic" but wound-up having to take the Carpathia instead due to illness.

Peter, simply misunderstood and thought the posting said/meant it was the "maiden voyage." That would've made it impossible for my grandparents to be on the "Carpathia." My grandparents were to sail on the "Titanic" from N.Y. back to England, not the maiden voyage from England to N.Y.. They were aboard the Carpathia when the passengers were rescued from the "Titanic". My grandfather, like many passengers on board helped with the rescue efforts of over 700 passengers. I explained in my posting #265 that my family had/have photos which I've seen, that were taken by my grandfather while on the Carpathia as well as their original tickets/documents with their names printed on them and a menu from the "Titanic" that was sent to them with their boarding documents. My grandparents never wanted the photos/documents displayed due to the tragedy involved. Our family continues to honor those wishes.

You and Ekaj are right, it is a fascinating story, (at least for our family) and a very touching one as well.....

Hope this explains everything. If not, maybe I should start a new thread on the dress code back then and really get the boards heated-up again. :D

By the way, glad to see another "zonie" (Arizonan) on board. ;)

Happy Sailings....:)

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Thanks, Life, for clearing that up! I, also, am interested in the Titanic. I can't imagine being one of the passengers on the Carpathia, either. Awhile back I saw an interview from an elderly lady who was on the Titanic as a small child; she said she remembered being handed over from the Titanic into one of the lifeboats, and being quite scared. She said she had refused to talk about it for more than 70 years - wow.


As for a cruise ship showing the Titanic movie on a cruise - that's just not right! I'm sorry, but that would be like showing the first "Lost" episode on a plane flight. :( And I'm not sure if all cruise lines do this, but we did have the "Titanic" staircase as a fake background for the formal night photos on a recent cruise. Not sure what that says, either - but it's better than showing the movie!


One more question - Life, are you from Arizona, too? DH and I are 2 of the few Arizona natives that are left. ;) I've lived elsewhere, but always come back to AZ. Can't beat the winters, and as for the summers - well, that's what air conditioning and resort swimming pools are for....:D

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Hope this explains everything. If not, maybe I should start a new thread on the dress code back then and really get the boards heated-up again. :D :)



LOL! Oh yes, please do! :D Ah, the debates we could have over corsets and ascots! (And as someone who actually HAS worn a corset as part of a costume, trust me, we cruisers in this day and age have it easy on formal nights!)

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LOL! Oh yes, please do! :D Ah, the debates we could have over corsets and ascots! (And as someone who actually HAS worn a corset as part of a costume, trust me, we cruisers in this day and age have it easy on formal nights!)

Yes, and we men who now act like donning a tux twice a week is cruel & unusual punishment would have had to wear white tie & tails every single night!

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I always get those two movies mixed up.


I heard that on the NCL Dawn that hit the rogue wave, the orchestra kept playing "My Heart Will Go On". I think they were trying to keep a sense of humor about the whole thing, but I'm sure some of the more skiddish passengers were not ammused.


I had a friend who was on the Andrea Doria,(I think I have the name right) the ship that collided with another off the coast of New England. Anyway she was only 5 years old at the time. When the James Cameron Titanic came out she said "I don't need to go see that movie, I lived it." I don't think she's seen it to this day.


When that Titanic came out a friend of mine had a Titanic Dinner Party. She had researched some of the meals served and then found recipies for the same dishes. It was for our Gourmet Club, so every couple prepared a portion of the meal and brought it over ot our house. DH made the consume. Boy was that good. White Star had some incredible menu's.

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As for a cruise ship showing the Titanic movie on a cruise - that's just not right! I'm sorry, but that would be like showing the first "Lost" episode on a plane flight. :( And I'm not sure if all cruise lines do this, but we did have the "Titanic" staircase as a fake background for the formal night photos on a recent cruise. Not sure what that says, either - but it's better than showing the movie!



We had "Titanic" playing on the plane on the way to a cruise. The next flight we took to another cruise was playing "The Perfect Storm".

We just laughed.

Wonder what we'll get next trip?:eek:



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We had "Titanic" playing on the plane on the way to a cruise. The next flight we took to another cruise was playing "The Perfect Storm".

We just laughed.

Wonder what we'll get next trip?:eek:



Maureen McGovern and "The Morning After" probably. I think that was the one the singer was performing in "The Poseidon Adventure":eek:



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Last year they were showing the Posseiden Adventure aboard Infinity.


