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Ciao! Photo Review Italy and Adriatic on Quest Oct 3 2017


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I hate to end on a negative note! Quest heads to Italy next, and we had one of our best ever travel experiences in Sicily! We saw green again on the Amalfi Coast! And I've hinted about the incredible White Night in Sorrento! (see, I'm very positive, just look at all those exclamation points!!)


Unfortunately for this review, here in the States we have Thanksgiving coming up, which involves lots of time shopping for and preparing food, (and in our case, long trips picking up and dropping off college students.) So be patient with us if it take a bit more time to get the last part of our cruise posted here! In the meantime, Happy Thanksgiving to all of the folks who celebrate, and THANK YOU to everyone who has followed along or posted encouraging comments!

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Love following your review. Did you take the ships excursions?

Thanks Doll! You know we didn’t get to take even one! :( We had signed up for a biking tour through the ship, but it was canceled due to rain.



We often book private tours because hubby likes to spend some time with his photography ( that’s part of the fun of the trip for him) we like traveling with a private guide so we can linger where we want to. But I have to say that the list of options seemed improved over the last Azamara cruise we took. (Early 2016)j There were several cultural food/wine tours for people interested in that. The new Cruise Global and Bike Local tours looked really interesting, the passengers who did take them loved them and I was sorry we didn’t get to try the one we signed for. There were several ships tours that I felt I would have been happy to try, if we hadn’t booked a private guide.

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Really enjoying your review! I have a tip for next time though: don't fold up the Pursuits and take them with you. Take a picture of them with your cell phone. You'll have the important port agent information there, last tender info., etc. You can expand it so you can read the info. you need.


Can you (or anyone else here) tell me what you noticed for dress in the buffet at night? Was it very casual - like shorts and t-shirts or what? Thanks!

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Really enjoying your review! I have a tip for next time though: don't fold up the Pursuits and take them with you. Take a picture of them with your cell phone. You'll have the important port agent information there, last tender info., etc. You can expand it so you can read the info. you need.


Can you (or anyone else here) tell me what you noticed for dress in the buffet at night? Was it very casual - like shorts and t-shirts or what? Thanks!


Thanks for the kind words. That is a good idea! I do take a lot of photos of docs to reduce paperwork, as long as the emergency isn’t my phone landing in the drink, I’d be good! :eek: You might notice in the photos I carry the phone on a lanyard while cruising so a slip doesn’t end in disaster! Also we often worry about where to put it at night if we want to remember what’s on at what time. So that’s a good idea for keeping a copy of the evenings activities too!


The buffet was v casual. I can’t say I saw shorts at night, mostly because it was very cool weather while we were there,:') but people did show up in exercise clothes and other casual attire. There were definitely shorts on our Panama Canal trip. But on this trip there were also people dressed up in collared shirts and dresses! Some people, like us, just prefer the buffet and also don’t mind dressing up a bit ocassionally. I guess I’d say it was quite a mix, all were welcome!

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...The buffet was v casual. I can’t say I saw shorts at night, mostly because it was very cool weather while we were there,:') but people did show up in exercise clothes and other casual attire. There were definitely shorts on our Panama Canal trip. But on this trip there were also people dressed up in collared shirts and dresses! Some people, like us, just prefer the buffet and also don’t mind dressing up a bit ocassionally. I guess I’d say it was quite a mix, all were welcome!


Thanks so much for the information! That helps! :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Taormina Sicily - Mt Etna


An early morning arrival in Taormina allowed everyone to get on their way exploring Sicily. We had the best excursion of our cruise...again planned by our Italian TA (not the same TA who booked our cruise, so we workd with 2 TA's for this trip, one who handled the cruise, and one who planned all of our Italian hotels, transfers and excursions.)


Climbing Mt Etna with Angelo, Lorenzo and Guliano. Oh yeah, baby, it was as good as it sounds! At the risk of sounding like I am objectifying these highly trained and experienced mountain men, I was talking about the parmigiana!



