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Anyone else get grief about taking time off?


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For years, I watched my vacation days go down the drain as I reached my maximum allotment, but was discouraged from actually using them. My boss hasn't taken a real vacation in the ten years I've been working with her - that makes it hard to argue...


Then, last year my contract was up, and I was REALLY reluctant to renew. My boss, however, was very anxious to keep me. I told her that one condition to my staying would be that not only would I get the vacation time, but she also had to let me TAKE it without any guilt trips. I still feel somewhat guilty because I know that work is harder on her or others when I'm not there. However, for the last MONTH, she has been in the hospital following complications from a minor surgery. I'm sure she'll be out at least another month recovering, and I've had to cover for her all that time. I'm guessing I won't feel too guilty about taking my next vacation...

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My friends in Europe are appalled at how little vacation Americans have.


Then add the fact that the companies make it impossible to take more than one week at a time.


I had a friend that took her two weeks for a trip through The Canal. She had managed her part of the business so it would run smoothly for the two weeks.


This was accomplished by some unpaid overtime prior to the cruise. She was salaried.


So the cruise came and went. She had a wonderful time. Within a month of being back she was fired. Seems a younger person came into the position for the brief time and the company decided it would be cheaper to have them remain in that position. :(


That person's health insurance was cheaper and so was their salary.


A "right to work " state made it impossible for any discussion or recourse on it.


So many people find them in the same position. Some people who are allowed by company rules to carry over vacation time, sick leave time, end up with a "bank " full of days that never take.


This seems to be a growing problem today. Personally, now retired, I do not remember it being so cut throat many years ago.


But you are truly a number, cannot become "your job ", for the company will dismiss you at will no matter what you have given them in loyalty.


You have to take vacations, it is important to your mental and physical health..also to maintaining any type of family relationships.

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Europeans and South Americans are shocked at not only how little vacation time we get compared to them, but they are also confused as to how the american mentality has gotten to the point where our bosses and companies look down on us for actually taking the vacation time that belongs to us. Ah, those cultural differences!


I have friends in Europe who say that this is a great country but they would never live here. They state it this way: "Americans live to work. Everybody else works to live." And it is so true.

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So true! Whenever I do business internationally, if I try to call people past 6:00 their time, they are GONE. If I ever need to talk to them (which sometimes happens with the time difference with Europe) and call on their home or cell, they are very put out by it. Conversely, I think NOTHING of getting calls or e-mails that I have to address from home at 10:00 P.M. or later... I'd rather have the European mindset...

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Europeans and South Americans are shocked at not only how little vacation time we get compared to them, but they are also confused as to how the american mentality has gotten to the point where our bosses and companies look down on us for actually taking the vacation time that belongs to us. Ah, those cultural differences!


I have friends in Europe who say that this is a great country but they would never live here. They state it this way: "Americans live to work. Everybody else works to live." And it is so true.


Juan, I wholeheartedly agree with you. Americans work in fear of being fired "at will", and their employers mentally hold them hostage. Change won't happen until much needed vacations are seen as a "value" to employers.


It's good to hear from you.



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We have always been on a relatively tight budget and took only very economical vacations...then, I was diagnosed with breast cancer. Talk about changing one's decision making style! After successful treatment, we realized that there are no guarantees in life (SHOULD HAVE LEARNED THAT WHEN MY MOM DIED AT 52). So..as you can see from my signature, we've been traveling a lot since and make decisions based on what we want to do not putting anything off until the elusive tomorrow. Of course we still budget, often choose an inside cabin and research shore excursions carefully. But, AND when others give us grief, we smile, share our experiences and help them to plan trips within their budgets. What fun!


Ditto! Same thing happen to me! As you can see. I'm not waiting either. I go on Monday for my 6 month mammo and cancer check up! Hoping for no bad news!



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My father died when I was 34 and my mother when I was 43. My dad was the sole provider for 6 children, both of my grandfathers and my mom. He worked like a dog! My parents loved Las Vegas and would grab a weekend, at least 3 times a year. But, that was it! They never went to Europe and never cruised!

I promised myself that I was not going live their lives!

I'm married to a man who believes that you must save for the future! I went to work just so I could guarantee "not to repeat my parents mistakes"! And, live life to it's fullest! Inspite of my husbands frugle ways!

