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Alaska Review: Aug. 26 - Sept 2 ~ NB on Star Princess


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Driving North on the Parks Highway – Denali STATE Park:


We had somewhat of a lazy morning this morning…enjoying our little cabin in the woods. After packing the last of the laundry, we left about 9 (an hour later than I wanted….) We had 268?? miles to go today…plus stops at (possibly) Talkeetna and (certainly) Denali STATE park – I also wanted to make it to Denali NATIONAL Park before 4 pm to see the sled dog demo. Schedules wouldn’t allow us to see it tomorrow when we were visiting the Nat’l Park.


We had debated whether to go to Talkeetna today as we headed north….or catch it in a couple of days when we drove south on that same highway. It was early when we got to the spur road so decided to do it today. We got to town and easily found a parking spot…then began walking around, darting into shops here and there. It’s a quaint little town…


We ended up in one little shop where we talked for probably half an hour with the shop owner…who came to visit Alaska 30 yrs ago…and never went home!!! She talked to us about what it’s like in Talkeetna AFTER tourist season. Her stories were so interesting. We bought a bracelet that I fell in love with, and moseyed on…lots to see and do today. After a few photos, we took our leave of this quaint little town….I always HATE leaving these wonderful places…. :loudcry:


Our next stop was at Denali STATE park. Some say the best views of Denali are there…not in the national park. We LOVED Denali Nat'l Park...but I must say, the views from here were indeed pretty impressive!!!


I knew from my research that there were three stops we needed to be certain to make: Denali View South, the Visitor Center and Denali View North. It was misting by the time we got to the South viewpoint…but we stopped anyway…can’t let rain stop you in Alaska…or you’ll be nothing but “stopped”…..


Denali View South: M 135.2 This is the viewpoint that so many say gives the BEST views of Denali. The viewing area here is indeed nice –benches, restrooms and picnic tables (across the parking lot in the areas for RV’s). And for us, today, this WAS the best view (It would NOT be the best view in 2 days when we return this way) We ended up having our lunch there, but because it was raining, we just ate in the car. That did NOT detract from the 'pleasant-ness' of it though… The car was 'warm'...and we moved it to where we could have a ‘front-row seat’ to the beautiful mountains, then ate our wonderful chicken salad sandwiches…(yep, I’ll have to tell you about that one in a bit…) and enjoyed our “lunch with scenery”.


It would have been right about now that IF I had HAPPENED to find a Ziploc bag with 2 oatmeal cookies in it, I would probably have eaten them. ;) Now…I’m not saying that I DID find such a Ziploc bag….I’m just saying that IF one had stowed away in my bag without my knowledge, it would have been a tragedy to let the oatmeal cookies in said bag go to waste… ;)


Visitor Center and Alaska Veteran’s Memorial M147.1 (the signs for this turnout do NOT say Visitor Center…they say Veteran’s Memorial… Yeah…we had to turn around ;)) The visitor center is very small, but they had coffee, hot cocoa, apple cider for donations…and we were there the day before they were closing down for the season (Sept 3) so they were also clearing out quite a few things - pretty good bargains! Views here weren’t that great…but the visitor center was nice, coffee was welcomed…and there were restrooms (though just porta-potties)


INVALUABLE ITEM for this part of the trip: Individually packaged hand sanitizing wipes….Need I say more??? J J (I guess the big packages would work too...I just liked having those little ones in my purse at all times...never knowing when I would need it)


Denali View North: M 162.7 THIS was the point that we got some of the best views today…such would NOT be the case on our return trip in a few days….but for today, THIS was the ‘place to be’. We saw ‘part’ of Denali here…not the whole thing…but ‘part’ was exciting!!! Even with only ‘part’ of her, the views here kept us there until we just simply HAD to go if we stood any chance whatsoever of making it to the Sled Dog demo in Denali Nat’l Park by 4…. Finally, DH PULLED me away…….


The “LONG” trail in Denali State Park is the K’esugi Ridge Trail. It’s 22 miles long…and we usually like to get on these long trails and walk a bit of them (obviously NOT 22 miles… but just a bit then turn around.) However, the best we could tell, the only access to it was via long hikes from other trailheads to the point where they would intersect with K’esugi. We just didn’t have the time for that… Maybe some day….


Now...About those chicken salad sandwiches…. OK…we went for groceries at Eagle River Walmart outside of Anchorage, right? Well, because it was after 3 pm, they had marked down their rotisserie chickens (have you had the rotisserie chickens at Walmart, they’re really good!!!) I had PLANNED to just get lunchmeat for our lunches, but when I saw that chicken I had a brainstorm. I was already planning to get mayo, et al….I could take that chicken and make the most delectable chicken salad!!! J J So that’s what I did.

