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Hints on Vancouver embarkation process

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Thanks again, Martincath! Wow, a quarter million people for Canada Day! I'll be sure to advise my colleague so that he can plan accordingly.

We had over half a million for the Celebration of Light fireworks (new peak reached when Disney did one of the shows last year - they had to close the beach! - usually it's more like 300-400,000 on each of the three nights) and Pride claims almost three-quarters of a mil (but that's for the whole weekend not just the parade).

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  • 1 month later...

We are boarding Oosterdam on 25 Sep-Three ship day.

We sail at 11 pm for Victoria and then down the coast to San Diego and Mexico.

What will likely process be at CP since our first stop is victoria?

Once things quiet down in the terminal (after 3pm) will it be easy to get off the ship and back on?


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No CBP since your next stop is Canadian. Odds are high that it will be cruise check-in first, since that seems to be the new normal for all three ship days, then Security, then for you straight to the ship.


Yes, it will definitely get quieter after the other vessels are into their 'you must be here now or you do not get to board at all' time (90mins pre-departure). Just make sure you find out if there's any different cutoff for you guys to be back on board than the usual 30mins before sailing for a port stop, in case you were planning a night on the town!

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  • 1 month later...
It is available - but it's no use for getting through Security faster, only CBP, so it's not as much of a timesaver as at airports.




We just used Global Entry at the port in Vancouver and it saved a lot of time. It was a little hard to spot but if you look for the "Crew" signs, there was a small Global Entry sign next to it. If you don't see it, as soon as you get to the line (there should be a person there directing traffic) ask and they will direct you.


Bring your actual Global Entry card or you will likely be delayed, maybe even denied Global Entry.


Also, even if you have used the card for air travel, make sure it is "activated". People with us were delayed because their cards were not activated. I have no idea how that could happen since they have used GE for air travel many times.



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We embarked at Vancouver and it was a nightmare. We were sent from one holding area to another. It was not until I advised a member of staff that we had requested assisted boarding that things improved. Never know anything like it!


Southampton is easy by comparison well organised according to letter card issued when you arrive.


We are planning to go to Alaska again but will avoid Vancouver this time.

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We just used Global Entry at the port in Vancouver and it saved a lot of time. It was a little hard to spot but if you look for the "Crew" signs, there was a small Global Entry sign next to it. If you don't see it, as soon as you get to the line (there should be a person there directing traffic) ask and they will direct you.


Bring your actual Global Entry card or you will likely be delayed, maybe even denied Global Entry.


Also, even if you have used the card for air travel, make sure it is "activated". People with us were delayed because their cards were not activated. I have no idea how that could happen since they have used GE for air travel many times.

Assuming that the GE card works the same as NEXUS for logistics, cards are sent in the mail unactivated - need to log on to GOES to confirm receipt & activate, just like when you get credit/debit cards you generally have to call your bank/log in to online account.


Since GE works with passports only just about everywhere except ports and foreign pre-clearance airports, if you forget to do that you'll only find out when you try to use the card in one of those places.


Question, since you quoted one of my posts above, are they now accepting GE at the Security line too so it saved you lots of time? Or was it still just Immigration stage, but you felt it was a big time-saver compared to the non-Trusted Traveler folks?

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Assuming that the GE card works the same as NEXUS for logistics, cards are sent in the mail unactivated - need to log on to GOES to confirm receipt & activate, just like when you get credit/debit cards you generally have to call your bank/log in to online account.


Since GE works with passports only just about everywhere except ports and foreign pre-clearance airports, if you forget to do that you'll only find out when you try to use the card in one of those places.


Question, since you quoted one of my posts above, are they now accepting GE at the Security line too so it saved you lots of time? Or was it still just Immigration stage, but you felt it was a big time-saver compared to the non-Trusted Traveler folks?




I'm fairly certain that GE is not used on security lines. When we boarded, those lines were non existent so we didn't even explore that option. The customs line was for both ships in port - one was Celebrity and one was NCL (I think). That line looked like Space Mountain on a busy day. I was the hero in our group because I knew to look for GE and reminded them to bring cards.


To put it in perspective, when we checked in with Celebrity, an agent checking someone else in referred to the immigration line as a S@$T Show. Those were her words, not mine.





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I'm fairly certain that GE is not used on security lines. When we boarded, those lines were non existent so we didn't even explore that option. The customs line was for both ships in port - one was Celebrity and one was NCL (I think). That line looked like Space Mountain on a busy day. I was the hero in our group because I knew to look for GE and reminded them to bring cards.


