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what is your definition?

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Ok, I have a question, in light of some discussion, on capris, velvet in summer/warm climates, travelling abroad, etc and fashion and dressing, I ask the following?


Let's not think specifically cruise life. Let's think in overall day to day general life and travel where no dress codes are stated in travel documents such as a cruise ship.


What do you define as well dressed? What do you define as "put together" "polished"? Do you seperate any of these from appropriately dressed?


Do you see a difference between nicely dressed and very well dressed? Do you think wearing makeup matters if the person is wearing makeup depending on the outfit, attire, occasion.


What do you define as "dressed up" "well dressed" "appropriately dressed".


Aside from obvious stuff like speedo bathing suits, bra straps showing, visible panty lines, etc etc what makes you think a person is "well dressed"?


Do you think you can spot a cheap outfit from an expensive one? As an example, a simple black pansuit for a woman, black is black, both can be made of the same fabric - let's say wool for winter or linen for summer, can you tell the difference between the $200 one vs say $2,000 one?


Same with a black leather jacket, can you tell the difference between the expensive one or the cheap one?


I use black because it is a basic color and probably worn the most and has the most out there in terms of pricing going from very low to very high.


No touching of the fabric, just by looking?


Assuming the place is appropriate for jean attire, do you think the price of jeans makes a difference. No flames on this one, please, it's not about where jeans are appropriate attire, this has nothing to do with where a person should or shouldn't wear jeans, but do you think the price of jeans makes one pair nicer, better, the wearer more well dressed? Do you think how the jeans are worn makes a difference, i.e., casual shoe vs a dressier shoe as shown, jeans with strappy healed sandles and a nice jacket as opposed to a sweater and jeans?. Do you think white jeans are dressier than blue jeans?


And the big question, what is the difference to you, personally, between appropriately attired and well dressed? I personally see the two as not being the same, you can be both, but I do think you can be one or the other as well.


Do you think that price matters when deciding if a person is really well dressed or just dressed nicely?


Again no flames please, it is simply opinions and your personal views on fashion.

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So many questions! I'll just tackle a few...


I think what makes someone look really well-dressed and put together is accessories. I am not very good at accessorizing so when I see someone who is, I'm always impressed. Like if they have a nice belt that pulls together the elements of their clothes, or the perfect bag or perfect shoes - that just makes me take a second look. I have a lot of outfits that look perfectly nice but they might be lacking that extra piece that would make them really stand out. But for me, it's hard to justify paying a lot of money for an accessory-type item that will only work with one outfit. I have purchased a few items, such as a black grosgrain belt with white dots, that help pull my black and white outfits together.


The jeans question: I love the higher-end designer jeans. I've got six pairs and would love to have more. Jeans are my weakness! I don't think all the high-end jeans look that great on me, though. When I look at myself in, say, True Religion (which I would love to own), I have to accept that they just don't look right on me and I'd probably look better in a pair from the Gap or Target or something. I wear jeans a lot so I don't think too much about the cost anymore. I have noticed, though, that what I consider expensive for a pair of jeans has gone up. At first I said nothing over $120, then $150, now I'm at $200. I really think I'd have to draw the line at that (or my husband would draw it for me!).

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I think well-dressed is more of an overall look versus a particular item of clothing or a fabric. I don’t think it has to do with how much an item costs either. I personally don’t have time to really dissect someone’s wardrobe piece by piece. The most time I ever have time to study what someone wears would be in an elevator between floors.


As far as jeans go, I don’t think the price really matters as much as how they are worn. And they should fit a woman's body type. I have several different categories of jeans. I have my work in the garden, blue, with maybe a hole or maybe they are faded jeans. I have my go to the store or out somewhere casual jeans, these will be blue, or tan, non-holey, non-faded but hemmed for flats (either tennis shoes, loafers or sandals) and I will wear a t-shirt, tank top etc. with these. Then I have my going to a nice restaurant or event jeans. These are either black, charcoal, white, pink (summer) or other color, pressed, maybe light starch, well fitting paired with heels, heeled boots and silk tops with maybe a jacket.


I think well-dressed is always appropriate but appropriate may not necessarily be well-dressed.

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1. IMO velvet or velour should never, ever be worn. The possible exception would be during the holiday season, and even then most of the time it looks frumpy.


2. I can't tell the difference between expensive and reasonably priced clothes, and I don't care to ever know. If it fits and it looks good I don't care the price or what label is on the inside.


