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Is Velvet ok?


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I am of the opinion that the OP should wear what she feels beautiful in and everybody else will get over it. I humbly admit now that I wore a long-sleeved velvet dress the evening before we reached Hilo, Hawaii a couple of years ago. Yes, it was probably too warm outside to warrant it, but it was Christmas Day and it seemed appropriate to me at the time.


One thing that I wonder about, though, is that whenever I'm shopping in the department stores around this time of year, I see dresses designed for New Year's Eve and they are lightweight strapless (or spaghetti strap) numbers that would not provide any warmth whatsoever! Can someone explain this to me?

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Hi Landlocked, I too have always wondered about those thin strapped dresses in the winter like here where it can be below 0. Never figured that one out.


I always felt that velvet was a "holiday fabric" for chilly climates. I never wore black velvet after January.


This year with all the velvet around, and different colors I feel differently and while I only bought one pair of black cotton velvet pants, I feel I could wear those longer with more casual style tops and or pants. I would certainly wear the velvet blazers with jeans longer than January, but the styles are so different now.


An all velvet outfit I would not feel feel comfortable wearing past January.


Thankfully, lol, I don't have to worry, the few parties I may go to will all be casual dressy/business attire appropriate.


Actually one of my parties is next week and one the week after (thanksgiving day parties). One is a lunch and one is an after work dinner party with club elections being held at the same time.


I will be hopefully in a ski resort for the holidays and that should be casual and for x-mas day and new year's eve, evening casual at the most.

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Joyce...bite your tongue...Stores selling strapless dresses in the WINTER? What has this world come to?:eek: LOL

I am so happy that you brought that up. You made a very good point.

I am in total agreement with you. A woman should wear whatever makes her feel beautiful.



pro-velvet activist

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I want to thank everyone for their responses pro and con about whether or not velvet is ok. After thinking about it I've decided I'm going to wear it. I feel pretty in it and my daughter also has a beautiful party dress with a velvet top that she wants to wear. I figured out the point is to feel good about yourself and have fun! If the fashion police want to drag me out of the dining room or people giggle behind my back then so be it! As Rena921 said, life is too short to be serious all the time!:)



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And yes, I do object to the "A/C therory"...I happen to get cold in places where the A/C is running and will and almost always take some kind of cover-up along with me. I have been known to wear a long sleved sweater in the heat of summer to an indoor event where I know the A/C will be on high.:eek: (mybad)



Bringing a sweater is not the same as wearing winter clothes in a tropical climate. One of the reasons I absolutely HATE Florida is because of the over air conditioning. If it's 90 degree's outside, it shouldn't be 60 inside! So, like you, I also have to take a sweater or wrap with me whenever I go to a restaurant/mall/etc. It's stupid and a waste of energy (and the only ones I'm flaming here are the ones who control the a/c dial and I don't think they visit here!:D )


In fact one of my earlier posts to this thread was to state the fact that some of the posters out there get so testy. Maybe defensive would have been a better choice of words.

Most of my responses are to lighten up the mood in the room and yes, I will admit to express my own personal oppinion. I do not and will not ever slam/comdem/treat anyone with little to no respect for having a difference of opinion. This world would be a boring place if everybody felt the same and had the same beliefs.


We're on the exact same page here too!


Why do so many people feel the need to put disclaimers and apologies in their posts about how this is their opinion only? ( you say, "I will admit to express my own personal opinion") Well that's what we ALL do here, isn't it? Why a need to "admit" it? I just don't think we have to defend ourselves before we offer our point of view. To start our thoughts with an "I think..." (rather than a "You shouldn't....") says it all. It's an opinion and no humble apology's are needed for giving them when they're asked for. Yes, as I said in my other post, we shouldn't flame others for giving their opinion by telling them that we think they're wrong, but it's really fine to disagree. As you said, if we all held the same point of view, it would be a boring place.


I like to see individulaity and if a person chooses to wear flippers and a fur coat let 'em. It's not for us to judge.;) (we can giggle behind their backs though)


Yup, if someone wants to wear a fur coar w/ flippers, who cares! But as far as judging.....c'mon, we all do it. It's the human way. When people say they like to "people watch" what they're really saying is they like to "people judge"...good and bad. Of course, we generally keep our opinions to ourselves, especially the non-favorable ones. I mean I wouldn't go up to someone on the street and ask them why they're wearing flipflops with a winter coat.....but I DO think it....and that's a judgement. On the other hand, if I really like someone's dress, I'll compliment them on it. That's a judgement too.