Added Bonus: When we got to Butte’s Bethel, there were a few items in the fridge left from previous people…with a sign on the fridge telling us to use whatever we needed…and leave whatever we had that we couldn’t use…. It was a “Use and Contribute” type system! Haha!! After debating whether I should ‘trust’ them to be clean, I decided that I COULD. After all, the people who left these things here were probably tourists just like us…trying to feed their families just like us…Do I REALLY think they added arsenic to the pickles? I mean...seriously!! I added their pickles to my chicken salad…and I’m happy to report that we’re still alive. We didn’t die from eating pickles left in that fridge by someone we didn’t know!!!! I left a few items that I couldn't use too...to make my contribution. hehe! (Thoughts going through my head: They’re in vinegar – AND….it can’t be any worse than getting pickles on a hamburger at McDonalds…where we have NO IDEA what’s happened to them before we got them… ) :eek:


We headed on north on the Parks Highway…to Denali Nat’l Park -M237…and turned east into the park. It was 3:45 and the sled dog demo started at 4. We had 3 miles to go…then a hike…. We were IN A HURRY!!!! :eek:

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We have also spent many hours of frustration trying to stuff everything needed into a suitcase with a total weight under 50 lbs..and "rearranging" a lot of "unmentionables" in the airport lobby when their scales registered higher than ours. (Ever wonder if those scales are set a couple pounds high on purpose?) Anyway, we finally traded our 8 lb suitcases for large nylon duffel bags which weigh almost nothing...allowing us to pack about 12 more pounds of "stuff." Our two small carry-on suitcases have wheels and we loop the handles of the duffel bags over the carry-ons if need be...that's how we roll! There's no reason to have to ever carry the duffel bags. Baggage handlers are available for a $5 tip everywhere you will need them.


Good idea! We just bought our luggage in 2016...and it's pretty light (I paid attention to that when we were shopping) but probably not as light as nylon duffels. ;) When we're ready to purchase again I'll keep this in mind!

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Denali View South: M 135.2 This is the viewpoint that so many say gives the BEST views of Denali. The viewing area here is indeed nice –benches, restrooms and picnic tables (across the parking lot in the areas for RV’s). And for us, today, this WAS the best view (It would NOT be the best view in 2 days when we return this way) We ended up having our lunch there, but because it was raining, we just ate in the car.




Denali View North: M 162.7 THIS was the point that we got some of the best views today…such would NOT be the case on our return trip in a few days….but for today, THIS was the ‘place to be’. We saw ‘part’ of Denali here…not the whole thing…but ‘part’ was exciting!!! Even with only ‘part’ of her, the views here kept us there until we just simply HAD to go if we stood any chance whatsoever of making it to the Sled Dog demo in Denali Nat’l Park by 4…. Finally, DH PULLED me away…….



I need to make a correction...or perhaps a clarification (I'm a stickler for accuracy....)

Our best view on Sunday was at Denali View SOUTH...

But on our RETURN....heading back to Anchorage on Tuesday is when we saw Denali from Viewpoint North....

From North viewpt, Sunday was beautiful....but TUESDAY was "Denali"!!!!

I just got really confused above....sorry...... :eek:


Now...none of that really matters...except to convey the point that.... There's no 'one good place'. They're BOTH grand... Stop at both...going and coming back... as there's no way to know which one will give you the best views.....or when.... ;)

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Thank you rgmacm! I appreciate the info about ACT bus service. Sounds like a good plan, and my husband and teenage son can handle shoving our bags under the bus. I will check their website for the early booking discount.


A few more tidbits of info about them...

Rocklinmom, you've probably already noticed this but for others reading, they offer three different types of transport...

1. Transport only (which is what we did...needed to get to Anchorage, get rental car and get on our way...)

2. Half day that includes a stop on Turnagain Arm (I don't know where because it's been a LONG time since I researched all this)

3. Full Day transport that includes multiple stops and if I remember correctly, lunch....


Then...some info for you, Rocklinmom.... (and others, of course) Before the bus pulled out of town, the driver took us on a tour of Whittier. I'm sure that was because the tunnel hadn't opened yet and he was utilizing the time...so that may not happen on all buses....

Anyway...The town literally has only 500 residents...so our tour was less than 10min...but it was interesting. He took us around the building where EVERYONE in Whittier lives...The school is across the street...the 'other' building in town has EVERYTHING else (city offices, emergency personnel etc...) There's a tunnel going over to the school (I can't remember if he said there was a tunnel to the office building...) and that tunnel means the kids in Whittier NEVER get snow days!! :( :(

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Heading to Healy AK – via Denali Nat’l Park Sled Dog Kennels


We turned off of the Parks Highway into Denali Nat'l Park at 3:45. The Sled dog demo started at 4!!! We had worked really hard all day long to make sure we saw what we wanted to see...but still made it here (Ranger Station) by 4:00....and we were cutting it close!!! :eek:


They ‘suggest’ that visitors park at the Vis. Ctr and take the free shuttle over to the kennels, but we had already missed that –it left at 3:15. There is a 1.5 mi trail from the Vis. Ctr too, but there was NO WAY we had time for that. We had no choice but to drive to the Ranger station and HOPE there was a parking spot (they’re limited) Luckily, we found a spot…and RAN up the trail to the kennels. We got there just seconds before the ranger closed off the entrance and wouldn’t let anyone else in. (He saw us running down the trail and hollered "Hurry! Hurry!" ...I think he was laughing at us too....hehehe)


When we got to the Demo area (somewhat out of breath...haha!), we found there were NO Park Rangers there!! ~~ No.....at the kennels, there are only Bark Rangers!!! :D I've been to Nat'l Parks my entire life...and until 2017, never knew such a position existed.... ;p


They brought out several of the dogs…introduced them…talked to us about how they are chosen for duty…how they are trained…what they do and how INVALUABLE they are to the Bark Rangers (I LOVE typing that...haha) who much patrol the park in the winter…when roads are impassable. I know a lot of people don’t like the idea of 'forcing' these dogs to work. I have come to the conclusion (and this was 'seconded' by the lady we talked to at the Iditarod Headquarters later...) that these people are ones who have never actually SEEN these dogs...and their excitement at being connected to their harnesses. When you actually SEE that, you realize...they're not being 'forced' to do anything!! They LOVE what they do. They LOVE to run...they LOVE to work. They are, by breed, incredibly smart...and when you have one who is 'teachable" (they're just like people...some are teachable...others are not...) you can train them to do incredible things. I SAW their excitement that day and knew...These dogs would NEVER be happy sitting in your living room in front of the fire. Just like an 'active person'....they HAVE to be doing something to be happy!! (OK…stepping off my soapbox now….)


