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20 things to do (not in my prefered order)!


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1. Whale and dolphin watching from Dominica - afternoon boat excursions from Dive Dominica and the Anchorage Hotel are twice weekly - 2.00pm till dusk, all year round. Along with the many species of whale which frequent our waters (located by sonar detector lowered from the boat) can be seen dolphins and frigatebirds, along with flying fish jumping alongside and in front of the boat. Follow this link for further details.


2. Hike to the (world's second largest) Boiling Lake, situated in our World Heritage Site, the Morne Trois Pitons National Park. An all day guided hike through forested highlands, via Titou Gorge, Breakfast River, Panorama viewpoint and theValley of Desolation, where steam is emitted and boiling water trickles from fumaroles and small wells into a grey water stream. The outflow of water from the lake itself flows eatward down the White River, which meets the Atlantic near the village of Delices. This is the only hike in Dominica on which you MUST be accompanied by a qualified guide.


3. Other hikes in Morne Trois Pitons National Park include the impressive 300ft Middleham Falls, which takes approx. 1 hour to reach from either Providence (near to Laudat), beyond Cochrane via Tou Santi (stinking hole), or from Sylvania.


The trail to the Freshwater Lake is about a 1 hour hike from Laudat or may be driven to in a 4 wheel drive vehicle, from where a 45 minute hiking trail continues on to Boeri Lake. These may also be reached via a hiking trail from the village of Grand Fond, accessed from the east coast at Rosalie.

Should you attempt any of less well used trails - around the peaks of Morne Trois Pitons, the summits of Morne Micotrin (4,006ft.) or Morne Watt (4,017ft.), you are also advised to take along a qualified guide, as it is easy to loose the trail in places . Most hikes commence from or near to the village of Laudat, at a cool 2,000ft in the northern heights above the Roseau Valley.

In the southern heights is the village of Woten Waven, from where there are short trails to hot springs, geysers and fumaroles such as the Dragon's Mouth.


4. Field trip with Forester and bird expert. Favourite locations are Colihaut Heights and the Syndicate Forest on the western slopes of Morne Diablotin, were our two native parrot species are most commonly observed from lookout points along the rim of the Picard River gorge, along with other endemics such as Grey Kingbird, Mangrove Cuckoo, Blue-hooded Euphonia and four varieties of Hummingbird, and from where a short hike will bring you to the river pool below Milton Falls on the Dublanc River, a tranquil spot to enjoy a traditionally prepared picnic lunch and take a refreshing bathe in the river. An all day outing may also include a visit to Cabritts or boatride up the Indian River.


5. Cabrits National Park. Just north of Portsmouth is a twin peaked peninsular with well tended nature trails through 'dry forest' to both summits, where old cannons remain and from where panoramic views can be enjoyed. Near to the park entrance and visitor centre are the well preserved remains of Fort Shirley.


6. The Indian River meanders slowy though mangrove trees and marsh plains to its mouth on the south side of Portsmouth from where, for a small charge, a guide will row you up the river as far as navigable to a bush bar in the forest, where you may disembark for refreshments before returning. Your guide will describe the unique vegetation to be seen along this tranquil stretch of river and you will be unlucky not to spot the giant Ringed Kingfisher.


7. Botany field trip with Forester and flora expert. Dominica's flora is very diverse, with numerous varieties of colourful heliconia, orchids, bromeliads, anthurium, crepers, ferns and mosses. Commonly seen are beautiful pink anthuriums growing under the forest canopy and deep red ginger lilies. The wealth of indigenous primordial rainforest cloaking much of the island is also very diverse and interesting.


8. Soufriere's 'Champagne' & forest hot springs. Soufriere is at the south of the island, on the north side of Scotts Head Bay, a marine reserve. In the sea immediately in front of a historic old church on the shore, and in several other nearby locations, streams of tiny bubbles rise from the sea bed, betraying undersea hot springs referred to locally as 'champagne'. Following the unpaved road inland from Soufriere for about 1 1/2 miles brings you to a hot springs bathing pool in the shade of the forest canopy. From there, a nature trail ascends to several sulphur deposits - large, pale, cone shaped mounds with steam seeping from the odd crevice.


9. The twin Trafalgar Falls are only a 20 minute forest walk from the village of Trafalgar, at the head of the Roseau Valley - a generous and well tended trail leads through mature forest to a timber viewing platform. For the young and fit, a narrow and rocky trail continues up to the pool at the base of each of the falls, where a wind of fine spray rapidly cools you down. Papillote's 4 acres of forest gardens and restaurant overlooking the Roseau Valley is an ideal spot to take lunch.


10. Scuba Diving and Snorkelling - Dominica is rated among the top 5 dive destinations in the whole of the Caribbean and number 8 in the World. Diving opportunities off the 29 miles of sheltered west coast are exceptional and not to be missed if you are divers. There are several dive centres scattered along this stretch - from north to south: Cabrits Dive Centre, close to Picard Beach Cottages, Anse-A-Liane Lodge, near to Colihaut, the East Carib Dive Club at Salisbury beach, Dive Castaways at Mero, Dive Dominica and the Anchorage Hotel, side by side at Castle Comfort just south of Roseau, and Nature Island Dive at Soufriere. The marine reserve at Scotts Head/Soufriere Bay is a sumerged volcano, renown for its 'champagne' bubbles and great diversity. Douglas Bay, north of the Cabritts peninsular is also a designated marine reserve. On the Atlantic side, the north facing stretch of coastline from Blenheim to Woodford Hill has many attractive inlets and coves which are sheltered from the strong currents and breakers of the Atlantic and where snorkelling is also possible.


