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Questions about carnivals pier in Jamaica (and some misc. questions)


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TL;DR - Is there a pier area in jamaica like in cozumel thats run by the cruise lines and free from riff raf? Also, is there a swimming area there? Shops and food, etc?

-Whats the cab situation like in Jamaica? What do I look for/what questions do I ask with cab drivers

-Doctors Cove beach or a beach in cozumel? Which would you rather go to?


Okay, so, I know this really kind of belongs in the Jamaica sub forum and I posted a similar question over there but it seems pretty dead and since carnival is porting there, I guess its appropriate to ask here. Anyway...

I was super stoked about Jamaica when I booked this cruise (Its Jamaica, Grand Cayman, Cozumel) but I mainly booked it for the Grand Caymans and i've been to cozumel a few times and really liked it (but ive been there and done that). Anyway, I'm a research guy, and Ive recently started researching Jamaica and many many (many!) people are reporting that they feel very unsafe in Jamaica. Lots of petty theft, cant walk anywhere (must taxi), extremely aggressive vendors, etc etc but to be fair, theres quite a few who say they've never felt unsafe when in Jamaica. So my questions are these-


1- What is the port area in Jamaica like? Is it kinda like Cozumel, where they have a little area thats built up and completely walled off from the locals, complete with shops and restaurants? Is there any kind of beach area to swim at the port or nearby that is run by the cruise lines?


2- If we were to do anything in town, we would go to Doctors Cove beach, it looks rather nice and it seems to be free of peddlers on the beach, we might even walk down the beach to Margaritaville. What is the best way to get from the pier to Doctors Cove? I'm assuming a taxi, but I know they are unregulated (LOVE the taxi's in Cozumel, theyre expensive but well regulated!) I've read to only take taxi's with red license plates, but that information was over 10 years old. Is this still true? What are some thing to be on the lookout for with the taxi's? Also, how far is DC from the pier?


3- We are only planning on really doing things in 2 of the 3 ports. We will get off at all 3 but only planning on staying off the boat and doing much beyond the pier in 2 of the ports (cayman is a definite port for this). Would you recommend Jamaica or Cozumel for this? I've never felt unsafe in Cozumel and I really enjoy the beaches there (but again, been there a few times). I also like that I can relax and I generally dont have to worry about being pickpocked or getting a shady cab driver or an extremely aggressive salesman but if Doctors Cove is a super amazing beach and its not terribly unsafe to get there then I think we'd rather do that



Sorry for the wall of text! Thanks in advance!

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The following represents my opinion, and my opinion only. If it's different from someone else's, so be it.


Jamaica is a beautiful island with stunning views from the mountains and some really nice food. That being said, if I were doing on Jamaica, it would be a ship-sponsored one. But that's irrelevant as we have decided if we're on a sailing that stops there, we'd stay on the ship. There is poverty on the island and the people are overly aggressive, to the point of laying hands on you to get you to give them your money or your business. The crime rate may be high as well, or so it seems. Again, just my opinion, FWIW, beautiful island, but the people make me want to never set foot there again.

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We did the same itinerary last year. In Jamaica we did a private tour to the Blue Holes and secret Falls without any issues. We never felt unsafe, or troubled. We're never hounded or felt pressure to buy anything.


We have been to Jamaica at least 15+ times on cruises over the years. It is one of our favorite ports, especially Ocho Rios. We have never felt unsafe. Yes, they can be very pushy in a vocal way to sell things and some can be annoying. There is a huge difference between that and being a criminal. Most Jamaicans are very proud of their country and are wonderful people. In most cases you will get back the level of respect that you give. If you go there with the idea in mind that Jamaicans are heathens that are to be avoided you are doing yourself an injustice. We exercise the same level of caution and awareness that is appropriate for any tourist area, including in the USA.

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TL;DR - Is there a pier area in jamaica like in cozumel thats run by the cruise lines and free from riff raf? Also, is there a swimming area there? Shops and food, etc?

-Whats the cab situation like in Jamaica? What do I look for/what questions do I ask with cab drivers

-Doctors Cove beach or a beach in cozumel? Which would you rather go to?


Okay, so, I know this really kind of belongs in the Jamaica sub forum and I posted a similar question over there but it seems pretty dead and since carnival is porting there, I guess its appropriate to ask here. Anyway...

I was super stoked about Jamaica when I booked this cruise (Its Jamaica, Grand Cayman, Cozumel) but I mainly booked it for the Grand Caymans and i've been to cozumel a few times and really liked it (but ive been there and done that). Anyway, I'm a research guy, and Ive recently started researching Jamaica and many many (many!) people are reporting that they feel very unsafe in Jamaica. Lots of petty theft, cant walk anywhere (must taxi), extremely aggressive vendors, etc etc but to be fair, theres quite a few who say they've never felt unsafe when in Jamaica. So my questions are these-


1- What is the port area in Jamaica like? Is it kinda like Cozumel, where they have a little area thats built up and completely walled off from the locals, complete with shops and restaurants? Is there any kind of beach area to swim at the port or nearby that is run by the cruise lines?


