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Lack of a Dress Code


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On one of my cruises last year I tore the ligaments in my ankle 4 weeks before the cruise..... I was glad just to be out of the plaster cast by the cruise but get in to a shoe??? Forget it!! Either I couldn't get in to the shoe or I could walk for the pain.... So I went head and bought several pairs of slip slops in different colors and jazzed them up with swarovski stones, feathers and lace and they just had to do the trick even under the formal gown.


That said we had a younger couple put at our table last year which was fine until the first formal night when they arrived in Jeans & T - Shirts. My father in a Tux asked if their Luggage had not arrived when the coupled answered no they just didn't feel like dressing up ...my father got up went to the Matré and told him HE didn't feel like sittng next to this couple and told the M to either move them or us!!! I think this couple was very embarressed when ask to move but they had several alternatives and just didn't use them...

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I love the opportunity to dress up and wear things I don't normally get to wear very much. It is magical seeing all the outfits on formal nights.


X may well be unwilling to lose the revenue from pax who can't bear to be out of a t-shirt, but if they dilute their offering, surely they risk losing their core market? Know your demographic, and stick to it; surely a fundamental rule of marketing/product placement.

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I'm curious as to how many of the people on this thread that have complained about how others dressed on your cruise(s) have voted with your feet and told X to stick it? The reason I ask is because I personally hope I'm not onboard with people whining about how others are dressed. My suggestion is VOTE WITH YOUR FEET.


That being said, I love to be comfortable and generally wear jeans or shorts to work year round. I love my job because its a total white collar job without requiring the white collar! I've always followed the dress code on the 15+ cruises I've been on, and will on my upcoming Zenith cruise. I will be in a tuxedo that I own for formal night, and I probably won't be happy about it. But if I see other who aren't dressed properly, I could give a flying flip. This is just my opinion, I appear to be *way* more laid back than others.

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I'm curious as to how many of the people on this thread that have complained about how others dressed on your cruise(s) have voted with your feet and told X to stick it? The reason I ask is because I personally hope I'm not onboard with people whining about how others are dressed. My suggestion is VOTE WITH YOUR FEET.


That being said, I love to be comfortable and generally wear jeans or shorts to work year round. I love my job because its a total white collar job without requiring the white collar! I've always followed the dress code on the 15+ cruises I've been on, and will on my upcoming Zenith cruise. I will be in a tuxedo that I own for formal night, and I probably won't be happy about it. But if I see other who aren't dressed properly, I could give a flying flip. This is just my opinion, I appear to be *way* more laid back than others.


I couldn't agree with you more! Like you my husband and I follow the dress code but will not give anyone the ability to take away from my vacation and certainly not for something like what they decide to wear. IMO who cares - you're on vacation.

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It seems that the point gets completely lost when these discussions begin to include "exactly" what one should or should not wear.


The tie issue is a big one with the guys. Well, don't wear one, but also, don't wear jeans and sloppy shirts to the dining rooms


If you arrive in a nice shirt and perhaps a sport coat, without a tie, no one will notice - unless "everyone" else happens to have on a tux, and this is just not going to happen.


There is a huge difference in how one presents him/herself. Many times on formal nights, ladies will appear in dressy pant suits. Isn't this absolutely OK?


So, if the gents prefer to down-dress a little, this certainly seems appropriate. If she can get away with pant suit on formal night, surely, he can get away without wearing a tie.


On the Spirit in September, very few men wore tux's. Those who did looked great. The ladies who were with them were in either dark cocktail dresses, or evening gowns. They looked stunning.


We, on the other hand, chose to dress down, with slacks and tie-less shirts with sports jackets for the men, and dresses for the ladies. We felt we were absolutely dressed appropriately. More dressed in what I suppose you could call "Evening Resort Casual", as we did, rather than very formal.


We didn't notice too many people pointing and snickering at anyone - seemed that all were having a wonderful time.

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Just my 2 cents: Personally, I can wear jeans any day I want at work, so on a vacation (especially a cruise), we like to dress nicely for a change of pace. I'll wear a tux on formal nights, and a jacket and tie on informal. It makes the cruise that much more special for us. But it's no skin off our back if someone else walks into the dining room dressed, well, less than formally. I'm enjoying myself by dressing up, they're enjoying themselves by dressing down, and everyone's happy. I guess it boils down to not letting other peoples' actions interfere with my good times. :cool:

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I'm glad to hear that there are others who enjoy dressing up!


I just wish all of you had been on my cruise January 2nd--on the Summit--where eveyone else felt the need to dress DOWN for the occassion. It was a sad sight on all the Formal Nights.



