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Diamond Princess - Tokyo to Sydney and beyond, 4th Sep 2024

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6 hours ago, OzKiwiJJ said:

Possibly but there are some spots where ordering via the medallion is blocked. Plus single espressos aren't the best ordered that way.

Yeah, some of the early morning  cabin delivered coffee's have been junk, but maybe they will get better with practice.


No medallion delivery to the dining areas. Skywalkers should be fair game.

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Anyone who hasn't been before I recommend going to Kyoto, the cultural heart of Japan. Its my favourite place to go for a week. Having flown in and out of KIX a number of times, and not giving Osaka a second thought, it seemed time to have a look around.

In the terminal, you can pick up maps, subway maps and maps enlarged around certain tourist areas. They love their maps. There are locals to give information as well. 

The subway station is about a 5 min walk and you pass a Post office if you need stamps. I bought a day pass for 820 yen. You need cash for the machine. There was a man there helping people if needed but I love those folks on YouTube who make those videos on buying tickets from various machines and always look beforehand.

I went to the Castle. It was a bit of a hike from the station. Then onto Dotonbori, the hotspot of Osaka. It comes more to life at night when the neon signs are lit but I did get to see the famous Glico man. So after 17K steps and in the heat and high humidity, I wilted and didn't go to the Umeda Sky Building to scare myself on the escalators.

I returned to the Port and had a look around. If you don't mind spending money, you needn't leave the port area. The Osaka Aquarium which is 1.2 long walk inside and claims to be the biggest in the world. Legoland, had a sign out saying 'don't enter without a ticket, we are full today'. A ferris wheel- of course Japan's largest. The Marketplace has lots of things Japanese to buy and Universal Studios isn't far away. Sounds like a fun day out.

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The ship docks at Keelung and apparently there are interesting places to visit nearby.  The terminal has a money change counter. Costs approx AU$5 per transaction. There are a few stalls selling local goods as well. They took a card so I bought a fridge magnet. They were meant to have free wi-fi but it wasn't working when I went through.

As Taipei is about a 50 min drive from the Port, I took a ships excursion called 'Taipei old and new' for 7 hours. Its not as simple as the bus parks round the back and is there waiting for you. The bus drops you off, after your visit the guide checks everyone is at the meeting point and then calls the bus to pick you up which obviously involves some waiting.

The first visit was to Chiang Kai-shek Memorial where you can see the National Library and National Theatre as well. Then a visit to Taipei 101, 89th floor observation deck (382m). They have an outdoor one as well at 392m but I didn't have time to go up there. You can just make out Chiang Hei-Shek Memorial in the photo and orange roof of the theatre. I tend to gravitate towards tall buildings and observation decks. Then onto a local restaurant for lunch. Finally a visit to the Lin Family Garden. We were meant to go to a different one but it was closed on Mon even though the guide said they were opening for ship passengers. Water was provided and not too much time in the sun. It was a lovely day out. 

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Well, we are on our way again after waiting 8h yesterday off the coast near Bulan for a medivac by boat. I think they had to wait for tides/currents? before the tender could go in around 7pm. We are still on schedule for Alotau. We now have Cpt. Lembo as the Cpt. Michele B (the one who always finishes what he's saying by 'see you round' got off. The CD is Andi Sanders. I've had him before, can't remember where but always full of cheer.


Todays Patter


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3 hours ago, Yaya_in_Oz said:



Anyone who hasn't been before I recommend going to Kyoto, the cultural heart of Japan. It’s my favourite place to go for a week. Having flown in and out of KIX a number of times,……….


On our next cruise trip to the region I am thinking of flying into KIX and then train, with bags, to Kyoto.

After a few days there, train to Yokohama.


Any tips / advice please on the KIX to Kyoto part ?


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14 hours ago, Tranquility Base said:

On our next cruise trip to the region I am thinking of flying into KIX and then train, with bags, to Kyoto.

After a few days there, train to Yokohama.


Any tips / advice please on the KIX to Kyoto part ?


If the thought of schlepping bags on and off trains is a bit daunting look into whether you can get your bags forwarded from the airport to your Kyoto hotel. It's quite common to do this in Japan. Then just pack a change of clothing and overnight gear in your carry-ons. 