2- If we were to do anything in town, we would go to Doctors Cove beach, it looks rather nice and it seems to be free of peddlers on the beach, we might even walk down the beach to Margaritaville. What is the best way to get from the pier to Doctors Cove? I'm assuming a taxi, but I know they are unregulated (LOVE the taxi's in Cozumel, theyre expensive but well regulated!) I've read to only take taxi's with red license plates, but that information was over 10 years old. Is this still true? What are some thing to be on the lookout for with the taxi's? Also, how far is DC from the pier?


3- We are only planning on really doing things in 2 of the 3 ports. We will get off at all 3 but only planning on staying off the boat and doing much beyond the pier in 2 of the ports (cayman is a definite port for this). Would you recommend Jamaica or Cozumel for this? I've never felt unsafe in Cozumel and I really enjoy the beaches there (but again, been there a few times). I also like that I can relax and I generally dont have to worry about being pickpocked or getting a shady cab driver or an extremely aggressive salesman but if Doctors Cove is a super amazing beach and its not terribly unsafe to get there then I think we'd rather do that



Sorry for the wall of text! Thanks in advance!


I felt more "unsafe" in NYC, Chicago, Orlando, Paris, Munich, Nice, Shanghai, Rome, and London. Everything that happens on Jamaica happens elsewhere. You can get "ripped off" anyplace. You can have bad taxi drivers anyplace.


I always walk around the city, enjoy the culture, have a drink or two on a sidewalk patio. Jamaica is a beautiful place, and if you decide to stay within the walls of the port, you will miss out.

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There is nothing right at the port. No shops, bars or restaurants.

We went to Doctor's Cave beach when we stopped there in January. IIRC the "taxi" (bus, really) was $5 per person each way. No problem getting on in either direction. Doctor's Cave was $6 admission per person, $6 for each chair and $6 for an umbrella. Its a nice beach. Not crowded like Grand Cayman near Calico Jacks or Mr. Sanchos in Cozumel. Servers will bring food and drinks. Yes, there are vendors on the beach. If you don't want what they're selling, say no and no problem. I'd happily go back. In fact, our next vaca is likely to be a land vacation to Negril.

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A firm "no thank you" seems to work everywhere... except Jamaica. I've been followed there for a city block after saying, "no thank you." Also, this is the only place I've actually had a seller get angry and insult me for not buying from them, this after a firm, but polite, "no thank you." Jamaica is lovely and can be enjoyed, but not on one's own, at least in my experience (Mo Bay once, Ocho Rios Thrice). Do yourself a favor and book an excursion rather than footing it. A day pass to a resort is an option too.

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Which port in Jamaica?


I think Jamaica is a beautiful Island, but it can be a bit scary. I recall seeing guys with machine guns on top of buildings on the way out of the gate. But Mexico can be a little unsettling too and I love Cozumel. I have been to both Ochos Rios and Montego Bay. Ochos Rios was fine. We took a taxi and went to Dunns River Falls. Did not climb it, just saw it. Got accosted at the little market outside there. Then to Margaritaville. Not too exciting or scary, except at the market.


In Montego Bay we had our daughter with us so I was more uneasy. We had planned to walk around the terminal, but there was pretty much nothing there. Its not like Cozumel or some other ports where you could just walk around the port area. We did Carnivals' Hop on Hop off bus, which worked well for us. It goes to the Rose Hall shops, Doctor's Cave Beach, Margaritaville and a flea market type of place. At the flea market, the driver says, don't go over there (across the street), its very dangerous and you could get hurt or killed. It was literally across the street. At the flea market people were relentless. They don't take no for an answer. If you are going to buy from one vendor, be prepared to buy from them all and probably don't buy more than 1 thing at a time. When we got off the bus at Doctor's Cave beach there were 3 ladies in front of us, probably mid 50s. Three different people came up to them and tried to sell them some "local herbs." These ladies really did not look like the type to indulge IMO. No one approached us- probably the 2 year old scared them off.


If I went back to Jamaica, I would still get off the ship, but I would probably leave my kid on the ship. It was unsettling. Which is a shame, because I thought it was a beautiful Island. I have met a couple people from Jamaica and like the culture. But drugs are rampant and its kind of scary.

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Our experience with Jamaica was a mixed one. We ported at Montego Bay. The dock is run down and the terminal is one building with some shops. We did the hop on hop off bus tour also. At Rose Hill some shops were open some closed. Arriving downtown we walked in and out of the shops and were pestered to buy continuely. We were being bothered by drug dealers right out in the open on the street. Didnt go to Doctors Beach but it looked nice. We then went to Margerettaville sat out on the deck for a couple of hours, ate, had a few drinks, and had a good time. As for the flea market, it looked sleezy, we passed it up. Jamaica looks like a beautiful country. One day I would like to tour the whole island.

