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Freedom of the Seas Review: Feb 12-18, 2017 (Western Caribbean)


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So, on to the next adventure:


Port Day 2: Cozumel


So, navigating the busy port/shops area was a little daunting, mostly because we had our DD with us - and it was HOT. Honestly we just thought we'd have to walk (somewhat) straight through a shopping area and we'd be able to just hail a taxi and that would be that. Not so much... it was a winding maze of shops & corridors to get out to the street, and then you have to line up to catch a taxi. We were not prepared to be standing in line in the sun waiting for 15-20 minutes, so my advice to everyone is make sure you have sunscreen slathered on *before* getting off the ship! Oh, and to parents of toddlers debating whether or not to bring an umbrella stroller - BRING IT. Do not make the same mistake we did (to be fair, though, we intended to bring one, we just forgot it.. *sigh*).


Taxi to Chankanaab was quick and cheap-ish (don't recall the exact amount, sorry), and upon arrival the Park was blissfully not crowded and the line-up to get admission tickets was only 2-3 people deep at each counter. We made our way in and found a lovely little beach by a lagoon, off to the side of the restaurant, and parked our stuff under a tiki hut umbrella. A gentleman soon came over to take drink (right away) and food (for later) orders, and when we inquired about beach toys for DD he came back 3 min later with a new bucket + toys and said we could rent it for the day for $3. Not too shabby! Great service!!


I also went and rented a mask+snorkel from the diving kiosks so DH & I could take turns snorkeling a bit. We stayed in the lagoon/reef area and saw SO many beautiful fish!!!


Our lunch was incredibly delicious - fresh shrimp ceviche and chicken enchiladas and guacamole. I was in heaven.


After lunch DD wanted to explore a bit, so we went to watch the Dolphin encounter (you can stand and watch from the pool area and get great views of the dolphins jumping out of the water and doing tricks - DD was delighted, no need to pay a fortune to be in the water with them!) She also got up close and personal with the resident massive pelican, will post a pic of that later. Very chill guy, my DH got some gorgeous photos of him. DD also frolicked in the pool while i sat in the shade of the swim-up bar and watched.


Later in the afternoon we also went to see the crocodiles (two of them were clearly.. um.. feeling "frisky" and it was quite the spectacle) and on the way back a big iguana crossed the path a few feet in front of us - SO COOL!!


All in all this was DH's favorite day, it was a rousing success and I strongly encourage everyone to visit Chankanaab on their stop in Cozumel, especially if you have kids - lots to do and see! I saw many a parent struggling with kids who did.not.want.to.leave.. LOL.. Our DD was not too thrilled about leaving either, but she was also very tired so she didn't really fight us on it.


Big bonus on our way out - a gentleman and his two stunningly beautiful macaws (my god they're huge birds!) was offering to allow people to take pictures with the birds for a "donation" only, any amount was welcome. I've seen this sort of thing before but normally it's their photographer and you pay through the nose for ONE picture... this was a great deal. DH took over a dozen pictures of my holding DD on one arm and the two macaws on the other.. DD was enthralled with the beautiful birds.


Taxi ride back was uneventful (DD fell asleep) and the walk back to the ship was much smoother than on arrival.


I believe that night was the 70s Dance Party on the Promenade which was really lively and fun. We took DD there after dinner and she had a ball dancing, bouncing around and entertaining onlookers.




Great information! I think my kids would enjoy that too. I thought the ship might have an excursion there too- was there a reason you went on your own rather than a ship's excursion? I wasn't sure if there were benefits. Thank you for your review!

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Great information! I think my kids would enjoy that too. I thought the ship might have an excursion there too- was there a reason you went on your own rather than a ship's excursion? I wasn't sure if there were benefits. Thank you for your review!



I don't even look at ship excursions, honestly. I don't want to be herded around with 50 other people, don't want to be pressured into specific things/timelines, and also don't want to pay a small fortune. I've always done either independent company excursions (much more personal!) or DIY outings. Never regretted it. ;)

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Port Day 2: Cozumel


Taxi to Chankanaab was quick and cheap-ish (don't recall the exact amount, sorry), and upon arrival the Park was blissfully not crowded and the line-up to get admission tickets was only 2-3 people deep at each counter.


Taxi ride back was uneventful (DD fell asleep) and the walk back to the ship was much smoother than on arrival.

How long was the taxi ride? Will be in Cozumel next month.

