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Seaside Yacht Club Cabanas

Dr. Cocktail

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The YC footage starts at the 8 minute mark. It's in German, but you'll get the point, and he goes through the whole top deck area, followed by the restaurant and lounge. Enjoy!



Watched it through again. All of the lounge chair appear to be in full sun with the exception of a few against the structure behind the pool where the seahorse is toward 10:59 which would have shade if the sun is setting behind the building only. I would guess around 85-90% of the loungers have no shade what so ever. There are tables and chairs under an awning it looks like aimed at allowing people to eat by the pool.

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Watched it through again. All of the lounge chair appear to be in full sun with the exception of a few against the structure behind the pool where the seahorse is toward 10:59 which would have shade if the sun is setting behind the building only. I would guess around 85-90% of the loungers have no shade what so ever. There are tables and chairs under an awning it looks like aimed at allowing people to eat by the pool.
Have to fully agree. Tables and chairs for eating or sitting at the bar looks like the primary areas for shade. Everyone raves about how great the YC is, yet there are zero umbrellas. It's the first ship in their fleet that is designed for the Caribbean, yet having no umbrellas for shade makes zero sense. Put up 2 dozen umbrellas, if people don't want to use them, that's fine, but at least let the cruiser that is paying top dollar on the ship have the option to use them or not. The Vibe area on NCL as well as the Havana area on the new Carnival builds each have shaded areas. No shade combined with no Ocean Cay is putting a real bitter taste in my mouth.

At least I have solace that there are many other new builds coming out in the next few years such as the Celebrity Edge, NCL Leonardo project, Carnival LNG ships and the first year adults only ship from Virgin. My hard earned vacation money will be going somewhere. Hopefully the pros will outweigh the cons, otherwise, MSC is one and done.

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yes - this is what i am trying to convey - if there is no sun in the YC pool, then take your inclusive drink package to find a nice quiet shady area of the ship that you are comfortable with and enjoy - that is what the vacation is all about after all -




YC on MSC is close to perfection - however some other cruise lines offer in-suite dining for dinner, but MSC does not - but I accept this and move on - after all, -I- and -I- alone chose this cruise line and no-one forced me to book something that i don't like -




Again, the YC One Pool on the Divina has little shade and now so does the Seaside, but now on the Seaside you can rent cabanas - that is their solution - this is what we all need to accept or spend 2x the price and sail in the Haven on NCL -




very hard to please 5600 passengers on 1 ship - it just is not going to happen....




This is precisely what I was trying to convey. I think it’s frankly bizarre to expect the cruise line to meet every single passenger’s demands 100%. No cruise line can accomplish that. And I reiterate my utter amazement that someone who is ultra sun-sensitive thinks it wise to spend a week aboard a cruise ship that seems to be more designed than most to maximize exposure to the elements and then be upset that there isn’t more shade. It’s the Caribbean, people, close to the equator, where the sun’s rays are especially damaging. I’m fair skinned and burn easily so I make sure to lather myself up with a strong sun protector, but I don’t expect the cruise line to keep the sun away from me. That’s not their job, at least not the way I see it. I’m looking forward to reading more comments from those who’ve sailed with the Seaside in recent weeks, and even more so from those planning to sail in the next few months. I’m confident MSC will makes adjustments and improvements to the experience. This is AFAIK their first US-based ship and I’m sure they’ll want to get it right.



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Look at this all. Someone posted picture - yacht club pool - and YES i see shade. Just note that this is a sea day and only 2 chairs are occupied. Hope this makes everyone somewhat happier d8dc54a5c4ae2c76fb34d1b2ffcb7b6c.jpg



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This is the shade I count on. As the sun moves in relation to the ship there are usually some parts in shade. If I feel like I need to get out of the blazing sun I move to a spot in partial/total shade. Or go sit in OnePool Bar area which is shaded. One of the nice things about YC (at least on Divina) is that it is seldom crowded. I suppose some might complain about having to move chairs, but doesn't bother me. Few other ships (other than, I know, NCL Haven areas) have umbrellas! RCL suite sundeck doesn't. Please, if it is that big an issue for you, do NOT sail on this ship.

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I think it is pretty rude to say such a thing. Why shouldn't someone who's not very tan or had melanoma get to enjoy all the amenities of the cruise their hard work has paid for? Why shouldn't people who've had to endure cancer be allowed to enjoy whatever they can however they can? Based on my observations over the last 10-15 years most people can't sit in the sun for very long at the beach or pool without some shade or else they burn severely so wanting there to be shade available at any pool- or beach- side seems pretty normal regardless of whether they've had cancer.


