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Live review Pride of Aloha 6/9/2006 sailing


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One more thing, I did ask the reception desk about our dining experience ( long wait) if this was the norm for the ship. She explained that they are short handed at this time, and are trying to hire additional help. Perhaps when other people had sailed a few months ago, they were either at, or near full staff.


As to not being lazy and clearing our coffee cups from the balcony, that is one of the things that I love about crusing. BEING PAMPERED. Every other cruise that we have ever been on, the room stewards took good care of us. That doesn't mean leaving cloths and the like strewen all over the cabin expecting to be picked up after, but if we did have dishes in the cabin, they always made their way back to where they belonged, in a VERY timely fashion.


Incedently, one of the prior posts noted that I stood up in the theater with cell phone in hand taking pictures, and wore shorts and flip flops in the main dining areas. Perhaps he can give a description of me. There were 2 other posters to this board that I met on board. I am sure that they can either concur that the description was me, or not. I feel that this person making the untrue post should be bared from this web sight. I believe that part of the requirements of this web sight is no personal attacks. I believe that a out right lie does qualify as a personal attack. Several of you may question my judgement, but I have NEVER launched a personal attack against any of you, nor do I plan to start.


Chris Neville

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Yes, I know the rules, but I think people took way too much liberty in their concern for a 16yr old in a cabin by herself. I believe the vast majority of folks on this board would allow a 16 yr old to walk the ship alone, go to eat, the shows, etc.


How is that ANY different than staying in a cabin alone? Think through your answers folks before you jump! There are plenty of other cabins and places on this ship that somebody can get into trouble besides just the cabin.


And, if she was staying in the same cabin as the parents, while the parents went out for late night dancing or shows or drinks, would that be any different?


As to thinking a 16 old would NEVER leave their cabin at night, that too is a little bit naive. (but understandable)

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Yes, I know the rules, but I think people took way too much liberty in their concern for a 16yr old in a cabin by herself. I believe the vast majority of folks on this board would allow a 16 yr old to walk the ship alone, go to eat, the shows, etc.


How is that ANY different than staying in a cabin alone? Think through your answers folks before you jump! There are plenty of other cabins and places on this ship that somebody can get into trouble besides just the cabin.


And, if she was staying in the same cabin as the parents, while the parents went out for late night dancing or shows or drinks, would that be any different?


As to thinking a 16 old would NEVER leave their cabin at night, that too is a little bit naive. (but understandable)

I can pretty well assure you my daughter wouldn't want her daughters to walk around the ship alone at night when they were that age. Our oldest granddaughter just got married 6 months ago on a ship (in fact 6 months ago today) even her adult friends, all in their early 20s that were aboard the ship spent followed the buddy routine. Never would I have allowed my 16 year old to be in a cabin alone, 6 levels below where we were staying. I wouldn't have allowed this if she had a friend with her. This is not saying we wouldn't have gotten a cabin for them, but certainly not that far away. Of course things can happen regardles, some kids are more mature at 16 but why push your luck? Remember Natalie or the gal on RCI about 5 years ago? There are too many stories like this: BTW, I was considered a very relaxed parent as is my daughter. We allowed our kids to do things other kids would not be allowed to do, so I am not an over protective mommy or grandma. I am one who is questioning the judgement of the OP in many ways. I do not mean to personally attack him, but much of his negative remarks need to be put in prospective and being upset because he caught caught with his hand in the cookie jar, allowing his daughter to stay alone 6 levels away and I am sure carrying on so they could witness this is reason to question his judgement. NMnita
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So, back to my question. If you were sharing a cabin with your 16 yr old, and you and your spouse wanted to go dancing for evening, or a late movie, maybe a nitecap, etc.,


Would you:


a) Leave her in the cabin alone.


b) Require her to tag along with you


c) Get a babysitter for her so you could go out.


d) Stay put in the cabin and not go out?

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So, back to my question. If you were sharing a cabin with your 16 yr old, and you and your spouse wanted to go dancing for evening, or a late movie, maybe a nitecap, etc.,


Would you:


a) Leave her in the cabin alone.


b) Require her to tag along with you


c) Get a babysitter for her so you could go out.


d) Stay put in the cabin and not go out?

