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I Belize in MAGIC! MITSUGIRLY revisits the Western Route. My Novel.


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I just started reading your review. I am actually going on this itinerary on the Breeze in March 2019. I am loving the review. I have been looking at other options of things to do while in port that is not the normal excursion. I am really interested in the friendship rocks that I have seen in your post. Where did you come up with that idea and where do you get them from? Can't wait for the rest of your review.


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Fabulous pictures and review! Loving it as always. Subscribed.


We were just at Paradise beach on the 10th with NCL Pearl. It was pretty empty because it was a Sunday and many places were closed in Cozumel. We paid $3pp to enter. We also used the toys and nobody said anything. I had thought that the toys were extra too, but figured since it was slow and a Sunday they didn't care. What I didn't know was about the snorkeling gear. They charged DH $20 for fins. We thought it was ridiculous too but I told DH to just pay it. I guess in essence we paid for the use of the toys that way. Either way, it was a great day, cloudy and all.


Thanks for sharing your experience with us!


See, that's the same thing I thought about the water toys.



If you were charge $20 for the use of fins then it sounds like this is another case of they tell different people different things.



Glad you had a great day!



We were on the same cruise.

You must have had a bum room steward. We had an ice bucket with ice and the tongs. We didn't even ask for ice, but received it twice daily. Who did you call for ice, your room steward or room service? Just wondering.


Really? You had the actual ice buckets and all? Well that's crappy they didn't give me one. They did fill it twice a day though but it melted so quickly since it wasn't in the insulated type bucket with a lid. I honestly don't remember what number I dialed but I would think it would be the room steward (or housekeeping).



Just began this review and want to say thank you ahead if time!


Love your trip reports and can’t wait to see what kind of mischief “B” gets into this time around!


You are welcome and thanks for commenting.



I just started reading your review. I am actually going on this itinerary on the Breeze in March 2019. I am loving the review. I have been looking at other options of things to do while in port that is not the normal excursion. I am really interested in the friendship rocks that I have seen in your post. Where did you come up with that idea and where do you get them from? Can't wait for the rest of your review.


Hi and thanks for joining and I hope you enjoy it.



You will love the Breeze! It's my favorite ship of the fleet!


The friendship rocks were something someone on our roll call posted and I had never heard of them. That's how I got the idea and just started making some.

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So I just have to show you this video. I took so many videos that day of the guys (and kids) trying to get on the blow up toys because it was so funny.


However, thank goodness I managed to get the one video that Sakari was actually able to get on it and her dad jumped. No one had any idea that this would be the result and it was HILARIOUS! There were people on the beach that also recorded it and was laughing and offered to send it to my email for me because it was so funny.



Shortly after this we noticed the "life guard", or whoever he was, walk away and out of site somewhere around the restaurant area or snorkeling booth (I can't remember). A few minutes later he would walk back with another guy who started yelling and motioning them to get off the water toys. They said "you pay money! You pay $18 each". We told them that when we checked in they said the fee included full use of facilities. He said "no you pay $18". So, the fun was over and out we came.

It was sprinkling anyhow so we decided to head back to the pool area. Our beach fun was over.

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Back we trotted in the rain to the pool. Since we were already wet, everyone joined in on the fun this time and the boys put down the phones.


Another semi-successful over/under pic of Kam




Then the throwing contest started. Billy managed to throw Sakari up in the air really high most of the time. B, not so much. The boy weighs so much now.




I think this is the highest he was able to get him.









One of my specialties back in the day was trying to photograph weird things and rain drops splashing was one of them. I successfully managed to capture a raindrop today too.





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The minute Sakari took off the mermaid tail, Kam wanted to try it out. She loved it. I would say we have another mermaid in the making.


I would call this a successful over/under capture. hehe







Doing a mermaid pose (notice she couldn't even get her feet in the monofin. lol







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Here's the little shop located at the beach restaurant area.





Rain again...and I had just put my dry clothes on and was forced to walk from the changing room all the way back to the pool area dodging rain bullets.




I had to take a picture of this huge fan. The reason why is that when we remodeled our living room at home, we replaced the normal sized fan for one of these. You talk about air!!!