The demo lasted about 30 min. then we got to go out in the yard and ‘meet’ the dogs. There were puppies there too… All the dog houses have the dog's names on them....so I was able to position most of my photos to have dog and name in them....haha!


Funny Story: The dogs know that when the visitors leave, they get fed. After we’d been there a while, it was time for that free shuttle to head back to the Vis.Ctr. The Bark Rangers announced that it was leaving in 5 min and when they did, a large portion of the people turned to head back to the shuttle bus – i.e. turned their backs on the dogs. IMMEDIATELY!! the dogs began to bark….ALL of them!!! LOUDLY….INTENSELY!! They knew that when they saw everyone walking away, food was coming!! The Bark Ranger had told us this would happen…that the dogs were just 'saying goodbye'... Sure enough….It Did!! :D


Because we had parked at the Ranger Station, we stayed after most of the visitors left - fewer people....more of a chance to pet a dog.....or a puppy.... It was kind of a special thing for us. You see...we had put down our Golden Retriever of 14 yrs just a few days before heading on this trip… :( (had no other choice...) but it was really hard!! DH, especially, really enjoyed seeing and petting those dogs…..


When we finally left there, we wanted to go by WAC (Wilderness Access Ctr) to pick up our tickets for the shuttle tomorrow…didn’t know what kind of lines we’d encounter tomorrow morning. When we got there, we ‘encountered’ a line then too…it was after 5 pm. Interesting thing…many of those in line in front of us were trying to BUY tickets for tomorrow. There were no tickets available!!! These tourists had showed up at Denali Nat’l Park…on Labor Day weekend…expecting to buy tickets for the LABOR DAY shuttle.… I felt a little sorry for them. They obviously were not experienced travelers…and it was sad if this was their “once in a lifetime’ trip…and they were now not going to get on a shuttle… (i.e. would only be able to see/access the first 12 miles of the park where personal vehicles are allowed to drive). :(


FOLKS!!! Buy your shuttle tickets before you go…like as soon as you know your dates… While other weekends may not be as busy as holiday weekends (I don’t know…just thinking with my fingertips….) this IS a National Park!!! Lots of people visit here every year… Don’t leave your 'once in a lifetime trip' to ‘chance’ !!!!!


We bought our tickets in February…and had our choice of shuttle times…


We finally got to the front of the line after listening to party after party ARGUE with the park employee…trying to PUSH their way onto a shuttle. They did not succeed…but honestly…I was just slightly irritated with them. I was tired...and standing in line to PICK UP My previously-purchased tickets - for 30 min.waiting on them to accept their fate… The answer from park employees never changed…. So sad for these people…..


After getting our tickets, we went to the Vis. Ctr, looked through the museum displays there and watched the film (things we thought we might not have time for tomorrow....)

By this time, it was getting close to 7…we had only about 15 miles to drive to Healy, but I had heard reports of road construction. We needed to head out.


No road construction…we got to our Inn (Denali LakeView Inn) in probably 20 min.

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Denali Lakeview Inn – Healy AK


I really LOVED this place. It's in Healy – about 12 miles NORTH of the entrance to Denali Nat’l Park… It's off of Otto Lake Road which is paved…but you DO turn down a dirt road for the last bit to get to the Inn. This had me a little concerned when reading reviews…Some said that it was a really bad road…ruts, etc. We didn’t find it to be ‘bad’ at all. We drove slow…and watched for and avoided holes (that’s just smart! ;)) but it wasn’t 'bad'…and the dirt road was a very short distance.


When we got to Denali Lakeview Inn…parked…went inside, we knew we had made a GOOD DECISION!!! :D


Our name was on a card at the front door. Our key was in our door…and our room was at the top of one flight of stairs. We had to carry luggage (it’s an old building…of course, no elevator) but once in, the room was nice…clean…had a BEAUTIFUL view out our private deck…and was stocked with a HUGE amount of breakfast items.


When reserving a room at Denali Lakeview Inn, https://www.denalilakeviewinn.com/ you choose the EXACT room you want. All rooms are ‘named’…and each one is a little different - some have Jacuzzis. (Ours didn't ...we didn't think we'd be there enough to enjoy it...)


We were in Whispering Willows – on the top floor – I thought we'd get the best view from there - and it's only up one flight of stairs. :) I was right! Now...that was not our first choice, but reserving so late (yes…I didn’t make my reservation until December … a mere 9 months prior to our arrival…) I had to take what was available….


The Lesson I Learned With This: :D Make reservations EARLY!! (like MORE than 9 months....) They book quickly!!!


We were here for 2 nights…and LOVED it. The building backed up to the lake...all rooms have a view (except for 1, I believe...) mountains in the background. Sunrises were beautiful. Sunsets were beautiful…The whole place was peaceful and quiet…There was a chance of seeing Northern lights on our 2nd night there. (Yeah...I checked the gi forecast) and DH got up several times during the night to see if they were there. They weren’t… :( but I have to say…with the darkness all around (no lights from city...ship...etc...) our chances of seeing them were greatest here!!!


