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Left make-up on board and it's not coming back to me :(

Tooth Gal

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I'm with everyone that says its not necessarily the room attendants fault. There are many things that could have happened to the make-up. The part that bothers me is saying that if the same room attendant is on a future cruise he WON'T be getting a tip. Thats all fine and dandy IF you know that it was his fault.....but in this case its not known 100%. It would be unfair to not tip him in the future for something that you left previously. What if the attendant turned it in to lost and found and at that point someone else claimed it (gross, since it was used makeup!) or it was left in a drawer and he didn't see it and the next people in the room threw it out. There are MANY possibilities as to what could have happened in this case. Please don't punish the guy for something you don't know is his fault. :(

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I understand your fustration but there is no way to know if the steward didn't turn it in. He could have and someone in lost and found took it, it is in with something else in that area and they haven't found it etc.


No way of knowing that it was his fault. I have found that most room stewards are very honest because stealing can cause them their job

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I know it was my fault for not double, triple checking the room to make sure that we had not left anything in the drawers. I misplaced my faith in our state room attendant for being an honest and honourable guy.


My only avenue of recourse now is to replace a lot of expensive make-up, and try and claim it through our travel insurance.


So the moral of the story is to double check, triple check, and quadruple check your state room before you leave. Oh and if I ever have the same state room attendant, he will NOT be recieving a tip from us.


Maybe he thought your make-up was his tip!:rolleyes:

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I know for certain that it was on the cruise ship. We called RCCL Lost and Found. A report was created, and I was told that it could take up to 3 weeks to see if any thing would be turned in. Well after several calls to Lost and Found, it was confirmed that there was "no report of any items left in our state room". :( :(



So the moral of the story is to double check, triple check, and quadruple check your state room before you leave. Oh and if I ever have the same state room attendant, he will NOT be recieving a tip from us.

I had a similar thing happen to me but at a hotel. It was only 30 minutes after we had changed rooms due to a screw up, when DS noticed his ipod missing. We called the front desk and talked with lost and found and housekeeping. Both said nothing had been turned in and to keep checking back. We kept checking back all day long and nothing.

Now I was starting to get a little angry. I knew he had left it in the room. I asked them to check with who had gone into that room to clean it after we left the room. They did and and after an hour there was a knock on the door. Standing there was a manager with DS's ipod in his hand. He said that the maid had put it in the cleaning cart and had forgotten all about it.:rolleyes:

Not sure if that was the truth but at least DS got his ipod back. Since then, we go over the room 3 times just to make sure that we haven't forgotten anything.

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You said the steward was male.

I can tell you, males DO NOT know how expensive make-up is.

I'm not trying to be mean, but if I had found used make-up in a room, I'd have thrown it away.

It's a replenishable item and he probably just figured that if you left it behind you didn't want it anymore.

As you stated, you were in your room later because of your son's sickness (I hope he's feeling better now) and that means the steward had LESS time than usual to clean that room.

The next set of passengeres come aboard the same time whether or not the precediing passengers leave early or late.

The stewards HAVE to have those rooms cleaned and ready to go by then, so I'm sure he was hurried in doing so.

If he's like 98% of men in the world, make-up isn't at the top of his list of important items. To a guy, it's like us leaving behind our deodorant or shaving cream.

You figure,no big deal, I'll just get more.

I;d say there's a 99% chance that he threw it out thinking it wasn't a big deal.

I'm sorry it happened but, as you stated, unfortunately, I have to agree that the ultimate responsibilty is yours on this one.

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Several years ago I was on a cruise and needed to get something ouy of my wallet as I was leaving the cabin; I then rushed out of the cabin and left my wallet open on the bed. I knew what had happened the minute I got to the airport and called the cruiseline immedately. I had my passport and travelers checks, but everything else was in my wallet. Too make a long story short, I got the wallet back with everything intact including several hundred dollars in cash. The coins were individually wrapped and I signed a statement stating that everything was returned to me. I was able to send my cabin steward a money order as a thank you. So, although I did something way beyond incredibly stupid ( and I consider myself a seasoned traveler) the situation ended well. There are definitely honest people in this world.



