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Canada Place from Chinatown


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What's our best bet for going from our AirBnb in Chinatown to Canada place? There are 6 or us, with luggage of course.


It looks like the Expo Line can get us fairly close, but it's still a 600m/2000ft walk and I don't know whether bringing luggage on the train is practical or not. Would a cab/Uber be a better bet?

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9 minutes ago, Earthworm Jim said:

What's our best bet for going from our AirBnb in Chinatown to Canada place? There are 6 or us, with luggage of course.


It looks like the Expo Line can get us fairly close, but it's still a 600m/2000ft walk and I don't know whether bringing luggage on the train is practical or not. Would a cab/Uber be a better bet?

Don't forget the hike from your AirBnB to the transit line.  With six people and luggage, I'd say investing in two taxis or uber rides would be best.

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41 minutes ago, d9704011 said:

Don't forget the hike from your AirBnB to the transit line.  With six people and luggage, I'd say investing in two taxis or uber rides would be best.


Supposedly the AirBnb is 140m/2 minute walk from the Stadium/Chinatown station. So that's not very significant. My first inclination was to agree with your assessment. But I wondered if there are long lines to get dropped off via cab at Canada Place, which might mitigate the advantage. Two ships there the day we're boarding.

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4 minutes ago, Earthworm Jim said:


Supposedly the AirBnb is 140m/2 minute walk from the Stadium/Chinatown station. So that's not very significant. My first inclination was to agree with your assessment. But I wondered if there are long lines to get dropped off via cab at Canada Place, which might mitigate the advantage. Two ships there the day we're boarding.

My wife and I would take the train; luggage isn't a problem and the walking wouldn't bother us.  You'll have to decide what's best based on the makeup of your travel party.

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1 hour ago, Earthworm Jim said:

Supposedly the AirBnb is 140m/2 minute walk from the Stadium/Chinatown station. So that's not very significant. My first inclination was to agree with your assessment. But I wondered if there are long lines to get dropped off via cab at Canada Place, which might mitigate the advantage. Two ships there the day we're boarding.

Then despite the name, your AirBnB isn't in Chinatown - and given the options for location, with 6 people I'm fairly certain you're doing a whole-home rental of an apartment... which is about 98% likely to be illegal (the remaining 2% of legit licensees are easily recognized as they only rent for a small part of the year when they themselves are on vacation from their primary home). Be aware that enforcement budget has increased, so there's a far-from-zero chance of your rental disappearing without any advance notice if caught - and zero compensation for you if it does...


But that aside, I'd just walk if you are all mobile. I walk through Chinatown to the pier with a big rolling case no problem, about 2 miles, and your total distance is such that by the time you rolled it to the station and paid 6 people fares, you would probably spend as much as taking 2 cabs! Anywhere in the area you're talking about would be <$10 fare on the meter - if it's a 3 ship day, yes, there could be another few bucks crawling along the last block or so but you can always ask to get out.


Incidentally, big suitcases are effectively banned on Expo line trains - only the Canada Line has space for luggage, otherwise anything that basically doesn't fit your lap is technically against the rules... but enforcement is very low due to trains being automated, and if you are traveling outside peak hours (say 10am onward) you probably won't annoy other pax by stealing seats/standing room from them. But like I said, cabs are porbably going to be a wash in pricing anyway - SkyTrain is very poor value when you only travel a couple of stops!

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18 hours ago, martincath said:

Then despite the name, your AirBnB isn't in Chinatown - and given the options for location, with 6 people I'm fairly certain you're doing a whole-home rental of an apartment... which is about 98% likely to be illegal (the remaining 2% of legit licensees are easily recognized as they only rent for a small part of the year when they themselves are on vacation from their primary home). Be aware that enforcement budget has increased, so there's a far-from-zero chance of your rental disappearing without any advance notice if caught - and zero compensation for you if it does...


But that aside, I'd just walk if you are all mobile. I walk through Chinatown to the pier with a big rolling case no problem, about 2 miles, and your total distance is such that by the time you rolled it to the station and paid 6 people fares, you would probably spend as much as taking 2 cabs! Anywhere in the area you're talking about would be <$10 fare on the meter - if it's a 3 ship day, yes, there could be another few bucks crawling along the last block or so but you can always ask to get out.


Incidentally, big suitcases are effectively banned on Expo line trains - only the Canada Line has space for luggage, otherwise anything that basically doesn't fit your lap is technically against the rules... but enforcement is very low due to trains being automated, and if you are traveling outside peak hours (say 10am onward) you probably won't annoy other pax by stealing seats/standing room from them. But like I said, cabs are porbably going to be a wash in pricing anyway - SkyTrain is very poor value when you only travel a couple of stops!


Thanks martincath. I didn't know about the illegal rental part, but at this point I guess it is what it is since we've already made our final payment and we're kind of forced to hope we get away with it. Ugh, more stress.


I'm not sure if they actually said Chinatown or not, that was more my guess from looking at a map.