Read the whole story here, more photos, and video here...http://www.goseeittravel.com/travel-blog/2017/11/16/climbing-mount-etna-with-angelo-lorenzo-guliano-and-mamas-parmigiana


We were fortunate despite the cloudy weather to get a view of the volcano and enjoy a delicious lunch on the mountain!



Etna in the clouds...in the break between the clouds. you can see the summit and the little "puff" of steam coming out of the volcano!


Our homemade parmigiana, with bread, sheese and olives, and 2 bottles of wine!

There was one last surprise in store for us...the Captain of the Azamara Quest promised to make a stop in the Straits of Messina within site of Stromboli, another active volcano in Italy. Stomboli has the typical conical shape and very dramatic, fiery vapors escaping from the mountain. But the conditions need to be perfect; clear night, with no clouds, the volcano has to be active during the short time the captain can stay within site of the volcano. All of the passengers waited by the railing staring into the dark, struggling to see a slight orange glow coming off the top of the volcano. Then every few minutes, it would erupt, like an exciting fireworks display, with passengers "oohing" and "aahing" during the display. When it was over the Captain sounded the ship's horn several times, and everyone cheered!




As we stood by the rail of our cruise ship seeing our second active volcano in one day, we were thankful for the beautiful scenery and for the generous men who shared their passion for Etna with us!

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Sorrento is the jumping off port for Pompeii

We arrived in Sorrento early, and most people were off to see Pompeii! We had a late night in Sorrento, and White Night was planned for the evening, and we were expecting excellent weather, which is always great becasue the Officers and Crew put so much effort into White Night!

But first, our TA had arranged for us to be met by a driver to take us to Pompeii, about an hour away from the port. There we were met by our guide Lorenzo, who took us all around Pompeii and shared his knowledge of the history and art.

Pompeii is the ancient Roman City that was buried in ash when Mt Vesuvius erupted in 79AD. It was completely covered in ash, but everything under the layers was discovered in the late 18th century and was almost perfectly preserved, allowing archaeologists to get their very best look at what life was like in the first century!


The roads in Pompeii, still have grooves created by the wheels of carts used in the Roman town.


To see more of our photos and the whole story, see our blog here: http://www.goseeittravel.com/travel-blog/2017/11/27/almafi-coast

Pompeii is a major tourist attraction...I collected a few tips to help negotiate the attraction, hope they are helpful!



A Few Tips for Visiting Pompeii


  • Get advance tickets if possible, to avoid the ticket line. Check larger bags before getting in line at the entrance.
  • Go early, it's cooler and quieter in the morning.
  • It can be very hot, because of all the stone and it's location away from the coast, expect it to be far warmer than surrounding areas. Bring lots of water, hat, lightweight long sleeve cover up, and sun screen.
  • Because of the crowds, back packs aren't allowed, even large purses might be required to be checked. Try to carry the things you need on your person, or in a very small tote bag you can wear under arm.
  • Most of the guides use a small book that has photos of the ruins and an overleaf with an illustration of what the buildings would have looked like intact and during Roman times. If you are taking a self guided tour, you can purchase one of these books for 12-16 Euro from the vendors outside of Pompeii. It's a very useful way to see Pompeii as "before and after"
  • Most of the artifacts, mosaics, and entombed bodies you'll see at Pompeii are recreations of what was excavated. To see the actual artifacts and learn more about Pompeii, its a good idea to include a visit to the Archaeology Museum in Naples
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Colorful Positano


Our driver picked us up from Pompeii after our tour, and brought us to the Sorrentino Vineyard, where we enjoyed a a multi course meal paired with their local wines made from Lacryma Christi grapes. We could have stayed for a tour of the Vineyard after lunch, but decided instead to go see Positano and return to the ship early enough to enjoy the White Night.

We found Positano to be very busy, lots and lots of tourists, lots and lots of shops, lots and lots of cafes!