Life is way to short to be serious all of the time. Lighten up and take time to smell the roses and enjoy what time we have on this crazy planet we call home.






We agree again!:)



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While I am flattered that you keep quoting me and seem to agree with what I have to say, I can't help but to feel as though you are picking on me and singleing me out. Why I almost feel as though you are flaming me for my opinions on expressing opinions.

What I don't understand why you feel the need to be so defensive. I didn't mention your posts or even your name in anything that I had written....Unless you might have felt guilty about being a little harsh on the OP yourself......



Don't Worry, Be Happy:D

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While I am flattered that you keep quoting me and seem to agree with what I have to say, I can't help but to feel as though you are picking on me and singleing me out. Why I almost feel as though you are flaming me for my opinions on expressing opinions.

What I don't understand why you feel the need to be so defensive. I didn't mention your posts or even your name in anything that I had written....Unless you might have felt guilty about being a little harsh on the OP yourself......



Don't Worry, Be Happy:D




You wrote me a long post, so I was responding to it specifically. Sorry if you feel I'm picking on you. Certainly not my intent at all. You commented to me and so I responded. (just as I'm doing now) I don't see how that equates to flaming you for expressing your opinion........especially since I agree with many of yours!


Me....harsh on the OP? Not in the least! She asked for opinions and I gave mine, like many people here did. I did not flame or insult her in any way whatsoever. Along with giving my opinion about wearing velvet in the tropics I also clearly stated that she should wear what makes her happy. So why do you think I should feel guilty for that?


I'm not worried and I am happy! :D



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One thing that I wonder about, though, is that whenever I'm shopping in the department stores around this time of year, I see dresses designed for New Year's Eve and they are lightweight strapless (or spaghetti strap) numbers that would not provide any warmth whatsoever! Can someone explain this to me?


Eveningwear has never been designed for warmth. It's designed to make us feel glamorous and sexy. Though since formal wear events often have dancing, perhaps many would get hot dancing in sweaters? ;)

Some of my winter formal wear has spaghetti straps, and I have some with sleeves as well. One of my favorite black velvet gowns has long sleeves and a turtleneck, though it's form fitting, has lace inserts and is very sexy.


Generally speaking, winter and summer clothes are defined by fabric more than silhouette. IOW, linen is for summer, i.e. a linen shirt w/ long sleeves is still considered a summer garment, while a cashmere or velvet tank top is considered by the industry as a winter garment.


Of course, people may choose to wear what they want, when they want.



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You wrote me a long post, so I was responding to it specifically. Sorry if you feel I'm picking on you. Certainly not my intent at all. You commented to me and so I responded. (just as I'm doing now) I don't see how that equates to flaming you for expressing your opinion........especially since I agree with many of yours!





Well...since we still have 5 minutes of recess left...YOU STARTED IT with your direct and defensive response to my post on my opinion that I felt another poster was being abrupt and a tad sarcastic. I never mentioned your name specifically at all in my first post correct? So why'd you let your panties get all in a bunch and fire off a post jumping on me for stating my opionion?HMMMMMM? So, neener neener neener!:p

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You are very correct, everyone is entitled to their opinions...even me (go figure). In my opinion some of the responses came through as harsh. The one that I specifically responded to was in my opinion coming across as a smart-alec comment intended to make the OP and others that were pro-velvet feel fashion challenged:

I agree with Jane and the AC theory; if that were the case I would wear a cashmere dress in the summer because it might be cold. And since the heat is on in the winter I might as well wear a linen dress with thongs.


And yes, I do object to the "A/C therory"...I happen to get cold in places where the A/C is running and will and almost always take some kind of cover-up along with me. I have been known to wear a long sleved sweater in the heat of summer to an indoor event where I know the A/C will be on high.:eek: (mybad)


Now, that being said, in my opinion these boards should be fun. I don't take most posts seriously and find the majority comical. I think viewing things through other peoples eyes is a very interesting look at the differenceces in all of us in the human race. I find it very fascinating that people feel they can say what they want and how they to say it with no regard of how the recepient of those words might take it and feel. In fact one of my earlier posts to this thread was to state the fact that some of the posters out there get so testy. Maybe defensive would have been a better choice of words.