Thanks also about the tip that big suitcases are banned on the Expo line. Whether I'd get away with it or not, I'm not looking to piss off the locals. According to Google, it's a 1.2km, 0.75 mile, 16 minute walk to Canada Place. Which would have the advantage or controlling our arrival time more accurately.

Edited by Earthworm Jim
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2 hours ago, Earthworm Jim said:

Thanks martincath. ...

You're welcome Jim. Don't feel bad yourself about the AirBnB thing - it's your Host not you who's being weaselly if anyone is (and they might be legit - if it's only available to book for short periods it could actually be their primary home rather than a never-legal-to-rent-short-term-here second home).


The whole illegal AirBnB issue dropped off the radar during Covid as demand plummeted, many cheap long-term furnished rentals suddenly appeared as Hosts took their apartments off the tourist market, but it's now climbing back up as a priority with housing policies being among the top concerns for upcoming municipal elections... giving you the heads-up at least means you can be ready to dive straight into hotel searching without wasting time complaining at AirbnB if worse comes to worst and your apartment gets flagged before your stay!


If you are feeling fit and up for walking to the pier - or just sightseeing on foot pre-cruise - there are some pretty big differences in vibe from street to street and even block to block in that area. While I assume you're not keen to advertise your exact location, if you let slip the name of the building I can give you a heads-up about choice of route from the front door to places you want to go - e.g if you're in one of the Spectrum towers on Citadel Parade sticking to Dunsmuir all the way to Howe is flatter and avoids the less-salubrious sights of Victory Square compared to taking Cambie to Cordova (which Google will always try route you on as Cambie's angle cuts a few yards off the horizontal distance, but then you have to walk downhill and uphill again as well as past a prime street-sleeping area!)


There's a large difference in street level right in that area, so whether your building's ground floor is  on the lower or higher elevation makes a difference in optimal route too - Costco's free external elevator and the stairs from Georgia viaduct by the Rogers Centre are often the most direct way to change levels, but don't ever seem to get suggested by Google, instead they make you walk the long way around BC Place or Rogers Centre to get to e.g. the nearest ferry stop for getting to Granville Island.

Edited by martincath
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3 hours ago, martincath said:

While I assume you're not keen to advertise your exact location, if you let slip the name of the building I can give you a heads-up about choice of route from the front door to places you want to go

 I don't know the building name, but it seems to be just north of the Rogers Center on Expo Blvd. (Though it doesn't have an Expo Blvd address). Google Maps advises going Abbott to W. Cordova to Canada Place.


We are arriving 2 days before the cruise, so we will have  1+ days to see some of the Vancouver sights, if you have any you particularly recommend. I didn't even know I wanted to go to Granville Island, but it sounds like maybe I do.

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15 hours ago, Earthworm Jim said:

 I don't know the building name, but it seems to be just north of the Rogers Center on Expo Blvd. (Though it doesn't have an Expo Blvd address). Google Maps advises going Abbott to W. Cordova to Canada Place.


We are arriving 2 days before the cruise, so we will have  1+ days to see some of the Vancouver sights, if you have any you particularly recommend. I didn't even know I wanted to go to Granville Island, but it sounds like maybe I do.

Probably one of the Espana towers - they have a website that's not owner-restricted login only, so you can read up on the amenities in case you fancy using the pool etc. - or Firenze Tower II the other side of Abbott. Either would be ideal for use of the Costco Elevator - just beyond the lower entrance to Stadium/Chinatown station - instead of Google directions. Once up top, Dunsmuir to Howe for getting to the pier, Coal Harbour etc. on foot without needing to go through Gastown.


Sightseeing-wise, with a day and a bit and not knowing what you like or don't I'll point you to Tripadvisor for the biggies - since there's 6 of you, maybe have everyone look over the Top Attractions list and choose their top 3 or so, compare lists, figure out who overlaps with whom and then split up! If you don't have free calls here, the citywide internet works perfectly well for messaging - look for #VanWiFi broadcasting all over downtown - to keep in touch and coordinate meeting back up for lunch etc.


A bit of very-local info about your immediate surroundings: T&T supermarket in the circle of Keefer Place is a good spot for interesting snacks and even some hot takeout food as well as mostly-Asian groceries extremely close to your building. Abbott from Pender to Cordova is definitely a bit scruffier these days - but you might find some of the business on it convenient (e.g. Nester's your nearest Western supermarket, or London Drugs) and it leads up to Water Street which is peak tourist 'souvenir central', all Ye Olde Fake History with iron lampposts, cobbles, and the Steam Clock (that doesn't run on steam) put in during the not-very-historic 1970s. The whole of Gastown is pretty scruffy at the best of times despite some fancy stores - but it's not stabby! You will see street-people around and might get asked for spare change a lot, but you're not at any significant risk of mugging.


