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Tell me true....how is the spa on the boats?

Suburban Drudgery

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DH and I had the couples massage and it was $121/each for a one hour massage. It was ok (husbands are MUCH better for free!). It was a nice experience but I will save my money for shopping or something next cruise. Sales pitch at end was cut off pretty quickly when I said we would not be purchasing any products.


Costa Maya had massages right at the pier for $60.

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I won a facial in a trivia contest on the Miracle last summer.


It was nice, but there was a LOT of pressure to buy the products, and they were CRAZY expensive.


I doubt I would do the spa thing again. It's supposed to be relaxing, and the high-pressure sales pitch sort of ruined it for me. I was pretty uncomfortable, especially since my facial was free (I did tip generously), so I felt like she was really pressuring me even more.

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Don't know from personal experience, but I've read on CC that in Costa Maya, if you venture down the road to the fishing village (Ma... not even gonna try here), massages can be had for $20-$30 - on the beach no less. Like I said - can't recommend cuz I've not done it - but that is where I'm heading.

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Don't know from personal experience, but I've read on CC that in Costa Maya, if you venture down the road to the fishing village (Ma... not even gonna try here), massages can be had for $20-$30 - on the beach no less. Like I said - can't recommend cuz I've not done it - but that is where I'm heading.


I have done a massage in Majuahul. Suggestion is to wait til it gets slow.. like later in the afternoon. We did just that and got a 50 minute massage for 20 bucks-- take your own towel they dont change towels between people. THe massage itself was awesome. They are up and down the beach area. We used the ones across the way from Tappas Bar

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I have done a massage in Majuahul. Suggestion is to wait til it gets slow.. like later in the afternoon. We did just that and got a 50 minute massage for 20 bucks-- take your own towel they dont change towels between people. THe massage itself was awesome. They are up and down the beach area. We used the ones across the way from Tappas Bar


Thank you serene56. Excellent information. Can't wait!

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Heard bad things but dh and I would like to get a message or facial for me. Any feedback please. We are sailing on the Pride May 2006.:confused:


Dont waste your time, if you do go, make sure you know what you are paying for upfront before you go in... a 75.00 facial could cost you 175.00, you wont find out till you get the bill at the end of the cruise:confused:


We got a bill for 275.00 on one of the cruises, Wendy went in for a 95.00 massage and didnt know what the lady was talking about, she was doing more then the massage and I guess Wendy also got some of them high pressured items, when we got the bill we took it to the purser and only got 15% off the bill and we gave back the products, she thought they came with the massage.


Lessons learned on that one, never again :)

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I've enjoyed every trip to the spa! It's one of the parts of the cruise I look forward to most!


Yes, the prices are more expensive than you'll find at an independent spa at home, but that is typical of any resort area (I find the prices on board to be on par with those in better hotels in places like Orlando or Las Vegas). To me, the added atmosphere is worth the extra few dollars.


And yes, as is typical in any higher end spa, at the end they will review with you the products that were used during your treatment and inquire whether you are interested in buying them but, it is not a hard sell in my opinion (I believe those who aren't aware this is a normal practice or who feel awkward saying "no thank you" are the ones who tend to characterize it this way). I've always politely listen, sometimes purchase items I liked, but most times simply say "no thank you, I'm not interested" and that is sufficient.


NEVER have I heard of anyone being charged more than the posted price for a treatment as Wennfred states (it sounds more like the wife didn't know what she was doing & bought more than she intended to, not that the spa was doing anything fishy!)


Don't be scared off by the fear mongers! If you understand how spas operate & know what to expect going in, you won't have any problems or confusion. It's a wonderful experience!

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The Spa is not worth the time or the money. The young ladies are just that young. If you want a good massage at a good price get one before you leave. The FLUFF and BUFF is nothing compared to a good massage at home. I have spentmoney in higher priced spas and do not get the sales pitch at the end. The price is also cheaper. I would not recomend the spa to my friends. I do not know you but still do not recommend it. Yes I had one spa treatment on our first cruise. I will say that we tried again, and when they messed up our reservations and did nothing when we complained I swore off the SPA on board ship for life. I can use that money to buy a nice dress or blow it in the casino.

