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Yellow water that some did see ....explanation


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Greetings to all,


Yellow water.........in sink faucets,showers,and toilets.... some have seen it and did not care.......some did have concerns.....including myself.

Some have posted posts looking for some explanation.


I did write an email letter to someone in charge of RCCL and asked if this 'yellow' water could be addressed by a person familiar with this problem. I also asked if I could 'post' their explanation.

This morning I did get their reply with the explanation (no mention of the permission that I did ask for - so I will not post their response in the form of their written letter, only their explanation).

According to their findings: the discolored water is caused by some corroded pipes, but it is safe and they are replacing the pipes with "upgraded product to eliminate the problem completely".


If I do get their permission (I did ask for it again) to post their 'letter', I will do so.....if not, perhaps this explanation can satisfy some people that had concerns mostly about the safety of the water.


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Greetings to all,


Yellow water.........in sink faucets,showers,and toilets.... some have seen it and did not care.......some did have concerns.....including myself.

Some have posted posts looking for some explanation.


I did write an email letter to someone in charge of RCCL and asked if this 'yellow' water could be addressed by a person familiar with this problem. I also asked if I could 'post' their explanation.

This morning I did get their reply with the explanation (no mention of the permission that I did ask for - so I will not post their response in the form of their written letter, only their explanation).

According to their findings: the discolored water is caused by some corroded pipes, but it is safe and they are replacing the pipes with "upgraded product to eliminate the problem completely".


If I do get their permission (I did ask for it again) to post their 'letter', I will do so.....if not, perhaps this explanation can satisfy some people that had concerns mostly about the safety of the water.


I thought I saw a lot of PVC on board which DOES NOT corrode - maybe the tanks do but sounds like a snowjob to me

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I thought I saw a lot of PVC on board which DOES NOT corrode - maybe the tanks do but sounds like a snowjob to me


Hello hermang,


My post here is not meant to alarm anyone but to perhaps calm down some of the concerns that other posters and I did have about the safety of the discolored water that some of us had on our cruise.


I am not an expert on ship's plumbing and water distribution, (although I am very familiar with hydraulic systems in general and house water distribution including wells) and I have to believe what has been sent to me in the email letter sent on behalf of Mr. Hanrahan (there is a mention in the letter that 'he' has "read" it and asked 'that' person to respond) is the 'true' explanation.

I was concerned about the 'safety' of the water and that is why I did address the concern to someone that is responsible for Celebrity's operations.......there are times that people 'at the top' do not really know what is going on 'in the trenches'........I feel it is an important issue and that is the reason for addressing it to someone with authority and also some 'obligations' to me, the cruiser.

It would be very risky to provide an explanation in the form of "a snow job" on behalf of top officers.



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Yellow water.........in sink faucets,showers,and toilets.... some have seen it and did not care.......some did have concerns.....including myself.

Some have posted posts looking for some explanation.


I did write an email letter to someone in charge of RCCL and asked if this 'yellow' water could be addressed by a person familiar with this problem. I also asked if I could 'post' their explanation.

This morning I did get their reply with the explanation (no mention of the permission that I did ask for - so I will not post their response in the form of their written letter, only their explanation).

According to their findings: the discolored water is caused by some corroded pipes, but it is safe and they are replacing the pipes with "upgraded product to eliminate the problem completely".


Thanks for sending that notice in to Celebrity. My hope is that it results in some action. Seems the problem has been reported aft but midships and forward are okay. But as luck would have it I'm aft come March. Hope it's something they can fix on the fly.

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WHO IN THEIR RIGHT MIND WOULD DRINK WATER (hot & cold) FROM CORRODED PIPES. When we posted our thread from the 10/29/05 Constellation cruise, many posters gave us the impression we were JUST COMPLAINERS. Ship management on the Connie refuses to acknowledge the problem. Great Job in getting Heaquarters to admit a problem exists.

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drinking the water can be avoided by using bottled water which we do anyhow, but I would not want to shower or wash hair in rusty water. Did not have this problme on Connie last yr (9/04)--wonder if it is something just developing?

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I got the same e-mail today. Got one yesterday that said that no one was aware of this problem and they would forward my letter to the hotel manager and let me know what he finds out. Surprising that today they have a full explanation when yesterday they knew nothing about it. .....at least it is an explanation.

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Were you on the tour of the bridge when I mentionned the yellow water to the officer who was our guide? He had just stated that they take on fresh water in some ports and specifically asked me after which ports I had noticed the coloration. I had washed some things out in the sink and they got permanently stained so its nobody's imagination.