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I agree completely. Nowadays I will only take comfortable clothes. I do not let what others wear bother me, however, I do sometimes wonder if they look in a mirror before they leave their cabin! LOL.....that said, I was starting to feel somewhat offended as I do notice we get dirty looks when we change AFTER we have dressed for our formal meal. On nights we do not feel like it, we choose the more casual alternative dining area.......


I'm curious as to how many of the people on this thread that have complained about how others dressed on your cruise(s) have voted with your feet and told X to stick it? The reason I ask is because I personally hope I'm not onboard with people whining about how others are dressed. My suggestion is VOTE WITH YOUR FEET.


That being said, I love to be comfortable and generally wear jeans or shorts to work year round. I love my job because its a total white collar job without requiring the white collar! I've always followed the dress code on the 15+ cruises I've been on, and will on my upcoming Zenith cruise. I will be in a tuxedo that I own for formal night, and I probably won't be happy about it. But if I see other who aren't dressed properly, I could give a flying flip. This is just my opinion, I appear to be *way* more laid back than others.

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Personally, my wife and I enjoy dressing up and do wish everyone would follow the dress code. Having said that, It really doesnt bother me what other people wear. Check out the new curtains over my shoulder in the Zenith Dining room. Oh wait, those are not curtains.......:D

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I'm curious as to how many of the people on this thread that have complained about how others dressed on your cruise(s) have voted with your feet and told X to stick it? The reason I ask is because I personally hope I'm not onboard with people whining about how others are dressed. My suggestion is VOTE WITH YOUR FEET.


Conversely, I wonder why people who refuse to follow Celebrity's dress codes don't vote with their feet, and find a cruise line that has a more casual dress code they'll respect? :cool:

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Kay and Hal, thanks for the chuckle.:D


With all this talk about what's appropriate/what's not, I must say some of the 'exceptions' make for fun conversation! Am I horrible for inwardly making fun of people? Yup, going straight to heck in hack, as Grandma would say, but what a ride it'll be! So, if y'all follow the dress code, you'll be taking away some of my fun!;) And, NO, I'm not making fun of the woman in the bejeweled flip flops- I think that's clever! But ya' gotta admit, the new "drapes" on the Summit are fair game!:eek:



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We returned recently from a week cruise on the Infinity. On the first formal night there was a man at the next table (by the way we were RIGHT in front of the captain's table) wearing jeans, a tee shirt, no socks and a fake black leather jacket. I wanted to say something to him, but my DH urged me not to. I was really furious. My DH wore and tux and all of the other people around us were appropriately dresses, except for that table. I called the maitre'd over the the table and quietly complained to him, he apologized and said he would speak to him on the way out. The second formal night that table was empty! YEAH!!!!

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Good going

Julieann=We are traveling on the Infinity on 2/5 and for those ogf you who would rather not say hello because my SO- is not wearing a jacket in the dining room--He wore a uniform defending his right to wear what he is comfortable in for 23 years!!!! Have you done the same? He is entitled to spend his hard earned money on any ship he pleases - he will be dressed neat, clean and comfortable in kackis and a sport shirt-- if you don't like it please keep away-- we wouldn't want to spoil your trip-- and wouldn't want you to spoil ours-- .

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Yes, they're fine. I think the main thing is to use common sense. I always have capris with me, a light cotton or linen. I use accessories to dress it up a bit, such as colorful bracelets, earrings, etc and then a nice pair of kitten heeled sandals. No flip flops, thongs or t-shirts!. And definitely no speedos! :)

You no I compleatly forgot the looks my wife and I recieved after leaving the formal nite dressed to the hilt and than changing into casual wear..this was on both Milli and Inifinity.. I agree 100% with the thread way below this one, that formal nite should be kept the way it was meant to be in the first place...a formal nite to dine..

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Good going

Julieann=We are traveling on the Infinity on 2/5 and for those ogf you who would rather not say hello because my SO- is not wearing a jacket in the dining room--He wore a uniform defending his right to wear what he is comfortable in for 23 years!!!! Have you done the same? He is entitled to spend his hard earned money on any ship he pleases - he will be dressed neat, clean and comfortable in kackis and a sport shirt-- if you don't like it please keep away-- we wouldn't want to spoil your trip-- and wouldn't want you to spoil ours-- .

And I thought I'd heard every possible explanation. Pam, you've topped them all.


Do you have ANY idea how may vets there are on these cruises? And have you noticed how many of them respect the wishes of the cruise line? Or is this your first?


Your husband may well have served, as have many of us, but not to defend my right to be a boor! Those who have served the cause of freedom should best know that with freedom comes responsibility.

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And I thought I'd heard every possible explanation. Pam, you've topped them all.


