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Willdra’s Hyperactive Carnival Horizon April 15-22 Cruise


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When we were ready to move out, A and Z selected our next route, and we left for the train. This time we were finally going to visit the Eiffel Tower. This was at the top of my "do it or die" list. It was supposed to rain starting at three, but we were making good time. We stopped at Pret again to get water and go potty. In order to open the door to the restrooms, you have to put in a code from your receipt. We must all be slightly dim witted, because none of us could get it to work. We tried it so much that there was a lady inside who just opened the door and let us in. I think she got tired of hearing us punching numbers, turning the handle, then cursing at the door like it had stolen our lunch money (someone, not me, may have even kicked it). It’s also a good thing that I didn't have to go that badly, because that would've been well, a mess. When we were all done, Z decided to go, he used the code and got the door to open on the first try. Show off.


The ride to the Eiffel Tower was long but comfortable. A told us to get ready with our cameras on the train cuz there would be about a good 2 minutes where the train suddenly bursts out into the sunlight and the Tower would be visible. I was right by the window and I got a few good shots when it happened. I was so excited I could barely catch my breath! W didn't see it cuz he was in the back of the Metro by a guy playing the accordion. You read that right. He.was.playing.the.accordion.







W and the accordion




When we exited the station, we walked down the stairs towards the tower. We turned right at this little dirt road with lots of trees and park benches. We thought we were there, and that we wouldn't get better pictures than this angle, so we started clicking.






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A told us to be patient, as the best was yet to come. To the left of that little road, there was another sidewalk that led to another side of the tower. There was a beautiful park back there, and the view was stunning. It did not disappoint! As we were taking our pictures, the sunburst out, and it was just perfect and priceless. Like we were meant to be here at this moment.












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One thing that wasn't perfect was my bladder. I had to go again. It was the coffee and Pret's decent water that did it. We stopped at one of those outside glorified port a potties to check it out. I opened the door, peeked in, then immediately shut it! I can only say that if the devil has a vacation home, that was absolutely it! If not the devil himself, then his cousins, nephews, and baby momma lived in that potty! Whew. Fast pass. I will never have to go that bad. I’ll wait. Jesus be a café close by!


From there we hopped on the train again towards the Catacombs. When we got there, we saw a few cafes, and we ducked into one to use the facilities. The "ladies room" was a closet so small that I had to get in, then turn to the side to close the door. There was no room for me to look down, so I just hovered, and hoped for the best! I don't see how the building inspectors passed this as a restroom. We have cereal boxes that are bigger. Once that deed was done, we looked back over at the line to enter the Catacombs. It was way too long and it really wasn't moving. I was never totally thrilled about the idea of going down there to see 6 million people buried underground anyway, so we skipped it. It creeps me out just thinking about it. Le Ewww.




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Around this time, we were all hungry. A and Z knew of a hot falafel spot call Miznon, so we chose it for lunch. We had to take the train back to Chatelet then another one after that. A short walk from the train station and we were there. Miznon was a slow loader. The line was long and it dribbled one drop at a time. A and Z suggested the kabob agneau, and we were not in a position to argue, so that’s what we got. AC and V had cauliflower and broccoli apps, and we got a potato falafel for the table. We honestly couldn't believe how good everything was.They put their foot in that food! The bread so was soft and warm, I wept real tears of joy after my first bite. My taste buds did the cha cha slide. The hands that make this bread are blessed, highly favored, and I am now adding them to my prayer list. I need for them to have long, fruitful, excellent lives. Just like so many things in this city, it was exceptional. We savored every bite of our food, then wept again when it was over.


The menu was handwritten on sheets of paper












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We reluctantly left the restaurant, only because there was so much more for us to discover. Here we parted ways with A and Z. A needed to work for a couple of hours, then she had a conference call at 5 and another one at 6. That kid of ours is too responsible. Who in the h.e. double hockey sticks can work while they are on vacay in Paris??? W and I get a big fat F as parents!