We were in 9145 so yes, we were somewhat aft on the port side of the ship. I know better than to drink the water even though they say its safe but I do use it to brush my teeth. After the first fill up of the sink when I saw how yellow the water was, I was much more careful. It was only in certain ports, specifically Puerto Rico and St. Lucia, so it could very well be that they are getting bad water from their island sources. :eek:

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Were you on the tour of the bridge when I mentionned the yellow water to the officer who was our guide? He had just stated that they take on fresh water in some ports and specifically asked me after which ports I had noticed the coloration. I had washed some things out in the sink and they got permanently stained so its nobody's imagination.


We were in 9145 so yes, we were somewhat aft on the port side of the ship. I know better than to drink the water even though they say its safe but I do use it to brush my teeth. After the first fill up of the sink when I saw how yellow the water was, I was much more careful. It was only in certain ports, specifically Puerto Rico and St. Lucia, so it could very well be that they are getting bad water from their island sources. :eek:


Hello Holly,

No, I did not go on that tour -It was a forth time for me on the M class ship and three of those tours before........so after seeing how big 'our group' was on one other tour the day before in the 'food preperation area'......I did not want to go.

Our water was OK in PR and OK for the next two or three days.....and then something happened. I am on well water at home and I am familiar with sediment, hard water, water with just very few particles of iron, sulpher in water and some other kinds of problems.......and the 'yellowish' tint of water was not a very big problem.......but it would be 'nice' to know what and why it was there. It did not happen to us on previous cruises.

I did ask the room steward, his supervisor.....and no really good answer that I could believe was given to me.

So after we got back and seeing more posts describing the same 'problem'......I did write the email to Mr. Hanrahan asking him if I could get an answer from someone who is familiar with water system on the ship (which I am sure is a lot more complicated than residential system). About a week later came the answer, which I posted in the first post. A little strange answer but it was send on his behalf.........so 'here we are'.

Wishing you a Happy New Year.


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I thought I saw a lot of PVC on board which DOES NOT corrode - maybe the tanks do but sounds like a snowjob to me


I don't know how water is supplied to a ship, but you can get discolored water in a house if a pipe connecting its public water source to the house is corroded, even when there is nothing wrong with the pipes inside the house itself.

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Greetings to all,


Yellow water.........in sink faucets,showers,and toilets.... some have seen it and did not care.......some did have concerns.....including myself.

Some have posted posts looking for some explanation.


I did write an email letter to someone in charge of RCCL and asked if this 'yellow' water could be addressed by a person familiar with this problem. I also asked if I could 'post' their explanation.

This morning I did get their reply with the explanation (no mention of the permission that I did ask for - so I will not post their response in the form of their written letter, only their explanation).

According to their findings: the discolored water is caused by some corroded pipes, but it is safe and they are replacing the pipes with "upgraded product to eliminate the problem completely".


If I do get their permission (I did ask for it again) to post their 'letter', I will do so.....if not, perhaps this explanation can satisfy some people that had concerns mostly about the safety of the water.





Well I started another thread about my experience with the Constellation, although this thread kind of vindicates my concern, it also raises another issue (at least with me)..............




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  • 2 weeks later...
I can't believe anyone would worry about colored water...do you know the crap thats in "clear" water? the color probably just adds needed minerals to your diet :p



I don't know about you, but I am not about to risk my health. It could be harmless, or it could be something else. Bottom line, the cruise line should know what it is, and should tell people the truth.


You're telling me that if you came to my house, and asked for water and I gave you a glass of cloudy / yellow water, you would drink it, no questions asked ?.

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are you folks being serious, or making a joke? you folks are funny!

( this has to be a joke, otherwise some of you sound just like that Mrs Smith lady )

If you don't like it, then you do not have to go back.


who drinks the water from the cabin sink?!?! regardless of the color (clear or yellow), that is gross!

use the pitcher of water (it is really the same water :) but it is always clear)


we sailed Constellation 2 weeks ago (12/24) in cabin 9160 (you can't get more aft thn that) and the water was fine the entire trip! totally colorless!


regardless, this yellow stuff is nothing new.

we sailed Millennium back in 7/2002. one day there was a slight yellow hue in the sink water.

( no, i do not believe it has anything to do with the millennium-class ships. )


I also saw it on a diff cruise line many, many years ago.

can not remember which line /ship. (too many ships over the years to remember silly things like this)


but again... who ever drinks the water from the cabin sink?!?! regardless of the color!