I know my husband enjoys my spirit and certainly enjoys the vacations that I've planned for us! And, if that means that I must work so that I fulfill my dreams, then so be it!

I used to work for a private school, where we could only vacation in the month of July! Talk about limited vacation time! After 8 years, I quit that job and now work for a non-profit agency, with union coverage!

What a different world. I pick my vacation time (3 weeks a year)! And, I love cruising.

However, the questions that I'm asked by my fellow workers is unbelievable! I'm sure you've heard them all! I don't tell them everything......Now, mind you....I don't have a lot of money, I'm just a good shopper and a better planner!

"I drive to the pier see those amazing ships, my heart skips a beat, I get goose bumps and I'm so geared-up for being spoiled! No matter how long it is.....it's MY TIME and I'm going to love every minute of it"!

We're on the Diamond Princess in September and NCL Star in November.

I'm going to live, love and laugh as often as I can!:)


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Hi all,


1. We don't drink or smoke (and no, we're not holy rollers).

2. We don't throw money away in the casino.

3. One kid, long grown and out of school.

4. DH retired young after 33 years w/electric company; I'm a per diem RN.

5. We own our home outright and pay our 1 credit card off every month, if we've used it.


One way to present it to the boss is "I've scheduled a cruise and won't be available on such-and-such dates." NEVER ASK PERMISSION to take what's yours, never give someone power over you and never apologize for taking time off. I've actually quit jobs when they told me I couldn't take my vacation. "Perhaps you don't understand - I WON'T BE HERE THAT WEEK."


Life is too short. Six years ago my husband was nearly killed in a motorcycle accident, the following year I was rear-ended by an 18-wheeler. I don't change my vacation plans for anyone or anything. And to those people who've commented "it must be nice to have money", I say "you CHOOSE how you spend your money - make different choices".


Our next vacation is 3 weeks - 1 week traipsing around Rome and staying w/a college friend who's lived there for over 20 years, then a 14-day TA around the Mediterranean and back to the States. We're planning to have a meal in each port (remember - not spending $$ on booze, cigarettes and slots). Can't wait!!!

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Hi Karyn! It is so nice to hear from you. It's a sad fact of the world in which we live today. That's why I say: Live today!!!


Pamkev: I really do hope that all turns out OK for you.


Jerirn: Good for you!!! You're my idol.;)



Regards, Juan

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Thanks everyone for your well wishes!



I loved what you said about not asking permission for something that is yours. This is what is happeing to us American's today. We are letting Big Business tell us what we can do with our lives. Thankfully both my husband and myself both have boss's who are like-minded in our vacation times and we never have been told no.



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I worked a major telcom for over 30 yrs in a union job.Thank goodness they could not fire you for taking vacation.Of course that didnt stop them pouring tasks into your worklist 'for work promised to their customers' while you were away(they would say they had no else to do it,as if I could test lines while sailing the Carib).When I returned from 2 weeks vacation I would be behind 3 weeks in work even though I was caught up when I left.I learned never to feel guilty about their mismanagement,I was entitled to every day of vacation I took.Saying they dont have funds for extra workers is joke.We all know the MEGA BUCKS the CEO"S make............................................


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We own our own company and have a hard time getting away for very long at a time. We also fly over 100,000 miles a year, some fun and some business, frequently flying to the east coast, Europe or Asia for a long weekend. As a result, the free time that we have left for cruising, until we retire, will be pretty limited.


Before 911 it was easier for us, as our entire sales staff had all been with us about 10 years and knew exactly what they were doing. After the dot bombs, 911, and the general economic downturn, our industry came to a screeching halt and our salespeople, who had mortgages that required a 6 figure income, had to find jobs in a field where people were still spending money. Fortunately, things have turned around and we are building a new crew and rebuilding our business back to where it will be a valuable asset to sell when we retire in four years. In addition to the fact that our new sales staff needs a lot more hands on help, my husband and I have also both gone back into sales and our clients can be pretty demanding. Getting away for 10 days is going to be about all we will be able to put together for the next four years.


