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Any reasons to get GeoBlue policy when BCBS is adding GeoBlue as overseas insurance manager for 2024?


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Any reasons to get GeoBlue policy when BCBS is adding GeoBlue as their overseas manager for 2024? The GeoBlue thru BCBS covers medical evacuation arranged by GeoBlue. I'm surmising that they're using the same standards for whether medivac. I also have Princess Platinum coverage, which has $75K medivac. We'll be in Asia for 3 weeks, including many sea days. 

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1 hour ago, elaine5 said:

Any reasons to get GeoBlue policy when BCBS is adding GeoBlue as their overseas manager for 2024? The GeoBlue thru BCBS covers medical evacuation arranged by GeoBlue. I'm surmising that they're using the same standards for whether medivac. I also have Princess Platinum coverage, which has $75K medivac. We'll be in Asia for 3 weeks, including many sea days. 

You would have to talk to to your specific BCBS company about your plan. There are 34 different locally owned and independently operated companies in the US that have licensed the BCBS name. So they all work differently.  Your answer will depend on your specific company and often the specific plan you have.

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29 minutes ago, boze9999 said:

Just a note @elaine5 if you're on Medicare, Medicare does not cover you outside of the US. We find GeoBlue us an affordable supplement to our BCBS. 

I agree GeoBlue seems very reasonable.  I'm just trying to understand what GeoBlue would give me that BCBS, which uses GeoBlue for outside USA doesn't offer? And, as BCBS provides coverage outside USA, so wouldn't it cover us even if Medicare didn't?

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1 minute ago, elaine5 said:

I agree GeoBlue seems very reasonable.  I'm just trying to understand what GeoBlue would give me that BCBS, which uses GeoBlue for outside USA doesn't offer? And, as BCBS provides coverage outside USA, so wouldn't it cover us even if Medicare didn't?

FYI - my BCBS does not cover well outside of the US. It only covers at 50%. One can't just say "BCBS" and represent all BCBS plans.

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My BCBS covered me outside the US also.

For some reason I’m wary of blanket statements. Therefore, I called and spoke to BCBS.

1) Am I covered outside the US?  Yes, at out of network cost at usually and customary.

2) If needed, will you assist with up front costs? No

3) Will you pay to medical evac me back to my local hospital for continuation of care once stabilized? No. We will reimburse you if evac is required to receive life saving care just as if you were home and needed ambulance.

4) Will you reimburse for traveling family member? No

5) Will you reimburse to repatriate my remains should I die? No


For these reasons I decided to share my risks with a travel insurance policy.

YMMV, but I recommend that you call, speak to, and verify what your policy may provide. Have them tell you where in the policy handbook you can find that information. Get name, date, & time of call.

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8 hours ago, klfrodo said:

My BCBS covered me outside the US also.

For some reason I’m wary of blanket statements. Therefore, I called and spoke to BCBS.

1) Am I covered outside the US?  Yes, at out of network cost at usually and customary.

2) If needed, will you assist with up front costs? No

3) Will you pay to medical evac me back to my local hospital for continuation of care once stabilized? No. We will reimburse you if evac is required to receive life saving care just as if you were home and needed ambulance.

4) Will you reimburse for traveling family member? No

5) Will you reimburse to repatriate my remains should I die? No


For these reasons I decided to share my risks with a travel insurance policy.

YMMV, but I recommend that you call, speak to, and verify what your policy may provide. Have them tell you where in the policy handbook you can find that information. Get name, date, & time of call.

This was wise to do. Go directly to source.


Yes - my BCBS covers me outside of the US at out of network costs which is 50%.


I recently was in Canada and broke my wrist. So glad to have Allianz travel insurance!!

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  • 1 month later...
On 12/5/2023 at 9:05 PM, elaine5 said:

Oh, I understand now. Yes, federal BCBS covers overseas. If anyone with federal BCBS has any advice, please chime in. Thanks. Elaine

i have Federal Employees BCBS and have used it outside the US.  It covers 80% of expenses.

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Thanks, Terri, were those the actual dr/hospital charges, even if not in network? And was it for illness or accident (as I think coverage might be more generous for accidents)? Thanks so much for posting! Elaine

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  • 2 months later...
On 1/22/2024 at 2:57 PM, elaine5 said:

Thanks, Terri, were those the actual dr/hospital charges, even if not in network? And was it for illness or accident (as I think coverage might be more generous for accidents)? Thanks so much for posting! Elaine

Sorry for not answering sooner.  

Actually I had to use my BCBS FEP on my last cruise.  I fell while on a private shore excursion and received treatment on the ship.

I sent the invoice from the ship medical center to BSBC FEP and was reimbursed for all but the $30 co pay.

No problems.  They accepted the ship invoice with no problems.


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