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Jamaica is beautiful - upon approach in the ship, it looks like an emerald rising out of the ocean. Just be aware - many of the vendors are VERY pushy, shoving things into your hands in an attempt to get you to buy them, following you, chasing you down in some cases. Cab drivers are equally aggressive. However, don't let that stop you from going ashore. As other posters have said, every port/country/town or city has issues of some type. Just be careful and keep your head on straight and you will be fine.

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I agree Jamaica is very beautiful, but also agree the residents are very aggressive. Leaving Dunn's River Falls and having to walk thru the maze of market stalls I was grabbed by the arm and yanked into a stall. When I said "No thank you" to what they were selling and started to walk away I was shouted at "OH, YOU DON'T LIKE BLACK PEOPLE????"


It's not a friendly island....and I've been to almost every island in the Caribbean cruise ships go to.

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One other thing to note. There are lots of private guides available for very reasonable prices. You can find recommendations on this site and others. We used to get a guy for the day and he took us pretty much anywhere we wanted to go. He was known all over and we never got the "hard sell" when with him. Our group was six people and the cost was less than most cruise line excursions for his private services all day. A step down from that would be a group tour which costs a little less but is not as flexible. Many of those folks do try to customize the tour to whatever the group wants though. Point being that if you are with a local most of the other vendors tend to leave you be. When they see you or your group alone they see it as a "business opportunity".

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I forgot to mention one little experience we had in Mo Bay. I guy walked up to us and tried to convince us he was our waiter in the MDR. He asked if he could borrow ten bucks and that he would pay us back at dinner. No, he was not our waiter. Someone trying to sell you drugs is very common, as others have mentioned, but that isn't just Jamaica. I've experienced that in St. Maarten, something I wasn't expecting there. It is much more common in Jamaica than most of the other islands though.

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I felt more "unsafe" in NYC, Chicago, Orlando, Paris, Munich, Nice, Shanghai, Rome, and London. Everything that happens on Jamaica happens elsewhere. You can get "ripped off" anyplace. You can have bad taxi drivers anyplace.


I always walk around the city, enjoy the culture, have a drink or two on a sidewalk patio. Jamaica is a beautiful place, and if you decide to stay within the walls of the port, you will miss out.


I see what youre saying, I guess to me, and what it seems like most peoples experiences have been, is that people are extremely aggressive in Jamaica and will insult and berate you for not buying their wares, and it seems to be everywhere you go. I have no doubt its a beautiful place, but is having to fend off hordes of extremely aggressive peddlers and having to constantly look over your shoulder worth it?


Furthermore, i'm not calling you out, but I doubt you felt more "unsafe" in a place like Paris, London, or Rome... or any first world country, really.

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My husband and I were in MoBay in December on the Dream. There is really nothing inside the port that we saw. We walked outside and asked someone to direct us to the taxis and we walked about a block and there were plenty. We took a ride to Doctor's Cave Beach. Driver very chatty and told us about things along the way. We were dropped off right in front of DCB. Not crowded when we arrived but got very busy by the time we left. It was ok, I've been to prettier beaches but all in all we had a good time. We rented an umbrella. We walked down to the end of the beach and it was less crowded and there was a small pier to walk out on. When we left we went into a little gift shop right next door for a few souvenirs then found a taxi right out front. Funny, but it cost us less to return than to go to DCB. Once arriving back at the port, there was an outside shopping area that we walked though. WE didn't see this on the way out. We've been to Jamaica before (Runaway Bay and Ocho Rios) and never felt unsafe. A polite no and walking away kept the vendors from bothering us.

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I agree Jamaica is very beautiful, but also agree the residents are very aggressive. Leaving Dunn's River Falls and having to walk thru the maze of market stalls I was grabbed by the arm and yanked into a stall. When I said "No thank you" to what they were selling and started to walk away I was shouted at "OH, YOU DON'T LIKE BLACK PEOPLE????"


It's not a friendly island....and I've been to almost every island in the Caribbean cruise ships go to.


This is pretty much what happened to us. While working our way thru the maze which is the stalls at the Falls, which lead to the exits, Hunny was approached by a vendor. She offered a polite "no, thank you" and tried to continue on toward the exit. The woman then proceeded to grab her by the arm and pull her toward her stall. Naturally, this ticked her off and she told off the woman. I only heard this as I was walking a step or two ahead of her. Had I seen this woman assault Hunny, I guarantee I would have seen the inside of a Jamaican jail while waiting on someone from the US Embassy.


Again, I get it. Things are tough. But you don't lay a hand on another person like that. And for those who say it's like this everywhere...I have been to quite a number of Caribbean islands...it's NOT like this everywhere. I have no desire to set foot upon this island again.

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