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Anyone want to lose 15 to 20 pounds?


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Hello everyone, new to the thread, but enjoyed reading about everyones progress and support. I just joined the boards and I have a W. Carr. scheduled for October 2006. I decided shortly after New Years that I needed to lose some weight I wass about 15 lbs over the healthy range. I started working out at home doing "The Firm" workouts, step aerobics, and pilates. I work out better at home than in the gym. I have had some lapses, and set backs, but so far I have lost 13 lbs. YAY! I'm pretty happy with my weight right now which is 129, but I have some...flab...that I would like to "exchange" for muscle, so I'm still working on it.


I have found out that my local library rents exercise video and dvd materials! So whenever I need some spice in my workout I go and borrow a new video from there. If I don't like it I can just return in and get a different one. If I love it I look for it on ebay! Just a suggestions for all those who work out at home!


Look forward to chatting with everyone!:)

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Hello Everyone, I'd like to join the group too. Not cruising until Dec '06 & my goal is 20lbs. I would appreciate all tips on getting started which I think will be the hardest part for me. Just need to get into a groove.


Has anyone used the "walk the pounds off" videos? If so, any good results?


So glad I found this thread & I hope I can do as well as so many of you have.

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Hi - I want to be a loser too! However my goal is about 30-40lbs. I can't understand how it all creeped on! Now it's just creeping me out!


I'm currently using the Walk Away The Pounds videos - and I've dropped about 8lbs so far. I'd like to be in the 140lb. range for my Freedom cruise 4/8/07!


Anyone have tips on eating heathly snacks? Seems to be my biggest anchor save not having any time to exercize...

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I'm currently using the Walk Away The Pounds videos - and I've dropped about 8lbs so far.


OK, you have inspired me. I will start doing one tomorrow morning. Which one do you "walk" with? How many miles are you doing? Know I will be starting with the one mile portion. :o


My problem is snacking at work. I don't snack in the evenings or on weekends. But as soon as I walk into the office, I start snacking until it's time to go home. However, I do stop snacking to eat lunch. :D


So I need healthy snacks too.

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Healthy Tips? :o Are there any healthy snacks? I don't have any good ideals. But maybe fruits and natural snacks like nuts, apples and peaches. Bring that to work with you.


I personally work from home with my husband. So this works out great for me. We eat 100% organic at home. But we still have to be careful of the amounts we eat. By eating organic we have improved are health.


I'm still working on the weight. I didn't lose or gain anything this week. But I did have some beer at night. Which I know I shouldn't do and have eaten out a few times out. Plus drinking some cokes. :( But have decided I need to make a list of do's and don'ts.


Well welcome to the ones that just joined and hope everyone else is doing well.



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hi everyone...and a warm welcome to the new folks!


i don't have a lot of time right now, but i just wanted to pop in to add a little about snacks...i find that the best thing for me is to have 2 nights a week where i set aside some time to chop fruits and veggies and store them in containers in the fridge. that way when i get hungry, there is no work involved in getting a healthy snack. i find that sunday night and wednesday after work are the best times for me. some of the things i keep on hand are:


already washed and ready to be eaten as is:

baby carrots


grapes (i take them off the stem so that they take up less room in the fridge)



chopped up and ready to go:




pickles (not the sweet ones, regular dill)



as for not so healthy snacks - i try not to keep boxes of cookies in the house, but when i do i only eat a serving size per day. and i actually bought some of the chips-ahoy thinsations. they aren't as good as the real thing, but are prepackaged in serving sizes of 100 calories and i am actually satisfied after eating one package! (and that is less than 10 minutes on the crosstrainer to work it off!)


talk to you later!



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Thank you to everyone for the welcome. I am determined to do this. I have already found that I felt guilty for not exercising this morning as I had planned to & this is after one day on this thread.


Thanks elotfan for the snack tips. I will be busy chopping this weekend.


Do you have a certain weigh-in day? If not, how often do you post your results of how you are doing?


Thanks again everyone.

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Here are some tips that have helped me!


If you are a soda drinker, switch to diet! You'll eventually get used to the taste and prefer it over the calorie loaded regular soda!