I was just watching my new DVD of Titanic and the historian commentary talks about how there are only 7 or 8 of the lifejackets left today. They said that souvenier hunters were cutting off squares of the lifejackets as soon as Carpathia arrived in New York. Imagine the field day they would have had with Ebay back then.

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There are going to be 2 POSEIDON ADVENTURE remakes this year and early next year. One is a made for television movie involving terrorists and starring Steve Guttenburg (Steve Guttenburg...Im terrorized already)) it will air on NBC November 20. The other will be released in theatres May of 2006. Its a Warner Bros movie starring Kurt Russell.....no terrorists this time.

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Don't know if it is still there but there was a wonderful exhibit re the Titanic in Las Vegas over the summer...went there just to see it...and it was awesome!..I think it moves on the end of October..but they had some many wonderful items they had recovered......if you have a chance to see it...don't miss it!!!

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I think at this point even I'm getting confused Cruise Az. LOL. :eek: The confusion set in from an earlier post that stated my grandparents were to sail the "Titanic" but wound-up having to take the Carpathia instead due to illness.

Peter, simply misunderstood and thought the posting said/meant it was the "maiden voyage." That would've made it impossible for my grandparents to be on the "Carpathia." My grandparents were to sail on the "Titanic" from N.Y. back to England, not the maiden voyage from England to N.Y.. They were aboard the Carpathia when the passengers were rescued from the "Titanic". My grandfather, like many passengers on board helped with the rescue efforts of over 700 passengers. I explained in my posting #265 that my family had/have photos which I've seen, that were taken by my grandfather while on the Carpathia as well as their original tickets/documents with their names printed on them and a menu from the "Titanic" that was sent to them with their boarding documents. My grandparents never wanted the photos/documents displayed due to the tragedy involved. Our family continues to honor those wishes.

You and Ekaj are right, it is a fascinating story, (at least for our family) and a very touching one as well.....

Hope this explains everything. If not, maybe I should start a new thread on the dress code back then and really get the boards heated-up again. :D

By the way, glad to see another "zonie" (Arizonan) on board. ;)

Happy Sailings....:)


This is actually quite odd that all of us chatting about the Titanic have a connection to Arizona. I lived in Chandler for a few years before moving to London 4 years ago. How weird is that?


Anyhow more on the Titanic.


From your first posting that you spoke of it, you said that your GP's were sick and missed the Titanic, and in further postings said that they were going to England, and were on the Carpathia when it rescued the Titanic survivors.


I am not saying that they couldn't have been on the Carpathia at the time, but that the pre-story, i.e. missing the Titanic because they were sick couldn't be true. The reason that I say that is that they couldn't miss Titanic because it never made it to New York. If someone misses a sailing because they are sick, it implies that they were unable to embark when the ship sailed.


I could see if they were originally scheduled to sail on Titanic and had to take another ship because it sank, but it wouldn't have been the Carpathia, according to your postings your GP's were going to England, because it wasn't sailing to England, but Gibralter and the Med, no stops in England. In addition, the Carpathia left New York on the 11th, and the Titanic wasn't going to arrive in New York until the 15th.


So that is why I 've been asking the questions.


You can't miss a ship that never sails (Titianic), and you can't miss a ship (Titanic) because you are sick only to take one (Carpathia) that leaves 4 days prior to the other's arrival and is not going to the destination (England) of the other (Titanic).





P.S. Isn't this much more fascinating a discussion then clothing?

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This is actually quite odd that all of us chatting about the Titanic have a connection to Arizona. I lived in Chandler for a few years before moving to London 4 years ago. How weird is that?


Yes, I agree! How's Londond, by the way? And Cruise Arizona, do you still live here? I'm loving this nice (finally!) weather we're having. And for reasons that excape logic, I missed the Titanic exhibit when it was here in Phoenix a couple of years(?) ago. Did you see it, Cruise?


P.S. Isn't this much more fascinating a discussion then clothing?


Well, I think it is, anyway. :D

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my family had/have photos which I've seen, that were taken by my grandfather while on the Carpathia as well as their original tickets/documents with their names printed on them and a menu from the "Titanic" that was sent to them with their boarding documents. My grandparents never wanted the photos/documents displayed due to the tragedy involved. Our family continues to honor those wishes.