Can't forget my little scuba diver pic




It was time to start heading back...reluctantly. I just didn't want to go. It was just so beautiful here.




Here's the entrance. We immediately got a cab.





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There's plenty of taxi's waiting.




We were pulling out of Paradise at 4:30pm.









The taxi driver charged us $30 for the ride back...exactly what I had been told the charge would be. Imagine that. He was VERY quiet and didn't say a word all the way back.





We arrived at the port at 4:39pm. It was a 9 minute ride!



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As you can probably tell, we absolutely LOVED Paradise Beach.


It was gorgeous there with beautiful landscaping, excellent huge pool, very nice beach and water toys.


It was a perfect way to spend the day...even with it raining off and on. It did not matter and we had a great day.


The food was excellent and I thought it was a pretty good value for what we got.


The $3 admission per person is more than worth it IMO.


The pop was $2.75 each, so a little more expensive than The Money Bar AND it was fountain pop in a small cup...not to mention it kinda tasted funny to me. But, you drink what you got when that's all you got.


I would highly recommend this place. I would love to go back again some day (just probably not our next visit here because, you know me, I have other places to experience and discover :D)

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Can't you guys just all get in the same picture? I'm forced to endure a picture for each kid on most things.





When Kam actually poses for a picture, she has this little sideways twist with her arm on her hip and this would be no exception to the rule...even with props.




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We headed straight for our bedroom suite on floor 8 and found this as our towel animal





We showered really quick and put on dry clothes and headed for the buffet only to find that it wasn't open.


We were forced to go to the deli.


Sakari would put another one of her rocks there. We would later find out that one of the people on our roll call actually found this one. I was excited to hear this!





I'm not really too fond of the deli food here for some reason. But, I did see someone else with a sandwich that had a pretzel bun. I LOVE pretzel buns here at home with sandwiches.


So, the turkey sandwich came with a pretzel bun and that's what I was having.




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Now I have seen this mentioned before on the boards...the sandwiches are pretty much pre-made now and they just throw the "extras" on it before handing it to you. I have no idea what these "extras" were that they put on this.


They also HEATED the sandwich, which made it completely nasty. I don't like my turkey heated (if it's real turkey then yes, but not on a sandwich). I could only eat 2 bites and I was done. I just didn't care for it.




Sakari decided on a tuna sandwich (which she usually loves), but didn't like it either. The hubby got a grilled cheese and said it was ok. But, I have always noticed that they don't butter the bread. Don't you all butter your bread to cook/grill the outside? They just put a piece of cheese between 2 slices of bread and grill it. I just find that odd.


Since Sakari didn't care for her tuna sandwich, she wanted to go with the kids club to eat dinner. We dropped her off and we watched the sunset from the buffet until it opened and we could get some other food.













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Once the buffet opened, I really didn't see anything that felt like it would please my taste buds and opted for a salad. It was yummy and filling.




I looked over at the window to watch the last minute of the sunset and it was RAINING AND FOGGY! It was so weird how it instantly changed like that.





While we were eating, there was a deaf family sitting next to us. I seen the staff come up to the table and ask if they were done with a plate and he did not realize they were deaf and didn't hear him. He went to grab the plate and dropped it all over her. Oh my! If looks could kill it would have. She was highly upset. He kept apologizing but still didn't realize that she could not hear him. I felt so bad for both of them.


Kendra later showed up, put her Dr Pepper pop can on the table across from us and said "do NOT let them take this away". I guess she had a problem the other day and told the clean up guy not to touch it because she was still drinking it and was going back to the buffet to get more food and he took it anyhow.


It wasn't seconds later and he swooped in like a buzzard and I yell NO! It honestly came out a little louder than I thought. He jumped. He quickly put it down. He quickly backed up and walked away. LOL




After dinner it was time for another comedy show and off we went. This was a guy that called himself Jeff the fun dude or fun guy or fun something. He was ok and we laughed. They said there was another show after him and we decided to stay for that too. I mean we really didn't have anything better to do but spend money or donate it. I was trying to avoid both.


