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Project Runway?


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I thought this was, by far, the most challenging task yet!


It's one thing to design clothing, quite another to design them basically not of material!! Wow!


Considering, I thought all showed great creativity, obviously some outfits worked better than others. Again, I wish Chloe had more time. She's got a great eye, loves fine detail and is not afriad of hard work.


Kara, most impressive. I was shocked, really. I thought if anyone was going to have a meltdown it would be her but she really rose to the occasion. Incredible not to mention generous of spirit to take time out and help Chloe.


Nick, that was a tough one. He really had not a clue and he knew it. But I was sorry to see his original model get the boot. She's good.


Santino, I actually thought their criticism was unfair and uncalled for. So what if it was shiny and even if it looked a bit plastic. I didn't think it was bad, I think he's trying harder and I do think they've made him understand that he has to conform to advance but didn't you just love his " I want Immunity so I can really blast them with the next design and not take the heat for it" moment!? :) Yeah, under the toned down, there is still a huge rebel. He's going to struggle.


Daniel, hey, what can I say. This kid is incredible and they love him. You have to admit, the dress was darn good. LOVE the choice in flower. Stunning. Stunning. Stunning!!!


I missed the earlier show and had to wait till midnight to catch the rerun!!

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I think that the dress Nick made out of the leaves was horrible.


Still, I would rather see Santino go instead of Andre. Santino designs stuff that is unwearable and ugly and she should have been eliminated weeks ago. Does he like women at all as a gender????


I am thinking that Daniel is the frontrunner right now and Chloe is close behind. Loved her dress but not the hat thingy.


Glad to find this tread. Nobody I know watches this show.

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Grrrr! Tivo didn't record it last night! It is coming on in a few minutes...and that baby is set to record it so I can see it tonight!


(Repeat after me: Technology is our friend. Technology is our friend).


Bummer that Andrea is gone. At least I know who is getting booted so it won't be too much of a shock (I know...I'm totally cheating!)


So...I can't wait to see what you all are talking about!



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FINALLY saw the last episode.


Kara: loved her dress. She certainly redeemed herself after the last one.


Nick: what is up??? I think he may just not be able to handle the stress. He seems so rattled! Bummer about his model. I think that really struck him hard...but he has to be able to put those things aside if he is going to be able to compete.


Chloe: BEE-u-ti-ful!


Santino: I was impressed! I liked his design and think he's learning to "play" the game...even if it is driving him mad! Did Kors actually give him a compliment??? (of course Santino was not present at the time). BUT he really needs to get his arrogance under control or he'll never make it. I think that female judge (Nina? Never remember her name) is really out to get him. She can certainly hold a grudge.


LOVED his Tim impersonation! Too funny.


Andrea: So sad, but too bad. He is hit or miss...and this one fell flat (like a doormat as Kors said).


Daniel: of course! Although I think Chloe's was just as good...his splash of color really paid off.


In other news: stopped by Chloe's boutique (Lot 8) this afternoon. Great little place. Her dresses are fab! Very feminine. Some were elegant/sexy. Others were young and flirty. I was quite impressed. She has a great eye!


They are having a sale to get rid of the fall stuff...so the place was quite packed...but it is certainly on the list for future purchases.


Until next week...



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Just got home from my week on X's Constellation, gotta love Tivo!!


So, going with the judges wish that the designers had used more flowers, imagine for a minute that Nick dropped the whole twig thing he had going on, kept the sleek leave skirt and put orchids or something along the bust and around the neck.


I loved the leaves along the hips, he just chose really poorly at the flower shop.


That being said, it sounds like he knew there would be a flower/dress competition, as there was one last season. I guess if I were them, I'd have been prepared for something like that.


Kara really did redeem herself, and Chloe will go far.