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Too make a long story short, I got the wallet back with everything intact including several hundred dollars in cash. I was able to send my cabin steward a money order as a thank you. So, although I did something way beyond incredibly stupid ( and I consider myself a seasoned traveler) the situation ended well. There are definitely honest people in this world.


Classy people, too! Nice of you to make the effort to send the money order thank you. When I read capnlars' post, I remember thinking too bad he hadn't done the same.

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I'm also with the notion that the steward had no concept of its value. My 30 year old brother thought I was crazy when I misplaced a makeup bag full of Clinique products. He said, "We can stop at Walgreens and get some more." (What a laugh) When I told him I had about $250-$300 of stuff in there he just about DIED. I think males think lipstick $2, blush $3, etc. I know he thought the case had $20 bucks or so.

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Let's give the poor cabin steward a break here. If I was cleaning a room and someone left makeup I believe I would just throw it away. It is going beyond the call of duty to suppose that a person cleaning a room would think that used makeup was something that should be kept in lost and found.


EVEN if the steward turned it in a desk clerk could have thought that wasn't valuable enough to keep. I hate it that you are blaming him with so little facts (beside your own carelessness) to go on.


This is not like a camera or a wallet. It is a judgement call and anyone of several people in the chain could have made the judgement that used makeup isn't worth saving.



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Let's give the poor cabin steward a break here. If I was cleaning a room and someone left makeup I believe I would just throw it away. It is going beyond the call of duty to suppose that a person cleaning a room would think that used makeup was something that should be kept in lost and found.


EVEN if the steward turned it in a desk clerk could have thought that wasn't valuable enough to keep. I hate it that you are blaming him with so little facts (beside your own carelessness) to go on.


This is not like a camera or a wallet. It is a judgement call and anyone of several people in the chain could have made the judgement that used makeup isn't worth saving.





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First to Firefighterhoop: Hey old meet and mingle buddy from Rhapsody August 04! Remember me? We all wondered why you never showed up at the meet n mingle? Where were you. Good to read your reply though.


Now to OP...I once left my purse and its entire contents in a hotel in New Orleans and after frantically calling from a pay phone a few hundred miles down the road, the hotel said the maid turned it in and it came in the mail in about a week, whew! Then one time we went to the movies and I left a coin purse which contained well over a hundred dollars and my license and even the cleanup crew (just kids) turned it in and I went and picked it up, whew again. So I am a scatterbrain! Lesson learned, there are more honest people in this world than you think. Hang on and you just might get your stuff back!! Good luck!:o

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I can't imagine a guy seeing a bunch of used makeup and making off with it. That got me to thinking. I did a Google search on some related phrases to see how often they pop-up. Here are the results:


"someone stole my name" 2,400 occurrences

"someone stole my car" 732

"someone stole my camera" 409

"someone stole my house" 164

"someone stole my boat" 92

"someone stole my lucky charms" 58

"someone stole my virginity" 38

"someone stole my luggage" 28

"someone stole my makeup" 14


I know, it doesn't prove much of anything...

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That's too bad you made a mistake and left your makeup behind. To blame the cabin steward who took care of you may not be just as he may not have been the one to clear the room. RCCL changed to a "TEAM" process of attending cabins a while ago where they share the taking care of multiple cabins at once. Anyone on the team could have cleaned and emptied the cabin and it seems logical they would toss make up. Sorry. I know it seems like a huge financial burden on you HOWEVER... it could be worse. Try having your luggage stolen from your rental car the day before the ship sails while you stop at a restaurant for a bite to eat (luggage in the trunk). Talk about a big loss and shocker. Our lesson learned - check into the hotel FIRST then get a bite to eat. I hope you learned your lesson on being more careful or maybe take less expensive makeup next time (I've definately changed what I take in my luggage now).

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I can't imagine a guy seeing a bunch of used makeup and making off with it. That got me to thinking. I did a Google search on some related phrases to see how often they pop-up. Here are the results:


"someone stole my name" 2,400 occurrences

"someone stole my car" 732

"someone stole my camera" 409

"someone stole my house" 164

"someone stole my boat" 92

"someone stole my lucky charms" 58

"someone stole my virginity" 38

"someone stole my luggage" 28

"someone stole my makeup" 14


I know, it doesn't prove much of anything...