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Port Day 3: Costa Maya


Getting off the ship here and trying to hail public transportation was kind of confusing, and the information I was given was misleading... you can't actually get a taxi from the port to Mahahual, you have to take a shuttle (basically a makeshift streetcar pulled by a flat bed, LOL). You have to line up and pay for your spots on the shuttle then just go to the first shuttle at the head of the line and pile on. On the way BACK, however, you get a taxi. Very odd, but anyways...


We reserved spots at a brand new (November 2016) beach spot called "Pitaya Beach Club". The owner was very easy to deal with, the prices very reasonable - we got a drinks + food package (non-alcoholic for me, alcoholic for hubs), and I also booked a 30-min massage for DH.


The food was mouth-watering, the drinks delicious and the server was wonderful. Lovely spot, only drawback was the constant flow of beach vendors coming to us to try to sell their wares. They weren't pushy, but it was still mildly annoying to have to say "no thank you" every 10 minutes.


The snorkeling wasn't that great in the immediate area, no reef, just grass and a few grey-white generic fish swimming around. But that was fine, we got lots of snorkeling in during our first 2 port days.


DH said his massage was wonderful, one of the best he's ever had. Very relaxing and the masseuse was.. *ahem*.. extremely thorough and not shy, apparently..LOLOL ;p


That night, DH & I opted to ask for in-cabin babysitting for 2 hours so we could hit the cantilevered whirlpool and then go to Quest. We ended up being team captains for Team 10.. oh boy, DH got more than he bargained for, LOLOL... don't think he ever expected his vacation to include him parading around half-naked with my bra, lipstick and women's shoes on, along with 12 other men, in front of a huge crowd of people. :'):') That was lots of fun!! Highly recommend going to watch (unless you're a boring, introverted, fun-hating prude, that is...).


It was really nice to get some alone time, just one evening was really all we needed.


Next up - final sea day and disembarking....

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The only themed dining room night we were aware of was Caribbean night, although there was a 70's dance party one evening on the Royal Promenade. We never saw any singing or special announcements in the dining room, was a little disappointed on that, usually have a good time watching our waiters singing and having a good time



What is involved in "Caribbean Night"? Want to plan ahead for whatever it is.

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Thanks for all the great info! We will be on the same cruise on March 12. I am trying to understand what nights are the formal nights. I have read CheapoDad's long and excellent review, however his itinerary had a couple of days reversed from our itinerary. Did you have formal nights in the MDR on Day 2 when you were at sea, and Day 5, after Costa Maya? Trying to plan my wardrobe (my husband says I overpack, so I'm trying to cut back). Thanks!

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So, on to the next adventure:


Port Day 2: Cozumel


So, navigating the busy port/shops area was a little daunting, mostly because we had our DD with us - and it was HOT. Honestly we just thought we'd have to walk (somewhat) straight through a shopping area and we'd be able to just hail a taxi and that would be that. Not so much... it was a winding maze of shops & corridors to get out to the street, and then you have to line up to catch a taxi. We were not prepared to be standing in line in the sun waiting for 15-20 minutes, so my advice to everyone is make sure you have sunscreen slathered on *before* getting off the ship! Oh, and to parents of toddlers debating whether or not to bring an umbrella stroller - BRING IT. Do not make the same mistake we did (to be fair, though, we intended to bring one, we just forgot it.. *sigh*).

Next time, just walk out from the port area and walk along the street and you will find a taxi in no time at all.

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Thanks for all the great info! We will be on the same cruise on March 12. I am trying to understand what nights are the formal nights. Did you have formal nights in the MDR on Day 2 when you were at sea, and Day 5, after Costa Maya?


We will see you in 15 short days on the Freedom:D. My daughter was asking me the exact same question today, so I am interested as well. Sounds like two formal nights. One will be Costa Maya on the second last day of our cruise. When is the 2nd one (assuming there are two)?

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We will be on Freedom of the Seas next February 17, 2018. The ship leaves port at 5:30pm. Does anyone know what time we can actually board the ship?



We got to the port at about 10:45 and were on the ship by 11:30!! We lucked out and missed the huge rush of people at noonish



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What is Caribbean night?



Ms. Ernie - (Someone can correct me if i am wrong) I think its just a night where you can wear your Caribbean Style shirt/outfit to the MDR/Windjammer (they may have Caribbean style music playing).


In the Cruise Compass it says "Tonights Dinner Dress Suggestion: Caribbean Night"



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Can anyone recommend a hotel that is close to Port Everglades? There will be 7 of us so we need 2 rooms. It has to be cheap enough but must have a pool. Shuttle service from Ft. Lauderdale Airport and to cruise port would be excellent also.