Breakfast left for us (and replenished the 2nd morning) included cereal varieties with milk, fresh fruit, raisin bread and banana muffins, butter, peanut butter, jelly, apple juice and coffee with all the extras. (yeah...there was a lot and I've probably forgotten something...haha) We realized after we got there that we could have made a breakfast AND lunch out of what was provided. It WAS carb-heavy, but I knew that ahead of time so had purchased some protein choices at Walmart in Anchorage - to keep blood sugars under control. With a coffeemaker, toaster, microwave (and fridge) we had everything we needed to eat well while there.



Bed: comfortable;

Bathroom: 'normal' :D

Views/Ambiance: INCREDIBLE!

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Denali National Park:


We had shuttle reservations for 7:30 and had been instructed to arrive by 7:15….which meant leaving the Inn by 6:45. (get there, parked & in line early enough to sit on the LEFT side of the bus.) Unfortunately, I woke up at 5:00 with a migraine…. I took meds, but began mentally preparing myself to send my husband to Denali alone…. :loudcry: That was quite a mental exercise as I had been planning, preparing for and eagerly awaiting this day for almost a year. To give it up was NOT going to be easy…..


To make a long story short, the meds finally kicked in, and within 20 min, I got ready, packed lunches/snacks and was out the door. (Yes Folks....I'm STILL in awe of 'me' on that one!!! bwahaha) Note...it IS wise to pack a lunch for this day. The only food available is at WAC (Wilderness Access Center) and when we arrived, the line was EXTREMELY long… I wonder if those people made it on to their bus/shuttle?? Of course, I had our wonderful chicken salad & chips as well as the apple from our breakfast at Denali Lakeview Inn. We had a wonderful lunch! "Lightweight" is kind of important here too as you carry everything you need WITH YOU. Of course, the nice thing about lunch is that you only carry it in the morning. :D We brought a few snack type things as well as 2 water bottles – and there are water bottle filling stations at WAC and Eielson…. We had all we needed.


We chose the On/Off Shuttle (Green buses) because we wanted the freedom to ‘explore’ – hike...pause…linger….connect with nature….spend as much time at Eielson as we wished…and perhaps even purchase the extra portion on to Wonder Lake if it was early enough when we got to Eielson and we felt like it. All of that was detailed on the http://nps.gov website as ‘options’ with the On/Off Shuttle (Not an option for the tour bus – tan bus)


However…when we picked up our tickets the day before…and again this morning when we boarded the bus, we were told that because all their buses were ‘full’ that day (It was Labor Day) they suggested that we stay with our original bus. You are guaranteed a spot on the bus you start on…for the entire day. Once you leave that bus… you become a ‘stand by’ passenger on any later bus. They told us that it was highly possible that with all full buses, we could wait a couple of hours for an available seat….. This was VERY disappointing as it meant we could forget about hiking…lingering…etc… I really think that was BECAUSE this was Labor Day. I’m hoping that on a future visit…on a day OTHER than a holiday, the situation would be different. We'd have a chance to really utilize the ‘on/off’ privileges.


As far as our experience on the Shuttle, it was a very good one all things considered. Yeah, I would have liked to explore the park more…but we still saw some amazing things. Denali was NOT out today…but we saw ‘portions’ of her… :) The entire day, staying with our bus, took 8 hrs. We had several 15 minute stops (Teklanika, Polychrome, Toklat) as well as short stops at the campgrounds… then had 35 min. at Eielson. There was a film there at Eielson that we didn’t get to see because of time constraints. :(


Now…to our day:

We arrived at WAC, parked and went inside. There was a long line for people picking up tickets…possibly even some trying to purchase tickets??? I was SOOO SOOOO glad we’d picked up our tickets the night before. I can’t recommend that enough, Folks!!!! ;)


We went right out to the loading zone and found our ‘line’. It was very long and at first I thought we’d missed our chance to get a seat on the LEFT. Then…I realized that was the 7:15 bus. We were there earlier than I thought. Haha! After that bus loaded, we were the 2nd ‘party’ in line for the 7:30 shuttle. We’d get that ‘left side' seat!!!! :D


Our bus arrived as soon as the 7:15 left and we boarded soon after that…got a seat on about the 5th row…left side. Our driver was Cassie… We would find ourselves REALLY impressed with her before the end of the day…..

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Thanks for your detailed review! I skimmed most of it but will return at a later date to read it more thoroughly.


We also cruised on the 26 Aug cruise and loved it. This was our second Alaskan cruise, the first was a small ship cruise 10 years ago on our honeymoon. While I will maintain that small ship is still the best way to experience the inside passage, we thoroughly enjoyed our Star Princess cruise.


It was interesting reading about the various activities that we didn't get to do (we had two small kids, 4 and 9 in tow so we had early nights and had to take frequent breaks) and the very different experiences you can tailor for yourselves, despite being on the same vessel.


And yes, Captain Tuvo was amazing - loved his enthusiasm... BYE BYE!

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You must be feeling: "Is there anyone out there reading this??" I can assure you, there are MANY of us, some just love to "lurk" and not get involved, but since I am enjoying your entries so much, I thought I'd add my thanks for your detailed review. I am thoroughly enjoying it and taking notes like mad for next summer on the Coral.

On your enthusiastic recommendation, I have ordered Alaska Cruise Companion by Rachel Cartwright from Amazon where I found that new books are going for $77+ :o:o I bought a used one for $18 something, but I think from my researching various places on where to buy the book (there aren't many places at all), it has gone out of print.:(


Star Princess: Food et al:

I'm enjoying writing this....but am wondering if it's really helping anyone. Speak Up if this is helpful and something I should continue.... If not, that's ok too... I just want to concentrate my time and efforts where it will benefit the most people.