I would add:

e) Have her go to the supervised teen club

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So, back to my question. If you were sharing a cabin with your 16 yr old, and you and your spouse wanted to go dancing for evening, or a late movie, maybe a nitecap, etc.,


Would you:


a) Leave her in the cabin alone.


b) Require her to tag along with you


c) Get a babysitter for her so you could go out.


d) Stay put in the cabin and not go out?


none of the above: I would do either 1-make sure she goes to the teen club


2-probably not take her on a cruise without a friend to tag along. Or maybe a brother. OP said he booked the cabin 1 for himself and son and the other for wife and daughter, but we have never heard a word about the son, or I don't remembering reading anything about son. Am I the only one here that spells something funny? Even if everything is on the up and up, leaving her alone in the cabin while you go to dinner or get away for awhile is quite different than her having her own cabin 6 decks away. He claims they walked her to her cabin each night, indicating she was out and about with or without them during the evening. NMnita

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C. Cabin Cleaning: The outside table on our balcony was never cleaned and was filthy the entire trip. We had coffee out on our balcony and left the coffee cups there, assuming that they would be cleaned up for us. The cups remained there for several days without being picked up. You will probably say this was because we with held our tips. funny thing is that I didn't get around to it till Thursday, so the crew would have no knowledge that I was going to 0 out my tipping.


Did you ever stop to think that some of the crew might be reading these posts? You may be infamous among the crew for all you know, especially since you are so free with your name and cabin number. If so I would imagine that your assigned staff would be less than enthusiastic about serving someone who clearly planned to stiff them.

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Incedently, one of the prior posts noted that I stood up in the theater with cell phone in hand taking pictures, and wore shorts and flip flops in the main dining areas. Perhaps he can give a description of me. There were 2 other posters to this board that I met on board. I am sure that they can either concur that the description was me, or not.


I believe the other poster was simply making a point that we have all had experiences traveling with people who are negative and inconsiderate. I don't believe he was saying you were the specific person in those cases, just another example of that type of traveler. I think you are interpreting the post much too literally.

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.... leaving her alone in the cabin while you go to dinner or get away for awhile is quite different than her having her own cabin 6 decks away....


I am not sure that I see a difference here? I would guess the dining room might be 6 decks away?

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I am not sure that I see a difference here? I would guess the dining room might be 6 decks away?
You don't see the difference between a few hours and over night. Most of us felt our kids were old enough to be left alone or even baby sit at 12,13 or whatever, but never would we have left them alone overnight. I guess we will have to agree to disagree on this one: A 16 year old is not an adult legally or in any other way. Maybe you would allow a kid that age to have a cabin by herself or himself, I would not. End of story!!!! NMNita
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Leaving a 16 year old alone during "peak" times of a cruise (i.e. the evening when everyone is awake and out and about) is different than leaving her alone through the night when anything could happen. THis is not saying that it could not happen when others are up, but less likely. I suppose if something did happen to the OP daughter, it would be NCL's fault. Or would he actually have taken to responsibility for his actions... something he has not done for any of the rules he broke?

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Does not NCL and other cruiselines require an adult over 25 to share a cabin with someone under 21?? How can a 16 year old be allowed to have the cabin to herself? Would not the attendants report it? Would they not have access and realize she was alone?

Is this the way some young people disappear from cruises?


:confused: :confused:

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Leaving a child alone in a cabin is tantamount to child neglect. Shame on the parents! Anything could have happened. The defense of their actions is reprehensible. Had there been an emergency on the ship, that child would have been at the mercy of... arrrgh I just hate to think about it. I worked many years in Childrens' court and have seen the ravages of neglect. Even in OP's way of thinking - minimal supervision. Hogwash!

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Does not NCL and other cruiselines require an adult over 25 to share a cabin with someone under 21?? How can a 16 year old be allowed to have the cabin to herself? Would not the attendants report it? Would they not have access and realize she was alone?

Is this the way some young people disappear from cruises?