These quiet cafes were nearly empty this time of year (early Oct) and they seem like a really nice spot to enjoy the village, because the streets were full of tourists.


There is a nice sized beach too, but we walked down to the beach and then back up the winding road and made our way back to Sorrento where the ship was anchored.


Positano from the Path of the Gods above




Sorrento from above...with Quest at Anchor in the harbor.

We have lots more photos on our website http://www.goseeittravel.com/travel-blog/2017/11/27/almafi-coast ...not just trying to drive traffic, truly, just that with the effort to get photos up on CC, it's easier to post the photos and video on our site to share it! (up next, White Night!)

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White Night

White night is one of the most fun events on Azamara. This one was extra special because Azamara arranged for tenor David Righeschi to fly in from Florence to sing during dinner. This was truly an Azamazing evening! David's incredible voice rising up from the pool deck into the beautiful night air in Sorrento. I'm sure the folks strolling the 'passegiata" could hear his powerful voice floating across the water, and see the beautiful lights and all the guests decked out in white, and I bet they wished they were on board!


Guests waiting for the buffet...which included the now world famous crepes suzette for dessert




Tenor David Righeschi entertains



I say macarons, you say macaroons...let's call the whole thing off! People have trouble with this...

We interrupt this review for an important pastry lesson!

  • A macaron is a sweet meringue-based confection made with egg white, icing sugar, granulated sugar, almond powder or ground almond, and food coloring.
  • A macaroon is a type of small circular biscuit, typically made from ground almonds, coconut, and/or other nuts or even potato, with sugar and sometimes flavorings, food coloring, glace cherries, jam and/or a chocolate coating (Thank you Wikipedia! Who, I will note, shows a piture of a macaron on their page describing a macaroon...maybe it's just hopeless, either way both are yummy!)





The fabulous crew of the Azamara Quest with their parade of flags...hardly a crew member can pass by without a passenger saying, "oh where in...are you from?" and engaging in a conversation about their own travels in the crew member's home country! A well traveled crew and passengers exploring the world together! Another thing that makes Azamara special!

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  • 3 weeks later...



Big move :') From Sorrento, around the corner to the town of Amalfi.

Our plan was to hike the Path Of the Gods in the morning, and spend the afternoon in the town of Amalfi. During our hike we ran into a shirtless Captain Carl, leading a rag tag band of heavy breathers up and down the Path of the Gods. I think they were still worn on from the Montenegro hike! But I shouldn't judge...to save time, a driver took us to a point high above Amalfi and we hiked across the Path of the Gods to the town of Nocello, where we hiked through another local park and met our driver who drove us back to Amalfi. Not exactly an easy hike, but it didn't have all the verticle Captain Carl and the crew did!

Originally, the walking paths used by locals to move their terraced farm goods into town, today, while some locals still use the paths with their mules, plenty of tourists use the path for gorgeous views over the Amalfi coast. While the trail is steep (especially if you start from the pier and take the stairs up to the trail) has sheer drop offs with no railings and rocky, the views are well worth the effort.






Lots more stories about our Path of the Gods hike (including video of the "mountain lion" we met on the path!) on our webpage here: http://www.goseeittravel.com/travel-blog/2017/11/28/path-of-the-gods-amalfi-coast


And about the towns of Amalfi, Sorrento and Nocello here: http://www.goseeittravel.com/travel-blog/2017/11/27/almafi-coast



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After our hike, we decided to go back to the ship to get our bathing suits and have a quick lunch. One of the nice things about Azamara is that the ship is small enough that you can reasonably do something like this because even though we were tendering, the ship was nearby, and the tenders ran frequently. Larger ships exploring this part of the coast were anchored at Sorrento, or even further away in Naples!

