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Anyone else get grief about taking time off?


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I never had an issue about taking vacations. Sometimes with as little as three weeks notice, too. My boss was always so grateful I would come back. :D


My DH, on the other hand, has six weeks vacation a year. Until last year, he typically "gave back" three to four weeks under their "use it or lose it" policy. I finally put my foot down. Last year, he took all but 3 days of his vacation, but paid a price in corporate prestige. He realized how silly and ludicrous THAT was. This year, he is using ALL of it. Bout time, too. They pretty much have him 24/7, what with cell phones, laptop, pager, etc etc. He travels constantly on business, and on those many days a month, no one seems to go into a panic. But take a vacation? God forbid. A ship is the only place you can legitimately escape. He FINALLY gets it! On our last cruise, he gave clients the # for the ship that is given on the website. Once they called and realized it required them to use a credit card to get through, suddenly their emergencies were not so urgent. :rolleyes: He took his laptop , though the connection was slow and dicey. When we got back, there were a few curmudgeons who complained of a "lack of communication." But they got over it. And they will continue to have to get over it: We've got three more cruises booked in the next year. :D



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Wow, what a thread! I think it's (sad but) true that Americans have far too much of a "live to work" mentality. I used to be that way, but I got tired of it - no life-altering events or anything, just developed a perspective that comes with aging, I guess.


As for co-workers who suffer from vacation envy, I refrain from pointing out that they could forgo 2 daily Starbucks specialty coffees, expensive shoes and new wardrobes every 3 months and be able to cruise in no time at all. We all have our priorities, and mine is maximizing my travel opportunities while I can still get around.


When I was getting my MBA many years ago, I remember somebody saying that we should all have a "screw you" fund so that if our jobs became unbearable, we could say that to our employers, walk away and still be able to manage for 6 months to a year. Those were wise words, indeed (although I've never had to use my fund for that purpose)!

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Critter chicking


I so totally agree with those buying lunch everyday, although not extremly expensive, coffees, and other stuff, it they saved that, it could at least get them an inside cabin..


They just whine. Well my office sucessfully let me feel the guilt syndrome. I need to get over it fast, crusing in 1.5 wks..oh, the husband isnt going either, so I get it from him as well.



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I WAS going to be on vacation this week, but things came up at the office... and my partner is on vacation. It dawned on me, let's see... this is his second week on vacation and his assistant has been telling folks he's not available until after July 4th...


Well - heck - it would've been my 3rd+ week this year, but for an injury that nixed one week earlier... So I guess I'm inadvertantly being pretty vacation frugal!


Working for oneself is GREAT in that regard, except my income is pretty closely tied to my direct work input (that sucks) My partner's wife survived a level 4 brain cancer a few years ago. That was a good lesson for both of us.


The US puritan tradition is good for economic productivity (except when we get so neurotic we export our jobs because someone without --- can do it for 5 cents cheaper) but it's not so good for spiritual productivity.


I not certain about too many things, but I'm pretty sure - when I die - the topic of how many vacation days I took or turned down isn't going to be coming up!


Another thing, whenever I've travelled abroad, I've never asked - nor has any foreigner vacationing here, asked me - to see the inside of an office complex...

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I am a single mother who at 19 was pregnant. My son now is graduating next year. No drugs, drinking, no jail. I am blessed! (patting myself on my back) I have told everyone in my life even my job of 11 years, that when he graduates, I am taking a month off! Two of those weeks are a cruise. I have made it quite clear that I am not cooking, doing laundry, cleaning, etc. etc. I am celebrating. I am greeted with all kinds of comments like, "Your not taking your son? How rude!" "We are not sure if you can take the four weeks you have saved of vacation all at once." How selffish to stop cooking and cleaning!" Well, I think of it as I have done a good job, and I am tired! If they don't like it, tough! Maybe if they were nicer to me in the last eighteen years, I might have invited them to go with me! LOL!!!

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This is always an interesting topic to me. Several years ago my company combined our "sick leave" with our "vacation" into "personal time off", but in the process they reduced the sick time by half. (Nah, I'm not still bitter or anything...;)) At that point, in my mind, although not in theirs, they lost all authority to deny any vacation request. They are usually pretty good about it as long as you remember that we do have a job to do and customers' needs to satisfy.


Unfortunately, I also am seeing more and more every day that 20+ years of loyal service is not worth 10 cents when the right conditions come along.