To put it in perspective, when we checked in with Celebrity, an agent checking someone else in referred to the immigration line as a S@$T Show. Those were her words, not mine.

Thanks for clarifying - I haven't actually managed to board this year at Vancouver myself, all of our potential-cruise-dates have fallen apart for one reason or another, so wanted to correct any out-of-date info I have. It's nice that you got lucky with Security queues despite a lengthy backup at immigration - while the latter does tend to be an unavoidable bottleneck in my experience (and from various reports) when it gets busy there, CBP demand that Security also stop or slow down feeding people through to their room.



That's when GE/NEXUS/Unobtainium cruiseline status may become of zero help - if you can't actually get to the relevant place where you can make use of them! Hence my original comment of GE etc. not being as useful as at the airport, where you are at least guaranteed to be able to head for the short queue in both security and preclearance with your TT card.

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We used GE on a 2-ship day a few weeks back. The first step is security and GE does take you to a priority line. Next step is U.S. immigration where the GE booths are to the left. It was busy enough but didn't take me more than 10 minutes, and most of that wait was at US Immigration as there was a changeover in agents.

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  • 1 month later...
Question. Do the passengers on the Pacific coastal cruises that first go from Vancouver to Victoria have to pass through US Border screening at Canada Place since their first stop is still in Canada?

No - the terms of the legislation that allows CBP to operate in Canada (and CBSA in the US, though we have yet to exercise this reciprocal option) require that preclearance immediately precede crossing the border, no additional stops anywhere else allowed. So any cruise with another Canadian stop will never do preclearance at Canada Place - which also fits with our personal experiences, same as Milhouses buddy abive.

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  • 2 months later...
Your post doesn't mention Global Entry. I thought that it was available for going through immigration and customs at Canada Place. I'm hoping that we will be able to use it to get through the process more quickly.


Just a small update for anyone researching Global Entry at Canada Place. Not sure if I've mentioned it anywhere on my previous postings, but there are a couple of small short cuts for GE holders during embarkation. During the actual check-in process there is no difference for GE or non GE holders, but once you have your set sail pass (or "keys") and head downstairs to security and customs/immigration/border control there sometimes is. For the security checkpoint look to see if there is a Global Entry/Nexus sign for the door to the left of the main entry point (usually marked as for "Crew"), if there is one there you can use that entrance and avoid the main line. Once through the scanners and entering the immigration area check for Global Entry/Nexus signage (also ask any of the staff) as there may be a separate line and officer doing the GE passengers.


Last year a friend and I did one of the end of season repositioning cruises from Canada Place - she was GE and I was not - she did manage to get through the process just a little quicker than me, not by much, but a little quicker. The non-GE holders get directed to use the machines for their customs/immigration declarations before going to an officer and the GE holders get directed straight to the officers.


Mind you I will add the caveat that this was last season, no indication as to what will happen this year as the season doesn't get started for a few months!


Hope that helps!

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  • 4 weeks later...

So Global Entry can be used when exiting the US/entering Canada? I was under the impression that it was only for entry back into the US.





Just a small update for anyone researching Global Entry at Canada Place. Not sure if I've mentioned it anywhere on my previous postings, but there are a couple of small short cuts for GE holders during embarkation. During the actual check-in process there is no difference for GE or non GE holders, but once you have your set sail pass (or "keys") and head downstairs to security and customs/immigration/border control there sometimes is. For the security checkpoint look to see if there is a Global Entry/Nexus sign for the door to the left of the main entry point (usually marked as for "Crew"), if there is one there you can use that entrance and avoid the main line. Once through the scanners and entering the immigration area check for Global Entry/Nexus signage (also ask any of the staff) as there may be a separate line and officer doing the GE passengers.


Last year a friend and I did one of the end of season repositioning cruises from Canada Place - she was GE and I was not - she did manage to get through the process just a little quicker than me, not by much, but a little quicker. The non-GE holders get directed to use the machines for their customs/immigration declarations before going to an officer and the GE holders get directed straight to the officers.


Mind you I will add the caveat that this was last season, no indication as to what will happen this year as the season doesn't get started for a few months!


Hope that helps!

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So Global Entry can be used when exiting the US/entering Canada? I was under the impression that it was only for entry back into the US.

No - it's only for entering the US.



In Vancouver you preclear US immigration when you are boarding a cruise ship or airplane or train that is heading to the US. If it's an RT cruise or you are coming from Whittier/Seward to Vancouver it's useless when arriving in Vancouver as that's all Canadian-controlled - but when you fly home again it's valid for both Security and Immigration again as you are 'entering' the US even though you're physically still in Canada.