We stayed at the "Best Western Ft Lauderdale Airport/Cruise Port". Good location AFAIC, good price and they have a pool. Breakfast is included, airport shuttle is free, cruise port shuttle costs $ and only leaves at set times - would highly recommend taking a taxi or an Uber.

Service was great, room was clean and in good shape, and they gave us a crib for our DD. :cool:

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Sea Day 2 and Disembarking:


Unfortunately for us, the only sea day we got to spend outside of our cabin (see review for Sea Day 1 - :loudcry: ) was a cloudy, windy day of only 23 degrees or so. Not great for going in the pool. We had booked a spot at the Royal Tots nursery from 10-noon, and DD had a great time there. While she was playing with a couple of kids her age, DH & I spent some more time in the hot tub in the solarium, went for a snack at Cafe Promenade, and just walked around the ship a bit. Picked up DD, went for lunch, then hit the pool deck (it was too cold for me - DH went in with DD but she asked to go in the hot tub after 10 min cuz she was cold, LOL). After that we found a quiet spot at the back of Deck 11, set DD up with cartoons on the tablet and DH & I just kicked back and read for a bit. It was very nice and relaxing.

Soon it was time to go back to the cabin to change so we could go check out the Dreamworks character parade on the Promenade. DD enjoyed this very much!! Some people graciously let hubby get in front of them as he had DD on his shoulders, so they could see better. Much appreciated!


After the parade, we brought DD back to the nursery for dinner/evening time (they were going to feed her), and we headed off to Chops Grille for a romantic dinner.

OMG, the 6-oz filet was AMAY-ZING. Holy COW (pun intended!!). Delicious! Cooked to order (rare), sooo tender!! I got the peppercorn sauce and DH got the Bearnaise - the bearnaise was made from scratch (we even asked to make sure) and was so delicious.. this may seem like an unimportant detail but we've been to high-end steakhouses that served bearnaise out of a jar, and it's gross. I was very impressed that it was made fresh, in-house. Mouth-wateringly delicious...


I got the steak carpaccio as an appetizer, it too was delicious. DH enjoyed his app as well, it was some sort of bacon thing...


We got the Mississippi Mud Pie as a dessert to share, to go, as we got a call from the nursery saying DD was crying and asking for us (of course by the time we got there she was fine, LOL). We shared the dessert after she went down for the night - it was soooo yummy. Highly recommend - but it's a gigantic piece of cake so be prepared to share it!!


I would like to note at this point that the Nursery service, staff, and facilities were great. They wrote down everything she ate and told us what she did, even gave us some "crafts" she'd made. Just like at a regular daycare. The ladies were super nice and we could not have been happier with the service.




Really not much to say here - this went like clockwork for us. We had number 2 tags (yay - off early!!), and getting off and finding our bags was quick and easy. Got a taxi to the airport right away, no muss, no fuss. DH exclaimed "ok, getting ON the ship was a nightmare - getting off was a breeze. Why can't they do something similar for embarkation??!"


I know it's a lot easier to "herd" people when they're already on the ship, but really, RC has everyone's arrival/flight info - they should send out different arrival time recommendations to people based on that. Not everyone would listen, obviously, but it should certainly help (at least a little) to avoid such a huge bottleneck around the magic "12:30 mark", which is when they tell people to arrive at.


Anyways, all in all, a good trip. Was great to get some sun and time in the ocean - my goodness the water was a pleasant temperature.. it was so nice.


One final note: RC ended up charging us for the Evian water bottles that we removed and placed up high on a shelf above the mini-bar (to make room for our water bottles). I called them about it, and they apologized and immediately told me a refund would be credited to my CC on file with them. I thought i was going to have to argue with them about it, but nope. That said, the call was Thursday, and as of today the refund has not yet appeared on my CC. I'll give it a couple more days, then i'll call back...

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Hi all,




Well, there's no nice way to put it, but... this was horribly managed. Not sure why RCCL can't try to stagger arrival times (like they do for disembarkation) instead of telling everyone to show up for 12:30 or later. We took the hotel shuttle (big mistake) which didn't drop us off at Terminal 29 until 12:30 pretty much on the nose, after stopping 3 times to let other people off (DD was gettinght pretty fed up by this point). It was a ZOO in there. We waited in line for 2.5 hours. I do accept some of the blame though, I should've followed my gut and taken an Uber to arrive around 11 am. My mistake. Won't happen again.


Uber and Taxis are also cheaper.

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