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Cruising out of Texas as a gay person


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I am looking into cruise options for next summer and one of the major contenders is Liberty of the Seas out of Galveston.


Given Texas' reputation as a very conservative state, I am slightly worried about the possibility of cruising from there. Would you say from a gay perspective, that it would be a good option?


If you are gay and have experienced a cruise from Texas, please tell me how gay friendly it was.


Thanks! :)

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I travel to Texas for work and have never had an issue. Since we are no longer required to wear our pink triangle arm bands I think your time through the airport, transfer to the hotel and any pre-cruise time before actually arriving at the boat should be uneventful. Obviously do not deport yourself in a way to offend the natives and their customs or put yourself in questionable circumstance and you will surely be fine.

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My husband and I have traveled all over Texas for both business and pleasure. We are very much out and do not hide the fact that we are gay. We have never had a single issue. If you choose to book this cruise have a great time!!



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I am looking into cruise options for next summer and one of the major contenders is Liberty of the Seas out of Galveston.


Given Texas' reputation as a very conservative state, I am slightly worried about the possibility of cruising from there. Would you say from a gay perspective, that it would be a good option?


If you are gay and have experienced a cruise from Texas, please tell me how gay friendly it was.


Thanks! :)


Joe, you are kidding aren't you? This is the 21st century. I was born and raised in Texas, and have lived in California and New York as well, so I feel well qualified to comment. Texas is as gay friendly as any other state, maybe even more so as the people tend to be friendlier than other places.


I don't know where you are from, but Houston and Galveston, may have as many or more gay bars than your city does. Houston had an openly lesbian Mayor, re-elected three times.


You will find no problem being gay in Texas.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 10/7/2018 at 8:48 AM, Bigmike911 said:

You will find no problem being gay in Texas.

Mebbe, mebbe not.

"Champions of LGBT rights have already named the 2017 Texas legislative session 'The Session of Oppression.' This year, Texas lawmakers proposed more anti-gay and anti-trans bills than ever before. In a year when 130 anti-LGBT bills were pitched nationwide, Texas led the nation in such legislation." HPPR.org 6/28/17

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7 hours ago, shepp said:


I must second what Shepp said. We have a few blue dots (dallas, austin, houston) in a very red state. The current poisonous political climate is emboldening the anti lgbt crowd.  I would not worry about leaving out of Galveston, but know the vast majority of pax will be Texans. Just a hunch, but the shorter the cruise maybe has more redneck anti lgbters?  I believe the cruise lines have a high ratio  of lgbt staff and crew. The lines should be sensative to this. I would not hesitate to complain to mgmt  if you get harrassed by a redneck bigot.  

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  • 2 weeks later...

My husband and I live in Houston and we've gone on several cruises out of Galveston and have made many lifelong friends.  We even had people that we met on a Galveston cruise come to our wedding last year.  We'll be on the December 9 sailing of Liberty of the Seas.  Come join us!! 

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On 7 October 2018 at 4:48 PM, Bigmike911 said:


Joe, you are kidding aren't you? This is the 21st century. I was born and raised in Texas, and have lived in California and New York as well, so I feel well qualified to comment. Texas is as gay friendly as any other state, maybe even more so as the people tend to be friendlier than other places.


I don't know where you are from, but Houston and Galveston, may have as many or more gay bars than your city does. Houston had an openly lesbian Mayor, re-elected three times.


You will find no problem being gay in Texas.

I'm from Scotland, which is on the liberal side in terms of regions, and is generally decent for LGBT people. We have also had lesbian politicians here. But whilst we are in the 21st century, some places and some people still haven't came around.


The issue still stands though that I would be on a ship with potentially a large number of people who are opposed to my rights.

Edited by CruisingJoe09
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  • 3 weeks later...

I actually thought this thread is very interesting...  My husband and I have been travelling to Texas to see his family for 35 years.  They are from the Panhandle - Amarillo and the surrounding area. Everyone has always been very nice to us in this VERY, VERY conservative area. Considering I am Jewish, Gay and a Democrat I had three strikes against me as I walked off the plane... LOL :classic_biggrin:  There were always a few gay places to go out, but in the past few years that changed, probably due to the political climate.  In Amarillo, one little bar downtown was bought up by a conservative local group of investors and they knocked it down and now the land remains vacant.  So sad... We have lived in NY, PA and now S. FL and traveled the world and Texas is a nice place to visit. 