3. To me what makes someone look "polished" is when their clothes fit well and complement their body shape, they pick colors that work well with their skin tone (as much as I would love to I wouldn't be caught dead wearing olive colors because I can't pull it off), and they choose accessories that set off their outfit, rather than competing with it (delicate jewelery with delicate fabrics, chucky, clunky jewelery with more rustic fabrics, etc.)


4a. "do you think the price of jeans makes one pair nicer, better, the wearer more well dressed?"

-Generally no, but I do think the ability to spend more on something liike a pair of jeans gives someone the freedom to find a pair that fits their particular body shape really well. Due to financial constraints I have to limit my jeans to about $30 a pair, so I don't have as many option, KWIM?


4b. "Do you think how the jeans are worn makes a difference, i.e., casual shoe vs a dressier shoe as shown, jeans with strappy healed sandles and a nice jacket as opposed to a sweater and jeans?. Do you think white jeans are dressier than blue jeans?"

-I don't think how a pair of jeans is worn makes the pair itself better. I do think that it changes the look of the outfit overall and the look of the person wearing it, but the jeans are as they ever were. Although IMO one should never pair baggy jeans with strappy sandles or nice tops because the bagginess automatically denotes casual.

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Cary Grant to me is an example of well dressed.


He only wore his own suits in his movies and they were all custom made for him. It was commonplace for him to appear in a movie in a suit that was 20 years old.


My mother always told me no matter what to wear good shoes and carry a good handbag.


I think the construction of a $200 women's suit vs. an $2000 suit shows. It's all in the details. The fabric will also be of a much higher quality.


Nicely dressed: Donald Trump (Brioni talks)


Well dressed; Cary Grant


Younger person with good taste: David Beckham


As far as jeans go, the expensive ones are usually made with imported denim and hand distressed.


Appropriately attired is someone who dresses for the occaision whether that be in a bathing suit at the beach or a dress for a wedding.


Money does matter in the difference (to me) between being really well dressed (need some money) and dressed nicely (neat and clean).

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I don't think price matters. I have seen some in fancy designer clothing that look like slobs and others with clothing from Kmart or Walmart that look absolutely fantastic.

Have you ever watched the TLC show "What Not to Wear" where the "victim" goes out on their own to shop after being showed what kind of clothes look good on them? A lot of times the person goes into upscale shops, ignores the advice from the fashion experts, and buys the same styles as they originally had - only more expensive. Luckily for them, the experts rush in and shop with them to keep them from looking more expensively the same.

Well dressed has more to do with the fit, upkeep, look, and the function (appropriate-ness) of the clothes, and accessorizing than with the cost.

As the previous poster stated, a well dressed person is always dressed appropriately, but an a appropriately person may not be well dressed.

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I would define well dressed as:


- clothes that are stylish, of good quality, proper fit and tailored for the individual ( I do not care how expensive an outfit is; if the sleeves are too long on a suit the entire effect is poor); they should flatter the wearer in terms of proportion, color, etc.


- accessories of good quality that are well cared for (shoes polished, no run down soles, etc.)


- hair, makeup and jewelry that pull together the look


I always notice both men and women that are "put together". It is a total look, not just pieces.


I can spot the difference in expensive vs inexpensive clothes quite easily. While it is certainly possible to be well dressed on any budget, the fabric, cut and finish of well made clothing and accessories truly stand out.


I was raised to believe that it is better to have one item of good quality than 3 of lessor quality and I do believe that still.


As BlueHerons describes "Appropriately attired is someone who dresses for the occasion whether that be in a bathing suit at the beach or a dress for a wedding." The clothing should suit the occasion, the climate and the formality of the event. It should also suit the wearer.

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Thank you ladies, so far, very interresting. I do agree with all that you wrote Blue Herons and Caviargirl, although I can't remember to much about Cary Grant and didn't know that about his suits, interesting fashion tidbit.


I also agree that a polished look is a "total package" not just individual pieces.


I also agree with the statement that a well dressed person will almost always be appropriate, but appropriate doesn't always mean well dressed. I say almost, because if a woman is really really well dressed but didn't for some reason know a particular culture, or for some reason didn't understand the dress code of the event (let's call it cocktail attire vs business attire) and has on a very nice, well fitting, well made conservative pantsuit, but that culture for some reason frowns on pants for ladies, or the event is more "cocktail" than "business" and misuderstandings happen, then perhaps regardless of how well dressed, it may not be 100% appropriate.


I agree with your mom Caviargirl, I was raised that way too, and I too can easily spot the difference in the quality of clothing, especially leather and suede clothing.


