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You are not sailing this year at all. Lets stop the illusion


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6 minutes ago, CruisingSince1982 said:


I can't stand these doom and gloom posts. Florida, where I live, is NOT surging. They have increased testing. The hospitals are flippin' empty!


Completely agree.  Here in GA it is the same with expanded testing and we are further along in phased reopening than any other state.  We seem to be managing a little better than some states in phase 1 I think, but maybe just because I am sick to death of the "we are all going to die" views.  

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1 hour ago, Samstress said:

The one faction that no one seems to have mentioned is the Crew.  They out of necessity need these jobs to support not only themselves, but often families at home.  

So, do we have the right to demand that cruises resume only to put these people at risk?

I for one would agree that if you cruise, you take your chances.  However,  I find it disturbing that we feel we have the right to put others lives (and livelihoods) at risk for our own pleasures.


This is an interesting point, but, the ships will sail when the cruiselines feel that they will make a profit, not when "we demand".  In addition, the crew members are not indentured servants.  If the ships sail, they have the option of working or not working. 


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9 hours ago, pcakes122 said:

We are definitely talking about two different things because you are focused on blame and I'm not talking about blame at all.  


I am 10000% certain that I infected at least one person --  if not many -- on my Bliss cruise in March. The point is not whether or not they blame me for making them sick (or worse.) The point is that I blame myself because when I decided to "take the risk" to cruise that week I did not even think about the impact on other passengers should I get sick.  Granted, I didn't contract the virus until I got on the ship, but that even strengthens my point. If by some chance I had it before I got on the ship, I was completely asymptomatic and passed the temperature check with no problem.  


Now that we are more fully aware of the risks, I would never do that again. Not just because I don't want to go another round with this virus (I don't), but because I don't want to put other people at risk should I get sick.  Whether they would blame me or not is irrelevant.

I think you said somewhere you were on the Bliss in March.  Which sailing?  We were on the 3/1...and on 3/9 we got a notice that a child on our sailing tested positive.

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what people who say more testing is whats causing the spike.. there is 'some' validity in that however you are not looking at the bigger picture


If there are CURRENT , NEW positive cases because there is more testing, then there is STILL a pandemic and it will continue to get worse unless social distancing is done. These are not people who HAD the virus.. these are NEW cases of people who HAVE the virus and if the numbers keep increasing because FINALLY the states are doing more testing , we now have a clear picture of how bad it is and measures need to be taken.


people who say 'This is all because of more testing so we can just forget about it and live our lives' are not thinking about this correctly and if the people of the state have the same mentality... it will be a LONG time before we ever cruise again because the numbers WILL NOT go down...


this is not doom and gloom.. these are stats and facts.


New York is doing more and more testing just like everyone else and guess what... The numbers are going DOWN... not up. because NY followed the guidelines and did not open until they met the proper government and CDC guidelines

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18 minutes ago, pmd98052 said:

The case numbers exceed just that of the increased testing.


You realize Beijing had 49 cases and shut down large parts of the city. Florida has had 2,600+ just yesterday. One day.


Can you use your imagination to imagine what that means and what the cost of it will be? Even lets pretend all those 2,600 new cases in ONE DAY are from the increased testing. Think long about what that actually means given Florida's inaction on it.


Hint: It doesn't help those of us who want to cruise again.


Hospitalizations have not increased. The number of positive cases can triple - the virus is losing steam.


Edited by CruisingSince1982
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3 minutes ago, CruisingSince1982 said:


Hospitalizations have not increased. They number of positive cases can triple - the virus is losing steam.


its DEFINITIVELY not losing steam at all otherwise hospitalizations would be going DOWN. for 3 months it appears to be very very steady.. this is a problem



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13 minutes ago, CruisingSince1982 said:


Hospitalizations have not increased. They number of positive cases can triple - the virus is losing steam.



You are joking right? Virus lost steam because states were closed. Now they are re-opened just look at the cases rising. As cases rise deaths start rising again. Already at 117,500 now in USA. End of March it was 900.


Again Beijing shut down a large part of their city with 49 cases. Florida had 2,600+ cases just yesterday. Do the math.