Most of my responses are to lighten up the mood in the room and yes, I will admit to express my own personal oppinion. I do not and will not ever slam/comdem/treat anyone with little to no respect for having a difference of opinion. This world would be a boring place if everybody felt the same and had the same beliefs.


I like to see individulaity and if a person chooses to wear flippers and a fur coat let 'em. It's not for us to judge.;) (we can giggle behind their backs though)


Life is way to short to be serious all of the time. Lighten up and take time to smell the roses and enjoy what time we have on this crazy planet we call home.








I would like to state that I wasn't responding to the OP, I was responding to people like you. It's one thing to give an opinion and it's another thing to justify why you wear velvet. Most of these posts are from someone other than the OP defending themselves for wearing velvet. I personally don't start out to be harsh or offensive, but it is also in how someone wants to take what they are reading. Obviously I hit a nerve and now you are offended; I'm sorry but that isn't my fault.


Rena why are you so offended? And why are you making this thread about you and your hurt feelings? As far as my sarcastic tone, so what? Like others have said it would be pretty boring... if we all wore velvet when it's 80 degrees outside especially with a humidity factor of 95%.

Let it go, have a drink and think about something other than my ONE sarcastic post that YOU didn't like. To me it's people like you that want these boards to mean and an agruement. When I read something I don't agree with I just read on, I don't take things personally and neither should you. And who are you to attack me and my post? Just because I'm sarcastic and you don't like that?

To me it seems that you have created a situation that makes me look bad and I don't appreciate you doing that. And all for what a post YOU didn't like and weren't mature enough to just read on.


Thanks, J.:rolleyes:

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Well...since we still have 5 minutes of recess left...YOU STARTED IT


So, neener neener neener!:p






Now you really have me chuckling with this post! LOL!


I've never asked anyone on this board their age, but are you a high school student?






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Why do so many people feel the need to put disclaimers and apologies in their posts about how this is their opinion only? ( you say, "I will admit to express my own personal opinion") Well that's what we ALL do here, isn't it? Why a need to "admit" it? I just don't think we have to defend ourselves before we offer our point of view. To start our thoughts with an "I think..." (rather than a "You shouldn't....") says it all. It's an opinion and no humble apology's are needed for giving them when they're asked for. Yes, as I said in my other post, we shouldn't flame others for giving their opinion by telling them that we think they're wrong, but it's really fine to disagree. As you said, if we all held the same point of view, it would be a boring place. Jane


I didn't read any post here as flaming, but to answer your question, Jane, from someone who does this...

IMO, couching my words this way ensures that there will be no misunderstandings. It's only a few extra keystrokes, and I guess I feel it helps to prevent someone thinking I was "harsh".

I understand your point completely, but in a message board format, where tone cannot be discerned simply from reading the words on the screen, it is something I choose to do. I don't feel everybody needs to do this, but it's in my upbringing, I guess, to be careful.

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I didn't read any post here as flaming, but to answer your question, Jane, from someone who does this...

IMO, couching my words this way ensures that there will be no misunderstandings. It's only a few extra keystrokes, and I guess I feel it helps to prevent someone thinking I was "harsh".

I understand your point completely, but in a message board format, where tone cannot be discerned simply from reading the words on the screen, it is something I choose to do. I don't feel everybody needs to do this, but it's in my upbringing, I guess, to be careful.




Thanks for your thoughts. I understand your motive and by all means, do what makes you comfortable. And you're right, words on a page can easily be misunderstood because of lack ot voice tone and facial expressions. Thank goodness for these leetle emoticons!:D


I guess that I'm very straight forward and assume that everyone knows this is an opinion board. When the OP asked for opinions I gave her mine and then of course told her to feel free to do what makes her happy. I add that sentiment so that no one misunderstands my intent....I'm certainly not the fashion police! LOL! I generally start my sentences with "I think" or "It's my opinion..." . Perhaps that's my style of couching my words to insure that no one thinks I'm issuing an edict that should not be strayed from. Nothing could be further from the truth.