I like the fact that "someone stole my lucky charms" appears more often than "someone stole my luggage"!!! LOL!

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Oh and if I ever have the same state room attendant, he will NOT be recieving a tip from us.


Maybe HE did turn it in and someone else (who has to store items in their office or ship them to HQ) decided to toss it. Dont assume it was the room steward just because he would have been the first to have it. I know from experience working in a baggage office that not all items recovered make it to the central office. Many are disposed of along the way after the person who found it did the right thing and turned it in, so dont assume he didnt do what he was supposed to do.

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Lost and and found is not an easy thing to deal with for any company. Is it possible the make up was not lost there. I have dealt with these kind of things before. I have people swearing up and down things were left in certain areas and the items were no where to be found. These same people calling other people thieves and then finding out they found them somewhere else, And of course no apologies. Then you deal with the ones you did locate there items and they were very happy and nice, those are the ones you like to get. A wallet was found once and the person called. He came in and we gave him his wallet with a smile. No thankyou at all and he walked away and counted his money in front of us as he walked away. There was alot of money in the wallet and I understand him being nervous, but don't count in front of the person who found it and not say thankyou. I don't expect a reward, all I wish for is a simple thankyou and count the money after your out of eyesight. Bottom line is you leave something behind is not the responsibilty of the company to follow you and make sure you have everything. If they find it great, if not move on.

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I am sorry to hear of your loss. I know make up is expensive but the upside is that it can be replaced.


I think many have made the correct point, try to give your steward the benefit of the doubt.


Once the current week's passengers are sent to the public lounges to await departure, the cabins are literally turned inside out. All doors are wide open and a variety of people are frantically doing the turnover. Piles of all sorts of things are thrown into the hallways while the cabins are cleaned, items replenished and repairs done. There is more than your steward in your room after you vacate it, even TA's who are there to preview ships are prowling the halls amongst harried workers. It's a whirlwind. And yes, you can't believe what people leave behind, in generally, lots of mess and chaos plus such an assortment of items, you'd be amazed.


I just read a post from a women on another board that says she brings her old underwear, old nightgowns and t-shirts and leaves them all there when she leaves! I just can't get over that.


I don't think your makeup kit was maliciously taken. I just think it got lost in the pounds of debris left over every week from departing guests.

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I'm also with the notion that the steward had no concept of its value. My 30 year old brother thought I was crazy when I misplaced a makeup bag full of Clinique products. He said, "We can stop at Walgreens and get some more." (What a laugh) When I told him I had about $250-$300 of stuff in there he just about DIED. I think males think lipstick $2, blush $3, etc. I know he thought the case had $20 bucks or so.


Isn't this the truth? My DH almost had a massive coronary the last time we went to Sephora and my makeup tab popped up on the screen of the register. He said, "Good Grief, what's in that stuff?" Men just don't get it at all. So, I'm with all of you that the room steward just figured it was something he could pitch. With that said, I'd feel quite ill if I lost my makeup bag with about $300 worth of makeup. :( What a nightmare!

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Once the current week's passengers are sent to the public lounges to await departure, the cabins are literally turned inside out. All doors are wide open and a variety of people are frantically doing the turnover. Piles of all sorts of things are thrown into the hallways while the cabins are cleaned, items replenished and repairs done. There is more than your steward in your room after you vacate it,


Not only that there also can be a turnover of cabin stewards. They do make changes and reassign cabins. And some stewards leave the ship that morning when their contract ends. A couple of times on debarkation morning I have seen a different steward working in the area of my cabin.

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Isn't this the truth? My DH almost had a massive coronary the last time we went to Sephora and my makeup tab popped up on the screen of the register. He said, "Good Grief, what's in that stuff?" Men just don't get it at all. So, I'm with all of you that the room steward just figured it was something he could pitch. With that said, I'd feel quite ill if I lost my makeup bag with about $300 worth of makeup. :( What a nightmare!


Considering where most of the ship's help is from, I think they'd die too if they knew how much makeup can cost in the US and that we are willing to pay those prices!

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