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Money & Jewelry Taken From Safes On Century


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your money, passport, jewelry,valuables will be SAFER in a locked suitcase that a knife or a swift kick will open than the SAFE?:rolleyes: These people were robbed and the cruiseline should help them find out WHO did it!:confused: Do we now have to assume that a safe is NOT safe and make other plans regarding how much cash we carry or where it is available, etc? A crime was committed and the passenger should have been allowed to talk to security in person. If the safes arent safe, remove them, and go back to the safe deposit boxes at the pursers desk. (items have disappeared from those too!)

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delawareshore--Thank you for your comments. As an update, here's what we've done aside from trying to get the "security" report on-board, which they wouldn't let us have, and file a claim with our home owner's insurance.

-We have called their "Customer Relations" number and got a recorded message to FAX a list of what we'd lost to a certain number. The recording said we'd hear back from them in 4 to 6 weeks. (The recording also said they weren't responsible for missing money or other items.)

-We have written a 3 page letter to the president of RCCL as well as the same letter to the president of Celebrity explaining our situation. Those letters are probably just reaching Miami.

-We have emailed RCCL and received an automated reply saying they'd get to us in the order our email arrived--that was 4 days ago. We've heard nothing.

-We have emailed our booking agent with Celebrity twice this week. He has not responded.

-We have notified Congressman Shays who heads up the committee on cruise ship crime. He has not replied to either of our emails.

-We have posted this board.

We're waiting and anxious to hear from the presidents of the lines but right now they have other worries. We really don't know what other steps to take.

We have a 2 week cruise booked next year on the Infinity. Whether we take it or not will depend on how Celebrity handles this matter.

Again, thank you for your comments and concern.

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It seems as you have done everything you possible can do. You are very thorough. Please keep us informed. I leave on the Infinity in a week and I don't want to have to worry about this. I usually have alot of valuables in my safe and they won't be able to calm me down if this happens while I am sailing. Good luck.

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delawareshore--Thank you for your comments. As an update, here's what we've done aside from trying to get the "security" report on-board, which they wouldn't let us have, and file a claim with our home owner's insurance.

-We have called their "Customer Relations" number and got a recorded message to FAX a list of what we'd lost to a certain number. The recording said we'd hear back from them in 4 to 6 weeks. (The recording also said they weren't responsible for missing money or other items.)

-We have written a 3 page letter to the president of RCCL as well as the same letter to the president of Celebrity explaining our situation. Those letters are probably just reaching Miami.

-We have emailed RCCL and received an automated reply saying they'd get to us in the order our email arrived--that was 4 days ago. We've heard nothing.

-We have emailed our booking agent with Celebrity twice this week. He has not responded.

-We have notified Congressman Shays who heads up the committee on cruise ship crime. He has not replied to either of our emails.

-We have posted this board.

We're waiting and anxious to hear from the presidents of the lines but right now they have other worries. We really don't know what other steps to take.

We have a 2 week cruise booked next year on the Infinity. Whether we take it or not will depend on how Celebrity handles this matter.

Again, thank you for your comments and concern.


First of all - why did you not take this to the hotel manager and or the captain - they are always about the ship. Taking it to guest relations is fine but their job is PR.


Second - a letter to the President of RCI & Celebrity is definitely what O would do and have done so with good results.


Third - Getting Chris Shays involved is a waste of time - this so called Cruise Ship Crime thing he chairs was mostly to placate one of his constituants ( IMHO) namely the Smiths who lost their son on the Brilliance

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hermang, Thank you for your comments and questions.


I guess we were too shaken and just too trusting in the ship's personnel doing the correct thing. There are probably several things we should have done on the ship but didn't figuring "security" would do its job. If we'd known of the other cabin's burglary when we were burglarized and not just before we were leaving the ship, you can bet I would have been a lot more aggressive in our dealings with the crew. I guess the other victims and us should have been telling everone we saw on the ship--loudly--of the situation but, instead, we trusted Century's crew.


As for Congressman Shays, I really didn't and don't expect any help from him. My messages were just FYI's to him. I had never heard of him before and I don't think there's any politician that will help in this situation.


Up until we hear from one of the president's of the line--if and when--it looks as if it has just been a relatively expensive learning experience.

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-We have written a 3 page letter to the president of RCCL as well as the same letter to the president of Celebrity explaining our situation. Those letters are probably just reaching Miami.


3 pages ??!!


Waaay too long, not direct and concise enough.


Less is more.


Best of luck.

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We were on this weeks Centure sailing. Our attendent urged us to use the safe and remove all possibilities of theft/ We did not. We had good luck, bad things can happen anywhere. The worst thing that ever happened to me was in front of our charming little B&B in the heart of Wilmington NC. Histroric homes all around, quiet and beautiful...then we were jumped by a couple of thugs with guns.