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thanks! that makes sense now.




No - it's only for entering the US.



In Vancouver you preclear US immigration when you are boarding a cruise ship or airplane or train that is heading to the US. If it's an RT cruise or you are coming from Whittier/Seward to Vancouver it's useless when arriving in Vancouver as that's all Canadian-controlled - but when you fly home again it's valid for both Security and Immigration again as you are 'entering' the US even though you're physically still in Canada.

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  • 1 month later...
Walk-off usually start at around 8 am - sometimes a little earlier, around 7:30 am. It can depend on when exactly the ship moors and gets clearance (which can depend on whether the ship has already made a Canada stop on the way in - a few ships may have a stop in Victoria, so will get pre-cleared). On multiple ship days, it's quite a sight to see the ships play "follow the leader" under the bridge and take turns swinging around to get into position!




Customs is usually really quick, if you are one of the early ones and presuming you have nothing extra to declare. It really only consists of walking past an officer and handing in the customs form. (If you have over your allowances (or do something to make the officer suspicious!), you will be asked to move into the secondary screening area.) You do not need your passports to go through customs. For timing, if you are walking your own luggage off and miss any line up, it's just a few minutes - everything is really close together.




Once past the customs officers, you will be directed through the secured area and exit into the main lobby. For the car hire desk head to the top left corner - there is only one car hire desk for multiple companies, I think it includes Alamo, but can't be 100%. The car hire desk is next to the luggage storage desk and to the left (as you look at it) to the big Information sign for the information desk. I believe that the car hire companies have shuttles to take you to the cars, I have seen the shuttle buses outside, but can't be sure which companies they are for, so you might want to try a call to Alamo to see if you can get confirmation. (I don't drive, so car hire is not something I really take mental note of!)




For June 4, there are 2 ships in the Infinity and HAL Noordam. HAL will probably take the West berth and Infinity the East, if it follows last year's patterns. Both ships are kind of "medium sized" of the range of ships that come into Vancouver, so it shouldn't get too bad for the amount of people disembarking.




Re the other comment on the next posting - every year there are a fair number of new staff, some of whom have never actually been on a cruise ship as a passenger, so have no context for the process and the terminology, so no matter what the training it is all alien to them. If you happen to approach someone you gets the "deer in headlights" look to a question, just suggest they ask someone who has been there in previous seasons - there's usually a few around each area.




Thank you for your thorough report. If I don't bring my suitcase off with me but put it out cabin door night before, will it be ready if I get off early and be easily located? In most cities they are all lined up by luggage tag colors. Thank you- Darlene



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So Global Entry can be used when exiting the US/entering Canada? I was under the impression that it was only for entry back into the US.


You may be thinking of NEXUS. NEXUS is a joint Canada and US system that includes the same benefits of Global Entry and PreCheck in the US as well as a similar set of benefits in Canada.

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  • 2 weeks later...

A question regarding transferring from one ship to another ship on the same day , (same cruise line)


We arrive in the morning to disembark, and then would like to drop our bags for our next ship and then spend the day in town.

Both ships arrive in Vancouver at the same time.

We could be flexible for when we check back in for the 2nd ship.


Any tips / suggestions for us when doing this ?

Once we board again on the 2nd ship do we have to remain onboard in Vancouver ?

If we can't get off, we would like to board as late as possible.



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A question regarding transferring from one ship to another ship on the same day , (same cruise line)


We arrive in the morning to disembark, and then would like to drop our bags for our next ship and then spend the day in town.

Both ships arrive in Vancouver at the same time.

We could be flexible for when we check back in for the 2nd ship.


Any tips / suggestions for us when doing this ?

Once we board again on the 2nd ship do we have to remain onboard in Vancouver ?

If we can't get off, we would like to board as late as possible.



With 2 ships of the same line, I'm guessing that it's a 3 ship day total - which means busy! While you CAN disembark and re-embark ship 2, you absolutely should NOT as you will have to repeat Canadian Immigration/customs getting off, then US immigration/customs and Security getting on again with only the one (quickest) step of cruiseline check-in missed out as you'll already have your cabin keys.


But you don't have to check-in to get your bags onboard... you just need to tag them appropriately and drop them with the longshoremen, then go sightseeing and come back as late as you can stand to shave the margins for the hard cap of 90mins pre-departure. Later = shorter queues.


Longshoremen officially start accepting inbound bags between 10 and 10:30am - it can be earlier, but if it is a 3-shipper I would not bank on that, and assume 10am is your best case scenario. This means a leisurely breakfast onboard, taking the last disembarkation group, so you don't have to kill too much time.