I agree with you on this.

I’ve just read through this thread and am shaking my head at the way some people are so ready to defend the cruise line, they even criticise someone with melanoma for wanting to have shade.


The Southern Hemisphere has the worst UV Index rates in the world and I am far to familiar with melanoma, knowing many who’ve had it and having had scares myself. As such I’m quite sun shy (despite loving the great outdoors) and will always sit my family in shady spots when I can, or insist on hat wearing and lather everyone in sunscreen when I can’t.


I don’t believe it’s an unreasonable hope/request that MSC provide shade around all pools (not just YC) as IMO it’s a move towards responsible, healthy choices. No different in my eyes to providing choice in the form of healthy options on menus or fitness classes in the gym.


The suggestion on here seems to be that people should be okay to jump up and move every 30 minutes and fight for the spots that the angle of the sun hasn’t quite reached. Or alternatively they should just stay indoors or holiday in places that don’t get sun (where are those exactly?)


I’m all for looking at the positive side of life - I know whether I do this cruise, or cancel and choose another option, I will enjoy myself - but in this case I am pleased people are voicing their concerns. (Fingers-crossed) it might bring about some changes for the better, if not on this ship, but the next.

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I agree with you on this.

I’ve just read through this thread and am shaking my head at the way some people are so ready to defend the cruise line, they even criticise someone with melanoma for wanting to have shade.


The Southern Hemisphere has the worst UV Index rates in the world and I am far to familiar with melanoma, knowing many who’ve had it and having had scares myself. As such I’m quite sun shy (despite loving the great outdoors) and will always sit my family in shady spots when I can, or insist on hat wearing and lather everyone in sunscreen when I can’t.


I don’t believe it’s an unreasonable hope/request that MSC provide shade around all pools (not just YC) as IMO it’s a move towards responsible, healthy choices. No different in my eyes to providing choice in the form of healthy options on menus or fitness classes in the gym.


The suggestion on here seems to be that people should be okay to jump up and move every 30 minutes and fight for the spots that the angle of the sun hasn’t quite reached. Or alternatively they should just stay indoors or holiday in places that don’t get sun (where are those exactly?)


I’m all for looking at the positive side of life - I know whether I do this cruise, or cancel and choose another option, I will enjoy myself - but in this case I am pleased people are voicing their concerns. (Fingers-crossed) it might bring about some changes for the better, if not on this ship, but the next.


Well stated!! Thank you very much! It is just asking for another health wise option Everyone should be able to sit outside and enjoy the sea breezes and sounds of the waves without getting fried by UV waves. If you were to ask a Dermatologist their preference is NO ONE would sit in the sun...even with sunscreen on.

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Well stated!! Thank you very much! It is just asking for another health wise option Everyone should be able to sit outside and enjoy the sea breezes and sounds of the waves without getting fried by UV waves. If you were to ask a Dermatologist their preference is NO ONE would sit in the sun...even with sunscreen on.




Everyone is entitled to his opinion. And people are allowed to disagree, are they not? I would count myself among those who think it’s my responsibility, not the cruise line’s, to take proper precautions against too much sun exposure. I can certainly ASK for umbrellas, but they’re under no obligation to provide them. In any case, the literature suggests that the Seaside in particular was designed and built to maximize exposure to the sun, so that may be why there seem to be fewer well shaded areas than other ships. All that being said, as this is a new vessel, there are still kinks to be worked out and one hopes that passenger feedback will ameliorate the excessive sun situation. I imagine if enough passengers request them, they’ll provide umbrellas to those who need them. They’re in the leisure business and the customer is always right, as they say.



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Well stated!! Thank you very much! It is just asking for another health wise option Everyone should be able to sit outside and enjoy the sea breezes and sounds of the waves without getting fried by UV waves. If you were to ask a Dermatologist their preference is NO ONE would sit in the sun...even with sunscreen on.


The issue isn't that the Seaside doesn't have shade. It's that there doesn't seem to be enough shade at the exclusive, private Yacht Club pool (unless you're willing to ante up a few more bucks). I don't begrudge anyone wanting shade. I personally do not sit out in the sun, and when it can't be avoided I slather on lotion with a minimum SPF 35. My complaint is with all these pretentious Yacht Club cruisers that feel they are entitle to every luxury you would get on a Regent or Crystal cruise. I understand your paying for an enhanced cruise experience. Congratulations. But if you want first class service on a cruise ship book a five star cruise line. Quit being a pretender in the Yacht Club or Haven. If shade is that important you just may need to hob nob with the lower class passengers in another part of the ship.