I also agree with your mom BlueHerons.

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I enjoy seeing people in many different styles of fashion, not just what I would wear, but what is suitable for them. I can appreciate a well put together punk rock outfit and not give the thumbs up to a woman in a boring business suit, unless the cut is beautiful on her.


More than anything else, fit is the most important thing for me. An expensive article of clothing, whether it is too small or too big will look bad on a person. Trying to dress too young when you are, say, my age looks silly, dressing too old, say someone dressing like me, only in their 20's or 30's will look just make them look old. Posture plays a big role, too, the most beautiful evening gown can be ruined by a woman who slumps her shoulders.


I can almost always tell if a person is wearing cheap shoes or a cheap bag. A person at my work always has knock-offs and I hear everyone complimenting her, I just keep my mouth shut. Yet, at the same time, another person at my work will look so cute, I'll ask her where she got her shirt and she'll say Target or Kohls..... go figure.


Appropriately attired is dressed for the occasion one is attending. What will work for a barbeque party would look odd at an afternoon wedding and vice-versa. The most appropriately dressed people are the ones who give some thought to their appearance and it shows.


Edit to add the jeans thing. I suppose I'm of an age where I think of jeans as work wear, I wear them quite a bit to work. Adding a nice top and a pair of heels doesn't do much, for me, it just downgrades the shoes and the top. But, we all see things differently with our own eyes, so I'm not one to critisize the look, it just has a different look to me than other people. It's kind of like music, what appeals to my ear someone else will not like. Take the last American Idol winner, Carrie, I never heard a great voice from her and kept wondering what was keeping her in the competition, I was stunned that she got to the final 3, even more stunned that she won. A year later, her own album, awards and all, I still don't hear much musically from her, just a bland voice, not unpleasant, but nothing unique. But, obviously many people are hearing something that I don't and it's all OK, I'll stick to my classic rock.

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I would define well dressed as:


- clothes that are stylish, of good quality, proper fit and tailored for the individual ( I do not care how expensive an outfit is; if the sleeves are too long on a suit the entire effect is poor); they should flatter the wearer in terms of proportion, color, etc.




This is where I equate money with well dressed because for the most part, "clothes that are stylish, of good quality, proper fit, and tailored for the individual" aren't inexpensive.


Even if you sew and tailor your own clothes, a good quality fabric is expensive.

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I can spot the difference in expensive vs inexpensive clothes quite easily. While it is certainly possible to be well dressed on any budget, the fabric, cut and finish of well made clothing and accessories truly stand out.


I think the main difference between spotting expensive attire versus inexpensive attire, is that the person who pays $2000 for a suit is more likely to have it properly tailored to fit. If people did the same with a $200 suit, it would be harder to tell the difference from 10+ft away.



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I would define well dressed as:


- clothes that are stylish, of good quality, proper fit and tailored for the individual ( I do not care how expensive an outfit is; if the sleeves are too long on a suit the entire effect is poor); they should flatter the wearer in terms of proportion, color, etc.


- accessories of good quality that are well cared for (shoes polished, no run down soles, etc.)


- hair, makeup and jewelry that pull together the look


I always notice both men and women that are "put together". It is a total look, not just pieces.


I can spot the difference in expensive vs inexpensive clothes quite easily. While it is certainly possible to be well dressed on any budget, the fabric, cut and finish of well made clothing and accessories truly stand out.


I was raised to believe that it is better to have one item of good quality than 3 of lessor quality and I do believe that still.


As BlueHerons describes "Appropriately attired is someone who dresses for the occasion whether that be in a bathing suit at the beach or a dress for a wedding." The clothing should suit the occasion, the climate and the formality of the event. It should also suit the wearer.


I would agree 100%.

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While I agree with the others that well dressed means wearing clothing that is in good shape and stylish as well as appropriate for the person and pulled together well with accessories, I think someone can still be at least somewhat well dressed even on a lower budget. Because the idea of quality varies so much from person to person depending on how much money they do have to spend on clothes. I know that I can't afford to spend as much as some people can on clothes so my idea of buying one quality item has to be less expensive.


So, basically, I think that while it's a lot easier to be well dressed when you can spend more, you can still be well dressed if you can't spend as much. I think it's more about fit , the clothing being in good shape and the right clothing for your body--combined with accesories (sp?) that are appropriate.


I can't really tell the difference in cost personally. I notice fit and appropriateness for the occassion more than anything else.

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