Off Topic Humor - What you said makes reminds me of a friend of mine who married a very southern man (he calls himself a cracker from Georgia) and told me it took her years to learn her Mother In Law's language. My friend said that her MIL always had little insults for everyone, but my friend seemed to be the only one to notice them. After a while of trying to figure out why no one noticed "Ma's" insults, she realized that this woman would end her insults with the phrase "bless her/his heart", which seemed to then signify that her insults were okay. Example: "That girl has really put on some weight, bless her heart", "She really doesn't know how to cook very well, bless her heart", "He can barely support his family, bless his heart".


This is no way a reflection of YOUR posts! It just that what you wrote, somehow made my mind wander to this. I really enjoy your posts and point of view!



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I would like to state that I wasn't responding to the OP, I was responding to people like you. It's one thing to give an opinion and it's another thing to justify why you wear velvet. Most of these posts are from someone other than the OP defending themselves for wearing velvet. I personally don't start out to be harsh or offensive, but it is also in how someone wants to take what they are reading. Obviously I hit a nerve and now you are offended; I'm sorry but that isn't my fault.


Rena why are you so offended? And why are you making this thread about you and your hurt feelings? As far as my sarcastic tone, so what? Like others have said it would be pretty boring... if we all wore velvet when it's 80 degrees outside especially with a humidity factor of 95%.

Let it go, have a drink and think about something other than my ONE sarcastic post that YOU didn't like. To me it's people like you that want these boards to mean and an agruement. When I read something I don't agree with I just read on, I don't take things personally and neither should you. And who are you to attack me and my post? Just because I'm sarcastic and you don't like that?

To me it seems that you have created a situation that makes me look bad and I don't appreciate you doing that. And all for what a post YOU didn't like and weren't mature enough to just read on.


Thanks, J.:rolleyes:


What do you mean that you were responding to people like me? Based on that statement alone, it seems as though you meant to rag on someone about this issue. Do you know me on a personal level? I Don't believe you do. I am the furthest thing an argumentative person that you can find. I do however express myself with wit and words.:p


I would like to point out that I am not offended nor am I upset. I never have been and definately never will be over this silly thread. I have not taken this personally and if I recall, Jane jumped all over me for expressing my opinion which I believe that I am entitled to express. Just the same as you are. If you read all of my responses they were made in a light and jesting tone, because I don't take this all seriously. An why isn't it about me? It's all about me:D


If you don't want to hear people defending themselves about wearing velvet, you shouldn't have made it seem like they were in the wrong.

No baby velvets were harmed in this thread:rolleyes:


I believe that I am the one who stated that life would be boring if we all felt the sasme way and had the same belief system. In fact i'm sure that all of this has gotten you in a state of excitement right now and I am not bored are you?


If you really move on when you read something that you don't agree with, why are you responding to this now? Why don't you just go get that drink and move on? :confused:


And who are you to attack my views on velvet? Since you stated that your original post was "directed to people like me" what people like me exactley? People that like to have fun? People that tolerate other people? People with a different point of view than you? People that like ~~gasp~~ like velvet?


I am sorry that my fashion designer permit expired. I guess I need to retake the test on when velvet season is open.


Thank You for making my day most enjoyable. This has really been fun!


Well, as my dear old grandpappy always said: "You can't play hop-scotch with a one-legged man and you can't have a battle of wits with an un-armed person."

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Now you really have me chuckling with this post! LOL!


I've never asked anyone on this board their age, but are you a high school student?






LMAO, no I am not. But I am glad that gave you a chuckle. It did it's job;)

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Wow, if I had know that this post would have caused this much of a fuss, I would have made it really exciting.


Read the offensive original text in it's entirity right here on this post:


OK....The AC thing is not a theory for me, it's a fact. Yes, you could wear a cashmere dress in the middle of summer. I see it all the time, especially for an indoor event. And even in the winter there are days that get pretty warm, so you could wear a linnen dress and sandles. (Teens wear flip-flops any time of the year so that doesn't really count)

For what it's worth, wear what you want, be an individual don't not wear something because there is a "winter or summer" only lable on it. Wear what makes you comfortable. On cruises you see a wide variety of styles, so don't feel like you will be out of place wearing velvet on formal night. Take what you want to wear and have a wonderful cruise!