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I LOVE THIS SHOW. no one i knows watches it and they all think i may be a little nutzy!!


i like nick, but he will probably be the next to go unless he really blows it out this week.


santino...OMG he is very entertaining but i have never really liked his designs.


top 3 pick from me....daniel, chole and oh of course santino!!


so glad to find this thread so i have someone to talk to about this!


everyone have a great one!


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I LOVE THIS SHOW. no one i knows watches it and they all think i may be a little nutzy!!


i like nick, but he will probably be the next to go unless he really blows it out this week.


santino...OMG he is very entertaining but i have never really liked his designs.


top 3 pick from me....daniel, chole and oh of course santino!!


so glad to find this thread so i have someone to talk to about this!


everyone have a great one!



I'm still waiting for Santino's ice skating outfit to rise from the ashes:D

Perhaps this week he will blow the judges away....

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What just happened?


Anyways...I won't ruin it for anyone, but here is what I thought:


Chloe: Spot on! Loved it, loved the fit, the color, everything!


Santino: Ugh! Looked like a costume for a B movie called Amazon Women In Space! And tape does not qualify as an embellishment! Does he hate women?


Nick: Nice idea. Poorly done.


Kara: Wow. Hated the outfit...but it worked for him. She is really coming into her own. I would have stapled his lips shut while in the work room, but that's just me.


Daniel: loved the idea, but so not her. I honestly thought his was better than Santino's.


They're Olympus show is on Friday at 9am. Finale isn't until March 8th. That is just so wrong.



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Down to 4....


I have to wonder between Kara and Santino who actually designed Santino's outfit? I wouldn't have given Kara credit for the design or fabric choices but she did a good job of sewing...


Chloe's outfit was a perfect fit for Nick but if Nick hadn't helped her would it have looked as good?


Nick's idea was good just the wrong fabric and it did look a mess no matter how much he pressed it. Santino noticed what the downside was well before Tim said something. Makes you wonder who has the eye for design in the group.


Santino's idea was good but perhaps not a good fit for Kara. If he had his other model I think he would have pulled it off. I disagree with Nina that it wasn't "woman friendly". Not a good choice for Kara but for a slimmer person perhaps it would be.


Daniel: Disappointing but hey, you can't be right all the time.



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Of all the shows I've seen to date, this one was the one that I thought was the flatest.


Not particularly interesting, really. But I suppose it's just another element of design and compared to last week's flower/leaves/moss disaster, maybe this was suppose to bring them back to fabric and working in a little better comfort zone, since they all know each other at this point. And of course a good example of cooperation on another level, designing for a client.


Which is why I think there was so much give and take between Kara and Santino. Yes, her idea, but she wanted very much for it to be for Santino and an extension or expression of him. So he had input on choice on fabric, etc. If he has hind site and thinks he helped her too much, that's his fault. He needs to learn how to rein in, his basic problem anyway! Kara could be more aggressive but I will say more and more she's impressing me. She's like a little sleeper stuck in there.


Loved Chloe's outfit for Nick, wonderful, really. And considering she doesn't do men's fashion, a stretch.


Hated her dress. Daniel, I don't know where the heck his head was on this won. How did it go from Flirty party girl to an bad hooker look? Yick. Hard, cold, uninspired, didn't fit and unfinished! He might as well have sent her in her pj's. He'd have made a better impression.


Nick, I feel sorry for him. He's so sweet but yup, wrong choice right down the line. I liked the concept. The execution was terrible and as we all know, the fabric. What ever possessed him to choose that?


Santino. UGH. UGLY. She's a Charlie's Angel's reject, a 1960's Invasion of the women from Venus. Horrible. The color was awful. The fit was uncomfortable, and it was falling apart on the runway - I mean REALLY ! Taping on the sleeves?~! Who wouldn't think they'd be called out on the carpet for that!!


Even though I sit here and criticise, I couldn't do 1/10th of what they've done, never mind create the concept, have 30 minutes to shop in this overwhelming fabric shop and put it all together in two days or less.


To be where they are, win or lose, says so much.