Alternative plan to maximize your time sightseeing - self-disembark as early as possible, store bags with CDS on-site or in the Pan Pacific hotel above the pier, and get going ASAP. You'd still want to come back as late as possible to minimise queue time when embarking ship 2. This cost money (from $5 per bag at the PP to $8 for a big bag at CDS) but could mean 2 hours extra sightseeing... only you can decide what your time is worth to you.

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Since this thread is still going, I'd like to ask a couple questions about disembarking in Vancouver. Port website shows us there at Canada Place North at 7 AM with two other ships and a small one, so basically it's a 3 shipper plus day! The 3 ships are all scheduled per the port site at 7AM. We're scheduled for Canada Place N - is that the berth that's right between the E and W berths, I assume - i.c., what would be a "U" shape, turned upside down? Also, we stop in Prince Rupert on the way down. Does that mean that Canadian immigration clearance is likely to be easy for us?


We'll probably take a taxi to the airport. I read elsewhere that sharing with another couple is iffy, given that many of the taxis don't carry much luggage. Is that true? Also, I believe a taxi from the airport to Canada Place is a set amount of $35, not including any tip. Does the same apply for a trip from the port to the airport? What if we DO share with one or two other people, and they need to go to a different terminal at the airport? Does the taxi driver then go on a meter to drop them, ask us to pay a little more, or what? Also, original poster or someone else mentioned where to go if you're not getting a taxi. However, if you ARE getting one, will it be obvious where to go? And if the line looks horridly long, should we try to go across the street (or in same complex as port building) to a hotel? Will we be able to see the hotel entrance from outside the port area? How long do you suppose it would take us to get over to where there's another taxi stand?


We're flying to Seattle and then connecting to our final U.S. destination (both on same airline). We can use the U.S. immigration at the airport to do immigration etc. check, right, instead of having to do that in Seattle?


I know that's a lot of questions - but thank you for any info you can give me!

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Answers inside your text, in red

We're scheduled for Canada Place N - is that the berth that's right between the E and W berths, I assume - i.c., what would be a "U" shape, turned upside down?

Yes - it's the angled end part, rather than the two long sides which are E & W.

Also, we stop in Prince Rupert on the way down. Does that mean that Canadian immigration clearance is likely to be easy for us?

Yes - it should already have happened so depending on ORDER of ports you may have nothing at all to do, or just hand over a customs form (if you hit Prince Rupert you probably won't go to any US ports afterward, so you stay inside Canada - but if the ship is still selling Duty Free you might have Customseven if no Immigration)


We'll probably take a taxi to the airport. I read elsewhere that sharing with another couple is iffy, given that many of the taxis don't carry much luggage. Is that true?

Yes - minivans will handle 4 with big bags; regular cabs are mostly Prius, so even the hatchback versions might not have room for 4 big bags and 4 carryons.


Also, I believe a taxi from the airport to Canada Place is a set amount of $35, not including any tip. Does the same apply for a trip from the port to the airport?

Metered - approximately $35, but obviously depends on traffic.


What if we DO share with one or two other people, and they need to go to a different terminal at the airport? Does the taxi driver then go on a meter to drop them, ask us to pay a little more, or what?

It's not a big airport so you can all get off together even if you're splitting with a Canadian/International couple. If you're all heading to the US, it's the same place (there are really only 3 sections to YVR, based on destination, rather than more typical huge sprawling US airports with many doors split by airline). If for some bizarre reason you did decide to get out and leave the others to keep driving, the cabbie leaves the meter running and can charge a fixed $5 for a stop en route to the final remaining passengers.


Also, original poster or someone else mentioned where to go if you're not getting a taxi. However, if you ARE getting one, will it be obvious where to go?

If you can't find the taxi queue, you must have been hitting the Bloody Mary's VERY heavily at breakfast on disembarkation day;-)


And if the line looks horridly long, should we try to go across the street (or in same complex as port building) to a hotel? Will we be able to see the hotel entrance from outside the port area? How long do you suppose it would take us to get over to where there's another taxi stand?

Since the Pan Pacific hotel entrance is one floor up, it's almost easier measured in seconds than minutes to get there... and from the PP you can see across to the Fairmont Waterfront in case it has more cabs.


We're flying to Seattle and then connecting to our final U.S. destination (both on same airline). We can use the U.S. immigration at the airport to do immigration etc. check, right, instead of having to do that in Seattle?

Yes - you'll land as Domestic and be able to stay behind Security at SEA. Same airline means probably a gate in same section of SEA.

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