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No Children in Adult Areas!!!

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Okay, no flames please. That is a long way from letting a mature well-behaved 15 year old into a gym. But, the principle still applies. It's hard for a teen to exercise good judgement if they are getting mixed messages from a parent.


Very well said Vicki and I agree completely!! DH's family was surprised when I "admitted" that my son had just turned the age where the price increase went into effect at an amusement park. Their view was that the person at the ticket booth would not know. That is true ... but *I* know. And DS knows.


(and while I adore children, I have 2 of my own and teach third grade and love it, if I go to an "adult only area" then I expect it to be that way.)

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My vacation dollar no longer goes to RCI for a few reasons, this situation with kids running rampant being one of them.
I agree with your position about kids, but I'm just curious...you said your vacation dollar no longer goes to RCI, but you list two RCI cruises in your list of upcoming cruises ???:confused:
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I agree with your position about kids, but I'm just curious...you said your vacation dollar no longer goes to RCI, but you list two RCI cruises in your list of upcoming cruises ???:confused:



You are observant.


I am a TA, meeting planner and group leader and the SOS cruise is business as I am accompanying a group of 126.


Freedom is a by invitation pre-innaugural and I have never done that so I am going. I expect few kids as the invites are for two per cabin.


So, none of my own money is being spent on these two sailings.


The only pleasure cruise I have scheduled is my wedding cruise on Century in November. As much as I used to love cruising, these days I just cannot get very excited about it unless it is a chance to cruise with the luxury lines that have smaller ships, interesting itineraries and do not cater to families. I have had enough of mainstream cruising for pleasure.

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Okay, no flames please. That is a long way from letting a mature well-behaved 15 year old into a gym. But, the principle still applies. It's hard for a teen to exercise good judgement if they are getting mixed messages from a parent.


You are 100% correct.

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You are observant.


I am a TA, meeting planner and group leader and the SOS cruise is business as I am accompanying a group of 126.


Freedom is a by invitation pre-innaugural and I have never done that so I am going. I expect few kids as the invites are for two per cabin.


So, none of my own money is being spent on these two sailings.


The only pleasure cruise I have scheduled is my wedding cruise on Century in November. As much as I used to love cruising, these days I just cannot get very excited about it unless it is a chance to cruise with the luxury lines that have smaller ships, interesting itineraries and do not cater to families. I have had enough of mainstream cruising for pleasure.

Thanks for the explanation! Makes perfect sense. I guess after as many cruises as you have taken, it's understandable that you are more discerning about what you want in a cruise.
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Okay, no flames please. That is a long way from letting a mature well-behaved 15 year old into a gym. But, the principle still applies. It's hard for a teen to exercise good judgement if they are getting mixed messages from a parent.


Another vote for very well said!

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Okay, no flames please. That is a long way from letting a mature well-behaved 15 year old into a gym. But, the principle still applies. It's hard for a teen to exercise good judgement if they are getting mixed messages from a parent.

People seem to think that if I do one small thing bad, I make medium transgressions or bigger ones, that I'm innately bad. I don't smuggle booze on board, I don't say my kids are younger than they are to get the children's rate, I don't speed, I can go on.


I don't understand this attitude that I'm teaching my child to lie. I've always tried to instill honesty and integrity in her. It was her grade school friends that taught her to lie. It was her middle high school friends that got her into smoking and booze and drugs.


It's all fine and good you talk about strict, level, harsh discipline. How nice for you. I couldn't discipline my daughter, I couldn't even yell at her cause if I did, she'd go into the bathroom or her bedroom and cut herself up. If an ambulence got called, they'd decide she was a threat to herself and would put her in a psychiatric facility, sometimes for months at a time.


The whole point of having her say she was 16 was to avoid a potential hassle which I think was an amazingly trivial point given she was a mere few months away from the minimum age anyway (and it never even came up so the whole thing was moot). This was if she wanted to use the gym or the solarium, I don't even remember if she did or not. I did book her an upper body massage because after the first night she got a crick in her neck and the massage worked it out and made her feel better.


If I am inherently wrong, if I am a bad mother for doing this, then whatever. Go sit on your high horses. Go wear your rose-coloured glasses. Go live in your perfect worlds. I'm too busy dealing with reality to worry about it.


PS: I mentioned this thread to her, the first thing she said was: if they have a pregnant wife/friend, do they tell her yes, she looks like a fat cow when she moans she's fat and preggers?

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You have just experienced one of the drawbacks to these public boards where we give our opinions, but the readers don't see the "behind the scenes" experiences that go into our decisions and actions.


Yay for you for learning how to deal with your daughter's problems and struggles.


My mother once asked me why I wasn't forcing my then 14 year old son to dress better on a cold day and dinner out. I said "Mom, I pick my fights. Drugs, alcohol, smoking: THOSE I fight about. Not wearing a sweater I don't bother with."


Enjoy your cruise with your daughter.

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Wow, I don't know quite what to say except kudos to you for taking a child with such risky behavior on a cruise in the first place. I would never have done that, I would be afraid she would jump overboard if she got mad a me.


I can see you had your hands full. Sorry, about that.