Do you have ANY idea how may vets there are on these cruises? And have you noticed how many of them respect the wishes of the cruise line? Or is this your first?


Your husband may well have served, as have many of us, but not to defend my right to be a boor! Those who have served the cause of freedom should best know that with freedom comes responsibility.


I'm a veteran, and I find Pam and her husband's line of thinking totally lame.


That's like someone saying, " I had a job where I had to be nice to people, so now I'm entitled to never have to be nice again".


What a stretch!



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Good going

Julieann=We are traveling on the Infinity on 2/5 and for those ogf you who would rather not say hello because my SO- is not wearing a jacket in the dining room--He wore a uniform defending his right to wear what he is comfortable in for 23 years!!!! Have you done the same? He is entitled to spend his hard earned money on any ship he pleases - he will be dressed neat, clean and comfortable in kackis and a sport shirt-- if you don't like it please keep away-- we wouldn't want to spoil your trip-- and wouldn't want you to spoil ours-- .


yes, I have done the same and yes I will keep away.


Geeze, what a lame excuse for poor behavior



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Good going

Julieann=We are traveling on the Infinity on 2/5 and for those ogf you who would rather not say hello because my SO- is not wearing a jacket in the dining room--He wore a uniform defending his right to wear what he is comfortable in for 23 years!!!! Have you done the same? He is entitled to spend his hard earned money on any ship he pleases - he will be dressed neat, clean and comfortable in kackis and a sport shirt-- if you don't like it please keep away-- we wouldn't want to spoil your trip-- and wouldn't want you to spoil ours-- .


Yes, he certainly is..........


However, when you book a cruise and you see there is a designated *formal* night (or 2 or 3), it is generally expected by the cruise personnel, and *most* of the other passengers, that you will abide by the dress code set forth for that night. It's part of the *whole* cruising experience. A little something special....that many of us don't otherwise get a taste of in our everyday lives.


Would you show up at the Academy Awards in shorts and a T-shirt just because it's more comfortable? Would you go on a job interview in jeans and sandals? How about a wedding in a sweatsuit? Kahki's and a sport shirt are fine for most nights in the dining room. If you choose to deliberately set yourself apart from the rest of the passengers on formal nights by dressing in that, feel free........you're not only missing out on what is actually a very enjoyable part of the experience, but you're setting yourself up to be talked about, and yes, even refused entrance to the main dining room on such nights.

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We're all thankful for and greatful to the men and women in our military for bravely and selflessly defending our rights and freedoms; however, even loyal service to God and Country doesn't buy anyone a free pass to do as he or she wishes with blatant disregard for the consideration of others.

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Good going

Julieann=We are traveling on the Infinity on 2/5 and for those ogf you who would rather not say hello because my SO- is not wearing a jacket in the dining room--He wore a uniform defending his right to wear what he is comfortable in for 23 years!!!! Have you done the same? He is entitled to spend his hard earned money on any ship he pleases - he will be dressed neat, clean and comfortable in kackis and a sport shirt-- if you don't like it please keep away-- we wouldn't want to spoil your trip-- and wouldn't want you to spoil ours-- .

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

As a society, we never forget our men in Uniform, and are eternally grateful for their service.


Wearing a Military Uniform for any number of years does not give one entitlement to ignore and thumb their nose at the very values which they were supposed to be defending, anymore than the man who wears a Uniform as he greets us while boarding the ship.

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He wore a uniform defending his right to wear what he is comfortable in for 23 years!!!
Wait, wait, wait! Y'all are missing the best part!:D


Our boys and girls aren't in Iraq for oil, or for the removal of a dictator, or to prevent use of weapons of mass distruction, or to provide stability and democracy in the Middle East (I think that covers the gamut of explanations of both sides of the fence).


But they are there to defend important issues like fashion choices on vacations!:eek:


Oh, my...:rolleyes:


Could there be a LESS patriotic use of the memories of our military personel?:mad:



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When did defending our country become an excuse for not following required dinner apparel? One has absolutely nothing to do with the other...I respect and commend those that have served our country...but I also respect and commend those that uphold Celebrity's dress code. It's one of reasons I've chosen to cruise with this company. If I wanted a stricly casual atmosphere, I would choose a cruiseline that would encourage that policy.



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I, too, wore the uniform so you would have the privelege of choice. But that doesn't mean you should feel free to disregard the customs and courtesies of the surroundings.


I just can't understand why people insist on going into a situation they fully understand with no intention of abiding by the requested/suggested/required behavior. If you choose to be very casual in your dress, then why in the world wouldn't you also choose to take a cruise where that is the accepted code?


Just because someone has the right to be a jerk does not mean they have an obligation to be one.

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