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Carnival Valor Live*/Solo/B2B 11/6-11/11/21 & 11/11-11/15/2021


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Carnival Valor Live*/Solo/B2B 11/6-11/11/21 & 11/11-11/15/2021- Cozumel X2 and Costa Maya


Howdy!!! Hey everyone!!! It’s Jay from Podunkville TX (no that’s not a real town name lol) and welcome aboard for my first cruise in several years!! I’m back after a loooong break due to medical issues, divorce, midlife crisis lol, and the lovely RONA.!!! The screen name has changed, the body ain’t as whole as it used to be but the sarcasm, jokes and personality are all still here!!!! Join me on a B2B from New Orleans!! First leg we will be stopping in Cota Maya and Cozumel and second leg will be a stop back in Cozumel with total of 4 blissful sea days. This will be my 2nd time in Costa Maya and my 6th and 7th time in Cozumel. This review will bounce around as I have quite a bit of this pre-written as it has been a long time in the making. I'm starting about 14 days out so I can everything I want to share with y'all before my travel day so I will be begin posting it and also live “stuff” as its happening and leading up the main event. I hope you all can keep up with me as I wander type and story tell. The notation in the title is to put ya’ll on notice that I plan to be as live as possible throughout this cruise when I can and post catch up posts as fast as I can when I can’t.


This review/blog/story will be just that, a story. I am not a bard, a true story teller or one to mince words. However, I will attempt to showcase things from my point of view. Again, this is my point of view, an OPINION, a tale, a drabble of babbles of a lonely chubby bald and bearded man lol.  As for my thoughts on opinions, well, that will be discussed later. I will report honestly the good, the bad, the ugly, the in between and everything that I come across. I call a spade a spade I don’t sugarcoat things. But, at the same time I don’t expect everything to be perfect either! My standards are very wait and see go with the flow. In other words, stay in your lane I’ll stay in mine, though I may swerve, give me good food, good drink, a comfy bed, good music, and some sun and I will be happy.


First leg 11/6-11/11/2021


Second leg 11/11-11/15/2021




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I plan for this to be a live review encompassing all of my travel plans from booking, planning, packing, travel, experiences, etc. I plan to be 100% transparent with this blog. So I will discuss prices, expenditures, insurance, air booking, comparing and contrasting all the good stuff. If you are not in to all the “PRE”-cruise adventure you may want catch up in a few days as I have a bit to go through here before my travel day and even then I will be spending an evening and a day/night pre-cruise in New Orleans before I board on Saturday. There will be sarcasm, there will be people watching and “observations”, there will possibly dark humor, there will possibly be questionable activities (not really), there will be copious amounts of food and/or f00d p0rn (I am a foodie at heart, some say I travel to eat) I’m an equal opportunity, multi-culturally diverse culinary arts enthusiast! That’s a very creative way of saying “I haven’t met a food I wouldn’t try and/or didn’t like or end up loving”, and of course lots, and I do mean quite possibly past the point of recollection, amounts of alcohol involved in this trip. This will not be for the weak or the easily offended... YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.



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My writing style is very much how I talk and my brain works, as in HEY LOOK SQUIRREL!!, ok where was I, OH YeeeeeaaaaaaaH… writing style!!!!, it skips around it’s very much what I am thinking, seeing, tasting, feeling and/or thinking at that moment, in that moment. I HAVE NO FILTER.  I have been told that I pretty much am THAT friend, the one most have to tell, “BE NICE”, before going in to places.  So we may jump from topic to topic and ramble from road to trail back to road then to Highway… (see what I mean).




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While Carnival was on a “pause in operations” the Valor went through her dry-dock and maintenance. Now I plan to document as much of the ship as possible over the next 9 days. The next 2 photos are robbed from the internet showing a before and an after dry-dock.