Everyone has stated that the MSC Yacht Club is an incredible value. Well there's a price for that value. If you don't feel like you're getting the appropriate value for your money choose a cruise line that meets your expectations. But stop complaining especially when you haven't even experienced the ship yet.

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M:eek:y complaint is with all these pretentious Yacht Club cruisers that feel they are entitle to every luxury you would get on a Regent or Crystal cruise. I understand your paying for an enhanced cruise experience. Congratulations. But if you want first class service on a cruise ship book a five star cruise line. .....But stop complaining especially when you haven't even experienced the ship yet.
Since when are umbrellas considered a luxury? I have enjoyed the Solarium areas on both RCI and X as well as the Serenity areas on Carnival and the Vibe area on NCL. All of these areas had enclosures or umbrellas so that cruisers could relax on a lounger at their leisure. Why is it not right to expect the same thing in an area of the ship that we are paying a premium for? I want to be away from the crowds and enjoy a slice of the good life for once and all I'm asking for is a little shade, nothing luxurious about that Edited by SNJCruisers
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Since when are umbrellas considered a luxury? I have enjoyed the Solarium areas on both RCI and X as well as the Serenity areas on Carnival and the Vibe area on NCL. All of these areas had enclosures


But there is a solarium on the Seaside to enjoy if you want no sun - FYI, we paid a premium royal/owner suites on Royal Caribbean - their suite seating by the pool is 100% out in the sun and no umbrellas are provided - get a little sun, then move on to some shade - - - what i am trying to say here is that other cruise lines are not much better when it comes to this issue....


I will say it again, and everyone can choose to accept or not, but they have placed the cabanas out there for people who want to lounge with shade, yes they are a cost and thats the way it is going to be....there is plenty of shade at the one pool to sit at a table, lunch, cocktails etc...- there are shaded loungers when the sun moves around as well - but they are considering a sun deck, "a sun deck" - - - -


There is soooo much bantering back and forth on this issue - this is the way MSC has laid out the One Pool, so you either choose to accept, sit somewhere else in the shade, or choose another cruise line - I don't mean to be harsh on the issue, but these are just the FACTS....

Edited by marcoigna
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Everyone is entitled to his opinion. And people are allowed to disagree, are they not? I would count myself among those who think it’s my responsibility, not the cruise line’s, to take proper precautions against too much sun exposure. I can certainly ASK for umbrellas, but they’re under no obligation to provide them. In any case, the literature suggests that the Seaside in particular was designed and built to maximize exposure to the sun, so that may be why there seem to be fewer well shaded areas than other ships. All that being said, as this is a new vessel, there are still kinks to be worked out and one hopes that passenger feedback will ameliorate the excessive sun situation. I imagine if enough passengers request them, they’ll provide umbrellas to those who need them. They’re in the leisure business and the customer is always right, as they say.



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I agree that it’s customer responsibility to be SunSmart, but, if for no other reason than good business sense, I would argue that it’s the cruise ships responsibility to provide options. Like you say, they are in the business of pleasing customers.


Yes, it was built as the ship that follows the sun, but if it becomes billed as the ship that drives many customers indoors to escape the sun, then the brief has been taken to literally.

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The cabanas remained unused throughout the transatlantic crossing. They have a flimsy material roof which is not waterproof. The pool staff keep the sun-lounger cushions in the cabanas overnight. The weather for the final week was very hot and not windy and you could not sit out in the full sun during the afternoons. The whole YC top deck area was virtually empty between 2 to 4pm. The pool staff allowed the children of the Hotel Manager to play in a cabana most days. During the morning time, while the sun was somewhat lower, passengers hugged the glass panels at one side which provided a certain element of shade.

With direct overhead sun there is precious little shade.


During the first part of the crossing the lunchtime food offering, outside, was excellent including a turkey or roast beef carvery joint, a choice of freshly grilled to order seabass or steaks as well as freshly prepared pastas in addition to a choice of other buffet main courses. There were several chefs floating around and the area was very busy and well received. As the cruise progressed they stopped the carvery and the special grilled items and left the standard buffet choices of salads and main courses with the choice of a pasta, and left only one chef up there. The area became quite quiet as a result.