Of course the virus slowed down in the USA when states were locked down.


The virus hasn't gone away.


There is still no vaccine.


The States are now re-open.


Cases are rapidly increasing again.


What do you think will happen? It doesn't help those of us who want to cruise.

Edited by pmd98052
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1 minute ago, pmd98052 said:


You are joking right? Virus lost steam because states were closed. Now they re-open just look at the cases rising. As cases rise deaths start rising again. Already at 117,500 now in USA. End of March it was 900.


Again Beijing shut down a large part of their city with 49 cases. Florida had 2,600+ cases just yesterday. Do the math.


Of course the virus slowed down in the USA when states were locked down.


The virus hasn't gone away.


There is still no vaccine.


The States are now re-open.


Cases are rapidly increasing again.


What do you think will happen? It doesn't help those of us who want to cruise.


I'm not joking at all. This virus is nowhere near what they said it would be. Again, hospitals here are empty. Empty. Prior to re-starting "elective" surgeries, medical personnel were laid off because they have absolutely nothing to do. The "soaring" numbers you are referring to in Florida is solely due to the testing in the agricultural communities located within Collier, Martin, and Palm Beach Counties. The percentage of severely ill people is extremely low. Anyone with an underlying condition should not be take cruises, traveling, or going out.  

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1 minute ago, CruisingSince1982 said:


I'm not joking at all. This virus is nowhere near what they said it would be. Again, hospitals here are empty. Empty. Prior to re-starting "elective" surgeries, medical personnel were laid off because they have absolutely nothing to do. The "soaring" numbers you are referring to in Florida is solely due to the testing in the agricultural communities located within Collier, Martin, and Palm Beach Counties. The percentage of severely ill people is extremely low. Anyone with an underlying condition should not be take cruises, traveling, or going out.  

if you are correct and they are finally doing more testing and finally seeing that its worse than the numbers before testing was showing.... this means ITS WORSE than we thought with the small testing that was done and more people HAVE the virus RIGHT NOW which means MORE vigilance...  More testing means you see how bad it really is.


and I hope you are not saying that the stats that Florida is putting out is wrong. between 150 - 200 NEW Hospitalizations are happening in Florida due to COVID every single day. There was about 1000 new hospitalizations in the last 7 days in Florida. thats about 4000 hospitalizations in Florida in a month... and the number is NOT going down

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2 minutes ago, hftmrock said:

if you are correct and they are finally doing more testing and finally seeing that its worse than the numbers before testing was showing.... this means ITS WORSE than we thought with the small testing that was done and more people HAVE the virus RIGHT NOW which means MORE vigilance...  More testing means you see how bad it really is.


and I hope you are not saying that the stats that Florida is putting out is wrong. between 150 - 200 NEW Hospitalizations are happening in Florida due to COVID every single day. There was about 1000 new hospitalizations in the last 7 days in Florida. thats about 4000 hospitalizations in Florida in a month... and the number is NOT going down


but it's not bad - that's my point. More people are hospitalized with the flu than they are with Covid. All of these people are walking around with it and testing positive, and yet they are fine. there are 21.48 million people living in Florida since 2019. These numbers are not matching the level of hysteria. Again, people in the high risk category definitely should not be sailing! 

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4 minutes ago, CruisingSince1982 said:


but it's not bad - that's my point. More people are hospitalized with the flu than they are with Covid. All of these people are walking around with it and testing positive, and yet they are fine. there are 21.48 million people living in Florida since 2019. These numbers are not matching the level of hysteria. Again, people in the high risk category definitely should not be sailing! 

you have a chart that backs up that 1000 people a week for months get hospitalized with the flu?


why is the numbers in NY going down when florida is going up or staying steady?



Edited by hftmrock
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13 minutes ago, CruisingSince1982 said:

I'm not joking at all. This virus is nowhere near what they said it would be. Again, hospitals here are empty. Empty.


You realize Arizona hospitals issued a capacity ICU warning just last week and is scrambling to find beds and a number of states now have hospitals nearing ICU red warning thresholds?