The next show would be the same guy from the night before, but his material was different and he was funny once again. He talked about Belize and Cozumel and shopping. It was great.


We did learn something new about Belize though. I guess I didn't realize that the only reason we have to "park" the ship out so many miles and tender in is because Belize is such a poor and bad country that the last time they actually pulled all the way in, the locals stole the tires off the ship and left it sitting on blocks. Yikes. Now we all know.




After the show we decided to hit up the casino and donate some money. Only when we got there...we had no cards. I guess they didn't hand them back to the hubby after we ordered a drink at the comedy show.


We would trot back to the end of the ship to retrieve them and back to the casino again. I'm sure I had just walked off my salad I just ate and if I had any remaining pounds, I'll work that off pushing the slots button tonight.


Push, push, push...yep




Tonight the casino was CROWDED! Like I have NEVER seen ANY casino on ANY ship this crowded. We were lucky to find any slots open at all. It was ridiculous! I only managed to play 2 games that night and that was after being in the casino for probably over an hour.


I walked out feeling like I had been double ripped off for 1) losing my money and 2) not getting to play much. Double whammy!


We left the casino a few minutes til 10pm and rushed to get Sakari from the kids club. When we arrived to pick her up, we were informed that her cousins had just picked her up. Cousins? I hope you mean her sister otherwise we will have issues. lol.


We would find Sakari wondering the buffet area by herself with an ice cream cone in her hand. Me to Sakari "Where is your sister?!" Sakari "I don't know. I got tired of babysitting her" #facepalm


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Tonight was chips & salsa night at the Blue Iguana. I always love when they have this.






We headed back to the deli for another try and a late night snack.


I got the grilled cheese and they had some home made fries that looked really weird but man they were good!





The hubby had a hot dog and it was loaded with stuff. So loaded that it made everything soggy and he didn't (and couldn't) eat it all.


Sakari opted to stick with her ice cream cone and she left another friendship rock on the table.





She would also leave her favorite dolphin jumping out of the water into the sunset rock that night too. We would also find out later that another person on our roll call found this one. Yippee!





One last rock was put out.




Tomorrow was our day in Belize and we would be arriving at 8am. So, we decided to head off to our suites and turn in for the night. On our way to the room, Sakari started walking funny and holding her chest. She started complaining of "chest pain". She was just carrying herself really weird and she's not a complainer. She's at that age that if she gets hurt in any way, she holds it in and won't cry. She doesn't want to be a "baby" or "crybaby" and she will fight back the tears...even if it involves blood.


Well, she had tears in her eyes, but still refusing to cry. We went back to the room. She continued to complain. When she laid down she could only lay on her side and said it hurt to lay on her back and hard to breathe.


The only thing I could think of is she hurt herself when daddy boosted her up in the air on the water toys. But, she didn't complain at that time and only said that when she landed in the water, she landed on her arm and it stung. She did not have pain until now. It was weird. Maybe she pulled a muscle. Maybe she bruised herself inside some how. Maybe she punctured her lung. Maybe she was having a heart attack. Oh my gosh! What is wrong with my child??? She said she would be ok and just sat there holding her chest. I was honestly worried but she assured me she'd be fine and we decided to wait and see.


So...the problem with Belize is we had booked a Carnival excursion and according to the website when we booked (prior to booking Kam on the cruise), it said no children under 5. Kendra had been trying to get Kam to go to the kids club (school) the last couple of days, but tonight she refused and cried. Kendra was so scared that Kam would refuse to be dropped off in the morning and she would have to stay behind on the ship with her.


Well, she went to customer service and inquired about this and they informed her that she was indeed allowed to go on the excursion and it was FREE! Carnival should probably word their excursions a little better to reflect that children are allowed to go and they are free instead of age restrictions 5 and under. It's very confusing and they have probably missed out on a few families not booking because of this.



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Before going to bed, Sakari just had to draw a picture of some birds...since she had seen birds at Paradise. She did it laying on her "good" side and continuing to hold her chest.





Off to bed we went...of course I couldn't sleep well knowing something was wrong with Sakari. It would be a restless night for me.

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