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Now, back to April 2020 (see told you we would go off the rails sometimes), after having all that loot refunding back to my savings account, I began to look at something else for that trip I needed. At this point travel overseas was not going to be happening until only God knows when, so I began to look at other options closer to home. Yeah, it would be early and not what I really wanted to do, even though I LOVE cruising, but by god I was going to celebrate. At this point we were being told… everyone needs to stay home for 10 days to flatten the curve… and that cruising was simply having a pause in operations. So I began shopping for cruises in my normal window. I prefer cruising in 2 different windows FEB-MAR and NOV-DEC with the occasional OCT included. It would a really really good deal or itinerary that I haven’t explored to pull me from my normal habits. I am a creature of habit and fairly simple to please. Each of these has their pros and cons, and everyone has an opinion about what’s the best time to cruise. BUT, opinions are like @$$hol3$ everyone has one and they all stink, and are always talking $h!t behind your back. So, take MY opinions and observations with a grain of salt as I do with everyone else’s.


 At this point in time carnival was running INSANE deals. I decided on a B2B Conquest out of Miami for a total 7 days just to get some days at sea in November 2020 and an 8 day Horizon in January 2021. BUT, we all know now how that cookie crumbled. Now when I say these cruises were insane I mean that even when THESE were CANCELED, one still paid for this B@B and I have OBC on each leg. When November was canceled I lost my cool and just requested a refund with loss of deposit as I was so frustrated that I took that money and decided to do a stay-cation. I will document that a little bit later. January’s I took FCC and OBC and booked this B2B I will explain what I did and how shortly. Next, I placed deposits on a 7 day adventure for February 2022 which is up in the air now and may be switched to March or possibly August/September. I had to beg, borrow, threaten and even shed a few tears but in the end I got my way.



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This was how I passed the months of summer with my babies. OH, and we did go on the “FAMILY TRIP”! 11 people in a cabin (there was plenty of room it was huge!) the kids played in the water features, hiked the trails, went on hay rides, made rockets, met yogi bear, we played many rounds of cards and dominos, cooked almost all meals other than breakfast outdoors and sat around a fire at night. It was amazing, though not as long as any of us would have liked. It is very rare to get us all together for a meal, much less a family vacation anymore with everyone’s schedules. Only one hiccup during this trip, I am sitting by the pool enjoying my 3rd of many libations on Saturday of this trip and I see someone come strolling by… MY BOSS, his wife, and there kids are there!!! So much for really cutting loose!!! LOL, well not really the kids were there and my nephews so I was being good anyway but it was funny!






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Back in July, we all watched with bated breath as test cruising began, and return sailing started slowly became a reality. But what would it look like? Masks? Social distancing? Ability to take excursions? Tests? What is this “bubble” you speak of? What do you mean little Johnnie can’t go with us? I’m sure everyone remembers the boards here lighting up and blowing up like fireworks on the fourth of July or New Years on the south side of San Antonio. But again everyone had OPINIONS, and supposed “Inside sources”, Guess what? NONE of it mattered… they set the standard, we might have hemmed and hawed, nashed our teeth, but WE WERE GOING ON A CRUISE!!!! So we all complied and I sat back and waited…



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It took all I had not to jump the gun and pull the trigger on one of those guinea pig cruises early anyway. I was that hard up for a vacation and a little bit of me time!!! I had to get my cruise fix vicariously through others for now, so I watched and waited in anticipation. I was not disappointed, @sid_9169the Scarlet Lady, @Saint Greg on the Mardi Gras , @Jamman54 and Patti on the Horizon. They didn't disappoint and threw down some awesome reviews in this post pandemic new cruise norm!! If you haven’t read them go check them out!! Where was I? See what I mean all over the place… Now, I was a good little boy, and went and received my vaccine in March, not because I am one of the sheeple, I mean people or because I am “scared”. Due to some things that happened in the past 5-6 years medically and a new diagnosis, after talking with my doctor he told me he highly recommended that I get vaccinated and at my physical he told me that yes, I was fit to travel but, it was better to be safe than sorry. (This is the only time I will discuss vaccinations, for or against, yes or no, and do not want any discussion of it in this thread, it is an OPNION, any questions? See above about opinions). It is simply a fact of life we have to deal with now going forward and that’s all there is to it. I was waiting for the reviews to kick up in to overdrive with pictures like this…


With cruising back and peoples reviews rolling in about how things were going and all, I finally felt comfortable in the fact that this cruise was going to make its departure so I started my planning. I am a planner, with my ADD/ADHD if I do not plan, make lists, notes, maps, etc. those squirrels are everywhere and I have a tendency to chase them.