But to the original topic... I agree with the whole idea about priorities. I don't have a half-million dollar house mortgaged to the hilt. I drive an 11 year old car. I would suspect that it is not very hard to identify where a person places their priorities. Just say "cruising is my (whatever they spend their money on) , I don't think you are being extravagant, why do you think I am?" :)






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We go on two cruises a year and multiple little vacations. When co workers or neighbors say "it must be nice to have money" or "it must be nice to be rich" I have a pat answer.....It beats being POOR!



Karyn...I cant wait to try that one..I have co workers that say the same things..some of them physicians, that make way....way over my salery..I am just a nurse.




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Karyn...I cant wait to try that one..I have co workers that say the same things..some of them physicians, that make way....way over my salery..I am just a nurse.




OMG you read minds? You are not "JUST" a nurse. I am an RN and have had many doctors ask me this. I have gone on some exotic trips like the Galapagos and Amazon and people just can't believe it.

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I work for county government and have the worst job in my office. I get a load of grief when I take my vacation. I am entitled to five weeks a year and always take a two week cruise in the fall. I have done this the last three years. My boss goes bonkers because he can't stop me, since I have earned the time off and ask way in advance. My problem is, nobody does my job when I'm gone and I have to work like a freak before I go and after I get back. It almost takes all of the relaxation out of the vacation experience.


I have complained to my department head, but still don't have a backup employee. What should I do?

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[quote name=My problem is' date=' nobody does my job when I'm gone and I have to work like a freak before I go and after I get back. It almost takes all of the relaxation out of the vacation experience.


I have complained to my department head, but still don't have a backup employee. What should I do?[/quote]




I had the same situation once...on the bright side, it makes them realize how much they need you, but you are entitled not to have to work like a slave immediately before and after.


What I did about it - NOTHING. I went to work, did my job in my usual thorough fashion, and went home at the end of the day. "Poor planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on my part." God, I LOVE that expression. When a couple of things got dropped in my absence (further reinforcing their need for me), they finally got smart and realized that the work had to be done whether I was physically at my desk or not. Guess all their business skool tuition finally paid off, eh?!


Daphne - I'm a RN, and never ever say "I'm JUST a nurse"! We're the ones who do all the work. I've gotten that same incredulous line of questioning from the doctors, too, about my vacation schedule, and I usually just ask them what kind of car they drive, where they live, etc. If they insist on driving a Mercedes 7-Series and living in Scarsdale...

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Something to keep in mind for those who are made to feel guilty for taking the vacation time they've earned..............


I worked for a major company for 26+ years. I won't bore you with all the details about what a good and loyal employee I was~


One word OUTSOURCING..............my job went to India.


So no matter how guilty they may make you feel, you have earned the time off. Take it! The company will continue to run w/o you and likely your work will be piled up for you when you return.


Work every week for the paycheck on Friday and save some for your next cruise. Beyond that, nothing is guarenteed.

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My problem is, nobody does my job when I'm gone and I have to work like a freak before I go and after I get back. It almost takes all of the relaxation out of the vacation experience.


I have complained to my department head, but still don't have a backup employee. What should I do?

Oh, how that situation sounds all too familiar! If I had your job, I would stop working "like a freak" and just work at a regular pace. If the work piles up and your boss really needs to have it done while you are away, he will hire someone to do it and stop exploiting you.


I had a job like that when I was younger, and I was so naive that it took me quite a while to figure out that they were only taking advantage of me when they kept telling me how indispensable I was, and how they had nobody else who could do my work if I was gone because nobody else could do it as well as I did. When I wised up, I realized that if they really needed me and appreciated me so much, they would have hired me an assistant and given me a big fat raise instead of flattery. Yes, I know the old lines all too well -- we really wish we could pay you more and get you another assistant, but there is no money in the budget; there is a freeze on raises; there is a freeze on hiring, etc., etc.


If they pay you extra for working overtime and you really want the overtime, of course that is your choice. But if you are a regular salaried employee who does not get paid for those extra hours, just put in your 8 hours each day and go home. Don't let anyone lay a guilt trip on you. You earned that vacation time and you deserve it. Smile sweetly at them as you wave good-bye each time you leave for your trip. Then go and have a wonderful time. That's my two-cents worth anyway.