We agreed to meet back up at Chatelet for dinner at 7:30, then W, AC, V and I mapped our way back via the Hotel de Ville station. A suggested that we go back that way cuz it was another beautiful section to see. We stopped at Starbucks on the way so that I could get a Paris mug for a gift first.


W waiting on the women (he does this a lot)








We looked around a little, then went back. I was not mad at a few hours of free time to regroup either. We'd been going 180 miles per hour since we got here, and we all needed a break. From each other. You know when everyone starts getting on each other’s nerves for the dumbest things? Yeah that was us. We walked into City and the Pharmacie on our way back. Then went back to the hotel to chillax.


I loved that our hotel was in such a residential, but not a touristy area.




There were lots of bikes everywhere too


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Back at Hotel Scarlett, I read a little and caught up on Social Media. At dinner time, we made it out of the hotel and back down to Chatelet on the Metro. We met A and Z then we walked back into that square until we found seats at one of the Brasseries where Parisians sit facing the street to openly judge and people watch. We wanted to be right in the middle of that! It was warmer and nicer than it had been and it was also Friday, so people were milling around everywhere. It was hard to find a seat at first, but the restaurant that we chose was huge, and they made room.


Parisians are here to see, and be seen, seeing!






The Fam blended in nicely!


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We sat and perused the menu for awhile. Our waiter brought English menus out too since some of us were squinting and pointing (embarrassing). W actually asked a lady close to us what she was eating, and she was very nice in explaining everything. After an infinity, we finally decided to eat French food since we were in France after all. I had the croque monsieur and it was great. Everything was good, and we also made it early enough to get Happy Hour drinks. Happy Hour is totes a thing here too. Whoop Whoop!




Funny name for a beer













We briefly contemplated going to see the Eiffel Tower light up but that would've required too much effort, which we were fresh out of. So we had a few more drinks, then went back to our hotel. A and Z had an early flight to BCN and ours was later so we were spending most of the day in Paris. Without our tour guides. Heaven help us!



Before I fell asleep, I asked God to help me use the word "rubbish" in a sentence as often as I can. Europeans use that word a lot and every time I hear it, it makes me smile. Unless they are talking about me when they say it.

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You gotta start putting watermarks on all your pics. O/w, all the postcard companies will be stealing 'em left & right. Sooo freakin' gorgeous! A pro couldn't do any better.


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Awwww thanks!! [emoji5]



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OMG, you have me cracking up!! You're hilarious! And the pictures are absolutely amazing! Just beautiful! Looking forward to more :)




Thank you[emoji38]!



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OMG!!! I ((HEART)) you!! You're the best reviewer here, hands down. So funny...always keeping me laughing. Can't wait to read about the rest of your adventure on the Horizon.


Carry on with your hilarious self!



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There's already a huge chorus of love for your reviews here, but I love them too! Your style is wonderful and I'm completely living vicariously through your Paris trip already, can't wait to get to the ship part!


I also love that your daughter and her fiance sail with a MTG group, my husband and I always bring some of our board games with us onboard, but we are rarely able to get anyone to play with us on sea days (other than the people who come with us). I should tell him to convince his online D&D group that they should sail together a few times a year so they can actually play in person, lol.

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LOL. After your last post I was thinking "God must be like 'Crap it's Willdra trying to talk to me again. I do not have time for this rubbish. What's the next crazy thing on her prayer list.'" And then I thought he probably appreciates your prayers as much as we do!

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OMG!!! I ((HEART)) you!! You're the best reviewer here, hands down. So funny...always keeping me laughing. Can't wait to read about the rest of your adventure on the Horizon.


Carry on with your hilarious self!




Thank you!!! That is so sweet!!! :D

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There's already a huge chorus of love for your reviews here, but I love them too! Your style is wonderful and I'm completely living vicariously through your Paris trip already, can't wait to get to the ship part!


I also love that your daughter and her fiance sail with a MTG group, my husband and I always bring some of our board games with us onboard, but we are rarely able to get anyone to play with us on sea days (other than the people who come with us). I should tell him to convince his online D&D group that they should sail together a few times a year so they can actually play in person, lol.