IMO: The OP came here for advice and she kinda got slammed. I would have felt bad if I asked a question and got a response like this and a couple of the others that were posted. (that's my honest and most humble opinion and i'm sorry if this offends anyone) :rolleyes:



Nothing in this statement that was so terrible (IMHO of course;) )

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One thing that I wonder about, though, is that whenever I'm shopping in the department stores around this time of year, I see dresses designed for New Year's Eve and they are lightweight strapless (or spaghetti strap) numbers that would not provide any warmth whatsoever! Can someone explain this to me?


What about spaghetti-strapped velvet dresses? :confused: ;)

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I think we need to look at the original question, which was is velvet appropriate for the tropics. I didn't see anything about "to hot/cold".


It was a fabric question.


The replies were in reponse to what people thought. Jane responsed with a very accurate analogy and made perfect sense to me, as did others. I didn't see a flame in any of them.


Personally I never seen anyone teens or otherwise in flipflops or any kind of sandle all year long here where I live, but I'm not going to disagree because maybe where you live they do this. I'm sure in Fla, or any other year round warm weather location they can and do.


Personally I see velvet as a holiday fabric for cool weather climates. But that is my opinion. I didn't see anyone saying you can't wear it, the OP asked an opinion and got a variety.


I think we must all remember this is an opinion board about fashion, in the end, we will still all do what we want and what we like.


Just because almost everyone here says don't wear jeans when going out for dinner (not on a cruise, I'm talking land restos) doesn't mean that I wouldn't if I felt it was ok for the restaurant, location and climate I was in, but that is just me, and I don't take it personally when that is said as we all live in different areas and climates and we can't all know what is acceptable in everyones location.


Personally in my opinion, I saw no attacks or nastiness or flaming.


As for appologies, I do it for exactly the same reason as LandLocked does, I'm on a few boards and have had experience that what is written can come accross as harsh were in real life it wouldn't. We are basically all strangers except for those few who have met in real life. We all talk differently in real life and we all use tonal, facial and hand gestures where here that is just not possible, but that doesn't mean everyone should do it.


I think we can all recognize nastiness or flames vs opinions.


Rena I think you need to chill a bit, remember this is only the Internet and we all go and do what we want anyway in the end.


This is a really nice board with very nice people and I don't think anyone here intentionally wants to hurt or insult anyone.

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I can't believe you ladies are arguing about VELVET!! I am a very fashion-conscious 30 year old woman, very trendy, and let me tell you, if you feel happy in your velvet, wear it.


If the 20 year old in the coral belly shirt showing her boobs felt confortable, more power to her, she probably looked great and had many people jealous that they could not pull it off.


From what I have learned on these boards and life in general, usually when people talk about you, it's because you have the ovaries to wear/say/do what they can only dream of wearing/saying/doing. It's called hating, don't do it, it's not pretty!!!


To the OP-wear your velvet, have a great time doing it, I am sure you will look lovely-don't let these haters get you down!!

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I'm sorry but where did hate come into play? I didn't see any hate.


Almost always do the people write their opinions, but at the end say "wear what makes you happy and you are comfortable with", does that sound like hate? Since when is an opinion hate.


I may say I hate sleveless dresses for me, but I can and do appreciate it on someone else. Doesn't mean I can't wear it/pull it off, no, I just don't like them for myself. I hate pantyhose, I refuse to wear them, does that mean I can't? Or I don't have the guts to do it? NO, it means I just won't


Saying something isn't appropriate in ones opinion doesn't mean we hate or dream of doing it.


I personally have the ovaries to do anything I want and wear anything I want and say anything I want and usually do but that doesn't mean it's right. It's maybe right for me, but what's right for me isn't necessarily right for everyone else. These are opinions that are solicited. This is a discussion board, opinions and topics are discussed. In the end we leave these boards and go on with "real life" and do whatever we want and what pleases us, at least I do. If we learned something great, if we got an idea great, if not, we move on, but please, why do you feel we hate?





I have the ovaries to tell you that I see no hate, but hey maybe I'm wrong.


How can you possibly assume that we if we don't like something, it's because we can't wear it or don't have the "ovaries" to wear it/do it?

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Sorry, maybe you are unfamiliar with the term "haters"-


Not real hatred, more like sour grapes-for instance, if you see someone driving the car you want but can't afford, you talk badly about the car because you wish you could get it-you are "hating".


Not real, evil hatred in the biblical sense!!


Comes from the term "player hater"- "hating" on someone else because they are doing better than you are. You may have heard the phrase "don't hate the player, hate the game"-same thing.