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Mildred, Look on bravotv.com. They post the listing times there. Wednesday's show will air again this evening and tomorrow.


The Olympus Week Fashions are really great. The four remaining designers are showcased, which I found interesting.


I truly believe the judges keep Santino in because he is so arrogant and pompous. The other contestants are so humble and gracious when the judges comment on their work. Santino comes back most of the time, though he was put in his place by Tim. Since then, Santino was been much more reserved.


My picks are Daniel or Chloe. Hard to say between these two. Both are great.



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I caught the "make-over: episode last night. What a fiasco with that jumpsuit. Santini should have been out long ago he is more than past his prime.


I liked the suit that Nick designed for Danny. True there were puckers in the seams but at least they held up on the runway.


Poor Kara. .. glued into this nightmare of a jumpsuit. She looked miserable and felt miserable and looked horrid.


I despise the fact that Santino lied to the judges with his glibness about the sleeve falling off. Not to mention his toilet humor and potty mouth topped by his arrogance.


I liked Danny Franko and last season Austin Scarlett was robbed!!

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Okay ya all . . . just reading this thread made me reallllly want to watch this show. Well, wouldn't you know it . . . they have a marathon on Bravo this afternoon with past shows since the one where the gal who designed the red dress (after taking pictures for ideas as they walked around New York) was booted.


So far . . . I really like Daniel, Chloe and Kara (both their personality and designs). Santino is so crude . . . don't much care for him or the designs I've seen on this show. Nick also drives me crazy . . . don't care for him or his fashions.


Right now, they are designing fashions for each other. Oh my Heavens . . . the jumpsuit on Kara is horrible!!!!!! Daniel's suit is terrible . . . all wrinkled seams that looked like it was bought at the Salvation Army. Actually sort of like the outfit Nick is wearing . . . can't remember now who designed it.


Ohhhh . . . judges are back on . . . Kara's design for Santino was horrible . . . but the judges liked it . . . so who am I to know? Daniel designed Chloe's outfit . . . not very nice and the judges didn't like it either. Nick's outfit (oh, it was designed by Chloe) . . . judges liked it . . . yeah (the only one I liked)! Nick's outfit for Daniel . . . judges agreed that it looked liked terrible!


Oh . . . I can't believe it . . . Nick is out and Santino is in. Wish I had watched this show from the beginning . . . maybe then I'd better understand why Santino made it. Nothing he's done this afternoon showed me that he had any designer tallent.

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Okay ya all . . . just reading this thread made me reallllly want to watch this show. Well, wouldn't you know it . . . they have a marathon on Bravo this afternoon with past shows since the one where the gal who designed the red dress (after taking pictures for ideas as they walked around New York) was booted.


So far . . . I really like Daniel, Chloe and Kara (both their personality and designs). Santino is so crude . . . don't much care for him or the designs I've seen on this show. Nick also drives me crazy . . . don't care for him or his fashions.


Right now, they are designing fashions for each other. Oh my Heavens . . . the jumpsuit on Kara is horrible!!!!!! Daniel's suit is terrible . . . all wrinkled seams that looked like it was bought at the Salvation Army. Actually sort of like the outfit Nick is wearing . . . can't remember now who designed it.


Ohhhh . . . judges are back on . . . Kara's design for Santino was horrible . . . but the judges liked it . . . so who am I to know? Daniel designed Chloe's outfit . . . not very nice and the judges didn't like it either. Nick's outfit (oh, it was designed by Chloe) . . . judges liked it . . . yeah (the only one I liked)! Nick's outfit for Daniel . . . judges agreed that it looked liked terrible!


Oh . . . I can't believe it . . . Nick is out and Santino is in. Wish I had watched this show from the beginning . . . maybe then I'd better understand why Santino made it. Nothing he's done this afternoon showed me that he had any designer tallent.


You really should watch it from the beginning... trust me, you'll be surpirsed who's outfits you loved. (I adored santino at first, go figure). Near the finale, I'm sure they will have an entire marathon.