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we sailed Constellation 2 weeks ago (12/24) in cabin 9160 (you can't get more aft thn that) and the water was fine the entire trip! totally colorless!


Glad to hear it. We'll be one deck lower in one of the FV cabins in March. Maybe they've addressed the problem. Anyone else still seeing yellow water?

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I don't know about you, but I am not about to risk my health. It could be harmless, or it could be something else. Bottom line, the cruise line should know what it is, and should tell people the truth.


You're telling me that if you came to my house, and asked for water and I gave you a glass of cloudy / yellow water, you would drink it, no questions asked ?.


No I don't drink tap water or rebottled tap water like desani. period. The yellow is most likely iron - it is certainly no worse than what you can find in perfectly clear water (chlorine, lead, giardia, my favorite cryptosporidium which actually killed off quite a few people in Milwaukee,etc etc etc).

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I honestly believe that the colored water is not from pipes or tanks onboard but from outside sources. We experienced this a few years ago on the VOS. Water was crystal clear when we left Miami. Awful brown water throughout the entire ship (even the captain was angry about it) after one of our port stops. The water had to be heavily chlorinated to insure safety to passengers and ice and drinking water were in short supply. Blondes onboard that were not natural ;) were getting a lovely green hue to their hair from showering in the nasty water, and we all were brushing our teeth with bottled water until the tanks could be emptied and refilled a couple of days later in another port. Once the pipes onboard we purged of the nasty water, it turned clear again. Due to this experience I firmly believe it is not a ship problem, instead I believe it is a problem with the water supply in certain ports.

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I do a lot of work with ships and yachts. Corroded pipes are VERY common and age is not always the problem. Sometimes the pipes are just not galvanized properly. (On ships galvanized piping is still used extensively because copper pipes - especially of the diameter needed on a ship - are cost prohibitive.) Also, keep in mind that it only takes one or two bad sections to create a problem throughout the line...and then try to find those sections!


Anyone with an older home knows that rust in the pipes is not going to hurt you. Granted your whites may be discolored (Oxyclean will resolve that issue in most instances as it breaks the oxidized iron - rust - down sufficiently for detergents to wash it out of the fabric.)


As for bad water in various ports, that is possible, though I am not sure the ship is actually taking on water in many of them. The ships have watermakers which guarantees better water. However, if and when it is done, the filters will take out/kill anything bad. Coloration is not a health issue.


Also, keep in mind that the ships are subject to governmental sanitary inspections and any health problem with the water would shut the ship down almost instantly.


Should there by a yellow discoloration? No. Is is worth all of the outrage by some posters? Please. (Now if you want to complain, how about when they bring breadsticks and some are already broken?)

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We were on Constellation in July, 2005 and had a couple of days of yellow water. It was not subtle at all; filling the sink with this water looked identical to a toilet after it has been used for urination (sorry for the graphic description). It was just gross, and we only drank bottled water, canned sodas, etc until the water was perfectly clear.


If you see this yourself, there's no way you're going to believe that the water is "fine" and that it's "perfectly safe to drink", as the ship management tried to tell those who asked/complained about it. Maybe the clear water was just as nasty, biologically-speaking, as the yellow water, but there is no way that somebody from the first world is going to drink that water.


And then, when this first happened, I called Passenger Services and was told that the engineers were working on it, but that the water was safe to drink. So, I brought a glass of water to the Passenger Services desk, to show them. They again assured me the water was safe. So I asked her to take a drink from the glass. It will come as no surprise that the clerk there said that she wasn't thirsty as that exact moment, but thanks anyway for the offer.


I did take photos of the sink full of yellow water--so nobody can tell me that I just imagined it. It was real, and it was disgusting.



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  • 4 weeks later...


I love it! The poor folks at Guest Services are little more than workers in a call center. They're told what to say, but I got a good laugh about her saying she "wasn't thirsty".


The yellow water is for real and has to be an engineering problem. Whether or not you care about it is a personal issue. I think Celebrity should correct whatever is causing it. Items I washed out in the sink when I first came onboard on December 10th still have yellow stains on them. I was actually glad that happened because I never drink tap water if I can help it, but I hadn't always been so diligent about not brushing my teeth in it. After looking at my clothing and seeing the stains, I got a lot more serious. Getting sick on a cruise is the biggest bummer.


With regard to the Hotel Director on Connie. He has recently left Celebrity. I'm closely following his path as I'm not happy with the direction my favorite cruise line is taking lately. :mad:

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