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I'll get jumped on for this, but there is someting more you can do. After you have waited a resonable time for a response from the lines, you take your complaint public. You contact a newspaper which has an interest in the industry like Miami, &/or you write letters to the editor and then you send them to every paper in Congressman Shay's district as well as your own, and port cities. The internet will find you all the addresses, and you can often email a letter to the editor these days, also. You are simply making others aware that it isn't only crimes of the person, but crimes of the pocket which take place on cruise lines. Be sure to praise Shay and his work in the letters sent to his district -- but you want the public to know that "crime" is broader than a few high profile incidences on the high seas, and these too, must be addressed in the Congressman's work. Politicians thrive on public praise, so don't let on you haven't heard from him -- besides pols really don't have a lot of time for folks other than constituents.

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Bassque, you might try calling your own Congressional Representative's district office. You are much more likely to get some sort of a response from someone who will need your vote in November. It is up to your Rep to then take it to Shays committee.


Good luck, I do hope your efforts bear fruit.



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I have a question. Don't these keypads freeze up after posting two or more incorrect codes? That's happened to me several times on cruise ship safes. Especially if they're super sensitive and I hold the nmber too long and it posts twice.

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I don't trust cabin safes or hotel safes. Therefore, I do not take any expensive jewellery.

I was having a discussion on our last cruise with a woman at our table that had some beautiful pieces of jewellery with her. I asked her if she wasn't nervous travelling with them. She said she tried to wear them all the time, even at ports. Personally, I don't want someone cutting of my fingers to get at a ring. It sounds like a huge exaggeration but at some ports you just don't know.

So I just wear "Fabulous Fakes" that I buy on board the ship or at home.

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Just returned from a Celebrity Cruise and also had a large sum of money stolen from our locked safe. We reported it to the Hotel Manager who then reported it to the Captain. We were very disappointed with their response and lack of action. We too will be taking it to corporate. Would love to share notes. Please e-mail us directly at FRE23@aol.com. Sharon

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This has me EXTREMELY concerned! We are sailing the Infinity in July. I guess the safest thing to do is get cash from the casino using your credit card??:confused: I don't want to carry cash with us everywhere we go on the ship! Can I ask, was it taken while you were on the ship or while you were in port, or do you know?

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CStorm, The safe was entered while we were at sea, between Jamaica and Aruba on the 4th night out. The other cabin that we know of that had their safe entered had it entered the first night of the cruise. We have not had ANY response from Celebrity or RCI to this point although our insurance company has already taken care of our claim. It's not the money or jewelry that matters. It's the fact that they are hiding a thief and will not communicate or cooperate with us in any manner. We are 35 year cruisers with almost all our cruises on RCI or Celebrity. We are (were) very good customers who were responsible for adding many friends of ours to their sailing lists. It's very frustrating.

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This has me EXTREMELY concerned! We are sailing the Infinity in July. I guess the safest thing to do is get cash from the casino using your credit card??:confused: I don't want to carry cash with us everywhere we go on the ship! Can I ask, was it taken while you were on the ship or while you were in port, or do you know?


If you use the Casino to obtain cash, the amount you receive will be charged against your Seapass card. Don't wait until a port day, because the Casino will be closed. You won't need any cash onboard, since everything is charged to your Seapass account.

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Just returned from a Celebrity Cruise and also had a large sum of money stolen from our locked safe. We reported it to the Hotel Manager who then reported it to the Captain. We were very disappointed with their response and lack of action. We too will be taking it to corporate. Would love to share notes. Please e-mail us directly at FRE23@aol.com. Sharon


Which ship were you on? We were on Century in Nov. and will be on Constellation in August.


:eek: This has been a very disturbing thread. We, too, trust the safe in the cabin. We have our Canadian cash (which probably would not be taken, LOL), our pasports, our American cash for tips and possible incidentals on shore, our credit cards, and any jewellery that my wife takes. We use only the seapass while on board and thought that the safe was a wonderful way to safeguard our stuff. Now...? :mad:


To those of you who have had trouble along this line: Please keep these boards up to date on your successes/failures as time goes on. Thank you for posting this thread; it is a real eye-opener.

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Our theft occured on the Celebrity Expedition. Important Advice. Carefully count the exact amount of money you put in your safe. Check in daily. We will contact corporate and hope to get satisfaction.

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From Sunday April 2, LA Times--

Shipboard thieves love trip's last day


Question: A $2,600 diamond bracelet was stolen from my carry-on bag the final day of a weeklong Royal Caribbean cruise. I had taken the bracelet out of the safe, tucked it into my carry-on bag and grabbed a quick breakfast. I was only gone an hour and assumed the bracelet would be safe because the ship said there would be no cabin service that day. When I arrived home, I discovered the bracelet missing. All I got from Royal Caribbean was a canned rejection letter. Can you help?


Answer: We contacted Royal Caribbean on ****'s behalf. The line conducted an investigation but had no record of anyone entering her room, a spokesman said, adding that Royal Caribbean isn't responsible for the loss.


Passengers should get smart about cruising with expensive jewelry: Leave it at home.


The day of debarkation is "prime time for rip-offs," says San Francisco-based attorney Al Anolik. That's when most thefts occur because the chances of getting caught are the lowest.


On weeklong cruises, crooks have time to case the joint. "Thieves are making notes and planning their moves," says Robert Jarvis, professor of maritime law at Nova Southeastern University in Fort Lauderdale, Fla.