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The activity on “the other site” was very active and events where being planned and it seems like there will be plenty of fun to be had by all. As a solo, my cruising style is fluid, I do what I want when I want. I eat, drink and sleep when I want. If I want to go to a show I go, if I want to lay my fat @$$ at the pool or bake my gams on serenity I do it. But, bet whatever I get into I will be enjoying myself, relaxing and doing it my way!  As you will see as this goes along my original plans fell through with about 56 days to go to sail date. And I had to begin the process from scratch on a few things but that’s part of the fun and part of the story!!!


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Today, just like every Friday the bosses buy us lunch here. We usually have some pretty great lunches, last week was amazing so we are going to the same place again to try their lunch special again.  Not too far from my office there is a little hole in the wall place called Maggie's in honor of the matriarch of the family. They have some of the best homemade lunches, what we used to call blue plate lunches, in town. Last week we had Barria Tacos, and all the fixings you can't beat that with a stick!!!


This time we didn't even ask what the special was we just ordered 4 specials with drinks for delivery. lol

That is one of the best things about them, on top of the obviously homemade goodness, they will deliver to us so no one has to do the lunch run. God forbid we leave our desks or slow down production for nourishment or sustenance!! LOL Once the lunch arrives and is revealed I'll share what we are having, we will find out together!!!

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Hey Jay! We're out here in Long Beach. Just got off 7 days on the Miracle, and we'll be boarding the Panorama tomorrow. We will be following along! The Valor, and cruising out of NO is on our radar so we will be paying attention to your every word. Well, maybe not EVERY word! :classic_biggrin:  Carry on my friend! :classic_cool:

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3 minutes ago, Jamman54 said:

Hey Jay! We're out here in Long Beach. Just got off 7 days on the Miracle, and we'll be boarding the Panorama tomorrow. We will be following along! The Valor, and cruising out of NO is on our radar so we will be paying attention to your every word. Well, maybe not EVERY word! :classic_biggrin:  Carry on my friend! :classic_cool:

Jeff thanks for the follow I’m hoping I can get caught up to real time soon. As far as NOLA goes it is amazing definitely worth a few days before to enjoy. Other than Miami it is one of the smoothest terminals I have been in. The panorama is on my list for next year! You and patti have a wonderful trip and I will be following along once you start your review!!



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As usually happens here, I sat down and started my lunch in the breakroom (first time to not eat at my desk this week), and the phones go bananas, 3 people walked in, and the boss can't find a set of documents he needs for his afternoon meeting... Needless to say that plate was reheated and inhaled in about 8 minutes when I was able to break away. No wonder why I have continuous indigestion!! Well.... back at it for another 3 hours... I truly am missing the sea air, a cold libation, and the sun right now... 14 more days until I fly out... 




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I began to look at hotels in or near the French quarter, I stay in New Orleans on average 10-15 nights a year at a minimum, so I have stayed at a lot of different hotels, some I have stayed at multiple times. I looked at hotels on Bourbon, Canal, and even a few that were in the Business District and Garden District but nothing really stood out for what I had planned on this trip or that were not insanely overprized even if I booked with points or hot rates. Recently, I have found a hostel in walking distance of all my favorite places that I have stayed at a few times and having stayed at its sister establishments in other cities I find it suits me down to the ground when I am in a pinch or just want to get away and relax.


Now, I say that I began looking because it is HARD to get in at this hostel, it is ALWAYS full!! But, it is one of the best in New Orleans and as someone who travels globally on occasion, it is by far one of the best I have ever stayed in. The first few times I stayed in Hostels while overseas I fell in love, anyone who has traveled abroad solo will understand the pull of the comradery, the welcoming, homely feeling of a GOOD hostel. Yes, you will be sharing a room with others, and a bathroom, and living space, BUT what is an adventure or travel experience without getting out of your comfort zone, meeting fellow travelers and trying new things? One of the best parts of traveling solo is getting to meet and mingle with people from all walks of life and learning something new be it culturally, a few new phrases in a new language, or making new friends in general.