Quest spent two long days on the coast, one in Sorrento and one in Amalfi, so you really have time to explore the area if you have a car! The TA who planned out Italy excursions provided us with a private driver both days, who were at our beck and call. This worked ideally for us because we were able to change plans on the fly, stay in a place for as long (or as short) as we wanted to. Evo and Pepe drove us wherever we wanted to go and though they weren;t billed as English speaking guides, they also shared stories about the area, commentary and just good cheer as they whisked us around the Amalfi Coast. Evo, in particular kept us laughing all day long! You can laugh too...here are some of my favorite "Evo-isms", that I jotted down in my little note book!

  • 'Born a square, can't die round"- to explain that people's essential natures don't change
  • "The mother of stupid is always pregnant"- THIS is self explanatory, said while witnessign local traffic on the windy coastal roads, but Evo told us this was his mothers favorite saying, and I love imagining her muttering it!


Evo, driver, and man of stories, told with both hands!


We headed to Amalfi beach from the tender dock, it is an easy walk, just a few yards away. Its a very small beach, with black sand. Part of the beach is partitioned off for consessions, who rent umbrellas and chairs and provide toilet/changing facilities. However, all the beaches are open to the public, and there is a section where you can sit on a towel or blanket cordoned off from the consession areas. We enjoyed one of the warmest days of our cruise, Mid 70's. Probably too cold for locals, but we were joined by plenty of tourists on the beach!

With a 5:30 PM All Aboard, we took the tender back to ship and prepared to watch the sunset sailaway!




We spent as much time as we could, until we lost the light watching the Amalfi Coast slip away. We could easily see from the water, where we had been on our hike earlier in the day. We sailed past Sorrento, and made our way to Rome.


All of us who have cruised know this night as the one where you have to get your luggage out into the hall. Packing up and preparing to leave the cruise is always the worst part of the cruise! But we had a very busy 36 hours planned in Rome, and we needed to pack and prepare to disembark. I felt bad for the excellent magician, Brett Sherwood, who entertained us that night. The crowd was so subdued, he kept exhorting the crowd that it was ok to laugh!! DJ Eddie was holding a farewell party after 10:30 PM; given that most of the late night dance parties he threw attracted only a couple of dozen or so people, I'm sure it was quiet, but then we didn't make it either!


Another benefit of the small ship is that disembarkation times are very comfortable and flexible. We never felt rushed off the ship, and yet when we were ready, after breakfast and our time to disembark came, we "sailed" right off the ship quickly, and our bags were waiting and easy to find! We waited about 30 minites for our driver to meet us to take us to Rome. The friendly security crew was as charming on day 11 as they had been when we embarked, and I marveled at how they keep up the good energy! We had left extra time in case of disembarkation hassles, and there were NONE at all...very easy, we could have left ourselves 15 minuites to meet our driver and still had time to spare!

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Rome Wasn't Built in a Day, But We Only Had A Day to See It!


No time to lounge...we had 28 hours to "see" all that Rome has to offer (Napoleon's sister posed for Canova's "Venus" at the Borghese Gallery)


After disembarking, we met the driver provided by our TA to go to Rome. The port of Civitavecchia is about an hour without significant traffic from the center of Rome. Other guests used the shared car services, to save some money. We noticed the shared cars arriving, and people organizing themselves on the pier to meet their driver. Other folks took the train into Rome and some took the Azamara transfers into Rome. The cruise line offered one into the center of Rome and one to the airport.

Our driver took us directly to the hotel where we would stay overnight. We were there just after 10 AM and our guide met us at 11 AM for a tour of Vatican City. This was our first trip to Rome and we wanted to do the "basic" Rome tours- Vatican City, Ancient Rome and see all the fountains, piazzas and sculptures in the center of Rome.


OH MY GOSH...there sure is a lot of art in here! More than any person could see in a lifetime! (a Greek bust at the Vatican Musuem)

We went to the Vatican on Saturday afternoon and toured St Peters Basilica and the Vatican Museum with a private guide, then we had tickets for the Borghese Gallery at 5 PM, and on our own, walked Rick Steve's Heart of Rome Walk, backwards to our hotel in Campo di Fiore. After a late night cap on our hotel's roof bar, we called it a night. On Sunday, (when much of the Vatican is closed to accommodate worship, we did a walking tour of Ancient Rome with another guide provided by our TA. Then the driver took us to the airport for a late flight to London, where we stayed overnight at a cheap airport hotel and saved the cost of another night in Rome. To do this we had to starve ourselves...but it worked!


