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Celebrity Reflection January 14 to 21 2017


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After a quick restroom break it was back on the bus for the long drive back to port. As is usual on excursions the guide, Zachary jibberjabbered much less. We were treated to just about every song Bob Marley recorded which was an appropriate soundtrack as we drove.


But wait!! Dreams can come true....we are stopping for a half hour of shopping along the way! My cup overfloweth but (a) I do need another fridge magnet and (b) it's a smoke break if ever I heard one.







A well merchandised store with friendly sales help but if I passed up on that amazing Tequila from Jalisco in Cozumel I had to pass up on anything they had here. I made my excuses and left, colorful Jamaican magnet in hand.


The only store Carol ever sets foot in is Amazon so she stayed on the bus




Other and bigger tour buses disgorged passengers




Now let's get back on the road and back to our floating hotel!

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Norris Adair

Somewhere in Chicago


Dear Mr. Adair


Please forgive my son for being late to the party.

His uh…erm…uh…

His dog ate his homework.


Thank you


Robert’s mother

Somewhere in southern Ontario, Canada



Robert, I shouldn’t have used beef flavoured paper

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On the road again




A ship loading bauxite which stains the road red




Like Mexico, not afraid of color




Finally up ahead we see our home. We are arriving 30 minutes late due to Zachary's time management skills. The ship is due to cast off when we get off the bus.





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Norris Adair

Somewhere in Chicago


Dear Mr. Adair


Please forgive my son for being late to the party.

His uh…erm…uh…

His dog ate his homework.


Thank you


Robert’s mother

Somewhere in southern Ontario, Canada



Robert, I shouldn’t have used beef flavoured paper


You are excused, although your mother's typing looks a lot like your own.


Take a seat.



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We are back at the Sanitized Port of Falmouth-the area we had to walk briskly through 7 hours previously. Now, as we were 30 minutes late for all onboard (at 3.30pm) we had to walk briskly again as a man with a megaphone was at the end of the pier calling "Last call for Celebrity passengers" I had to take a few quick pics as I walked along.


The mighty and always impressive Oasis of the Seas








I saw a lot of nice wood carvings that we didn't need




Coming to a yard sale near you




There's the gangway just a few yards ahead as we pass dock security. We are home!

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I went up to the Sunset Bar for a bird's eye view as we were about to cast off








No Guinness. I ordered a dark rum and coke as I felt that might be more Jamaican.

It was good-rum and coke not coke and rum as is often the case.


Before the rum....




....and after the rum





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A few hundred years ago, I studied abroad for a month in Jamaica as an undergraduate (the course was Tropical Biology [insert obligatory ganja joke here]). I still vividly remember the beauty of Shaw Park Gardens and it's too bad you didn't get a proper Fern Gully experience, as it really was beautiful. Your photo of the bay with the Epic -- I think I have the same picture taken from the same spot! Our class spent the last four days in country chilling on the beach in Negril (still very undeveloped then) as a bonus for all our "hard work." I can still name nearly every single flower and plant you photographed, so wow -- I guess I did indeed work hard and learn something! Too bad it's too late to tell my dad to stop grumbling about paying good tuition money just so his daughter could get the best tan in her sorority . . .


Now, back to the food porn!

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A few hundred years ago, I studied abroad for a month in Jamaica as an undergraduate (the course was Tropical Biology [insert obligatory ganja joke here]). I still vividly remember the beauty of Shaw Park Gardens and it's too bad you didn't get a proper Fern Gully experience, as it really was beautiful. Your photo of the bay with the Epic -- I think I have the same picture taken from the same spot! Our class spent the last four days in country chilling on the beach in Negril (still very undeveloped then) as a bonus for all our "hard work." I can still name nearly every single flower and plant you photographed, so wow -- I guess I did indeed work hard and learn something! Too bad it's too late to tell my dad to stop grumbling about paying good tuition money just so his daughter could get the best tan in her sorority . . .


Now, back to the food porn!