Fortunately, living here in Seattle, affords us the opportunity to do lots of little mini test cruises to see what we like and don't like about the various cruise lines that sail in and out of Seattle and Vancouver. Weekend cruises are also a heck of a lot of fun and provide us the opportunity build up status, so we will be able to enjoy even more perks when we are finally able to take our longer cruise trips.

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I also have stopped telling my co-workers about my cruising. I would get the snide comments about when my next cruise was or "it has been a month since your last cruise aren't you due?" I like the idea of cruising as a hobby. I've had up to 4 cruises in one year but for me it has been a matter of timing. The a great cruise, with family or friends at the right time. I use to schedule my cruising around work but no more. I agree life is too short to not take the vacation you are entitled to!

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In 1989 my husband was asked by a professional organization to be part of a team that inspected the forensic labs in Australia when they initially applied for accredidation. I could have gone to Australia with him for just the cost of my plane ticket, but didn't think I should be away from my business for that long. Two years later he was invited to be a speaker at an International Forensics Convention in China, and I could have gone with him for just the cost of my air fare, and didn't go for the same reason.


Whenever, I look at my husband's photos from those trips, I think about how silly I was to forgo such opportunities because I thought a client or employee might be upset if they couldn't reach me while I was half way around the world. Ironically, if I wasn't self employed I would have gone without thinking about it twice.


I am retired now, but put much more pressure on myself during the last twenty years of my career when I was self employed than any boss ever placed on me when I held a management position in the corporate world.

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I have been at my present job 1 1/2 years, leaving a job where I had 3 weeks vacation and 8 sick/personal days. I was very forthcoming in the interview, I told my perspective boss that I travel alot. His answer was if you do your job, you can take as much time off as you want. My job is a Claims Adjuster, so I just make sure I settle alot of cases before I go on vacation. It seems to work out well. My DH is a retired police officer, he has a full time job working for the State as an investigator. He gets alot of time off and can also take a furlough for an extended period of time if he choose to do so. I guess the State feels that they are saving money so they don;t mind.


Although just today, I had a co-worker remark to me that just because I settle cases, do I think that I can come and go as I please.

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Although just today, I had a co-worker remark to me that just because I settle cases, do I think that I can come and go as I please.



SlotAddict, you could have said, "Well, actually, that IS what I think, and when you start signing my checks and paying my bills, then you can comment on my life."

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FireCapt - that is probably the best answer. I often wonder why I feel the need to defend our travels to those rude enough to make unkind remarks. We've just booked our first back to back and I can already hear the comments coming forth. I shall remember your words when I respond :)

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I have booked a 14 days baltic cruise 8 months ago. Got approval from direct manager to take trip..includes 4th of july and 2 days no pay..1 month before the trip..our new office manager mentioned that the policy only allows for 10 consecutive days off...and my direct manager said that she pre-approved it months ago..so of course I am going...since she can override it..but she "could have told me I cant go...(a month before sailing??) "


Shame..I have no children, maybe I should say that sick days should be only used for self illnesses and not for people that have sick children..


URGGGG...1.5 weeks and I am onboard.

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Guest rfrenchbaxter

This will get your goat! I am the Director of my own Day Care which I operate from my home. I have been in business for over 20 years. In those twenty years I have also taught Pre-School, gone to college and attained a BA in Elementary Education, raised 2 children. We could not afford to go on vacation until we had our children raised. The only vacation I took every year was Christmas Break. My children wanted me to spend time with them. I always gave the Parents a 1 year notice that I would be closed during this time. It was usually a 2 week vacation.

Now we have been cruising for the past 2 years and I always book a year in advance. All the parents take at least a 2 week vacation, some even get 4-6 weeks off. I never say a word but they think I should be here 24-7. So, all i can say is, if they don't like it they can go somewhere else for Day Care. We are not getting any younger and we have worked hard all of our lives and traveling is one thing we have saved for and enjoy. They do and say everything to put a guilt trip on me. I just do not pay any attention to them anymore! My family and our sanity is much more important!



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.... They do and say everything to put a guilt trip on me. I just do not pay any attention to them anymore! My family and our sanity is much more important!



Great!!!! YOU Are Not a S.N.I.O.P.

(susceptible to the negative influence of other people)

........Cruise on...Oui :D

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