The Bernini sunken boat fountain at the bottom of the Spanish Steps (don't miss the wedding couple on the stairs!)



For more on how we managed it and lots more photos of Rome from our tours of the Vatican and Ancient Rome see our web posts here:





The Colesseum

OUR 28 HOUR ROME Itinerary

This itinerary was ONLY possible byhaving a great travel agent manage the logistics, providing private guides withskip the line access and drivers who dropped us door to door, eliminatingtravel time on foot or public transit. When not with our drivers or guides, wewere maximizing our time on our own using Rick Steve's Pocket Rome guide book.


  • 10 AM: Arrive in Rome, check into the hotel and visit the Campo di Fiore market right around the corner, for snacks and souvenirs.
  • 11 AM: Meet our guide in our hotel lobby for a private tour of the Vatican, including the Vatican Museum (Sistine Chapel) and St Peter's Basilica.
  • 2:30 PM: Return to hotel for pizza lunch at the shop around the corner and rest at the hotel.
  • 5:00 PM: Travel by taxi to Borghese Gallery for a pre booked timed tour from 5-7 PM (we followed Rick Steve's excellent Borghese Gallery Tour to maximize our time there)
  • 7-10 PM: We did the reverse of Rick Steve's 1 mile "Heart of Rome" Walk, from the Borghese Gallery to the Spanish Steps, Trevi Fountain, Piazza Colonna, Pantheon (just to see, not to tour, it's not open at that time) and Piazza Navona. Rick's walkbegins (or for us ENDS) in Campo di Fiore, which has a lively nightclub scene in the evening, but the market was cleared out by the time we got back to the hotel, and enjoyed a nightcap at the roof top bar at Hotel Lunetta.
  • 9:00 AM- 11:00 AM: We enjoyed a leisurely breakfast at the hotel and packed for our flight and checked out of the hotel, storing our luggage.
  • 11:00 AM: We met our driver and guide for our private Ancient Rome Walking Tour; including the Colesseum, the Roman Forum (including the Arches of Titus and Constantine) a view of the Forum from Pallatine Hill, and Capitoline Hill.
  • 2:30 PM: We were returned to our hotel where we enjoyed another pizza lunch at the local pizza take out, and met the driver to take us to the airport.
  • Where we waited for 6 hours before our London flight left because of major delays due to a hurricane in ireland. But that's a whole 'nother story!

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What an incredible cruise...We don't get paid to write reviews for Azamara. We write what we honestly feel, and from our own experience. But in this case, it's hard to come up with anything negative. Outside of a slightly off Azamazing evening, (which was made up for with an Azamazing White Night!) and one snotty moment with a waiter, (maybe he was having a bad day!) we literally don't have one snarky thing to say about our Azamara Quest cruise!


Azamara delivered on it's promise of destination focused travel, with extra time in port, local foods on the buffet, excursions offered that looked so cool, I was actually sorry I had booked my own in some ports. The Officers provide not only safe passage, but they make sure they are constantly monitoring what's happening in each destination, and they aren't afraid to make changes or do special things to make our cruise extra special. (like parking by Stromboli for a private "fireworks show" from the active volcano, or Capt Carl taking passengers on a hiking excursion) Most importantly, the crew of Azamara approaches each day with such a positive, friendly attitude that it's infectious. You can't leave the ship without a smile!


Well, we left the ship with a smile, had a wonderful wedding anniversary celebration and when we next want to explore some part of the world, where we've never been before, we know we can trust Azamara to get us there in the best possible way!