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I have always enjoyed my visits to the Spa and Salon.


I have to agree with Terry. I had a facial which lasted about 1.5 hours and I think it was the most relaxing time I spent on the ship. I don't know if all of them are alike but I could look out the large window at the water and the rocking of the boat was wonderful.

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Never did the spa myself and neither has my wife, but on one cruise we paid for my mother in law to have a massage. If they hit her up for anything on top of the (pre-paid) massage it came out of her S&S;) card but I have to say it was the best 90 bucks I spent:D that cruise.

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I was on the Pride last Feb and used the Spa twice. Once for a head, neck, scap and shoulders massage. It had a special name, can't remember. It was actually done in the salon. It was wonderful. It was also very resonable, less than $30. I booked on the first day of the cruise and received a discount. A


The other time it was for a full body massage. Can't remember the price. The massage was wonderful. I disagree that the massage is a fluff and buff. My massage therapist asked me what type of pressure I would like. I am one of those people that likes deep tissue massages. The massage was wonderful and she worked out my knots in my shoulders. She did try an sell me some products, but I declined. It was by no means high pressure sales. I have no problem with people trying to get me to buy the products, it is up to you whether to buy them or not. It by no means took away from the experience.


For me the spa is something I look forward to experiencing on the ship, and consider it one of my souviners. I'm sure you can find lower prices in port, but when I am in port I choose to experience the port and not try and look for a place to have a massage. It is all up to individual preference.


Have a great cruise. The Pride is a very nice ship!!!

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And yes, as is typical in any higher end spa, at the end they will review with you the products that were used during your treatment and inquire whether you are interested in buying them but, it is not a hard sell in my opinion (I believe those who aren't aware this is a normal practice or who feel awkward saying "no thank you" are the ones who tend to characterize it this way). I've always politely listen, sometimes purchase items I liked, but most times simply say "no thank you, I'm not interested" and that is sufficient.


Don't be scared off by the fear mongers! If you understand how spas operate & know what to expect going in, you won't have any problems or confusion. It's a wonderful experience!


I'm not a fear monger; I didn't enjoy the hard sell. I've been to "higher end spas" and have NEVER had anybody hard sell me on product like that. Yes, they've reviewed products or told me what they were using, but never have they told me I "needed" something or started putting stuff in a bag to get it ready for me to purchase like they did on the cruise.


Hey, maybe it was just my spa worker, but I have read that many people don't like that part of the spa. It did make me uncomfortable...not because I had to say "no, thank you," but because I had to say it over and over again.


Anyway, my two cents. The facial was nice, but I wouldn't do it again, even if I got it for free!

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NEVER have I heard of anyone being charged more than the posted price for a treatment as Wennfred states (it sounds more like the wife didn't know what she was doing & bought more than she intended to, not that the spa was doing anything fishy!)


No, it was like the lady didnt understand English and also the word NO. :)

and then added the 300.00 worth of products to our bill. Wendy knows her spas and knows what she is doing, when we go back home to Brooklyn she goes to Euphoria Spas in Manhattan and goes here in San Diego all the time and also at some of the resorts spas in Scottsdale Az.


The following are some problems with the Spa I found on this board:


For anyone wanting to get their nails done on the Legend, BEWARE!!:mad:

My aunt paid 75$ for have nails put on and one was very crooked and then on day 2 they started cracking and breaking and when they went back to complain and get them fixed the answer was ' Well we can take them off but that would be another $25':eek: Can you believe it!! Terrrible. I told them to write to Carnival when they get home and complain again. Then she had a facial and it really wasn't up to snuff either. Very dissappointing. They are suppose to be professionals!! Live and learn......get everything done before you leave home.



I posted that because last week on the Elation a young woman was in the spa early one morning begging them to take back the products that she had purchased the day before while in a stupor from her facial and massage...


She said she had NO MONEY left on her S&S (must have been a cash deposit), and that she had no way to get more cash and couldn't even get a foo-foo drink until they credited her S&S for the products.


The SpaLady told her to come back after 4 PM because they were too busy to credit her at the time...