LOL thank you :')!! Sailing with a gaming group is a good way to go. They have scheduled play times and they take excursions together too. It's a cool little community. I can barely play Go Fish tho, so I stay as far away from the game as possible! ;p

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LOL. After your last post I was thinking "God must be like 'Crap it's Willdra trying to talk to me again. I do not have time for this rubbish. What's the next crazy thing on her prayer list.'" And then I thought he probably appreciates your prayers as much as we do!


LMBO!!!:'):'):') Yes!! He's saying that and....."New phone, who dis??" :o

  • Haha 1
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:cool: Oh Wildra the entire cruising community waits for your reviews. So entertaining and love your writing style. We sailed the Magic together in 2016 I think but never had the pleasure of meeting you. Hope some day.

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:cool: Oh Wildra the entire cruising community waits for your reviews. So entertaining and love your writing style. We sailed the Magic together in 2016 I think but never had the pleasure of meeting you. Hope some day.


Thank you so much!! :D It would be too funny to meet up with CC fam on a ship :')!!!

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Paris Day Four

I woke up sorta early, since we didn't hangout late the night before. I looked at the Seine River Hop On Hop Off Boat Tours on Trip Advisor cuz that was what V really wanted to do. At first we weren't sure if we could do it, as the weather in Paris has dementia, it changes rapidly, and it forgets. Weather.com stated that the light rain would end by noon, so I shot the ladies a text and told them we should go for it.


Meanwhile W got up and said that his ear was “ringing”. Okkk. What does that mean??? Does it hurt? Is there liquid? What color is the liquid, and most importantly can you hear??? After we went through the checklist, all I got from him was “I dunno it’s just ringing”. I didn't really know what that meant, so I kept packing and figured he would let me know. We packed up the stuff that we took out of the suitcases for this portion of the trip, booked the boat tour, took showers, and were downstairs at around 11:30. Checkout was at noon, but the hotel would hold our luggage for the day.



I sent a text to AC and V to let them know that we were waiting. No answer. We waited until 12:05.No answer. I text them again and told them that we needed to leave or it would be pointless. Our hard stop to be back at the hotel was 4 pm, so that we could all get to the airport on time. Besides that, it's rude to be flagrantly tardy for everything. All of the freakin time. Especially when people are waiting for you. Team Bad Decisions, Bad Manners, Raised By Wolves. Finally they came out and we left around 12:20.


We had to buy a few more Metro tickets for the day, so we went down to the Belleville station and did that first. V was having problems with her tickets and it took a few minutes for her to get through.They worked after a few tries, but it was frustrating. We hit the M11 towards Hotel de Ville which was easy. It really helped that we went back that way the day before, and it's close by. We stopped at that same Starbucks. Their croque sandwiches looked good. They spoke English very well and they took good care of us. Don't sleep on Starbucks in Paris. They are too legit to quit. Those sandwiches were amazing and I’m glad W remembered that we wanted to try them. He keeps a mental catalog of food that he wants to eat. My hero.






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We ate quick, then pulled up Google Maps to get us to the Batobus station for Hotel de Ville. It led us right to it. When we reached the kiosk, I pulled up my email, retrieved the barcode, the ticket agent scanned it and gave me a map and my tickets. V stated that she never got an email confirmation. Huh? They spent a while trying to retrieve it with no luck. I wondered why we didn't do that while we were sitting at Starbucks, but hey who am I? They were never able to locate her reservation so she purchased their tickets again, and she would have to deal with her credit card company to get a refund if she was charged twice. Something tells me she won’t be charged twice tho.







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The next boat pulled up and we loaded it and went to the back. The inside had lots of seats and it was heated. It was a lovely ride up and down the Seine. We got great views of the Eiffel Tower, Musée Orsay, Notre Dame, and Hotel de Ville. There is no one on the boat narrating, so you have to look at the map to see what’s what. I guess it makes sense because there were so many different nationalities on board, that it would take forever to go through everything in every language.













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