As far as cruise out of Texas, you are somewhat limited to the western Caribbean.  We find that for us, the Eastern and Southern Caribbean is more preferable.  We are spoiled that we do not have to fly, as we are only 35 mins. from Port Everglades in Ft. Lauderdale, so we know that you probably feel the same way in TX as it is easy to get to the port.


Have a great cruise...  Happy sailing!!!:classic_smile:

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 9/22/2018 at 8:41 AM, CruisingJoe09 said:


I am looking into cruise options for next summer and one of the major contenders is Liberty of the Seas out of Galveston.


Given Texas' reputation as a very conservative state, I am slightly worried about the possibility of cruising from there. Would you say from a gay perspective, that it would be a good option?


If you are gay and have experienced a cruise from Texas, please tell me how gay friendly it was.


Thanks! :)

I grew up in the Houston area of Texas but moved out of the state in 1994.  Galveston is pretty sedate or was when I moved.  There are a few gay bars in the Strand area of the city and one maybe two others in other parts of the city.  Just remember, it is a cruise and not EVERYONE will be from Texas.  Just go and have fun.

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  • 3 years later...
On 10/18/2018 at 12:22 AM, shepp said:

Mebbe, mebbe not.

"Champions of LGBT rights have already named the 2017 Texas legislative session 'The Session of Oppression.' This year, Texas lawmakers proposed more anti-gay and anti-trans bills than ever before. In a year when 130 anti-LGBT bills were pitched nationwide, Texas led the nation in such legislation." HPPR.org 6/28/17

Yes... and they all hang out at cruise ports with a hangman's rope.

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On 9/22/2018 at 10:41 AM, CruisingJoe09 said:


I am looking into cruise options for next summer and one of the major contenders is Liberty of the Seas out of Galveston.


Given Texas' reputation as a very conservative state, I am slightly worried about the possibility of cruising from there. Would you say from a gay perspective, that it would be a good option?


If you are gay and have experienced a cruise from Texas, please tell me how gay friendly it was.


Thanks! 🙂

Gay couple in Houston here, home to the country’s first openly LGBT mayor of a major US city. Elected 3 times. The cities in Texas are all fairly liberal. Austin, Dallas, San Antonio, El Paso…. Our reputation as a red state comes from the highly conservative rural areas whose population once combined with the conservative minority in the cities, keeps the state red. Beto O’Rourke lost the US Senate seat to Ted Cruz by only 2% of the vote. State politics that you hear about are commandeered by conservative republicans due to gerrymandering and elections bought by west Texas oil billionaires who fund campaigns for fundamentalist Christians all over the state. They do not reflect the overall mindset of most Texans. These people are not on your cruise, and if they were, bad behavior wouldn’t be tolerated by any of the other straight people on the ship. Your cruise will be filled with kind and accepting people ready to have a good time. Note, Royal Caribbean and sister line Celebrity are staunchly lgbt advocates that celebrate pride very visibly on their ships in all locations every June. All that said. A Galveston cruise in the summer will be packed with families with kids. Not my thing, but that’s me. 






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On 11/5/2018 at 7:53 AM, CruisingJoe09 said:

I'm from Scotland, which is on the liberal side in terms of regions, and is generally decent for LGBT people. We have also had lesbian politicians here. But whilst we are in the 21st century, some places and some people still haven't came around.


The issue still stands though that I would be on a ship with potentially a large number of people who are opposed to my rights.

But that’s what I’m explaining… The majority of the people on a cruise out of Galveston are not redneck religious fanatics who are opposed to your rights. Most of those people live in rural areas and do not go on cruises, especially a cruise line that celebrates pride month all June. Sadly we are all surrounded by some conservative people who get their hair cut by gays, homes redecorated by gays, are entertained by the talent of gay people, are cared for by gay health care providers and on and on…yet these same people will discreetly cast a vote against you in a poll booth. This will never end. It’s rooted in religious fundamentalism that has existed for thousands of years.