Annie, it's certainly a land of beautiful lush plants and vivid flowers none of which I know the name of so I just take photos and hope that Carol the Greenfinered can identify them. The beautiful colorful plants don't notice the squalid shacks they grow next to. But, when you're poor and doomed to stay in Jamaica I guess you just lose hope and a good smoke of some Jamaican Flowertops and some Marley on a distorted boom box will perk you right up. I've never felt threatened there (thinking back 30 years) and loved to banter with the locals as they have good spirits and keen wits when they're not trying to sell you something and -in their defense-they'll sell you something rather than take from you by force.


Tonight in the story we are eating in the buffet so I can't promise you the food porn you seek. However on the next night, after Labadee we'll have table side lobster and Dover sole when we eat in the divine Murano, the best vittles we've had at sea.


So glad to see you are still reading. I know it's hard to keep readers when things take so long to recount but ....well the delights keep on coming as we go forward.



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I could have stayed on Bamboo Beach so much longer and someday I hope to be on a cruise where the ship stays in a Caribbean Port overnight or doesn't sail until midnight.


An afternoon on a Caribbean beach lazing in the sun with a beer and maybe some fresh cooked sizzling food from a barbecue.

Reggae music playing.


When the sun goes down attendants light a bonfire and some oil lamps on sticks in the sand and the lights glimmer on the ripples of a warm sea washing up on the beach. A perfect soundtrack.


Now they are grilling fresh caught fish on the hot coals and serving tropical drinks laden with rum and the smell is wafting on the warm tropical breeze as our new found friends prove to be entertaining and warm spirited.


A couple of miles in the distance I can see the blaze of lights from my cruise ship illuminating the sky and my eyes go upwards to see more stars than I'll ever see in Chicago.


My toes are tapping to the music, my stomach is full and unless I have to get up and go to the restroom I'm not going to move.


Rushing back to the ship? Out of the question. Let the night wear on while I absorb the local culture of relaxation and being care-free.


I know Celebrity do some overnights or late nights like their cousins in Azamara and I hope one day to partake.



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I have a question for Carol. Since Norris mentioned your ties to Jamaica, were you able to find the Jamaica you were looking for on this port stop?


Norris, today I managed to convince my tablet to let me post in blue for you! :cool:


We have only stopped in Jamaica once so far. Since DH was only 3 weeks out from breaking his collarbone at the time we were there, we chose to purchase a resort day pass and spend our day there. After reading about your bus tour, I'm sure the choice we made was the right one for us. It was the only day of our cruise that DH was able to get off the ship and (sort of) enjoy his day in port. We really need a re-do on that cruise! :D

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I could have stayed on Bamboo Beach so much longer and someday I hope to be on a cruise where the ship stays in a Caribbean Port overnight or doesn't sail until midnight.


An afternoon on a Caribbean beach lazing in the sun with a beer and maybe some fresh cooked sizzling food from a barbecue.

Reggae music playing.


When the sun goes down attendants light a bonfire and some oil lamps on sticks in the sand and the lights glimmer on the ripples of a warm sea washing up on the beach. A perfect soundtrack.


Now they are grilling fresh caught fish on the hot coals and serving tropical drinks laden with rum and the smell is wafting on the warm tropical breeze as our new found friends prove to be entertaining and warm spirited.


A couple of miles in the distance I can see the blaze of lights from my cruise ship illuminating the sky and my eyes go upwards to see more stars than I'll ever see in Chicago.


My toes are tapping to the music, my stomach is full and unless I have to get up and go to the restroom I'm not going to move.


Rushing back to the ship? Out of the question. Let the night wear on while I absorb the local culture of relaxation and being care-free.


I know Celebrity do some overnights or late nights like their cousins in Azamara and I hope one day to partake.




You need to do the 2 week that I will be on soon....an overnight in Aruba, and Barbados til 10 pm, and maybe another late night...not sure!


Also, could you not just get a taxi to Bamboo beach and spend the day?

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Hi Norris,


I'm a long time fan and emerging from lurkdom to thank you for your very balanced post of your stop in Jamaica. I stopped in Ocho Rios before and visited a friend who was working there.


Yes you get harassed but it is a lovely country if you can get past the intense begging. When you showed the homes who do not have the amenities (electricity, hot water) that us first world citizens take for granted, we can understand the poverty here.