Food: In true ‘breaking of the mold’ fashion, we ate most meals in the Horizon Court. I’m typically NOT a buffet fan… We just prefer MDR…but on this cruise, MDR really didn't 'fit' the schedule we were trying to keep. Now...the only Horizon Court meal that was actually inedible was on the last night… I threw the plate away and went back for a salad. Other than that, the food was ‘ok’ as buffet meals go….and the salad bar was ALWAYS great in true Princess fashion. The other ‘winner’ in the buffet was the fruit selection for breakfast!!! Princess does this better than any other cruise line I’ve been on. On this cruise, there was a LOT of Asian food choices – I assume to appeal to the large percentage of Asian passengers we had on this cruise. J We ate 1-2 meals at the grill…and I got a piece of pizza one day for lunch with a salad from the buffet… We LOVE International Café…but only had 1 meal there… So much of the time we were on the upper decks so buffet/grill/pizza were just more convenient.


It SHOULD be mentioned…the oatmeal cookies were not only at the buffet...but ALSO at International Café. That means if one DID happen to be on a lower level, these delectable little goodies were still within easy reach…. You know….if one NEEDED an oatmeal cookie. This is SOOOO ingenious of PCL!!!!!


The Trident Grill had Alaskan food several days …sometimes 4-6 pm….and other times 6-10 pm. During those times (posted in Patters) they stopped serving their regular menu items of burgers/dogs and just had seafood items - BBQ salmon is the one I remember as I ordered that one evening. It was served with cole slaw....was very good...


When it comes to MDR dining, it was what we have come to expect from Princess Dining rooms. We chose Anytime Dining for this cruise…That was the BEST choice for us - trying to do ‘All Things Alaska'. We realized that the service with AD would be less personalized…but we knew that the "Alaska" schedule would ‘schedule’ us OUT of specific dining times most evenings. We were right. We only made it to MDR 3 times on this cruise... another 'breaking the mold’ for us.


Crab legs- DIVINE!! Shrimp Daniele – VERY good!! And I always like the crème brule and mignardises!!! It should be noted that I had read (and printed) off 7-day cruise menus from posters here on CC or the internet…specifically, an Alaskan cruise May 2017. The best I could tell, our cruise menus had all the same items…but not necessarily on the same days…or in the same ‘groupings’. (they were similar...but not always exactly the same...) That has led me to believe that basing any decision of when or where to eat before you get on the ship could lead one down the wrong path….just my ‘take’ on things. I am one of those who goes into hyper-plan mode before a cruise. I like to know everything - including menus. My DH would always say...."They'll GIVE you a menu when you get there...WHY do you have to know what's being served ahead of time??? It's a waste of time!!" NO Folks!! He doesn't understand hyper-plan mode!! hehe (But I don't know that he's going to be able to circumvent this condition either....it's in-grained into me)


Lines: I didn’t find the lines to be longer than what you would expect on a ship with 2500 passengers. In Ketchikan, which was a short port day, everyone was getting back on the ship at basically the same time and the lines were long (45 min-1hr) In Juneau, Skagway and of course at embarkation, lines to get back on board weren’t bad at all. Lines in the buffet were never really long…of course, we were there at ‘off-times’ (which I would highly recommend…) but we never waited more than 2-3 min. there. Lines at the Grill when they were doing the seafood could get long…. Of course, lines at the outlet shopping were HORRIBLE…but that’s always the case as they only have one person as cashier…. (never understood that reasoning…)


Entertainment: Princess went to great lengths to entertain not only those of us who wanted to do “All Things Alaska” but also those who didn’t… I don’t know anything about the quality of those other performances… I’m sure they were wonderful!


That’s the ship…at least all portions I could think of to write about…

Questions? Just ask…if I can, I'll answer…

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You must be feeling: "Is there anyone out there reading this??" I can assure you, there are MANY of us, some just love to "lurk" and not get involved, but since I am enjoying your entries so much, I thought I'd add my thanks for your detailed review. I am thoroughly enjoying it and taking notes like mad for next summer on the Coral.

On your enthusiastic recommendation, I have ordered Alaska Cruise Companion by Rachel Cartwright from Amazon where I found that new books are going for $77+ :o:o I bought a used one for $18 something, but I think from my researching various places on where to buy the book (there aren't many places at all), it has gone out of print.:(


I'm glad to hear it's helping someone! :D

About it going out of print...that surprises me. On the ship, there was a huge display of them...probably several hundred... What I DID notice is that there are updated versions...mine is from 2016, but I met a lady in Horizon Court one morning (reading hers just across the room haha) who had an older version bought on a previous cruise. Could it be that what you're seeing as 'out of print' is really just older versions?? :)

On the ship, it was 18.99 - You'll really like having it ahead of time though.... :)

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Thanks for your detailed review! I skimmed most of it but will return at a later date to read it more thoroughly.


We also cruised on the 26 Aug cruise and loved it. This was our second Alaskan cruise, the first was a small ship cruise 10 years ago on our honeymoon. While I will maintain that small ship is still the best way to experience the inside passage, we thoroughly enjoyed our Star Princess cruise.


It was interesting reading about the various activities that we didn't get to do (we had two small kids, 4 and 9 in tow so we had early nights and had to take frequent breaks) and the very different experiences you can tailor for yourselves, despite being on the same vessel.


And yes, Captain Tuvo was amazing - loved his enthusiasm... BYE BYE!