. ;)

Happy Sailings....:)




I hope it's "have" rather than "had"!

Please don't misunderstand this as disrespecting your family's devotion to your grandfather's wishes, but..

Those photos have GREAT historical significance and importance, as I'm sure you understand.

Perhaps your family may one day be willing to share them with historians/writers.

The photos no doubt would also have great significance for the family members of those survivors in the photos.

The importance of these photos, because of their subject matter and because there just are not many others, is simply tremendous.

At the very least, if your family has not done so already, they should be copywrited, high quality copies should be made (just in case), they should be appraised and insured, and they should be archived and preserved to museum-quality standards.

Has your family considered the invaluable service provided to historians and the families of the survivors should you chose to publish them? (properly copywrited of course)

Other photos of the rescue, of the lifeboats carrying survivors and aboard the Carpathia, have been widely published. But there are only a few. Therefore, bringing yours into public view will not have any sort of negative impact on the memory of those lost or diminish the tragedy in any way.

Of course, honoring your grandfather's wishes is important to, and I do not attempt to suggest you should do othewise. On the contrary, something to consider is the great honor your family may pay your grandfather by publicly acknowledging the large role he played in history by documenting his part in this event which still facinates the world to this day.

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This is actually quite odd that all of us chatting about the Titanic have a connection to Arizona. I lived in Chandler for a few years before moving to London 4 years ago. How weird is that?


Anyhow more on the Titanic.


From your first posting that you spoke of it, you said that your GP's were sick and missed the Titanic, and in further postings said that they were going to England, and were on the Carpathia when it rescued the Titanic survivors.


I am not saying that they couldn't have been on the Carpathia at the time, but that the pre-story, i.e. missing the Titanic because they were sick couldn't be true. The reason that I say that is that they couldn't miss Titanic because it never made it to New York. If someone misses a sailing because they are sick, it implies that they were unable to embark when the ship sailed.


I could see if they were originally scheduled to sail on Titanic and had to take another ship because it sank, but it wouldn't have been the Carpathia, according to your postings your GP's were going to England, because it wasn't sailing to England, but Gibralter and the Med, no stops in England. In addition, the Carpathia left New York on the 11th, and the Titanic wasn't going to arrive in New York until the 15th.


So that is why I 've been asking the questions.


You can't miss a ship that never sails (Titianic), and you can't miss a ship (Titanic) because you are sick only to take one (Carpathia) that leaves 4 days prior to the other's arrival and is not going to the destination (England) of the other (Titanic).





P.S. Isn't this much more fascinating a discussion then clothing?


I'll do my best to try and answer your post in a way that hopefully clears up the mystery for you.

Of course, you can't sail on a ship that sadly, never made it to it's destination because it sank. I'm confused by that comment? When I said they were to sail, I didn't say they sailed... they were to sail...big difference. A lot of passengers were to sail out of N.Y. to England and that sailing was obviously canceled. Any one can miss a sailing for different reasons w/out ever embarking on a ship.

My grandparents left on the Carpathia due to illness. They wanted to get to England quicker for medical treatment and had that option by leaving earlier on the Carpathia. They were also informed, if the illness had not cleared-up by the time the "Titanic" was to dock, they would not be allowed to board. This was a first class ship that took their pre-boarding/screening/health requirements very "seriously." My grandparents had enough common-sense not to take that risk and miss going to England altogether. So, they chose the alternative "Carpathia."

I'm rather surprised at how difficult it is for you to believe their story. What is it that bothers you so much that you feel such a need to question every aspect of what they did or didn't do? I don't mean that in a harsh way, it just surprises/baffles me.....

My grandparents, were very well traveled/educated people for that era/generation. Yes, they were from a great deal of money.(Banking, Land, Oil) They attended private schools over in England and lived in homes most people dream about. Having said that, I don't like coming across as snobby or arrogant nor do I discuss this subject w/my friends and bring out the old family photos of the mansions they lived-in. For some reason I find it "uncomfortable." I think I wound-up the black sheep of the family because I'm very opposite of what they were and I live a much simpler life. I only mention this because several of your postings appear as though you have a hard time believing my grandparents story. I shared the above info. in hoping maybe this might give you some insight to the fact that "yes" they truly did travel on the "Carpathia" they sailed many times during their lifetime. And yes, our family does have the documentation to back that up.