I think my experience it is important enough that I post it separately – to serve as a warning to others that when arranging for those DISCOUNTED services just be sure to let them know you don’t expect discounted SERVICE to be part of the deal.


My DH, being the dear that he is, arranged for me to have facial while onboard. He had noticed that they were having a special for a mini for $35.00. All I had to do was show up at 9 on Saturday morning. Although I was not thrilled about not getting to sleep in I was really looking forward to it, after all the flyer stated “Hydra Facial, 25 minutes of pure heaven includes cleanse, tone, exfoliation, rejuvenating mask, and moisturize.” I showed up promptly and was given paperwork to fill out. Under “What do you expect to get from your treatment today?” I wrote relaxation. First and foremost I didn’t want the sales pitch at the end so I thought by writing that it would deter any unwanted solicitation. I wasn’t quite done filling out the form when a gentleman approached me, asked if I was Cheryl, to which I answered yes. He introduces himself and tells me it will be a few minutes, to just continue with my paperwork. Right there I was a little uneasy because I have never gotten a facial from a man. But, ok I can go with the flow, but then something else happened. As I’m finishing up my paperwork I notice that he is in the hair salon sweeping. Ok……… I guess that’s alright, but usually when I think of someone who is going to be doing my facial I’m not thinking it’s the same person who cuts hair. Maybe I’m wrong. Then to make matters worse I notice a “bed” made up on the seating area in the salon – right across from where there are two woman getting manicures and pedicures. Now I’m really getting anxious because it’s starting to sink in that not only is this guy who cuts hair going to do my facial but, he is going to do it in the middle of the salon. He comes back and asks me to follow him. As we start to walk into the salon I ask, “Don’t you usually do facials in a room?” He answered they were full. He asks me to sit down on this makeshift bed. Now mind you this isn’t the first facial I’ve had on a Carnival ship. I’ve had one every time we have sailed and every time I have been taken to a dimmed room, with soothing music and aromatherapy smells in the air. They cover you with a warmed blanket and some even have you take off your shirt so they don’t get the gels and cleansers on you. It’s so warm and comfortable under there you could fall sleep (and I have). It is obvious just looking at these girl that they are professionals, who know their stuff - so to be taken into the salon with glaring overhead lights, listening to 4 woman talk about their island adventurers while sucking up nail polish remover was not my idea of relaxing. I made a comment about the lights, to which he nervously laughed. He then lays this white terry cloth towel across my body, a far cry from the warmed blanket I’m used to. Then I just straight out told him I was NOT happy. I told him that even though I was getting a discount on the facial I shouldn’t be getting discount treatment. He asked me to sit up and told me he would be right back. He returned to tell me they were booked solid and this was the best they could do. I told them it wasn’t fair for them to expect people to be happy with cut-rate services. I told him I would not be paying for the facial. I was going to stop by the desk but I knew it would do no good and by that time


There was one last year a review where a person got burned by those Hot Rocks.


There are alot more I havent posted, these are just a few and to think of the thousands that are not reported on here.

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There are alot more I havent posted, these are just a few and to think of the thousands that are not reported on here.[/size][/font]


And to think of all the positive reviews you didn't include in your post and all the thousands of great experiences that haven't been posted here. Your point?


Listen, I'm truly sorry your wife had a confusing experience and didn't enjoy herself but that really isn't typical. But, from your original explaination, it certainly sounds as though she agreed to receive add on treatments and agreed to purchase products. Even if she really thought they were included with the massage (and if she's an experienced spa goer I find that next to impossible to believe since, at all the spas I've ever been to, add-on services and take home products are NEVER included), she certainly should have seen the higher price if she reviewed the bill before signing for it (which she should have). She could have easily remedied the situation before leaving the spa so I don't know if she didn't bother to review the bill or she/you had a serious case of buyer's remorse later but, either way, I still don't see the spa as being at fault here. We all control our own destiny as they say.


Again, I just want to say that the spa is an incredibly enjoyable place for the vast majority of us who partake.