Yes...I can see how having 2 little ones would GREATLY affect what you choose to do....;)


:hearteyes: Loved Capt Tuvo's Bye-Bye's... :hearteyes:

When we got off the ACT bus in Anchorage, a guy turned around before stepping off and said "Bye-Bye" to everyone.... we all laughed!! ;)

That IS his signature!!!

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This is such a good review. It has brought back happy memories of our Alaska trip last year on the Star Princess. We also drove to Denali (precruise) and stayed at the Denali Lakeview Inn. We really enjoyed our stay there. I look forward to hearing about your shuttle ride into the park.


Thank you! Yes, I would stay at Denali Lakeview Inn again in a heartbeat! :)

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Our driver, Cassie was a young girl…a petite little thing…but she could not only handle that bus but was quite skilled at handling some of the passengers on it. That was NOT an easy task…as you'll see… :o


Cassie began the day with an introduction…and a bit of her resume. During the winter months, she teaches at a ‘tour bus driving school’…teaching others how to drive buses like this - while narrating. She spends her summers - for the last 10 years, driving here in Denali NP.


She shared her rules before we got far down the road…and they were:


1. When the bus is in motion we were to be seated….


2. IF wildlife was spotted, we were to be very very quiet (wildlife does not know what the buses are…and should never ‘learn’ that they contain people) Windows stay up unless you can be completely quiet...all hands, fingers, camera lenses, etc...stay INSIDE the bus...all to hide the fact that the buses contain 'people'. She went on to say that if we were noisy...or in any way gave indication that there were 'people' on the bus, she would have NO CHOICE (Park regulations) but to drive away…and we would miss our wildlife viewing.


I took this extremely seriously. I wanted more than anything to see a bear –I’ve been to Yellowstone more times than I can count…not to mention the Rockies…the Smokies…the Sierra Nevada’s and never seen a bear…. I’d seen whales before….I came to Alaska to see a BEAR!!! :)


But.......Our bus contained a large group of individuals who did not feel the need to follow ANY of Cassie’s rules. She told us in her introduction that it was perfectly acceptable to turn to fellow passengers and very politely say “Shhh” to remind them to be quiet.


I promise!!! I refrained from doing that for a very long time….through several stops and quite a few reminders from Cassie….I was bothered by it, but said nothing. But....when we saw the Momma grizzly and 2 cubs….and Cassie finally made a hushed warning of “If you continue to be noisy, I will have no choice but to drive away”, I had had enough of their ignoring her every request. I didn’t want her to drive away….this was my “Denali Dream” and I didn’t want a bunch of disobedient, disrespectful tourists to ruin it for me. :(


The former elementary teacher in me came out and I turned around, gave my best “You’d better listen up” look and said “SHHHHHH!!!!!!!” ~~I’d like to report that it worked….It didn’t!! :mad:


Thankfully, Cassie stayed there long enough for me to really see…and photograph the bears…but not as long as she COULD have stayed if those 20-25 people had just HUSHED!!!! She finally said “I have to drive away because you’re too noisy” and she did….


Not too much further down the road, we stopped for another grizzly. Cassie stayed there long enough from me to get some great photos of him standing up (and watch him through the binoculars imprinting the image on my brain haha!!)...but they were noisy there too.... When she HAD to leave, she told everyone to sit down – over and over and over...probably 5-6 times. They made not a single move to comply with her request(s)…so she did a false start…and every person standing in the aisle (about 5-6) went ALL THE WAY DOWN like dominoes. ;p They were literally laying down in the aisle on top of each other. I didn't say a word....but 'on the inside' I was smiling. The man across the aisle from us got off the floor and sat in his seat…but even after that, his behavior was only slightly modified. Thankfully, it didn’t TOO negatively impact what we were able to see at that stop.


Just as a little aside here...when that happened, I looked up at the driver's mirror...to see her face. I think I detected a little bit of shock there (Idk...) I'm not sure she expected THAT to happen...and perhaps it could get her in trouble??? But she HAD to get their attention.....and nothing else was working. She had been trying the entire day... No one was hurt that we could see...and this little girl had to control a bus of 50+ passengers...I WOULDN'T want her job!!!


There were only TWO really negative experiences we had on this trip…and the behavior of these people on that bus that day was one of them. That being said though…that ‘negative’ was all surrounding one of the GREATEST HIGHLIGHTS of my trip-- SEEING THOSE BEARS!!! So I still remember this day and this experience with utmost joy!!!! :)


But hold on…the best is yet to come… (I'm sorry...will try to get it done today...)

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What a great review. Thanks so much for sharing. We are in the midst of planning.....we did the train last time in Skagway and this time we are searching for something else to do. Was there a charge for the nat'l park ranger historic walk? Or the Chilkoot Trail Museum? Did you have to prebook the historic walk, or just sign up when you got off the ship. Thanks in advance.

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In addition to the Momma grizzly and 2 cubs…and the single Grizzly standing up on his back legs, we also saw Dall Sheep way upon the mountainside….then….




The BIG ONE!! - Yeah possibly ‘bigger than the bears’….was…


A Black Wolf!!!! :D


We were heading back after being at Eielson when we came upon many buses stopped in the road. Cassie said in very hushed tones…..”I can’t believe this….this is soooo rare…but what I’m hearing from other drivers is that up ahead, there’s a black wolf walking down the road. I’m going to stop and I need for you to be VERY Quiet!!! We don’t want him to know we’re (people) here. Pleeeease, don’t make a sound. Pleeeeease be VERY VERY quiet. If he is not scared away, he should walk right past our bus.”