Research has shown repeatedly that attitudes toward LGBT people has shifted the last 20 years primarily due to more people coming out of the closet, resulting in more conservative people finding out someone they care about personally is gay, leading gradually to more acceptance.


if you don’t want to be around some people who may think differently than you, you are missing an opportunity to influence how they think, by just being yourself. But honestly, you are over worrying this. Your Galveston cruise is not drawing droves of bigots. The people you are worried about being on your cruise lead insular lives in rural or far suburban areas and don’t travel much unless to RV or camp.


if after reading all these posts you’re still concerned about this, why must you cruise out of Texas? Make another plan. 

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On 11/5/2018 at 8:53 AM, CruisingJoe09 said:

I'm from Scotland, which is on the liberal side in terms of regions, and is generally decent for LGBT people. We have also had lesbian politicians here. But whilst we are in the 21st century, some places and some people still haven't came around.


The issue still stands though that I would be on a ship with potentially a large number of people who are opposed to my rights.

I have to agree w you Joe09... I lived in NYC most of my life & it wasn't till i started travelling domestically did I realize how liberal NY & especially NYC are.... in the south there are plenty of gay people  living among  right wing conservatives.  I was fortunate to of travelled internionally & see in person how populations relate to others.

Texas is notoriously right wing as is Florida & its getting worse(globally I might add).  Saying that I believe there are two ways to vote - one is at the election booth & the other is with my wallet...so the OP has these concerns which they must sort out but for me is do I want to $upport a state & business with such beliefs.

PS -- I'm looking forward to being in Scotland next spring..... great land, history & PEOPLE!!!

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On 10/18/2018 at 10:42 AM, dfwguy said:

I must second what Shepp said. We have a few blue dots (dallas, austin, houston) in a very red state. The current poisonous political climate is emboldening the anti lgbt crowd.  I would not worry about leaving out of Galveston, but know the vast majority of pax will be Texans. Just a hunch, but the shorter the cruise maybe has more redneck anti lgbters?  I believe the cruise lines have a high ratio  of lgbt staff and crew. The lines should be sensative to this. I would not hesitate to complain to mgmt  if you get harrassed by a redneck bigot.  

I'm glad my passport does not work in that country.  They have talked about seceding (as recently as June 2022) from the US on more than one occasion, I hope they are successful.  

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 7/24/2022 at 9:01 PM, Kenito said:

Yes... and they all hang out at cruise ports with a hangman's rope.

Hi Ken, This is Peter J. from Baja Boys 2011 and 2012 Spirit cruises. Samuel Cordero passed last week, August 10th in Santa Fe. There is a news article in the Santa Fe Reporter online newspaper about it. Is there a way, say on F- B, I can send you a direct message? On that site of faces that can't be mentioned here I go by Jack Jellison. If I send you a friend request would you accept, please? I have some cruise dates next year to discuss with you and to get your expert advice. Sorry to bring bad news, hope you are well. Peter

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  • 1 year later...

Chiming in long after the original post...


One of the realities of cruising is that the departure port does make a difference as to who your fellow passengers will be. Sail out of Los Angeles, and you'll have half the ship (or more) be from southern California. When you sail from Galveston you get a lot of people from Texas, Oklahoma, Alabama, Mississippi, etc. Of course people are usually nice, but you will notice a few things.


On my last sailing from Galveston there were so many more smokers than on other cruises. Probably 50% or more of the passengers were on deck smoking -to the point where they spilled into areas that were officially non-smoking. People weren't ignoring the signs -there were just so many of them that they didn't fit in the designated areas. 


Another issue was the large number of MAGA hats/shirts and conversations in the dining room. I didn't feel singled out for being gay as much as I felt looked down on for now espousing the same political views. I actually didn't see any LGBTQ people aboard that ship. I've no doubt they were there, but I could see why they wouldn't be wearing a lot of rainbows...


I imagine a person from the Bible Belt sailing on a cruise from LA or San Diego would feel equally out of place at times. If they're smokers, they'd certainly get hostile vibes from more than a few passengers, and they might be put off by some of the dinner conversation, too. This is not to say that people should restrict themselves to certain ships, lines, or ports -far from it. But we ALL need to be aware of common courtesy and treat our fellow passengers with respect, and that includes keeping politics and religion out of the dinner conversation.

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