:confused: :confused:

According to the OPs own posting he reserved 2 cabins: 1 for himself and son and one for his wife and daughter, but the son I guess just didn't sail or was made up, or whatever. Yes, it is required but people book cabins all the time listing a child and an adult in each cabin. That I don't think is all that bad as long as 1-there are 2 in the cabin and 2-the cabins are in the same proximity: accross the hall or next to one another. As for the cabin steward: no, they aren't going to say or do anything. They come in, clean, do what they have to do and hope for a decent tip. To bad they don't say something. NMnita

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I need to clarify about my son not making the cruise. My son, age 17 is a jr. in high school. He stated that he had to much homework and could ill afford the lost time from school, and made the decision not to go. So he stayed home w/ my other older son to watch over him. My dtr's home work is caught up and the teachers knew that she would be out of school, so gave her the work to do on the cruise so that she would not be behind. Hope that this helps clarify.


Chris Neville

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I need to clarify about my son not making the cruise. My son, age 17 is a jr. in high school. He stated that he had to much homework and could ill afford the lost time from school, and made the decision not to go. So he stayed home w/ my other older son to watch over him. My dtr's home work is caught up and the teachers knew that she would be out of school, so gave her the work to do on the cruise so that she would not be behind. Hope that this helps clarify.


Chris Neville


It looks to me like you booked the 2nd room with the intention to break the rules. I don't believe you ever intended to stay in a room with your son, you broke the published rules when you booked the rooms. Do you ever follow rules, or just the ones that you deem worthy?



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It looks to me like you booked the 2nd room with the intention to break the rules. I don't believe you ever intended to stay in a room with your son, you broke the published rules when you booked the rooms. Do you ever follow rules, or just the ones that you deem worthy?



Iwould have to agree Kevin; quite often families book a second cabin, listing parent and child in one and the other parent and child in the other. As a grandparent and a travel agent I have no problem with this, if:1- the cabins are adjacent or across the hall and 2-there are at least 2 in every room. To put a child under age on a different deck is beyond my wildest imagination. NMNita
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I have changed my mind about the original poster. I just experienced a horrible humiliating time at a local restaurant. I often go to this restaurant, and therefore consider myself to be a member of an Elite Group of customers. Since they charge what I consider to be far too much for their drinks, I decided to take my own. To my astonishment I was met at the door by the "security staff" and was instructed to leave my ice chest in the car. Can you imagine my horror in learning that I was not allowed to take my ice chest into my favorite restaurant? I let them have their way and took the ice chest back to my car. I got even with them though, I did not tip that waiter because he should have prevented management from making such a stupid rule. BOY DID I SHOW THEM.....LOL



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I have changed my mind about the original poster. I just experienced a horrible humiliating time at a local restaurant. I often go to this restaurant, and therefore consider myself to be a member of an Elite Group of customers. Since they charge what I consider to be far too much for their drinks, I decided to take my own. To my astonishment I was met at the door by the "security staff" and was instructed to leave my ice chest in the car. Can you imagine my horror in learning that I was not allowed to take my ice chest into my favorite restaurant? I let them have their way and took the ice chest back to my car. I got even with them though, I did not tip that waiter because he should have prevented management from making such a stupid rule. BOY DID I SHOW THEM.....LOL



kevin, I feel sorry for you: how dare them, you did the right thing, i would have stiffed everyone if I couldn't bring my ice chest in. Next time try a 5 liter box of wine and ask the wait staff to pour it for you. LOl
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I have changed my mind about the original poster. I just experienced a horrible humiliating time at a local restaurant. I often go to this restaurant, and therefore consider myself to be a member of an Elite Group of customers. Since they charge what I consider to be far too much for their drinks, I decided to take my own. To my astonishment I was met at the door by the "security staff" and was instructed to leave my ice chest in the car. Can you imagine my horror in learning that I was not allowed to take my ice chest into my favorite restaurant? I let them have their way and took the ice chest back to my car. I got even with them though, I did not tip that waiter because he should have prevented management from making such a stupid rule. BOY DID I SHOW THEM.....LOL





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What is a "snutty poster"?


The OP keeps coming back defending what most people see as inappropiate actions.


To the OP...did you mention to your cabin steward that the coffee cups were not picked up? We all know some cabin stewards are better than others but you do need to mention something to them when you think their service is deficient.

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People,People, lets try to stay on target here!! Bush/Chaney, Clinton, daughters safety, were any of these actually brought up in the original post--no!!! Stay on target with the discussion at hand.

We may not hear too much more from our original poster concening these matters, if he is having to pay onboard internet fees, he may not answer back very much--now that is an area that is really costly!!!

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