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The issue isn't that the Seaside doesn't have shade. It's that there doesn't seem to be enough shade at the exclusive, private Yacht Club pool (unless you're willing to ante up a few more bucks). I don't begrudge anyone wanting shade. I personally do not sit out in the sun, and when it can't be avoided I slather on lotion with a minimum SPF 35. My complaint is with all these pretentious Yacht Club cruisers that feel they are entitle to every luxury you would get on a Regent or Crystal cruise. I understand your paying for an enhanced cruise experience. Congratulations. But if you want first class service on a cruise ship book a five star cruise line. Quit being a pretender in the Yacht Club or Haven. If shade is that important you just may need to hob nob with the lower class passengers in another part of the ship.


Everyone has stated that the MSC Yacht Club is an incredible value. Well there's a price for that value. If you don't feel like you're getting the appropriate value for your money choose a cruise line that meets your expectations. But stop complaining especially when you haven't even experienced the ship yet.



Understood. It’s not okay to judge a ship we haven’t experienced, but it is okay to judge others we haven’t met.



By the way, I am looking forward to hearing about shaded areas in other parts of the ship. From the videos I’ve seen, there currently don’t appear to be many - particularly if you want a lounger near an outdoor pool. I’m hoping I’m wrong.

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Understood. It’s not okay to judge a ship we haven’t experienced, but it is okay to judge others we haven’t met.



By the way, I am looking forward to hearing about shaded areas in other parts of the ship. From the videos I’ve seen, there currently don’t appear to be many - particularly if you want a lounger near an outdoor pool. I’m hoping I’m wrong.




I agree that there doesn't appear to be enough shaded areas either. I find that a problem on a lot of ships regardless of the cruise line. I am a shade person as well, but I don't expect to find it in abundance supply around any pool.

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The issue isn't that the Seaside doesn't have shade. It's that there doesn't seem to be enough shade at the exclusive, private Yacht Club pool (unless you're willing to ante up a few more bucks). I don't begrudge anyone wanting shade. I personally do not sit out in the sun, and when it can't be avoided I slather on lotion with a minimum SPF 35. My complaint is with all these pretentious Yacht Club cruisers that feel they are entitle to every luxury you would get on a Regent or Crystal cruise. I understand your paying for an enhanced cruise experience. Congratulations. But if you want first class service on a cruise ship book a five star cruise line. Quit being a pretender in the Yacht Club or Haven. If shade is that important you just may need to hob nob with the lower class passengers in another part of the ship.


Everyone has stated that the MSC Yacht Club is an incredible value. Well there's a price for that value. If you don't feel like you're getting the appropriate value for your money choose a cruise line that meets your expectations. But stop complaining especially when you haven't even experienced the ship yet.

Hob nob elsewhere on the ship?

Surely you don't mean with the people in steerage?[emoji32]


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Yes shade would be nice , but i dont remember ships on Carnival having much shade at all except for the adults only area , which wasnt very big to begin with , I am thinking " umbrellas " unless anchored really well wouldnt work when the ship is moving..

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Hob nob elsewhere on the ship?

Surely you don't mean with the people in steerage?[emoji32]


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Oh my! It just dawned on me. MSC, please find some umbrellas for the Yacht Club pool. I just realized the occupants might want to come out to other parts of the ship!

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Oh my! It just dawned on me. MSC, please find some umbrellas for the Yacht Club pool. I just realized the occupants might want to come out to other parts of the ship!


Now Thats funny right there , Im in YC but i will be all over the ship , to enjoy everything it has to offer

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Oh my! It just dawned on me. MSC, please find some umbrellas for the Yacht Club pool. I just realized the occupants might want to come out to other parts of the ship!
You don't need an umbrella, you'll be chillin with the missus in your whirlpool on your balcony in December.
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  • 2 weeks later...
I can tell you if there are no umbrellas set up once it gets to Miami and there is no shade for loungers in the YC area, I will most certainly sail my paid in full February 2018 cruise but I will probably jump ship for my booked YC 2019 cruise on Seaside. If I cannot use the outside area to lay outside without shade, I will be bummed since I just want to veg and relax on vacation.




Maybe they will come out and be brought on once in Miami (I'm hoping).




I wholeheartedly agree. We live In South Florida. We do carribean cruises to relax and as you say “veg out” and we have no need for more sun. I’ll look forward to your posts regarding whether MSC does something about this. Our one cruise in YC on Divina was lovely except for the lack of shade. I was hoping they’d do something about it on Seaside. If they don’t we won’t be sailing on MSC. It’s a shame.

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Does anyone who was in the YC on the last sailing have any update on whether or not the cabanas are given to Royal Suite guests? I am really hoping that it is a perk, just so we have a place in the shade! I agree with others though in that they look underwhelming. I do not think they are worth the prices they are charging.

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