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I had a facial on the inspiration. It was my first one. It was around 100.00, i really enjoyed it.. i felt great afterword, the lady was real nice she just kept telling me i really needed to take better care of my skin and tried to get me to buy some expensive stuff.. i told her no thanks and that was the end of that, also i did not give her a tip.. i heard where other people give tips but i didnt, maybe i should have..

anyway i dont have anything to compare it to, so if you never had one before i would suggest it, as long as you can be firm during their sales pitch. tell them you need to check with your husband/mother/father or whoever before buying any product and they should let you out easily.

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As soon as you get on board, go by the spa and offer to be a demonstration volunteer during the spa tours. You can often get a free treatment in return for letting them use you as a demo. My wife does this on almost every cruise and receives some kind of free treatment.


You do have to be willing to be a demo subject all during the spa tour. This may take longer than a normal treatment, but it is free. You still have to be willing to say "no" to the product sell at the end of the treatment.


Give it a try. What do you have to lose?

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Do you think it is better to book early or to wait until the specials come around? I really want to try a massage. Also, can you have manicures and pedicures done in groups? My sister and I want to have this done at the same time so we can chit chat!!!


I am willing to try the spa. This is my first cruise so I have no experience. But as with everything in life there is good and bad. Just as with reading the reviews of the cruises. Not 100% of the people will be happy 100% of the time. I think it is silly to blame Carnival for certain things. They should give the same service to everyone, but they should not be blamed because someone bought something and then changed their mind.

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:p Hi everyone!

You all are cracking me up! I love to cruise, and also love to spa. Having said that, the best place to spa is not on a cruise ship. Do I do it? Hell, yes! That's because my cruise is all about ME...and I find that a massage is the Best Way to Relax, close second is a Facial with shoulder massage, then pedicure, ect...if you are trying to save bucks, then don't go to the spa. If you would like to relax & have a nice time..tip the gal & tell her you don't want to buy any product. What does she care? She's probably made more on the tip than she would have trying to dun you into buying over-priced product! Enjoy your cruise...I look forward to mine all year 'round.-CP:)

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I am sorry to report that I no longer use the ship Spa services either. It was wonderful a decade or so ago when the service was actually run by the cruise lines, but since Steiner took them over, my experiences have gone from bad to horrible.


The high pressure product sales pitches may be common in other parts of the country, but not where I live, and I find them very annoying and it ruins the experience for me.


Chime in past cruisers if this is your experience after a massage: "Your muscle response shows that you need to detox your body" -- "and we have this $150+ group of products that will do this for you." Every friend and family member (age 20 to 88) that I cruise with has heard that advice in the past few years.


Last year, on a 7-day Glory cruise, I paid $54 for a pedicure. The ocean view was gorgeous, but the nail tech bitched the entire time about how underpaid she was and how her relatives "back home" needed medical treatment. Just before applying the polish, she started the sales pitch and I quickly and politely told her that I knew she was required to provide it, but I wasn't interested. She became very nasty after that and slapped ONE coat of polish on my toes and told me I was done -- no base coat, no top coat. Needless to say, my nails looked like crap two days later.


Fortunately, I live near the Port that I usually travel from, and I now book all my treatments locally for the day before or the morning of the cruise. I've never missed the onboard spa visits at all, I've saved $$$$, and I've had well-qualified people perform them.

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:p Hi everyone!

You all are cracking me up! I love to cruise, and also love to spa. Having said that, the best place to spa is not on a cruise ship. Do I do it? Hell, yes! That's because my cruise is all about ME...and I find that a massage is the Best Way to Relax, close second is a Facial with shoulder massage, then pedicure, ect...if you are trying to save bucks, then don't go to the spa. If you would like to relax & have a nice time..tip the gal & tell her you don't want to buy any product. What does she care? She's probably made more on the tip than she would have trying to dun you into buying over-priced product! Enjoy your cruise...I look forward to mine all year 'round.-CP:)



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Jerseygirl: They often have specials on port days when most people are at the port touring. Since they still have their staff on duty and there are less people interested, they discount their prices.


A couple times I have had a discounted foot & ankle massage. Those were nice, but they really tried to push massage oil and for me to book their other services. I told them I buy my own massage oil at home at Bath and Bodyworks for about $15 and that I didn't want any other services.

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