About Us: We try not to be "aspirational" when writing about our travels, because while it's fun to read posts and magazines about the trips taken by people who don't need to work, or work for magazines or travel agencies, we kinda like sharing ways for regular people to go, ya know, when they have to pay for it all themselves, like we do! :')

It's different how I might feel about a trip when I've paid for it, or if it's one or two of the only weeks I have off in a year. If you are one of these kinds of people, be sure to check out website, with lots of content of places we actually went, and did so on our own dime! We don't sell anything, except our content, after we've created it (and we always disclose that!)!;) www.goseeittravel.com

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Great review! We enjoyed our cruise as much as you. And I think we may have had the same snotty waiter!

Thnak you!


Lol. That’s funny about the waiter! Whenever I have a bad experience, I always think, well it must just be us! We look a bit younger than our age, and we don’t really make food and drink a focus or priority (as evidenced by our starvation tour of Rome :')) So we don’t elevate dining experiences, but we also don’t dismiss or complain about more simple food experiences. I think sometimes people think we are less sophisticated and well traveled than we are ;) Sorry this happened to you too!

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We brought it to the attention of management and we were told it was not an isolated incident. Action was taken.


We were completely taken aback as his behaviour and attitude was so contrary to the rest of the crew.


In Amalfi we took the local bus to Ravello, then walked the 1,000+ steps down to Minori where we had stayed a few years ago. It was exhausting, but a fantastic experience.

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We brought it to the attention of management and we were told it was not an isolated incident. Action was taken.


We were completely taken aback as his behaviour and attitude was so contrary to the rest of the crew.


In Amalfi we took the local bus to Ravello, then walked the 1,000+ steps down to Minori where we had stayed a few years ago. It was exhausting, but a fantastic experience.

Now I’m dying to know what happened. Wonder if it was the same guy? Probably, since everyone else was too plate to point out our culinary deficiencies! We didn’t bring it up since we never made it back to the dining room anyway, sounds like they were in top of “retraining” in any case.

My feeling on the Amalfi Coast is that the crowds have detracted from the purpose of visiting- to experience the charming little villages. It seems what you did and we did, getting out of the coastal towns and into the higher villages is the way to experience the “charm” of Amalfi! In general, I would say this itinerary is for people comfortable with walking and hills, lots of cobbles, stairs and hills from Venice, all the way to Rome!

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  • 9 months later...

Hi! Just found this and read the whole thing in a day. Thank you for writing such an insightful trip report with great info for future travelers. We are also from Boston!


Am looking to book almost this exact itinerary and the same cabin you stayed in (and the one next to it). Would you recommend the cabin? Do you happen to have any photos of your balcony? Am wondering specifically if you think 4 people would fit on it.


Thanks again!



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Hi! Just found this and read the whole thing in a day. Thank you for writing such an insightful trip report with great info for future travelers. We are also from Boston!


Am looking to book almost this exact itinerary and the same cabin you stayed in (and the one next to it). Would you recommend the cabin? Do you happen to have any photos of your balcony? Am wondering specifically if you think 4 people would fit on it.


Thanks again!



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Thanks for finding our review! Im on the fence about recommending it. The balcony is not super over sized like on a Royal Caribbean ship, it's just a little bigger. It doesn't feature loungers like those balcony cabins on the aft of other ships. We didn't have any trouble with soot, but you will hear quite a bit of rumbling and engine vibration, especially when docking, but we were usually awake and waiting to go ashore, so we didnt find it bothersome. We booked this cabin largely because my husband is a photographer and likes the panoramic nature of the aft cabins for taking photos. We only booked it as part of an early booking benefit where we paid for a regular "balcony" and were upgraded to a V1. I probably would not stay there again unless it was offered for the same price. IMO, it's not worth the extra money.


I have a photo of the balcony. Because of Cruise Critic's restrictive photos hosting capabilities, I wont post it here (too many steps to do it) Check out my website, top right SHIPS TOURS, you;ll see Azamara Journey/Quest,. I'll post a picture of the Aft Balcony there.


Enjoy your trip! Our blog is linked in the signature below:

Edited by Familygoboston
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