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Okay, I'm going to ruin it for those who didn't watch it yet but it didn't surprise me that Kara got the "good-bye" kiss. Although her sewing was sometimes good, she seemed to be disorganized in her selection of materials, design, etc.


What I really found annoying was Daniel and his assumption that because Chloe already was established in her business that Chloe should be the one chosen to leave. :mad: What I think Daniel was more afraid of was that Chloe may win the competition and out shine him at fashion week but we shall see. And what about the other two also choosing to eliminate Chloe? Good strategy to try to eliminate the "greater threat" in the competition but it didn't work.


Chloe: What in the world possessed her to design that evening gown?

Did she have a "melt down" on this episode?


Santino: Got to love the guy for sticking to his design inspiration. He did go over the top but hey, he took a risk and is still in the running. Can't wait to see what he does for fashion week.


Can't understand why Austin was at the dinner meeting. He wasn't in the final three last season. Loved Jay's comment to Santino.

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I am cracking up! I really enjoy these boards for all the cruise info I gather since my DH and I love cruising. Today I discovered this thread about my favorite show! Who would have thought there would be cc's talking about Project Runway!. Haven't watched last night's episode yet, and I glanced at the last post already so I know the outcome, but I for one love Chloe's work and hope she wins...Santino is obnoxious as far as I'm concerned..he'll probably make it to the finale. Anyway, I will now watch this thread...what fun!!!:)


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I missed it last night as well. Will catch it this week in reruns.


I bet Santino is there till the end. All shows have to have a hook, someone that stirs the pot, etc. They'll keep him for as long as they can because controversy drives ratings. Which is fine. I just don't think he's qualified to win. My money would have been on Daniel or Chloe. You Daniel comment really surprises me. I thought he was nicer than that! Wow.

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Good or bad all three, Daniel, Chloe, and Kara went for the "simple" dress concept. Santino was the only one that was different. Don't get me wrong.... it was still ugly but it did stand out as "his voice"


IMHO Kara should not even have made it as far as she did. I wish Danny F. would have been in the final 3. At the very least Andre or Nick!!!


Santino had such a potty mouth in the last episode all they did was Beep Beep Beep him :eek:


Loves seeing Austin Scarlett. He was my pick for last season.

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Yay! I love this show too and all the people I work this think I'm nuts. Of course I do work in the sports section of a newspaper...


I also thought Kara made it farther than her talent. She may be a great designer someday, but she never made it through a challenge without help from others. She didn't seem to know who she is as a designer yet and what her style is.


I hope Daniel wins. I think he's the most talented. I've liked Chloe throughout (thought the first challenge dress - the aqua and black - was brilliant), but I agree she lost it this week. I knew from the beginning Santino would make it - maybe he's a genius design-wise, but he's such a jerk and he never thinks about the person who has to wear his clothes!


That all said, last year I thought Kara Saun would win and then at the final show, I was so blown away by Jay's line that I wanted them both to win. I'm really glad Bravo is doing the Project Jay show too.

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I knew from the beginning Santino would make it - maybe he's a genius design-wise, but he's such a jerk and he never thinks about the person who has to wear his clothes!


What I find odd is that the judges say each week, "Santino doesn't listen." They should have thrown him out weeks ago. Also the construction of Kara's jumpsuit should have knocked him out. My vote is for either Daniel or Chloe. Hard to choose between the two.

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What I find odd is that the judges say each week, "Santino doesn't listen." They should have thrown him out weeks ago. Also the construction of Kara's jumpsuit should have knocked him out. My vote is for either Daniel or Chloe. Hard to choose between the two.


Read the final credits. The judges are not the only ones making decisions about who goes and who stays. The producers have input into the choice. Santino is a jerk - doesn't listen - doesn't "play well with others" and has a foul mouth. All of this adds up to tension and good telivision - and ratings. He has kept all of us talking dispite his hideous clothes.

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