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Hong Kong


Good old Honkers. Haven't been to Kai Tak since it was an airport. Some go 'Wow', you've flown into Kai Tak as if I'm a thrillseeker. It never used to worry me, I figured the pilots knew what they were doing and they have instruments etc. Now its a cruise terminal with a roof top garden. There is currency exchange at the terminal, not as good a rate as an ATM as it includes commission. I really could of got by without any HK money as I didn't get time to go to the market type stalls and everywhere I went took a card. The bus was tap and go. I got seniors entry into everything. Also in the terminal you can pick up a map as well as public transport info. There are people to help although you'll have to queue. There was also a board with approximate taxi prices to various venues but I didn't get a shot of that as too many people looking at it. Hang onto your in-transit ticket. You don't need it on the way out but 4 people asked to see it on the way back in.

My guidebook says, don't go the same way twice, look for something new so I decided to go to

Sky 100 observation deck, the tallest building in HK and then M+ contemporary Art Museum nearby in the relatively new Arts precinct. This took me all day and I arrived back at the terminal just after 5 in time for 5.30 all aboard. The bus alone takes over an hour to get to the end of the line, then you walk into the shopping centre and around in circles till you find the entrance. It does have a sign every so often and there are concierges throughout the Centre if you are not sure. That all went OK and a concierge pointed me to the footbridge to get down to M+ as where you enter Sky100 is not where you exit. I love the modern art museums. I found the Old People's Home quite confronting on a number of levels especially when the wheelchairs started moving but on a brighter note I discovered how to get rid of 5000 bits of junk- turn it into an artwork!  When I went back into the Sky (ICC) building I walked around in ever decreasing circles. Turn me around and I'm lost. I found a concierge and showed him a pic of the shop I saw on entering (I knew this would happen!) and he was busy on his phone trying to find it when a local behind me in the queue said 'I know where it is, I'll take her' and I was right to go. I was able to sit in the front seat of the double decker bus, like a tourist on the way back.


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Edited by Yaya_in_Oz
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I hadn't been to Manila before. Being the most densely populated city in the world, with all those people and all that traffic, I decided to give my feet a rest and went on the ships excursion "Manila Highlights and Kalesa Ride". We went to the old area of Intramuros where we walked around Baluarte de San Diego and then took a kalesa ride around the walled city. A bus ride around Manila followed with a stop at Rizal Park. The tour was just over 3h, enjoyable but would have liked to spend more time in Intramuros I think. Two people fell over when we were walking around so you really have to watch where you're going. These days I'm not a fan of walking on uneven terrain and ancient steps without rails.

For those not going on excursions, they were given a flyer on the shuttle bus to a nearby shopping mall. I didn't get one as there would not have been enough time to go to the mall, look around and return after the excursion. I saw 4 full buses heading off around 10 am. Popular spot. My steward, who is from Manila met up with his family at the mall and said the traffic was so bad it took him nearly an hour to get back to the ship. In 30 years of working for Princess, he said it was the first time he had sailed into Manila.

There were people giving out maps at the terminal but there was no wi-fi and maybe half a dozen or so stalls selling goods at about 5 times the price you'd expect to pay for things. There was no currency exchange but the stalls did take a card but many places don't. I guess they are there for those who don't leave the port. There were new crew getting on the ship.


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On 9/8/2024 at 2:51 PM, OzKiwiJJ said:

Thanks for this info. It gives be a good idea of what to expect when we do the Sydney-Japan repositioning in February.


If you see a waiter around named Ana Joy - she will probably be in one of the MDRs (Savoy?) in the evenings but may be in the buffet at breakfast or lunch - please say hello from Julie and Rolf and ask her if she will still be on the ship in February. Ana Joy and Fernando were our dinner waiters last year when we did a Japan cruise. They were wonderful so we're hoping we'll see them again. 

@OzKiwiJJ, I saw Ana Joy in the Savoy. She is still managing the Savoy until January. She is not sure where she will be or on what ship after that. Fernando elsewhere. She remembers you and says hello.

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On 9/15/2024 at 8:32 PM, Tranquility Base said:

On our next cruise trip to the region I am thinking of flying into KIX and then train, with bags, to Kyoto.