If you are a milk drinker switch to skim, it's got a lot less calories and fat.


I snack on "sweet" things such as mandarin oranges, and peaches. They are healthy for me too. And occasionally if I want some chocolate (my BIGGEST problem) I keep some hershey minis on hand. I would rather let myself have 1 mini occasionally. If I deprive myself I tend to binge later. If I have just one a day, then I don't binge later, and still get my fix.


I have put a lot of variety in my diet. I've tried putting sliced almonds on my salads and I have about 10 different dressing in my fridge so there is always something different for that "same old" salad.


I grill a lot of my meats, and marinade them in low fat good tasting marinades for variety.


Also I keep a variety of frozen veggies, I can just pick which one I want each night, instead of falling back on a starchy comfort food.


Also, I don't even keep chips or snack foods in my house. If I want something like that, I will have to go to the store to get it, and I never actually go out and make that trip. Forces me to snack on something healthier, or not snack at all.


Hope this helps! :)

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Currently I do the 2 mile Walk Away the pounds and on alternate days I do 2 miles on the treadmill at 3mph. Any suggestions for other home workout tapes to try?


I also belong to Curves, but with 4 kids ranging from 8-14 and working full time it doesn't leave me much time to go :(

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I know about the high cholesterol - mine was up to 279 :eek: at one point - I brought it down with diet & exercise, too. (It was down to about 214 in a few months after only losing about 15-20lbs & starting going to the gym.) I got it all the way down to 170 something & last I checked it was more like 184. This is even more amazing, since practically every adult member of my family - even my slim brother who is very active, takes some sort of cholesterol lowering drug. I'm living proof that you can do it with just diet & exercise. I also know if I was even more diligent, I could probably drop it lower. (In that "perfect world"....)


About grilling - don't let the fact that you cook on a grill or in a camper limit your food choices. You can grill ANYTHING. Or at least cook anything on a grill. My BF cooks out on our grill at home almost every night. (We don't have a stove or regular oven indoors - just electric skillet, microwave & toaster oven - long story.) Anything that can't be cooked directly on the grill gets sprayed with a little oil, seasoned & wrapped in foil & tossed on the grill. After a little trial & error, he knows how much time everything takes to cook & it all comes out perfect!


Let me know if you want any advice on cooking specific types of food on the grill & I'll ask Daan for you!



I just read this - do you have any suggestions for pork chops (thick cut) and Alaskan crab legs on the grill?


Seems my grill doesn't know how to do them yet :rolleyes:

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Hi everyone. Well I have lost some weight. Although, its going slower then I would like. But thats always the case. I have lost a couple of pounds and about 3/4 of an inch off my waist.


I'm doing my walks every day. But I think I'll start doing the rebounder again.


I'll have a real win when I get down in to the high 120's. I'm averaging about 132-131 now in the morrowing when I weight my self. Which is good for me. Well I'll see what happens next week



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I too want to lose weight before my cruise in December. I recently learned of a procedure called Earstapling. It is a form of accupuncture. Two staples are inserted in the ear. It applies pressure to a nerve and that nerve sends a signal to the brain that you are full. I live in kentucky but traveled to Jackson, Tn to get the procedure. My mother and aunt both live in Arkansas and have had their staples for 1 1/2 month. One has lost 16 lbs and the other one has lost 22 lbs. In AR the procedure is $55, in Tn $60. I got mine this past weekend and can really tell a difference in my appetite and sugar cravings. If you would like more details or a phone number to the office, please email me, sweetadanhunnie@yahoo.com

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I too want to lose weight before my cruise in December. I recently learned of a procedure called Earstapling. It is a form of accupuncture. Two staples are inserted in the ear. It applies pressure to a nerve and that nerve sends a signal to the brain that you are full. I live in kentucky but traveled to Jackson, Tn to get the procedure. My mother and aunt booth live in Arkansas and have had their staples for 1 1/2 month. One has lost 16 lbs and the other one has lost 22 lbs. In AR the procedure is $55, in Tn $60. I got mine this past weekend and can really tell a difference in my appetite and sugar cravings. If you would like more details or a phone number to the office, please email me, sweetadanhunnie@yahoo.com