If, you go back to an earlier post it explains that Carpathia didn't just sail Med. cruises. She also did what they called back then zig-zag(trans.) cruises. My grandparents were on such a cruise at the time.

I've done my best to explain this in a way that you'll understand what happened. I surely hope I don't come across as "boastful" or "pretentious"

I hope this helps Peter, you're wearing me out. ;)

If, you keep this up I'm going to have to call my sister out of state to refresh my memory for more details. :confused: It's not exactly a topic of dinner conversation over here. Although, my son did do a history report on it one year and got an "A." I'm sure my grandparents would've been proud. LOL :D

I have a question for you. How did you wind-up in England after being in Chandler for so many years and do you miss the States? Now, there's an interesting story. :p

Take care,(Cheers)

Happy Sailings! :)

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I hope it's "have" rather than "had"!

Please don't misunderstand this as disrespecting your family's devotion to your grandfather's wishes, but..

Those photos have GREAT historical significance and importance, as I'm sure you understand.

Perhaps your family may one day be willing to share them with historians/writers.

The photos no doubt would also have great significance for the family members of those survivors in the photos.

The importance of these photos, because of their subject matter and because there just are not many others, is simply tremendous.

At the very least, if your family has not done so already, they should be copywrited, high quality copies should be made (just in case), they should be appraised and insured, and they should be archived and preserved to museum-quality standards.

Has your family considered the invaluable service provided to historians and the families of the survivors should you chose to publish them? (properly copywrited of course)

Other photos of the rescue, of the lifeboats carrying survivors and aboard the Carpathia, have been widely published. But there are only a few. Therefore, bringing yours into public view will not have any sort of negative impact on the memory of those lost or diminish the tragedy in any way.

Of course, honoring your grandfather's wishes is important to, and I do not attempt to suggest you should do othewise. On the contrary, something to consider is the great honor your family may pay your grandfather by publicly acknowledging the large role he played in history by documenting his part in this event which still facinates the world to this day.


You're absolutely right about the invaluable service the photos/documents would provide to historians, Stowaway. My mother, was their only child. She struggled many times/years with the burden of doing the right thing. Would the right thing be to display them for all to see? Or, especially being an only child, to honor her parents wishes and keep a promise she made to them before they passed-away? My grandparents always felt to sell/display those artifacts would be a dishonor to those who died or lost loved ones on the "Titanic." It was a memory they didn't want relived on a daily basis. It was such a different time/era back then. Tragedies were to be forgotten and not talked about.

Several years ago, my mother was contacted by the "Smithsonian" after they found-out she had the documents. She never knew how they found-out. However, being from a large family, it's not too hard for me to understand. It was then, she truly felt the stress/pressure of what to do. They obviously, wanted those items and continued to contact her throughout the yrs. to see if she would consider donating/selling them. It was almost a burden at times to have those momentos.

And yes, the word is have. We still have the items and now carry that same burden my mother/grandparents carried. I think in time, we'll know what the right answer is.

My mother desperately wanted to go see the artifacts on display from the "Titanic" but was ill from cancer and never made it. I sometimes wonder if that wasn't a "blessing?" I think it might of been too much for her. She saw the movie "The Titanic" w/Leonardo D. and cried non-stop. It was very emotional for her because I think it hit a little too close to home....

Take care Stowaway2k...;)

Happy Sailings! :)

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Thanks, Life, for clearing that up! I, also, am interested in the Titanic. I can't imagine being one of the passengers on the Carpathia, either. Awhile back I saw an interview from an elderly lady who was on the Titanic as a small child; she said she remembered being handed over from the Titanic into one of the lifeboats, and being quite scared. She said she had refused to talk about it for more than 70 years - wow.


As for a cruise ship showing the Titanic movie on a cruise - that's just not right! I'm sorry, but that would be like showing the first "Lost" episode on a plane flight. And I'm not sure if all cruise lines do this, but we did have the "Titanic" staircase as a fake background for the formal night photos on a recent cruise. Not sure what that says, either - but it's better than showing the movie!