However I agree with you, a day on the beach with a beer sounds perfect.



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Hi just loving your review. My DH and I have done the Carribean many times and have sailed on Equinox and Reflection. So many memories!


Can't do it anymore as my DH has poor health but this is just bringing back many happy days!


Like your style and your Irish roots are coming though. Thanks a lot

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So we are leaving Falmouth behind and sailing off to our next port of Labadee. That's our last port and then we have a sea day before arriving back in_______. I can't even say it.


Here's a clip of our beach experience in which you'll see Zachary walking in front of me until he decides he's going the wrong way.

White shirt, straw hat carrying a tray. I'm going to the bar and just let the camera run as I walk.





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You need to do the 2 week that I will be on soon....an overnight in Aruba, and Barbados til 10 pm, and maybe another late night...not sure!


Also, could you not just get a taxi to Bamboo beach and spend the day?


Thanks- the 14 day can be done when we are retired. That's the kind of port time I am thinking about so we can still be there when other ships have sailed.


You could take a taxi to Bamboo Beach but it's a 45 mile drive and takes about 75 minutes using google maps. Better might be a resort with beach closer to Falmouth but we didn't investigate that this time.



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Hi Norris,


I'm a long time fan and emerging from lurkdom to thank you for your very balanced post of your stop in Jamaica. I stopped in Ocho Rios before and visited a friend who was working there.


Yes you get harassed but it is a lovely country if you can get past the intense begging. When you showed the homes who do not have the amenities (electricity, hot water) that us first world citizens take for granted, we can understand the poverty here.


However I agree with you, a day on the beach with a beer sounds perfect.



Hi and thanks for coming out of lurkdom to tell me you are reading.


I have only 3 more full days to show but was busy with the camera knowing that our time was running out. I also have clips from a couple of shows and an awful lot of ship.


Stay tuned!



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Hi just loving your review. My DH and I have done the Carribean many times and have sailed on Equinox and Reflection. So many memories!


Can't do it anymore as my DH has poor health but this is just bringing back many happy days!


Like your style and your Irish roots are coming though. Thanks a lot


Thanks Jamara, for stepping forward to let me know you are enjoying the read!


Now read on...



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This is my well-trodden path from the panoramic elevators on deck 15 to Sunset Bar.




The Studio is a portrait studio. On the Silhouette it is an arts and crafts studio.




These are the two bar waiters at Sunset who took care of me all week-Jingle Bells at left and Tadfy both of whom had a chance to go home in Jamaica today.




And this is the sunset after we sailed away





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Thanks- the 14 day can be done when we are retired. That's the kind of port time I am thinking about so we can still be there when other ships have sailed.


You could take a taxi to Bamboo Beach but it's a 45 mile drive and takes about 75 minutes using google maps. Better might be a resort with beach closer to Falmouth but we didn't investigate that this time.




3 weeks today for me. The other late night for us is in Curaçao, but I understand they change the itinery and overnight ports frequently.

Do you do your tours as ship excursions? Don't get me wrong I understand your sarcasm and ability to be laid back about it all. Your experience in Falmouth reminds me of ships tours I have endured previously. I avoid as much as possible. We have had some great private tours, and one bad one, but not enjoyed any ship ones.

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Some sunsets don't need words










This evening , Wednesday January 18th won't be a long one as Carol's notes have us going to bed at 9 p.m. I guess it's OK to do that as we're on holiday and can use our time as we see fit and a good night's sleep hasn't been my routine to date as I have been getting at most 6 hours-by my choice as I have to be up early to enjoy the ship when it is quiet. I think I established that on our first cruise on Coral Princess. I rise early at home too.


We had no more early excursions, no more 7 a.m meets on the pier and a Miami excursion booked for disembarkation day that would have seen us on an Everglades airboat ride was wisely canceled and a refund issued by the Excursions desk. Instead we opted for the latest time to leave the ship and a taxi back to the Ritz Carlton. We had canceled our post cruise stay in the Marriott Stanton Beach as we enjoyed the Ritz's location in the heart of the Art Deco district. Art Deco fans you have a walking tour to look forward to at the end of this journal.