Visiting Chinatown - the Sun Yat-Sen garden is absolutely top-notch, rear wall is on Keefer, entrance is just off Carrall down an alley as sometimes the square off Pender is gated these days due to racist vandalism of the location. Be sure to grab some photos of the rebuilt original gate and the new huge Millennium Gate on Pender (you can cut through the International Village Mall on the way to or from your building, the doors next to the ABC Store are right next to the gate). At the back of the mall, look way up, at the rooftops the far side of the Gate on the north side of Pender and you'll see a pretty unusual sight - a totem pole on the roof terrace of Swachays Lodge (native art sold on ground floor, no more food these days unfortunately).


A few interesting historic buildings nearby if you're into architecture - Sun Tower at Beatty/Pender was briefly the tallest in Canada from 1912 until 1913 (the previous record holder, the Dominion building, is also close by at Victory Square - it was actually the tallest in the entire British Empire in 1910!) and on more the opposite end of record-setting, the world's narrowest commercial building is at Carrall & Pender, Sam Kee, worth a photo too (2 storey, window bays above the street, Jack Chow insurance is current tenant).


Granville Island is most easily reached from the Plaza of Nations stop about a half mile away (Map here - stick in your building address for directions, since it's on the lower level it should route you appropriately). GI is mostly shopping, much of it food and some very quirky indy stores, both kiddy-focused and adults-only (booze rather than smut!) - if you see a show you like the look of at any of the theatres/comedy venues, it's a LOT quieter in the evening than daytime (pretty much every sightseeing tour bus stops on GI, so it gets mad busy from mid-morning through lunchtime to early afternoons before the tourist levels reduce).

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16 hours ago, martincath said:

Probably one of the Espana towers - they have a website that's not owner-restricted login only, so you can read up on the amenities in case you fancy using the pool etc. - or Firenze Tower II the other side of Abbott. Either would be ideal for use of the Costco Elevator - just beyond the lower entrance to Stadium/Chinatown station - instead of Google directions. Once up top, Dunsmuir to Howe for getting to the pier, Coal Harbour etc. on foot without needing to go through Gastown.


Sightseeing-wise, with a day and a bit and not knowing what you like or don't I'll point you to Tripadvisor for the biggies - since there's 6 of you, maybe have everyone look over the Top Attractions list and choose their top 3 or so, compare lists, figure out who overlaps with whom and then split up! If you don't have free calls here, the citywide internet works perfectly well for messaging - look for #VanWiFi broadcasting all over downtown - to keep in touch and coordinate meeting back up for lunch etc.


A bit of very-local info about your immediate surroundings: T&T supermarket in the circle of Keefer Place is a good spot for interesting snacks and even some hot takeout food as well as mostly-Asian groceries extremely close to your building. Abbott from Pender to Cordova is definitely a bit scruffier these days - but you might find some of the business on it convenient (e.g. Nester's your nearest Western supermarket, or London Drugs) and it leads up to Water Street which is peak tourist 'souvenir central', all Ye Olde Fake History with iron lampposts, cobbles, and the Steam Clock (that doesn't run on steam) put in during the not-very-historic 1970s. The whole of Gastown is pretty scruffy at the best of times despite some fancy stores - but it's not stabby! You will see street-people around and might get asked for spare change a lot, but you're not at any significant risk of mugging.


Visiting Chinatown - the Sun Yat-Sen garden is absolutely top-notch, rear wall is on Keefer, entrance is just off Carrall down an alley as sometimes the square off Pender is gated these days due to racist vandalism of the location. Be sure to grab some photos of the rebuilt original gate and the new huge Millennium Gate on Pender (you can cut through the International Village Mall on the way to or from your building, the doors next to the ABC Store are right next to the gate). At the back of the mall, look way up, at the rooftops the far side of the Gate on the north side of Pender and you'll see a pretty unusual sight - a totem pole on the roof terrace of Swachays Lodge (native art sold on ground floor, no more food these days unfortunately).


A few interesting historic buildings nearby if you're into architecture - Sun Tower at Beatty/Pender was briefly the tallest in Canada from 1912 until 1913 (the previous record holder, the Dominion building, is also close by at Victory Square - it was actually the tallest in the entire British Empire in 1910!) and on more the opposite end of record-setting, the world's narrowest commercial building is at Carrall & Pender, Sam Kee, worth a photo too (2 storey, window bays above the street, Jack Chow insurance is current tenant).


Granville Island is most easily reached from the Plaza of Nations stop about a half mile away (Map here - stick in your building address for directions, since it's on the lower level it should route you appropriately). GI is mostly shopping, much of it food and some very quirky indy stores, both kiddy-focused and adults-only (booze rather than smut!) - if you see a show you like the look of at any of the theatres/comedy venues, it's a LOT quieter in the evening than daytime (pretty much every sightseeing tour bus stops on GI, so it gets mad busy from mid-morning through lunchtime to early afternoons before the tourist levels reduce).


Thanks for taking the time to give me all this info martincath! Much appreciated.

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