With all this in mind I was able to secure a reservation at the City House New Orleans off of Burgundy St. rooms here run on average $30.00-75.00 a night depending on what you are looking for during my desired travel dates. I took a bunk in a 4 person mixed dorm for roughly $31.00 a night plus tax and fees for the 2 nights before embarkation. This is a place that will provide me with a clean room, a place to lay my head, a place to shower, and they even do events nightly. They have small group events like barhops, cemetery/ghost tours, single mixers, etc. depending on the day of the week. It has a bar in the downstairs lobby/common area and provides continental breakfast as well. It is exactly what I need and fits my plans for this trip to a T. It is roughly 2 blocks from Bourbon St. and right in the thick of the jazz scene and local creole/cultural renascence and redevelopment that is happening in New Orleans. 



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With all of the uncertainty in our world today and everything still up in the air at this point in time I took the step of EXTRA insurance. I ALWAYS purchase carnivals protection but I just didn’t feel that it would be enough in this climate (CYA). I began the process of comparing different travel insurance plans and what would cover my needs and still be in the parameters in the event that cruise lines began to REQUIRE insurance.  After checking with my personal insurance provider who could do a 10 day policy for around $125.00 I decided to try my hand at looking online. I am not very TECH savvy… 


I found that insuring a trip was almost annoying as shopping for a car!!!! Yes the steps were simple, yes it was straight forward and simple to read, but O M G!!! The choices!!!! Select, premium, Ultra, Platinum, Land based, With air without air, international, is it a cruise, is the cruise departing internationally, my brain began to overheat, (the squirrel wasn’t drunk enough and almost boycotted running the wheel), I swear I began to shake and I saw the beginnings of steam slipping from my ears!!!! Ya’ll I have never done this before, NEVER, Carnivals policy was always enough. But, I wasn’t going to take the chance, so I took a deep breath and began to read.


After studying the possibilities I narrowed it down to the 3 plans provided by Nationwide (I knew they were a legit company I didn’t really know anything about the other names). I ended up deciding on their Nationwide Cruise Choice plan for $64.00+tax, it was a comprehensive plan that provided everything including emergency evac and hospitalization coverage in an amount that I was comfortable with. It covers me the minute I leave my house on November 4th until I return on the 15th. This policy will compliment my personal insurance through Humana and my personal Medivac policy I have, through MASA, both of these policies also work worldwide but I want to make sure I am protected. The Nationwide policy also has protection and reimbursement provisions for lost luggage, missed connections, lost ports, missed excursions, etc.



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AIRFARE/TRAINS/TRIALS/STRESS? (Planes, Trains, and Automobiles, buses, or taxis they all stessfull!!!)


My preference for airports are SAT and AUS as both are within an hour/hour 30 minute drive of my home, and depending on WHERE you are flying to prices vary between the two and can be as little as a few dollars or a few hundred dollars (with layovers in same cities or as direct flights) difference. I usually fly United, Southwest, or Spirit when flying out of AUS and United, Southwest, or Frontier out of SAT. Believe it or not when I was ready to book my flights and started the process American had the best deals from either airport flying in the morning of the cruise at $185 from AUS and $235 from SAT round trip. I was not willing to take that chance. So bided my time until Southwest’s flights opened up. Again not too bad from either airport, but, BUT if I were to leave out on Thursday instead of Friday (my normal one night on the town) I could save quite a bit of change. Ok so I pondered this for a bit.


As stated above I decided to hide and watch and see what was what with airfare for a few weeks after I booked because I knew I could get some deals if I was patient and waited (something I am not known for). Somewhere around June American had a sale that was screaming HEY LOOK AT MEEEEE!! So I booked the flight from Austin to New Orleans leaving Thursday 11/4 and returning Thursday 11/11. (Notice I said 11/11? This was all set up prior to the decision to make this a B@B). Total out the door for roundtrip air $186 and change, not bad! So I began to look into what I wanted to do in port, this part of my planning began. Everything was great until that day recently in late August when I was at the breaking point at work and my lovely PVP called… In my defense I had a REALLY bad day here at the office, but it was one of those, you can’t refuse this offer, for the second leg and I said doooooo iiiiiiiiiiiiiit!!!! While I was staring my boss in the face. I stood up and marched my @$$ in to the breakroom and extended my already 6 day vacation to 10 technically 13 days… including travel… total... When the dust settled and I was on a B2B in less time than it took for my boss to say, “HUH!?!?!”.