Wednesday in our experience has been the day that Princess slips the disembarkation papers and luggage tags under the door and those cast an early pall on the cruise, but X waits until the last day and I thank them for that.


I have no idea what we ate at the Jamaican station in the Oceanview Cafe that night and will hope that Carol remembers and can chime in. Whatever it was I ate most of it as I was starving having gone 12 hours without food. There were no Jamaican patties that I do know.

Jamaica isn't renowned for it's cooking in the culinary world but we used to order takeout from the Jah Grill in Chicago before it closed and that was decent grub in a simple basic cooking way. I took no photos to help me as everything was basically a stew. We ate it outside on deck 14 with the sound of the wake as a backdrop. Junior ship's officers were dining nearby. I know Carol wasn't a fan of the meal but she's not one to eat from a steam table anyway. So the night didn't end on a high but a deep sleep of 8 hours for me sure helped me get ready for another day in the sun.



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3 weeks today for me. The other late night for us is in Curaçao, but I understand they change the itinery and overnight ports frequently.

Do you do your tours as ship excursions? Don't get me wrong I understand your sarcasm and ability to be laid back about it all. Your experience in Falmouth reminds me of ships tours I have endured previously. I avoid as much as possible. We have had some great private tours, and one bad one, but not enjoyed any ship ones.


We have always booked ship tours with only a couple of exceptions in Alaska where we have used a private whale watching company (Harv n Marv) a private helicopter company (Era) and Island Wings for floatplane excursions. It's easier to deal with the cruise line on their website.


In Falmouth we were glad that we were on a ship tour as we got back 30 minutes later than all aboard at the time the ship was due to cast off. The ship waited for us. That is the key advantage of booking with the cruise line.


We have found the X tours to be less well organized than those of Princess which has set the bar high for communication and efficiency. On the Princess post cruise survey they ask about each tour you took and that gives you the opportunity for criticism or praise. I think I only had criticism for one boat tour to St John's from St Thomas where the boat guide was a chatterbox stoned surfer dude.


Although our tour guide in Falmouth was scatty and couldn't read his watch or was on "Island time" I still enjoyed the tour as it beats what I normally do on a Wednesday and there is now no need for me to ever take it again. Too much driving. Next time I would look for things to do near to Falmouth like river rafting or such or seek a resort nearby where we could eat and drink with waiter service.





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The highlight of our Wednesday evening on board before our early to bed was seeing Rondell Sheridan again. He's a great standup comedian we saw on Silhouette a year earlier. We went to the 7 p.m show. If curious about him there are many videos, some very old, on Youtube. We laughed with tears rolling down our happy cheeks.




Have you seen him before?






That will bring this day to an end. Next up will be Labadee, Murano and a show.

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Today began as they usually do with me waking early around 5 a.m and getting myself quietly out this door as pronto as possible.




I like the doorbell which plays the chimes of Big Ben and startled me the first time our butler Dominic rang. Also nice is the vestibule which means no one walks past the door without an appropriate hall key. Private and quiet on the corners.

Then I take this walk




The blue carpet tells me where the elevators are






At the end of the elevator hallway is the Hideaway. Wanna take a peek?

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This is the quiet room we wait in, rather than our assigned Tuscan Grill on disembarkation morning. There's a coffee and tea machine here.








Cosy Nooks




I don't get my coffee here as it isn't available until 8 a.m. I am going up to the buffet as it's serving and closer to my drinking spot The Sunset Bar. There in the dark I'll sit and reflect and ease my way into the day.

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This is the deck where I get my coffee






They use ground Lavazza coffee from Italy and it's good enough for me. Lots of tea varieties as you can see.


The buffet will open for breakfast at 7 a.m




I take my coffee out through the backdoors of the OceanView cafe and up the stairs to deck 15 to sit at the Sunset Bar.




The foot washer for those who've walked barefoot on the grass




The push-button door to the men's rest room- I saw an amusing incident involving this. A man asked a passing waiter where the restroom was. Waiter pointed-just press the button to open the door sir. The man pressed the button and then opened the wooden door with the handle next to it and went into the crew area and kept going. The waiter had to chase after him.



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