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As much as I used to love cruising, these days I just cannot get very excited about it unless it is a chance to cruise with the luxury lines that have smaller ships, interesting itineraries and do not cater to families. I have had enough of mainstream cruising for pleasure.


Good for you!!! That is what I was trying to point out. There are options out there for everyone and RCI is obviously NOT for all who cruise. Some would choose no other, and some would swear to never go on RCI, ever! I on the other hand hope I get to try all of them at some point! A cruise to anywhere is a great cruise to me, but if I am paying I choose where my money will go!:cool: and this time it is going to RCI, next time to Carnival, and so on...

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People seem to think that if I do one small thing bad, I make medium transgressions or bigger ones, that I'm innately bad. I don't smuggle booze on board, I don't say my kids are younger than they are to get the children's rate, I don't speed, I can go on.


I don't understand this attitude that I'm teaching my child to lie. I've always tried to instill honesty and integrity in her. It was her grade school friends that taught her to lie. It was her middle high school friends that got her into smoking and booze and drugs.


It's all fine and good you talk about strict, level, harsh discipline. How nice for you. I couldn't discipline my daughter, I couldn't even yell at her cause if I did, she'd go into the bathroom or her bedroom and cut herself up. If an ambulence got called, they'd decide she was a threat to herself and would put her in a psychiatric facility, sometimes for months at a time.


The whole point of having her say she was 16 was to avoid a potential hassle which I think was an amazingly trivial point given she was a mere few months away from the minimum age anyway (and it never even came up so the whole thing was moot). This was if she wanted to use the gym or the solarium, I don't even remember if she did or not. I did book her an upper body massage because after the first night she got a crick in her neck and the massage worked it out and made her feel better.


If I am inherently wrong, if I am a bad mother for doing this, then whatever. Go sit on your high horses. Go wear your rose-coloured glasses. Go live in your perfect worlds. I'm too busy dealing with reality to worry about it.


PS: I mentioned this thread to her, the first thing she said was: if they have a pregnant wife/friend, do they tell her yes, she looks like a fat cow when she moans she's fat and preggers?


Why would you feel it necessary to tell all of these private details to us, a bunch of strangers, yet you say you're too busy to worry about it?

I am sorry to hear that you have had struggles with your daughter, but that doesn't justify following only the rules you choose to. When you say you pick your battles, a cruiseline's rules are not your battles to pick. They are rules. All of us have to follow rules, whether we're kids or adults. It's best to instill in them early on that rules must be followed, whether we like them or not.

As for the "preggers" and "fat cow" analogy, you lost me. Surely you and your daughter don't compare pregnant women to fat cows?!

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You have just experienced one of the drawbacks to these public boards where we give our opinions, but the readers don't see the "behind the scenes" experiences that go into our decisions and actions.


Yay for you for learning how to deal with your daughter's problems and struggles.


My mother once asked me why I wasn't forcing my then 14 year old son to dress better on a cold day and dinner out. I said "Mom, I pick my fights. Drugs, alcohol, smoking: THOSE I fight about. Not wearing a sweater I don't bother with."


Enjoy your cruise with your daughter.


I addressed this to the wrong poster: it's meant for zantedeschia

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. . . When I was a kid, my parents were more than happy to leave me at home and go out without me.


'nuff said!


I on the other hand not only love, but like my child. My DH and I do not feel the need to "get away" from her.


She is 10. As a family, on a family vaction, we do not frequent the adult-only venues. But we also will not suffer any boors when we adhere to the rules -- we have been known to cruise some of the chillier itineraries when the Solarium has posted hours for family use - and we will enjoy that area at those times. We have taken her to Portifinos once, when the "rules" for the ship that we were on allowed children prior to 6:00pm - we got the earliest reservation and were out well before 6:00. On a recent NCL cruise, we had a similar experience to another poster, in that our child and another child sitting nearby were both well behaved, but another party all "adults" were quite loud and one woman kept getting out of her seat, walking around the table and "hitting" one of two men who were teasing her.


I dislike being around others behaving badly - whether it is the mother in Target ignoring her son's meltdown (he was about 2, and it was 9:30PM - go figure), the teens running through the mall, or the WWII submarine vets who were SO LOUD and SO OBNOXIOUS at a very fine restraunt that we were among three tables nearby that the management not only moved us but picked up our tabs after apologizing profusely for the men's behavior.

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How is your meal personally going to be diminished by sitting beside of a 12 year old versus a 13 year old who is only a month older? And furthermore, how will you possibly know without asking the ages of such kids? I do understand it is the principle of following rules, but wouldn't that be the business of the parent who is making that choice?


As I have stated previously on this board, I personally would prefer the specialty restaurants to be truly adult only...only those of drinking age should be allowed.


Also the only other cruise I've ever been on was Disney, and ironically the only problem we had was with another parent who insisted that we share our last night hottub time at 1:00 am with his two kids!


But the restaurant thing with the borderline aged kids, I just don't get it.... Flame away!

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PS: I mentioned this thread to her, the first thing she said was: if they have a pregnant wife/friend, do they tell her yes, she looks like a fat cow when she moans she's fat and preggers?