One more question - Life, are you from Arizona, too? DH and I are 2 of the few Arizona natives that are left. ;) I've lived elsewhere, but always come back to AZ. Can't beat the winters, and as for the summers - well, that's what air conditioning and resort swimming pools are for....:D



I have to agree w/you on seeing the "Titanic"(movie) while aboard ship. Not quite sure how you'd explain that to the little ones on-board, especially, if it's their first cruise. :eek: I still can't get my 30 yr. old son to cruise w/us after seeing the "Poseidon Adventure." LOL :D

Yes, we love AZ. To say you're a native is such a rare/wonderful commodity out here. So much growth in the 25 yrs. we've been here. We meet very few natives, mostly people from other states. I bet you've seen tremendous changes over the years.

Happy Sailings! :)

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My grandparents left on the Carpathia due to illness. They wanted to get to England quicker for medical treatment and had that option by leaving earlier on the Carpathia. They were also informed, if the illness had not cleared-up by the time the "Titanic" was to dock, they would not be allowed to board. This was a first class ship that took their pre-boarding/screening/health requirements very "seriously." My grandparents had enough common-sense not to take that risk and miss going to England altogether. So, they chose the alternative "Carpathia."

I'm rather surprised at how difficult it is for you to believe their story.


"yes" they truly did travel on the "Carpathia" they sailed many times during their lifetime. And yes, our family does have the documentation to back that up.

If, you go back to an earlier post it explains that Carpathia didn't just sail Med. cruises. She also did what they called back then zig-zag(trans.) cruises. My grandparents were on such a cruise at the time.

. ;)


Happy Sailings! :)


Hi, me again, with another $.02

Sure, your grandparents were on the Carpathia, but they weren't going to England on the Carpathia. The closest the Carpathia would have got them to England, at that time, was Gibraltar. Simple research would show this.


Here is a direct quote from the memoirs of Sir James Bisset, at that time second officer of the Carpathia and later to be Commodore of the Cunard Line:


"On the day that the Titanic left Queenstown, westward bound for New York, the Carpathia left New York, eastward bound for Gibraltar and the Mediterranean."


This is from one who was there, an officer of the Carpathia with surely enough wits about him to later be made Commodore of the Cunard Line.


In this facinating memoir he goes into some detail of his experiences in the rescue of the Titanic survivors.


There was no such thing as "zig-zag" cruises. I don't know where you got that. Your GPs were not on "such a cruise", as there was no such thing. First of all, these were not cruises, as we know the term, they were transportation from 'point A' to 'point B'.

Passengers were not "screened" in New York, like immigrants boarding ships in Europe bound for the US were. Even then, only steerage passengers were "screened", never, never first or second class passengers. I'm not sure what you mean by this. Any illness serious enough to prevent them from sailing on a White Star liner would be serious enough to keep them off a Cunard liner as well, even a minor ship such as Carpathia. Otherwise, if you have a ticket in hand, you're sailing.


I don't doubt that your GP's were eventually headed for England...just not on the Carpathia. She was not sailing from NY to England at that time. She was in Liverpool once a year for her regular dry-docking, but not in April, 1912, as she was there the previous February.


Sir Bisset writes further about the Carpathia:


"...on 10th February, 1912, I joined Carpathia in Liverpool, as Second Officer. After being refitted she was returning to her previous service transporting emigrants and cargo from the Adriatic and Italian ports to New York, making on average seven voyages a year."

"She was specially designed for the Adriatic migrant service, and with this in view, she originally had accommodation for 1600 third-class passengers, 200 second class; and no first class.

In this way she was the forerunner of the modern (this book pub. 1959) 'tourist-class' liners. She was in no sense a 'luxury liner', but she was a comfortable and friendly ship."


So, on your GP's way to England they were going to see a bit of Europe first.


I don't think anyone doubts your GP's were on Carpathia. I don't think anyone doubts the illness of one of your GPs. I don't think anyone doubts your GPs were eventually bound for England, and just possibly may have been planning to return to the US on Titanic. Maybe that's the whole mystery right there. Your GPs took Carpathia to Europe (Gibraltar or Italy) and were planning on returning to the US from England (Southampton) on the Titanic. Could that be it?

It just seems so terribly unlikely that Titanic had anything at all to do with your GPs embarking on this crossing of Carpathia from NY to the Mediterranean on April 11, 1912.


Just in case you are wondering (maybe you're not!) I have a sizeable personal library of books pertaining to ocean liner history, including the memoirs mentioned above.