Then the other shoe dropped, I had to restructure my air!!! I knew that American would work with me because of the Rona as they had for several others in the past year, however, they are not my “go to” yes I do fly them but not as often as “other” lines, they know this. After waiting on the phone for an hour or so the nice young lady proceeded to tell me that if they pushed me out to return on the 15th if was going to pretty much DOUBLE the cost of my flight, and she even checked Both AUS and SAT... UUUUMMMMMMMMMM


I do not believe we are on the same page, can you repeat that statement??!?! Ma’am are you new here? That is not the way things work in this neighborhood… Did you take a wrong turn? Take a deep breath close your eyes, spin yo chair around and try again maybe? Maybe, you should reevaluate that statement please? 45 minutes and some tears later, from both of us (hers were from laughing), I ended up with a full refund of the original cost of my flight. But, now here I am WITHOUT transportation to New Orleans.



I cannot nor do I blame American for my “tantrum” which led to this B2B and needing to adjust the booking, it was my own impulsiveness that caused this so, OH-WELL, I have to fix it and deal with it. As the saying goes we reap what we sow and all that jazz. At this point in time I just wanted to get everything confirmed and make sure I was IN New Orleans for this cruise!!! So I contacted an acquaintance that works for Southwest and asked her to see what she could do and to just please make it happen. She already knew what I had been going through as she actually lives locally and we talk regularly as we bump into each other at the store or butcher shop or gas station etc. And she is always asking me where my next adventure is to. I wasn’t going to hold my breath, yes southwest does a lot of business here but they have had, ahem issues here lately with staffing, etc. So the waiting game began anew.



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A few day later I was sitting in the dark, in the recliner, naked, eating Cheetos… wait, what, wrong stand-up act.


Anyhoo, I was at home, and just walked in the door from work and was contemplating dinner when my friend text me to call her. She had found me a round trip flight out of Austin for $119.00, SCORE!!!! She tells me, “Now, these aren’t your normal flight times.” I began to get a little weary and the stank eye started, the vein started to twitch over my eye, and I asked her just what that mean. Expecting to be on a red eye or having to give up a day of my trip! She starts to rush out her response probably thinking, rightfully I might add, that I was going to lose it soon, that I would be arriving in New Orleans at 7PM-ish on Thursday evening and would be returning to Austin around 10PM on the 15th. As the silence on the line grows I think about this and its starts to register that is might not be a bad thing. I told her book it and I am not changing it again! Now that I think about this it fits for my schedule a lot better, I now have time to do a little “rat killin” on Thursday before I leave without going crazy Wednesday evening after work AND I get time to eat at 1 or 2 or 5 of my FAVORITE places in New Orleans before I go home. Yes, my fat @$$ will eat 2nd breakfast, elevensies, 1st lunch and 2nd lunch and maybe an early dinner before I get to the airport!!! (my flight leaves at 8 that night I will not be being a gordito the whole time).


There are positives when flying Southwest, namely its bags included with airfare policy. Once booked I have two free checked bags, a carry-on, and my personal item. I do not need all of that but, it is nice to know that it is an option if I were to though. AUS is roughly an hour/hour and twenty minute drive from my home so no need for an “extra” overnight… Though, I did consider it… I kept looking for parking in the area and costs of parking at AUS is the one thing that is a little bit of a deterrent compared to parking at SAT or IAH or HOU…  Fast Park has a rate of $120, The Spot has a rate of $105, I am also monitoring the cost for long term parking at the airport daily to see if any spots open up there as those rates are lower but they sell out fast.