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I work as a RN in healthcare, we have to sign-up for vacations time a few months before the fact and vacation is ok'd according to seniority. A REAL PAIN when trying to arrange for vacations. Had to Bully my way into the last one as several "more seniority " people had already 'taken' my cruise time. Finally convinced the management that 'so-in-so' would fill in. Since airlines/cruises/vacation spots are filled many months before I'm allowed to sign up for vacation, I just have to hope that I can talk someone who's taking the time I want into changing their plans. What a PAIN:mad: I need to retire:rolleyes:

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I actually got NO vacation the first year in my new job. Well, actually I did when I was hired and then it was taken away from me because I didn't have it in writing. So, I learned my lesson--get everything in writing. You're right, I did almost tell them to take the job and...ya know


I think I would have quit on the spot. If the company I worked for was so petty and disclaimed knowledge just because it wasn't in writing. Talk about dishonesty and disloyalty.




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To all of you: I wish a hearty "Go Girl", "Go Guy"!

Hurricane Sally: I've worked at my job for 9 years. No one can do what I do! (or wants to)! Before my vacation time (3 weeks per year), I remind management that I'll be leaving and they need to hire a "temp", so that I can train them or someone needs to sit with me and watch how to do my job! It regards money that is mailed in and must be deposited (in a timely fashion)!

I've done all I can do to warn them. What they do after that is really "their problem"!

Let it go!!!!......YOU DON'T OWN THE WORK!;) (Unless you own the company)! And, in that case, learn to let someone else take charge!

Now, go have some fun! You'll turn around and before you know it.....it will all be gone...life, fun and laughter!


Happy Sails to All of You,:p


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I've been back from my cruise for 4 weeks, but while I was gone (fortunately, at the end of when I was gone), my boss was hospitalized. She FINALLY got out yesterday, and she'll probably be out of the office for another month. During this whole time, I've been doing her job as well as my own. Unfortunately, I'm only getting PAID for my own... I'm happy to do it, as I feel terrible about her health problems. However, I am more determined than ever to take any vacation time I'm entitled to and let those left behind work it out for themselves...

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Drew: Atta girl/boy!

And, for all you RN's....what would our society do without you? I want you to be well rested and well paid....YOU can make the difference between life and death (literally)! Thanks for all that you do and don't get acknowledged for!:)


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How wonderful to hear such affirmation for Nurses! I will be celebrating 45 years of nursing next year and nursing has been very good to me. BUT, sometimes I feel like I've spent most of those years trying to explain what we do, how we make a difference, and the difference between care and cure. Thank you all so much for this discussion. I know how much my colleagues need their vacation time and time for reflect and refresh. No guilt here - especially when cruising :)

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Karyn, I'm a Hospice Nurse too, formerly in Oncology (which is why I'm in Hospice now). Makes me appreciate life every day. I refuse to live my life as a rat in a maze with vacation as the corn kernel in the center. I'm traveling while I'm able, seeing what I want to see and guilt be damned.


Our daughter tried to put a guilt trip on us a few years back about all of our vacations - I reminded her that when we were her age, we didn't have most of the things she has - her own apartment, car, credit cards, college degree x2 (she's a brand new RN!), summer share at the beach, etc. We've sent her to Ireland, twice. We've taken her on several of our trips, WITH HER FRIENDS. Please - we were lucky to have beer money in our 20's! That was the last we heard of that silliness.


Anchors aweigh!

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My sister is a nursing professor. She's a good one too. She absolutely refuses to let bad nurses slide because she doesn't want them taking care of her someday. I give nurses all the credit in the world. After all, without them, the doctors wouldn't know what their patients needed.

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I'm really enjoying this thread. It's nice to see that everyone else gets the same sort of 'treatment' now and again!


I have a job that I absolutely love, but sometimes it takes a lot of long hours, is very high stress, and there literally is not a single week without at least 2 or three major deadlines. I realized since there's no good week to go on vacation, I can just pick any one I want - they all have deadlines!


I think it's important to take vacation time. For me, I find myself coming back to work feeling refreshed and refocused and thankful that there is actually a world outside of whirring fax machines, action item emails, network servers that never work... :)

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I'm enjoying this thread, too. I don't know why, but seeing how often many of you cruise, I just assumed that most of you were either retired or independently wealthy. It's nice to see I'm not the only poor working stiff trying to eke out a vacation!

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