This is a facinating subject, and I enjoy the opportinity to delve into my library for facts and figures.


Please do not take this post as any sort of judgement or personal affront. If anything, I would simply like to help solve a family mystery.

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No offense taken. The Carpathia did do "positioning crews" which passengers refereed to them as "zig zag" cruises. The cruise line used the much proper name of "positioning" which can be found in history books or web-sites. Positioning cruises weren't advertised the way they are today. Each year the "Carpathia" returned to Liverpool for what they called an "annual overhaul." We now call them dry docks. Those weren't advertised either, so I'm told.....

Sorry, to correct you, but they did indeed inspect passengers that were reported ill at that time. There were things that happened in that era that you'll not hear or read about because the cruise line wanted it that way.

Obviously, there were some passengers they wouldn't even think about approaching regardless of their health(John Astor etc.) I can't imagine the public relations nightmare that would've been.

There is so much more that happened and so many stories you'll never read about. The cruise line wanted this tragedy to go away as quickly as possible. Even crew members were threatened by the cruise line if they spoke of what they saw.

I would love to be able to say this is exactly what did or didn't happen on that awful night. Exactly, what took place before everyone boarded, but I can't. I wasn't there. I can only go by stories/facts that were told by those who experienced it.

Love your creative thinking....good job! ;) And, I'm like you, I love solving mysteries. :confused:

Happy Sailings! :)

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No offense taken.

I'm glad. Thank you. I don't intend to offend.

The Carpathia did do "positioning crews" which passengers refereed to them as "zig zag" cruises. The cruise line used the much proper name of "positioning" which can be found in history books or web-sites. Positioning cruises weren't advertised the way they are today. Each year the "Carpathia" returned to Liverpool for what they called an "annual overhaul." We now call them dry docks. Those weren't advertised either, so I'm told.....


Ok, 'positioning cruise'. You said your GPs were on one, but they weren't. As stated by the second officer of the Carpathia, who goes into detail about this very highly documented voyage, the Carpathia was to go straight from NY to the Med. Not to reposition to England. Wouldn't he know? As I said in the prior post, Carpathia was in Liverpool for her annual drydock or 'overhaul' the prior February. It is no mystery where the Carpathia was, what she did, where she went. It is documented history. I understand your desire to put the Carpathia somewhere she wasn't, do to family lore, but that would be re-writing history. Can't be done. Of course the drydockings weren't advertised. Why would they be. They don't involve passengers. Your GP's voyage had nothing to do with drydockings, overhauls, repositionings, zig-zags...regardless of family lore. It's history.


Sorry, to correct you, but they did indeed inspect passengers that were reported ill at that time.

Hmmmm....Reported ill by whom? Reported themselves maybe?

Regardless, if a passenger was so ill that the White Star Line would refuse them passage, why would they be well enough to travel with the Cunard Line?


There were things that happened in that era that you'll not hear or read about because the cruise line wanted it that way.

Oh, you'd be surprised about what I've read about ;)


There is so much more that happened and so many stories you'll never read about.

About what? There is nothing of significance not known about the Titanic or the Carpathia's role.

The cruise line wanted this tragedy to go away as quickly as possible. Even crew members were threatened by the cruise line if they spoke of what they saw.

What line are you refering to? White Star, regarding Titanic, or Cunard, regarding Carpathia?

Many crew, and passengers, gave testimony both in the US and England regarding Titanic. Many even gave interviews to the press, and some even wrote their own books.

As your GPs were not on Titanic, this is irrelevant.



I would love to be able to say this is exactly what did or didn't happen on that awful night. Exactly, what took place before everyone boarded, but I can't. I wasn't there. I can only go by stories/facts that were told by those who experienced it.

With all due respect, over time certain storylines tend to evolve into lore or myth...and facts tend to be forgotten or altered.

Love your creative thinking....good job! ;) And, I'm like you, I love solving mysteries. :confused:

I would love for you to read the book I mentioned above. To read a thrilling first-hand account about these events that involved your GPs would be a treat, I think.

The book is called "Tramps and Ladies" (refering to the ships he served on). It is the second of three parts of Commodore Bisset's memoirs. The first is "Sail, Steam, and Splendour", the third "Commodore".

Happy Sailings! :)

And to you my friend.

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