He did!!!! On our side…he was not more than 10 feet from our bus. :hearteyes:


According to Cassie, there are only about 70 wolves in the park….and they are rarely seen by people. She said that all visitors to Denali are seen BY a wolf…but very few visitors ever see that wolf….


After the wolf passed and she drove away, she told us that in the 10 yrs she’d been in the park, she’d only seen 3 wolves. We had just had quite a treat!!!! :D


What About that Famous Mountain?


Well, about Mile 9 (private vehicles are allowed to drive up to M12) is the first spot when Denali CAN be seen (if she wants to be….) At that point, Callie pulled over, and we had a view of her base. Of course, I took pictures…Who knows…that might be all we’d see.


Then, en route back to the Visitor Center that afternoon, (not at M9 but I honestly don’t know exactly where) Cassie stopped the bus and said “This doesn’t happen often, but the North peak is out” !!!! (there are 2 peaks, just fyi) I got some photos of Denali’s summit…but the base was covered in clouds. Thoughts going through my mind at that point centered around ‘photo-shop’….Hehe!! :D


That was all we saw of Denali that day.


But….it had been a good day!!! :)


Yes…I’d like to return some day when it’s NOT a holiday weekend and try once again to do the hop on/hop off shuttle…and actually hop on and hop off…. There are some great hikes at Eielson and Polychrome that I’d like to take…I had researched those and was really looking forward to them….


When we got back to WAC, we were pretty exhausted. The full day (without any hopping) was 8 hrs….on a bus…


There was really nothing more at WAC that we wanted to do (had done it all yesterday evening-- which was a good idea btw….) We DID stop back at the Visitor Center book store to check for Christmas ornaments…then headed back to Denali Lakeview Inn


Back there, we got a bite to eat from items provided in our ample ‘breakfast’ supply and things we’d bought/prepared back at Butte’s Bethel…sat out on our deck for a bit, watched a beautiful sunset over the lake with the mountains in the background...then went to bed….



It had been a long but INCREDIBLE day. :hearteyes:


My Tips:


  • NUMBER ONE: Follow the rules on the buses, Folks!!! …and insist on compliance from children. EVERYONE wants to see these things…and we DO get excited…but if you don’t follow the rules, you ruin it, not only for yourself…but for 53 other ‘innocent’ people!!! Not Nice!!!

  • The Hop On Hop Off Shuttle: I still think that on NON-holidays, this could be the BEST way to see the park (at least the way WE like to see Nat’l parks) and hope that on any future visits to Denali, we can actually hop on/off, hike, and relax. Yeah... I STILL like this idea...and highly recommend the shuttle…even though it didn’t work out best for us on Labor Day.

  • Buy tickets early. Especially on holiday/holiday weekends. Honestly, I’d do that no matter when. I just wouldn’t leave ANYTHING to chance …

  • Bring lunch. Yes, you can purchase one at the little coffee bar at WAC…but lines are long…and who needs the stress of trying to get through the line and still make it to your bus.

  • One bottle of water per person is probably enough…There are water bottle filling stations at Eielson and of course WAC.

  • The only REAL restrooms on this trip (to Eielson and back) are at Eielson and WAC. All others are porta-potties. The nice thing about those in the park though is that they have hand sanitizer dispensers in each porta pottie. I had my individual packets, because I didn’t know those would be there…. But the dispensers were nice!

  • Bring Windex Wipes if you plan to take pictures from the bus window… You’re asked to only open the windows if you can be completely totally absolutely quiet. (note stories above….) but you can’t ‘trust’ your fellow passengers all the time. Windex wipes can GREATLY improve your photos if you’re forced to snap through a window. (I got a small package at Dollar Tree…for $1)

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What a great review. Thanks so much for sharing. We are in the midst of planning.....we did the train last time in Skagway and this time we are searching for something else to do. Was there a charge for the nat'l park ranger historic walk? Or the Chilkoot Trail Museum? Did you have to prebook the historic walk, or just sign up when you got off the ship. Thanks in advance.


thank you!


The Historic District Walking Tour is .75pp... (booking fee) :D You can reserve those online - I believe the website is recreation.gov - but just go to the nps.gov website to make sure (cause I'm relying on memory here...) You MIGHT be able to just walk up and get on one of those tours...but honestly, I'd just reserve it if you think there's even a chance you'll want to do it... .75 isn't that much to lose if you change your plans.

As far as Chilkoot Trail, I don't think there's a charge for the Trail Center...of course, trails are always free.

Just fyi, there's also a Dyea Townsite Walking tour (90 min) It, too is .75pp (....again...a booking fee)

The problem we ran into is that to get to Dyea requires driving on a gravel road - and that is forbidden by Avis...if you're renting a car....

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Last Views as we Drive South to Wasilla


We awoke to a beautiful sunrise over the lake behind Denali Lakeview Inn, made coffee and enjoyed the display. Getting ready, packing…and watching a sunrise all at the same time is a little challenging… We somehow managed to make it work, but it DID take us a little longer than I had planned. It was almost 9 by the time we left!!