Not apples to apples. Refraining from telling someone they look "fat" is a "white lie," meaning the intent is to spare someone's feelings (though I disagree with your daughter's inference that pregnant is the same as fat). Lying about one's age in order to enjoy priveleges to which one is not entitled is another thing entirely, as is cheating on your taxes, or any other number of lies whose purpose is purely selfish. I have lied before and after the fact I did not feel very good about it. I certainly did not puff up and tell myself that my lie was no worse than reassuring an obviously worried and insecure person that they look alright.

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Not to start an argument but maybe you should back off on the rules a little. Was it not you giving advise about smuggling booze in bubble wrap?


We have all done something in life that was against the rules. Maybe not against the law, but the rules of someone or somewhere. Maybe you sent a sweet snack to school when all they allow is healthy. Maybe you went out with someone and your parents never knew. Ever see a "R" rated movie before your time? If she wanted to share her reasons, so be it. It may make her feel better to share with perfect strangers as opposed to the people who know her family and start something really ugly. Cutting is a serious issue among teens today! Good luck with that!


And by the way pregnant people are fat...PHAT!;)

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I have cruised a couple of times with my children (15, 8 and 3), and in my belief the rules that are stated should be followed i.e. hot tubs etc, there is so many other things to do on board i.e. kids clubs, own pool area and slide, mini golf that we did not feel we needed to encroach on the adult only space.


My daughter of 15 would never dream of joining a gang disturbing other guests. I feel proud that she want to stay and enjoy our family time together (we have such a busy home life - our holiday is get together time!)


I can also agree with the comments about speciality restaurants being adult only - fair do - the main restaurant is more than adequate for family dining - they are busy bustling places and any noise made by my 8 and 3 year olds just blended in - i would be uncomfortable for others in a more 'intimate' setting.



We will only do mainstream cruising on advertised family friendly ships such as Royal Caribbean and abide by any rules set out - i couldnt stand the thought and am very conscious that my family or I could make anyone feel uncomfortable or disturbed by the presence of my children (however cute they may seem to me!) which I trust is a sentiment shared by many.



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Not to start an argument but maybe you should back off on the rules a little. Was it not you giving advise about smuggling booze in bubble wrap?


We have all done something in life that was against the rules. Maybe not against the law, but the rules of someone or somewhere. Maybe you sent a sweet snack to school when all they allow is healthy. Maybe you went out with someone and your parents never knew. Ever see a "R" rated movie before your time? If she wanted to share her reasons, so be it. It may make her feel better to share with perfect strangers as opposed to the people who know her family and start something really ugly. Cutting is a serious issue among teens today! Good luck with that!


And by the way pregnant people are fat...PHAT!;)


Please feel free to go back and read any of my posts. It was my understanding that passengers could take (not smuggle) wine that was NOT offered for sale anywhere on the ship. While I haven't done it (I have no extra room in my luggage when I pack for a cruise!), I don't care if others do. I am happy to drink what they offer for sale and I don't require a certain brand.

My gripe on this thread (and be advised that many posts have been deleted by the host) was in telling a child to lie about her age, which as a parent really struck a chord with me.

I agree it's time to let it go. We all have to live with our choices, and I'm sure I am far from being a perfect parent.


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I'd like to make two quick points.


#1) "My child paid full fare for this cruise" or "my child is a paying customer like everyone else". Statements like this are constantly made on these threads. The point in the adults-only area is so that adults can have a child-free cruise experience. There are areas in life where children do not belong. How much one paid for his cruise has nothing to do with why children aren't allowed in the solarium, Portofinos, etc. They are not allowed for the comfort of adults. So, please, for those of you who use this excuse, please understand that kids are not being banned due to a reduction in their fare, they are being banned because they get on some people's nerves. There have been many examples presented here to illustrate this.


#2) Regardless of what social issues a child deals with, its never acceptable to encourage your child to tell lies, IMHO. As far as a child of 15 behaving well in the solarium, most wouldn't know she wasn't 16 but the point is that its wrong to lie and to encourage your child to frequent places where kids aren't welcome. Rules are rules, whether you agree with them. When you use your cruise ticket, you are agreeing to follow the rules on the ship.


Just my opinion!

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Well, unless the ShipShape Center is overcrowded, and the designers of the space had a certain capacity in mind, based on adult population, and there is a 15 year old where s/he doesn't belong, taking up a space to which s/he isn't entitled.........................

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and don't tell me a 15 year old on the treadmill is ruining your cruise.

But it will surely ruin your cruise when she/he gets hurt in the gym and you try to take it out/sue the cruise line... If she/he doesn't belong there, then they dont belong there... Cruise line rules, not yours.

In addition, in reality, children under 16 should not be excercising in a gym anyway... they are too young, and most doctors would recommend against it.


Really, how hard is it to obey the rules... you paid money for the ticket, and thus, you have agreed to the rules and regulations set forth by the cruiseline, not your interpretation of said rules.


Not every child is loud, obnoxious or out of control, true... and obviously, not every parent is responsible, mature or always right.


My .02


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