It's just another term for the green-eyed moster-


Hope that helps!!!

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Sorry, maybe you are unfamiliar with the term "haters"-


Not real hatred, more like sour grapes-for instance, if you see someone driving the car you want but can't afford, you talk badly about the car because you wish you could get it-you are "hating".


Not real, evil hatred in the biblical sense!!


Comes from the term "player hater"- "hating" on someone else because they are doing better than you are. You may have heard the phrase "don't hate the player, hate the game"-same thing.


It's just another term for the green-eyed moster


Hope that helps!!!


ElvisandTracy, Thank you for the explanation. I really must

be out of the loop...as I have never heard that term.:eek:

I guess I am not TOO OLD to learn though;).


As for this topic, we all need to recongize that there will

always be disagreements. This is one of those subjects

that seems to bring out all types of replies.

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Well I learned something new. I thought I was up to date on all forms of slang/expressions. Never ever did I hear that one. Honestly, I didn't.


Never heard any of the expressions you wrote. Never read it as that is something that would have stuck. I read a lot, just never came across it.


And please note, that I'm not saying it's not an expression that is not used, I've just never come across it in real life, on TV, books or on the internet.


I also must say that if you mean it in the same sense as "jealous", I have to say that I'm never jealous on anything material or body type or anything like that. I may covet an item, but I'm not jealous. To be jealous of what someone else has, or how they look is not something I feel as I don't know how they came to aquire the item or look that way.


Basically if someone has something I like but I don't have I'm happy for them that they have something the like and enjoy.


When I lived in NYC, I had a wise male friend. He said there will always be something bigger, better, prettier, thinner, than what each person has/is.


Someone will always do better than me, have more than me and I will do better and have more than someone else. It's just the way life is. I was taught to look down, not up. Meaning, don't look at who has more, look at who as less and you will appreciate what you have.


I don't even think Bill Gates the richest man in the world apparently, has the best of everything and better than anyone. He probably would like to go to the movies more with his wife and kids and someone else can so they have one thing that is better than what he has.


So for me and this is only me and for myself, no I'm not green with envy or jealous of anything anyone has.

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This is the post that directly involved me and that is why I made a reply.

You are very correct, everyone is entitled to their opinions...even me (go figure). In my opinion some of the responses came through as harsh. The one that I specifically responded to was in my opinion coming across as a smart-alec comment intended to make the OP and others that were pro-velvet feel fashion challenged:How can you determine my intent?

I agree with Jane and the AC theory; if that were the case I would wear a cashmere dress in the summer because it might be cold. And since the heat is on in the winter I might as well wear a linen dress with thongs. I just want to know how this post got your panties in a wad, and why you are saying all these things? I guess I'm not entiled to say anything. Why did your post at 12:36 have to say all that "stuff"? Can't you just let it go? Why do you have to continue trying to make me feel bad and running this whole thing into the ground? I still don't see how my original post deserves all this CRAP.

And yes, I do object to the "A/C therory"...I happen to get cold in places where the A/C is running and will and almost always take some kind of cover-up along with me. I have been known to wear a long sleved sweater in the heat of summer to an indoor event where I know the A/C will be on high.:eek: (mybad)


Now, that being said, in my opinion these boards should be fun. I don't take most posts seriously and find the majority comical. I think viewing things through other peoples eyes is a very interesting look at the differenceces in all of us in the human race. I find it very fascinating that people feel they can say what they want and how they to say it with no regard of how the recepient of those words might take it and feel. In fact one of my earlier posts to this thread was to state the fact that some of the posters out there get so testy. Maybe defensive would have been a better choice of words.

Most of my responses are to lighten up the mood in the room and yes, I will admit to express my own personal oppinion. I do not and will not ever slam/comdem/treat anyone with little to no respect for having a difference of opinion. This world would be a boring place if everybody felt the same and had the same beliefs.


I like to see individulaity and if a person chooses to wear flippers and a fur coat let 'em. It's not for us to judge.;) (we can giggle behind their backs though)


Life is way to short to be serious all of the time. Lighten up and take time to smell the roses and enjoy what time we have on this crazy planet we call home.




Rena thanks for making me not want to come to this board anymore. I just don't understand you or you intention and I don't know what you proved.


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