We were only driving back to Wasilla tonight… When I was planning, I didn’t want this day to be rushed… Several things were on the itinerary: A trip BACK into Denali ….Stops at the viewpoints in Denali STATE park. Talkeetna if we hadn’t gone there on Sunday (we did…so no need to return) and finally, the Iditarod Headquarters in Wasilla if we hadn’t gone there on Sunday. We didn’t so would go there today. With all those stops (or potential stops) I didn’t want to try to get all the way back to Anchorage. I also got a REALLY REALLY good rate at the Select Inn because it was after Labor Day!!! ($60 less than they quoted for the exact same room BEFORE Labor Day - Our 'first' itinerary had us staying there the first night after getting off the ship...As we got further into the planning process, we added a day to our trip and switched things up a bit...saving $60 in the process :D)


First Stop: Denali Nat’l Park…for a last look….and to say ‘good bye’. :loudcry: Maybe we would see another bear…or moose…or possibly DENALI!!! By way of information: Private vehicles can drive 12 miles into the park. That was our plan today.


Well…just a few miles in, we DID see a Bull moose….He was hidden among the bushes/trees so I didn’t get clear pictures…but we watched him for a while.


Then….WE SAW DENALI!!! She came out for us!!! The traffic jam was unbelievable between cars, buses and shuttles… J I could hardly believe my good luck. Ok…to the point that I think I actually cried!!! Yep….a little embarrassed by that, but the two things I wanted to see on this trip were a bear and Denali…and now I’d seen them both!!!! :hearteyes:


I THINK Fall came while we were sleeping last night. Everything looked different this morning – almost like a completely different park!!! No….I’m serious!! The leaves changed colors LAST NIGHT. In the valleys (especially near the entrance as we were heading back out of the park) were the most vivid yellows and golds….that weren’t there yesterday! (Interesting that there were no reds…..just golds/yellows) To add to the picture, it apparently had snowed up in the mountains last night. Mountains that only had snow on their tips yesterday were now officially ‘snow-capped’. It 'completed’ the picture…Fall colors in the valleys, shadowy snow-capped mountains in the background!!! I took picture after picture…sweeping video after sweeping video… I was mesmerized!!! :hearteyes:


This trip BACK into the Park that morning was one of the BEST decisions we made on this vacation!!! But, by 11:00, DH was pulling me back to the car… We DID have to go. We might have time for a leisurely drive to Wasilla…but it DID need to eventually involve some ‘driving’…. ;)


I sat in the aura for the next couple of hours –until we arrived at Denali State Park – first stop- North Viewpoint. In my review of this a few days ago, I got it confused. I was trying to write about BOTH trips (coming and going) in the same post, and things just got jumbled…not only on the page, but in my mind as well. Haha!! But on this, our return trip, we found the best view at NORTH and lesser views at SOUTH . (exact opposite of our drive TO Healy on Sunday). By the time we got to the South viewpoint, fog was rolling in on Denali. In fact, even though ‘weather’ on the summit has NOTHING to do with weather down below, it was actually starting to get a little cooler for us too…. All of that was ok though. I’d seen Denali!!!!!!!!


Yes…DH pulled me away from there too. (It’s really something we’ve GOT to talk about…his ‘pulling’ of me…. ;p)


We got to Wasilla about 5:00 (yeah…rush hour in Wasilla was a lot worse than I would have ever thought…It’s not a metro area by any stretch, but we were in bumper to bumper, 10 mph traffic…haha) We headed straight to the Iditarod Headquarters. It was raining…pretty heavily actually. We finally found it (not as easy as maps made it appear to be…but still 'findable'...) and ran inside soaking wet!!

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Inside the Iditarod Headquarters, we met a lady who we just fell in love with!!!! There was a film there about the race…the dogs…the champions/mushers. It was very interesting…though came a bit from a ‘defensive’ standpoint. I mentioned that to the woman :confused: (who at first was as defensive of her sport as the film…until I finally convinced her that I wasn’t the ‘enemy’. Ha) I fully understood though… She explained that they get a lot of people coming in there who just want to critique their lifestyle…choices…and what they do. They don’t understand all the mushers do WITH the dogs...the relationship they forge with their dogs...how they feel about them....yet still feel the need (and right) to criticize before they try to understand. (??)


After a few minutes of conversation, we convinced this (very nice) woman that we were NOT going to do that. ;) Then, she just talked and talked and talked to us. Of course, I had a thousand questions…about how they train…how they decide WHO to train. The position of the dogs in the team...and how they decide HOW to position them. Just thousands of questions!!! (She kept saying "You ask good questions." hehe) She talked to us for over an hour… Finally, we were tired and hungry… so took our leave and headed to our hotel.


Hotel: Wasilla Select Inn. I really liked this place - these rooms, too, had kitchens.. Again, when planning I didn't know exactly what I'd need so just got this room....and the rate was EXCELLENT as we were there after Labor Day (saved $60 from the rate quoted before Labor Day) We had a few things left in our stash of food…just the right amount (I’ had apparently done a good job of planning that. :D) . We ate, then began the formidable task of packing and WEIGHING suitcases in preparation for our flight tomorrow evening. OH I HATE THAT JOB!!


I brought a luggage scale with us…but couldn’t for the life of me find it. Thankfully, the hotel had a regular scale. That’s not the best way…but we made it work.


We had tentatively planned to go get a coke that night (hadn’t had one in several days…I was going through Diet Coke withdrawal), but the ‘packing and weighing’ took a lot longer than I had hoped…so we axed that plan. I just went to the vending machine at the hotel. :)


Tomorrow, our Alaskan adventure would slide to a halt… :loudcry: It didn’t seem possible (Still doesn’t seem possible and we’ve been home for 3 weeks!!! ) but anyway…all good things come to an end and tomorrow, this good thing would do just that. :(


Yes Folks...I'm almost through...there's light at the end of the tunnel....hehe

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