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way to go kim!!! inches are just as important as pounds...and easier to see in the mirror! (which can be both good and bad, depending on how you look at things!:) )


i'm sure that you will get to the 120's sooner than you expect. i think that i feel the way about the 140's that you do about the 120's...i'm pretty far from my goal still, but i am keeping at it and am sure that i'll get there eventually. i could get there more quickly using more drastic measures, but i want to lose the weight in a way that i can incorporate into everyday and maintain after i have lost it...no yo-yo-ing for me!


hope everyone else is doing well...been kinda quiet lately!




oh, almost forgot, got the rest of the basement cleaned up this past weekend...now to install the central vac down there...

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Good morning everyone, it's been a while since I've posted here but it's so good to hear how everyone's doing. I'm just starting to get back on track after my back went out. I'm back down into the 170's so I'm hoping by the end of June to be near the 150 - 155 mark and work on it slowly from there.

DH & I have been preparing our lunches every night after dinner and back to eating a lot healthier. I notice that as long as I make the dinner it's not as fattening so that's what we're doing.:D


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I just read this - do you have any suggestions for pork chops (thick cut) and Alaskan crab legs on the grill?


Seems my grill doesn't know how to do them yet :rolleyes:


Have never done crab legs, but I'll ask my BF about the pork chops!


Hi to everyone else -- I'm really swamped with my show this week, but I'm glad to see all the new people & activity on this thread! Weigh to go, losers! :D



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Hi all


Still need to get my BF to write down how he grills..... soon I hope! :rolleyes:


My show is over (had a great time, & the audiences loved it!) And I was literally running around so much, that I lost 3lbs in the last 2.5 weeks! Woohoo! We have set breakdown tonight, but starting tomorrow, I'm back at the gym "full time". :D This weekend is "full" for me - a memorial service, a 1st communion & an 80th birthday party, so I won't get to ride my bike, but next weekend......the road beckons!


Wow - writing down what I'm doing this weekend just made me realize what FOOD pitfalls I may be encountering! :eek: I'll have to start the days with a good breakfast & try to make good choices while I am out & about. The memorial service food will probably mostly be "pot luck", but since the service is at 11, hopefully there will be some "lunch type" food (like sandwiches & salad), not just desserts. I know the 1st communion is a cake & ice cream thing. :( The 80th birthday is either a catered buffet, or we can order from 4-5 choices from a menu (I forget what they decided to do). I'll let you know how it goes.


Even tho I posted last week, I still feel like I've missed so much since I've been so busy with my show - so "hi!" to everyone & I'll just "jump back into the flow"! Keep up the good work!



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I have not done well this last week. Haven't exercised & haven't watched what I have been eating. I felt as if I had gained 5 lbs as my clothes felt tighter. When I weighed this morning, I still weighed the same. Guess gravity must be pulling everything down to my waist. :o We are going out of town next week and will be gone two weeks. Although we will be eating out a lot, we will be doing a lot of walking. I'm hoping that when we get back I can get my head straight and start dropping a pound or two a week. Strange how with just a few posts I feel as if I have to confess my faults to y'all. :D

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Sha, congrats on the play and all your hard work.

I've been doing pretty good with the food choices and was hoping to start exercising this week since we cruise this Saturday but have had so many errands and helping a friend. Hopefully once we get on the ship I'll be able to walk around the jogging track since we have a day and a half sailing from Jersey to Bermuda so I should be able to find time to fit that in, ya think.:p I also have a couple of gf's going so they'll motivate me I hope.


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Hi everyone


Weighed in yesterday at my massage - no change since Monday! Yay! I'm hoping to avoid my "food pitfalls" this weekend! Almost everyone I'll be with knows I'm watching my foods, & they are usually very encouraging (they don't usually offer me food I shouldn't have, unless it's literally just a bite - I mean, some stuff you have to at least TASTE, right?!?!?!)