I don't understand what you expect to happen. States locked down and virus rates/deaths slowed. States have opened back up and now its rising again. Its just logic. You say "deaths were low" - They were 117,000+ in 2.5 months (from 900 end of March to now). Of course deaths were lower than projected because States locked down. 


Its amazing to see the denial.


49 new cases in a day and a country closes large portions of its capital city. 2,600 new cases in a day in Florida and nothing.

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3 minutes ago, hftmrock said:

here is an interesting fact


24,000 - 62,000 deaths from flu, (this is the last flu season in the USA)




And in 12 months. With no lock down. Sometimes as low as 3,000 a year.


Meanwhile 2.5 months of COVID19 and 117,500 deaths and counting with a full lock down - which is now lifted. Common sense tells us all what will happen and it doesn't help our mutual goals of going back on a cruise ship as fast as possible!


Arizona last week: https://www.12news.com/amp/article/news/health/coronavirus/code-red-arizona-hospitals-could-run-out-of-beds-by-july-public-health-expert-says/75-36593ee3-33db-4b81-965b-d0c616c711ce 


Edited by pmd98052
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9 minutes ago, hftmrock said:

you have a chart that backs up that 1000 people a week for months get hospitalized with the flu?


why is the numbers in NY going down when florida is going up or staying steady?




The numbers in NY are going down because we took this seriously.  Otherwise, we'd probably all be dead by now.

And I'll tell you...by first hand knowledge....those in the areas who were most affected were the ones who didn't wear masks and didn't social distance.


What "those from other states" don't get is that it's the percentage of people who test positive...not the number of people who test positive.   So yeah...more tests....but the positives by percentage are on the uptick.


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1 minute ago, MsTabbyKats said:

Otherwise, we'd probably all be dead by now.

And I'll tell you...by first hand knowledge....


Well 0.25-0.5% of people might be. That is what I don't get in these discussions. People say "the risk is low I'm willing to take it" - And they are (excuse the pun) dead right. The risk to the individual is low. However what I literally cannot fathom for as long as I continue to live is how they don't also see that even 0.25% applied to 330 million people is a LOT OF DEAD PEOPLE.

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17 minutes ago, hftmrock said:

you have a chart that backs up that 1000 people a week for months get hospitalized with the flu?


why is the numbers in NY going down when florida is going up or staying steady?




The spikes now are related to Memorial Day holiday and people not taking safe precautions.  Wait until the 4th of July - that’s when we will see the huge spike in all the metro centers that have been protesting the last two weeks without social distancing and safe precautions.  

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As long as there are spikes like that and in increase in infections in the area/country you live in cruise lines will have no interest to start again in that area / get guests from that area. And other countries won't welcome them.


That doesn't mean there won't be people going on cruises this year. Just not you. 

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ORLANDO, Fla. – As Florida entered its second week under Gov. Ron DeSantis’ phase two of reopening amid the coronavirus pandemic, the state continued to report large increases of new COVID-19 cases.

On Monday, the Florida Department of Health reported 1,758 new cases of COVID-19 since approximately the same time the day before, as well as 7 new deaths.

These new statistics bring the total number of coronavirus cases reported in Florida -- since it was first detected in the state on March 1 -- to 77,326, along with 2,938 deaths.

On Saturday, state health officials reported about 2,500 new cases of COVID-19, setting a record for the highest number of newly reported cases in a single day.

While the new numbers remain high, these positive results are likely stemming from infections up to two weeks previous, as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention maintains that the coronavirus has an incubation period of two to 14 days before symptoms become apparent, if at all.

Some individuals may never experience any symptoms of COVID-19 but may still be positive for the disease, which can lead to asymptomatic spread.

Since March, 12,015 people have required hospitalization due to severe cases of COVID-19.

The state does not report the number of current patients in hospitals with the coronavirus, but rather the overall total, or the number of individuals who have recovered from the disease after being diagnosed.

The newly reported cases also depend on the number of tests administered per day but the state doesn’t release private lab testing in its overall total so that percentage is difficult to determine.

Edited by Happy2b@sea
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