Marino could file a negligence suit against Royal Caribbean. "Cruise lines give false reliance that no one is coming into your cabin on the last day," Anolik says.


But our reader would have to prove that someone illegally entered her room. That's hard to do without spending more than the cost of her bracelet.

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From Sunday April 2, LA Times--

Shipboard thieves love trip's last day


Question: A $2,600 diamond bracelet was stolen from my carry-on bag the final day of a weeklong Royal Caribbean cruise. I had taken the bracelet out of the safe, tucked it into my carry-on bag and grabbed a quick breakfast. I was only gone an hour and assumed the bracelet would be safe because the ship said there would be no cabin service that day. When I arrived home, I discovered the bracelet missing. All I got from Royal Caribbean was a canned rejection letter. Can you help?


Answer: We contacted Royal Caribbean on ****'s behalf. The line conducted an investigation but had no record of anyone entering her room, a spokesman said, adding that Royal Caribbean isn't responsible for the loss.


Passengers should get smart about cruising with expensive jewelry: Leave it at home.


The day of debarkation is "prime time for rip-offs," says San Francisco-based attorney Al Anolik. That's when most thefts occur because the chances of getting caught are the lowest.


On weeklong cruises, crooks have time to case the joint. "Thieves are making notes and planning their moves," says Robert Jarvis, professor of maritime law at Nova Southeastern University in Fort Lauderdale, Fla.


Marino could file a negligence suit against Royal Caribbean. "Cruise lines give false reliance that no one is coming into your cabin on the last day," Anolik says.


But our reader would have to prove that someone illegally entered her room. That's hard to do without spending more than the cost of her bracelet.

link to this story: http://www.latimes.com/travel/la-tr-travelqa2apr02,1,7813914,full.column?coll=la-travel-headlines

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I just got back from the Century, and had an obnoxious safe, which refused to open. First, we were given verbal instructions on how to clear and then re-enter OUR EXISTING code. When that didn't work, the Asst Chief Housekeeper came to our cabin and tried to assist us. When that didn' work, an electrical engineering staff member came to our cabin and drilled the safe apart. Took about 15 minutes and was a noisy process.

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While we too have been lucky that no one has broken into our safe these past many cruises, I am glad I usually use traveler's checks. I have been keeping several hundred in cash in the safe, but I think this teaches me to keep more of the money in the traveler's checks until I need them.


I must say that cashing traveler's checks is extremely easy and can be done at the ships's bank or the casino. I know a lot of people these days are using ATM cards instead of traveler's checks, but on the ship they charge too much to use the ATM. I am lucky in that I do not get a fee charged for purchasing traveler's checks at my bank, so I always use them. If I was not cruising, I definitely would use ATM's instead.


I have heard of too many instances of safes being broken into - even in luxury hotels - all over the world. We should always be aware - even at home and take precautions. I will be on Infinity in May and I already have my traveler's checks ready to go.

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Oops, my mistake - I meant RCI. We have contacted our insurance company and it looks like we will be covered for our losses although we still have to pay the deductible, of course.


Thanks for the quick replies!


(edited for content)

Good luck with the loss. I say that because when we moved from Dallas to NM 5 years ago our entire moving van was stolen. We moved with a very reputable company, the driver was wonderful but he made one big mistake. He parked the van at a Pilot stop one night and went to get a satellite TV installed in the cab. He went back the next morning to find the trailer with 43 years of marriage missing. 5 days late it was found in So Dallas, totally empty with the exception of our couch. We hated that darn couch; I guess the criminals did as well. I bring this up because our insurance company first said, complete replacement, but a few days later said: nope, only 10% cause we were in transit. I guess what happened to you is a little different. NMnita

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What about getting cash every few days from the casino? It just charges to your account. Then you can pay off the credit card once you get home.


Michelle in SoCal

Mercury 4/7/06

that is almost better than travelers checks which are not used that often today. If we are taking a really long trip we still use them, but I will be going with my DD in about 10 days. I will take a few hundred $$ in cash:the rest will be charged to our room via the casino. Hopefully I will make enough in the casino not to have anything added to my on board account: sure and I believe in the tooth fairy as well. LOL

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Today it was suggested I try to contact the Captain's Club-since we're Select Members- to try and talk to someone about our burglary. Here's what happened:

After 5 minutes on hold I got someone from the Captain's Club. They told me I should contact Customer Service and put me on hold for another 5 minutes. Customer Service told me I should be speaking to Post Cruise Services and switched me to them. They told me I should be speaking to Customer Service and before I could say anything they switched me back to them and I was back on hold for 5 minutes. When CS answered again they said I should talk to Risk Management and switched me there. Risk Management said I should be talking to the Main Office and, even though they knew the office was closed, they switched me there and I got the automatic hang-up. Another 20 minutes wasted on the phone and more run-around from Celebrity. The burglary happened three weeks ago and, try as I might, no one at Celebrity will talk to me about it, answer my emails, answer my fax's or answer my letters. Amazing.

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