Even tho I'm pretty much the same weight I was at Christmas-time, I must have lost a bit inch-wise since then. I got SOOOO many compliments at my show from members of our group that I only see at the shows (they just usher, or do spotlights, etc - they aren't involved in all the day-to-day rehearsals) so I haven't seen some people since last December. Then there was another woman I probably haven't seen in a year. I said "Hi Maureen" & got a blank look. I said, "It's Sharon." and she practically yelled, "Oh my God, you look GREAT! I had NO idea that was you!" Boy, did I FEEL great!


It's days like that that give me the impetus to keep going, even when the scale is at a standstill! :D


Debbie - just make sure you & your GFs stay active & don't drink too too many calories :rolleyes: (those are the real sneaky ones!) and you'll be OK! Have a grand time!


Have a great weekend everyone!


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Okay guys! Was reading your post and you all seem like great motivators! I'm going on the FOS in September and currently weigh 168 lbs. I'm looking to loose 30 pounds prior to the cruise. I always have good intentions to get this weight off but don't ever have anyone/reason to keep me motivated! I'm hoping this cruise and you guys can be my support group so I may look wonderful for our cruise in September! So what is the game plan on here? Do I sign in each day and tell ya what I'm eating/exercising or keep a seperate food journal and post something once a week? Thank you guys for being there! I can already tell this is going to help lots!


Thank you!

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sha - fabulous story to share. i'm sure you felt great after that!!!


laplayaperson - i'm sure that you'll be able to get that pesky weight off. i won't say it'll be easy, but just think about how great you will feel (and look!) when you get to your goal! there is another thread called menu's and exercise posting that debbie and i post at - and you are welcome to join us there. i find that it helps to keep me accountable most of the time...and the side conversation isn't too bad, either!


well, i had a rough weekend this weekend. it was hard to keep my spirits up because i've been at a plateau for a while, even with changing up my exercise routine and everything else. i wasn't too concerned at first because my clothes feel much better than they used to and i've actually had to get rid of some of my favourites because they are too big...but i decided to do my measurements this weekend...and i haven't lost more than an inch the past two months:( - i'm hoping that i just am not taking the measurements at the exact same spots, and i have been losing some inches - and not that my clothes are just stretched out of shape and that is why they are too big!!! anyways, with the cruise coming up in just under 3 weeks it is time to get out of the funk and back to whipping myself into shape!!! i've got 18 lbs to go over the next 3 months...140's here i come!!!


got out the bike last week, so i can bike to my last two weeks of work before summer vacation. got the home office painted this weekend. at least i managed to get something done while eating all weekend!!!


hope everyone is doing well!



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Hi All!


I had a real busy weekend - I ate well at all the functions I was at..... it was AFTER, at home, that I was a bit out of control! Aacck! Well, back to the gym every day this week!


jocey - sometimes your body just needs to "take a break". I've been at a plateau (that I finally broke last week, I think) since January. I didn't let it bother me too much, since I decised to focus on the fact I am still 60lb less than I was 18 months ago! For me, I'm thinking it's healthier to lose ANY amount & maintain it for "however long" before I lose again, instead of worrying so much about "plateauing", that I just totally give up & gain everything back! (Like I have done too many times in the past!)


Riding your bike this week, especially if you still do everything else pretty much the same - eating , exercises, etc. - will give your body the boost it needs to get on the losing track again - you'll see. I start with my own bike this coming weekend! I can hardly wait!


Laplaya - Welcome! Feel free to post "at your own pace" - your goals, your thoughts, your questions, your advice, your experiences, your losses, your setbacks, whatever you want. We don't have an official "weigh in day". I weigh in every other week on Thurs afternoon at my chiropractor's office. Others weigh in every Monday (or Friday, or whatever) AM. Find what works for you & stick to it. Although I don't recommend weighing yourself more than 1x a week - It'll just drive you crazy! We all follow our own WOE & WOEX (way of eating & exercise), & we all feel free to give advice when it's asked for (& sometimes when it's not!) Bottom line is that YOU find what works for YOU!


And everyone else -- HI & keep on posting & losing & exercising & ......



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