After a few days there, train to Yokohama.


Any tips / advice please on the KIX to Kyoto part ?


I think its a great idea and you won't be disappointed. From KIX they have the Haruka Express into Kyoto Station, either direct or maybe it stops once or twice. They have luggage racks at the end of the carriages and some overhead spots for small things. If the train wasn't full you could just put your case by your seat. There will be plenty of online videos to watch as to where to go and how to buy a ticket etc. You will be able to use a CC in the machine.

As for luggage, you will have to be able to manage it yourself. There is no-one to help, although I'm sure a local would if you were stuck. For me its easy. I have a medium case that rolls (but not over cobble stones!) which weighs about 17-18 kg and carry on is in a small backpack which weighs about 4 kg with the laptop, less without.

I haven't been there since just prior to Covid but if I went again I wouldn't go any other way.

Then there are taxis at Kyoto station to take you to your hotel or buses or local trains etc.

There are a variety tickets available for day travel but I used to just buy a day pass for subway and buses at the hotel before I left for a day of exploring. Directions to attractions are well signposted in romanised English at the Bus Station and stations listed in romanised English as well. Enjoy!

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16 hours ago, Tranquility Base said:


We are back in January docked at Ocean Terminal, so will add that to our day.

A good choice at 393 m high and they have panorama boards set up so there can be doubt as to what you are looking at. It was quiet while I was there but does get busy on weekends etc. when folks are not working, according to staff.

I would have liked to have gone to Macau as I had not been there for 40 years but our stop was not long enough I don't think and I certainly wouldn't be attempting it on my own without a passport.


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1 hour ago, Yaya_in_Oz said:

I think it’s a great idea and you won't be disappointed. From KIX they have the Haruka Express into Kyoto Station, either direct or maybe it stops once or twice. ……..

Excellent info; appreciated.

I’ll work on a plan when we get home.

1 hour ago, Yaya_in_Oz said:

A good choice at 393 m high and they have panorama boards set up so there can be doubt as to what you are looking at. It was quiet while I was there but does get busy on weekends etc. when folks are not working, according to staff.


We are there on a Sunday / Monday……so will plan Monday.

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Yesterday, we had the "Crossing the Equator" ceremony. The Pollywogs (who had not sailed across the Equator before) had to appease King Neptune and the Pirate Queen so we could pass and not have to go back to Manila 😄. We were actually about 3 deg N at the time.

The Captain opened the games and then the Pollywogs, in 4 teams took  part in games like Neptunes Treasure where they threw all the cutlery in the pool and it had to be retrieved. The team with the least treasure were eliminated and had to "kiss the fish" and on it went. The second game I watched is where they had to throw 'ducks' into a hoop with their backs turned. It was quite hot out there so I left after that. I had seen a ceremony in June on the Coral so I understood the concept 🤣. The one on the Coral was a better ceremony but I liked the team arrangement as more people could see what was going on.

I thought there were heaps of people outside so there would be no-one inside. Not true. As I wandered through the Conservatory and down to the Library there were lots of people just enjoying their sea day. Just as well as there was no more room outside really.

Down in the Library there were about 6 jigsaws on the go. They only had about 2 full shelves of books and the one I'd donated the day before had gone. i always get a couple from the op shop and donate. I'd bought a couple of Michael Connelly's who is always popular. The CD said he'd gone out and bought a few more games of scrabble as it was popular.

Of course, I took some selfies nearer to the Equator. 😎


So one more sea day tomorrow, then its onto Alotau and Conflict Islands. I was in those ports Jan '23 so I will just wander in Alotau and hopefully go for a swim in Conflict Islands. I rarely swim in the ocean these days but it looked so invitating last time. I'd been on an excursion, then walked around the island, so it was then  time to go.



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4 hours ago, Yaya_in_Oz said:

@OzKiwiJJ, I saw Ana Joy in the Savoy. She is still managing the Savoy until January. She is not sure where she will be or on what ship after that. Fernando elsewhere. She remembers you and says hello.

Thanks. I was hoping she'd still be on the ship when it goes back to Japan. I guess we'll just miss her. 

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