I had also, by this time contemplated the possibility of taking the train from San Antonio to Austin and avoid parking all together… OR the possibility of taking the train straight through to New Orleans. I had scrapped this idea as it would be a fairly long ride (15HRS). Now, FAST FORWARD to the weekend of October 8th-10th of this year and LOW AND BEHOLD look at the $h!tshow that popped up involving Southwest and the cancelation of close to 2500 flights between Friday and Monday. They claim it was due to “weather” and “ATC” (air traffic control) issues and things will be back to normal soon… QUE the indigestion, butthole puckering, nail biting, stress levels AGAIN. This time completely out of my hands, will my flights be delayed or canceled like so many others in the last week… We shall find out together soon. I placed a call to my friend at Southwest for her to call me, to see what’s what and what I can or cannot do.



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I might be caught up to real time much sooner than I thought.... When this began I started out typing the prep and leg work on my desktop here at work. Before I knew it, it was 30 pages... typed in microsoft word. But it looks like it will only end up being 1.5-2 max when I post it here. (Does that tell you how long it has been since I posted a review? I can't even remember the transfer/copy parameters) LOL 



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25 minutes ago, ColeThornton said:

Not sure I've seen people post what they have for lunch two weeks before their cruise.   I'll be back when it starts.   lol


Just joking with you, by the way  🙂

Welcome aboard!! I'm a foodie at heart, so I always share lol. 


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With all the research, scheduling, rescheduling, etc. that has gone on a train ride was definitely considered like I said, however, after getting flights settled and comparing flights, parking, rail, etc. I'm 99.9% I am going to just park at the airport. But, I have the research, data, and prices for others to see all available options. So here are the details for a train ride from San Antonio to Austin (to avoid parking fees) and for a ride from San Antonio to New Orleans Union Station:


San Antonio to Austin and back:


San Antonio to New Orleans and back:


The only thing that would become an issue with a train ride from NOLA to San Antonio would be that I would pretty much have to self-assist and be one of the first off the ship when it clears customs, to make it to the train station before its departure. NOT something I would want to do, but would if I had to. So there are the options available and as we get closer I will make the decision on what’s going to be best. Currently I am seriously leaning toward just parking at the airport and being done with it. Less time on the road before and after the trip. I know I definitely will be in the post cruise blues, so a taxi/train/taxi ride is not something I would want to deal with.



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The Deets

When I cruise I prefer to stay in Lido inside cabins, this is for multiple reasons, main one being that it is close to everything I normally enjoy while on board without having to go too far. Plus, sometimes late in the evening I like to be able to enjoy the fresh air and occasionally even nap listening to the ocean waves. This was originally planned as a 5 day just to get some normality back to my life and for my sanity, so I was able to get in the general vicinity of where I like to “hang my hat”, but not my normal cabin. For this first leg I will be in Lido inside 9224, it is a little bit further forward than I am use to but still in a position that suits my needs.As the second leg of this adventure was spur of the moment and most definitely not planned, I was not able to secure the same cabin. I opted to take a HUGE decrease in price at a solo rate, rare for carnival I know, and went in to an upper/lower, 6393, mid-ship on deck 6. When I say lower rate… I mean ZZ Top dirty deeds, done dirt cheap, All in with grats, taxes/port fees, etc. I was out the door booked and ready for less than $180.00.


At this point even though it is above a louder portion of the Promenade, I really don’t care, it will extend my vacation, get me more days at sea and I can sleep through a full on air raid so I’m not too worried about noise. Especially, between alcohol consumption, the sun, and the possibility of a self-induced food coma or two. 


I know that moving between rooms is not going to be ideal on turn around day but it does not bother me as I will still get to enjoy a relatively empty ship for a few hours even moving stuff around. My plan for the day will be to go to the B2B meet up and exit/re-board, enjoy the mimosa then probably take most of my planned pictures of the Valor as there will be so few people on board at that time. Well, at least the photos I missed or haven’t gotten to by this point. I plan to fully explain the “new norm” as far the process goes with the mid-cruise test, exit/re-board, and ability to leave and return. As I understand it we will be given a pass to allow us to skip to the front of the line in the event we wanted to run into town and grab anything or a meal that wasn’t on board.



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