11. The South East Coast has some breathtaking scenery. The road from Pond Casse in the island's centre first reaches the SE coast at the picturesque mouth of the Rosalie River. A further 20 min. drive south brings you to the Sari-Sari River, below the bridge is a long deep river pool ideal for bathing and a great picnic spot. Turn left and drive through the village of Laplaine and you will come to a hiking trail along the river to Sari-Sari Falls. Driving south for a further 20 min. brings you to the village of Delices, where the White River flowing from the Boiling Lake nears the sea. A 45 min. hike will bring you to the Victoria Falls. Downstream from the windy pool below are several smaller pools, large and deep enough to enjoy a swim in the opaque, turquoise water which has by then lost much of its heat, but is nonetheless a very pleasant temperature. Along this whole stretch of coast, the palm, banana and forest clad slopes rise steeply and dramatically to some towering summits.


12. The Carib Territory in the east is home to the only surviving population of Carib Indians in the whole of the Caribbean chain of islands, originally descended from South America. They inhabited most islands of the region for a long period of time but most were wiped out during the time of European colonisation. Handicrafts such as basket weaving and carving can be purchased from roadside kiosks and a traditional Carib Village is open to visitors. A series of small waterfalls leading to the sea at the mouth of the Crayfish River is very picturesque.


13. the popular Emerald Pool and also the little known Twin Falls are in the forested highland in the centre of the island. Not far from the juntion leading to Castle Bruce in the east is a visitor centre by the road, from where a fairly short, gentle and well tended trail leads through the forest to the Emerald Pool below a small waterfall in the shade of the forest canopy - a beautiful spot if you are alone, but to be avoided on cruise ship days! Along the Imperial Road leading north-east from Pond Casse in the direction of Marigot is a small local bar, painted light blue and named Spanny's Disco. After first requesting permission at the bar, follow the path which leads from the main road accross agricultural land to the edge of the forest, from where a trail leads down the valley side to a pool at the base of the first falls. After crossing the river, the trail rises sharply over a small ridge to a second falls of similar proportions. A idyllic spot - both pools are suitable for a refreshing bathe.


14. climb our highst mountain peaks - Morne Trois Pitons (4,672ft) and Morne Diablotin (4,747ft) but only if you are fit and active and enjoy obstascle courses. These trails are seldom used and are not well maintained - watch out for Razorgrass, which is a sedge with a triangular stem and can climb and grow very long - the dark green slender blades have a surface which sticks like velcro to your skin and scratches if you pull away! The trail leading to the summit of Morne Trois Pitons starts at the Rosalie Road, not far from the Pond Casse roundabout in the centre of the island. The Morne Diablotin trail commences close to Syndicate Forest, accessed via road from the west coast highway, just north of Dublanc, where the junction is signposted to Morne Diablotin. Allow a minimum of 3 hours each way for either hike and remember it is usually dark by about 7.00pm.


15. The north facing north-east coast has many attractive and secluded beaches, often sheltered from the Atlantic by rocks and islets - Hodges Bay, Grand Babtiste Bay and Calibishie are favourites. Calibishi is a small and very pleasant village with a handful of shops, bars and restaurants. From the ridgetop road through and beyond the village of Bense, a trail leads down to the Hampstead River. After crossing the first part of the river, follow the second to where a deep diving pool can be found below a small waterfall.


16. New Lake, Carholm In November 1997, Dominica experienced several weeks of prolonged heavy rain which precipitated a massive landslide in the interior. This formed three dams blocking a northern tributary of the Layou River. The lower dam burst after about a week of continued heavy rain, the second burst a few days later. These flooded the Layou River, depositing huge amounts of tarish and sand, temporarily raising the level of the river bed by up to 30 feet in places. The rear dam did not burst and has consolidated, leaving a new lake with a much larger surface area than either the Freshwater or Boeri Lakes and reaching a maximum depth of 140 feet. This lake may be viewed from the end of the road at the edge of the escarpment left by the landslide, reached via a feeder road just east of the Layou River Hotel. Though officially named the Mathia Dam, the local landowner has christened this area 'Miracle Valley'. The rear shore of the lake by be reached via a hiking trail from the Cuba Road which loops up into the hills from Mero to Salisbury on the mid west coast.


17. The Layou River is the island's longest, originating on the south-east slopes of Morne Diablotin, flowing first in a south easterly direction then, from the village of Belles, westwards to flow ultimately into the Caribbean Sea. On its northern bank, approx. 2 miles from its estuary on the mid-west coast, is the attractive and secluded Layou River Hotel, with swimming pool, spacious gardens and well tended lawns. A mile or so further east, by the first road bridge, a short trail leads to a shaded beach on its south bank, where a long stretch of river is slow and deep enough to enjoy a swim and where, on the far bank, a small pool has been built around a hotspring. Another great picnic spot.


18. Wild Life The Agouti is a tailless forest rodent with dark fur and pink ears, not unlike a tallish guineapig. The Manicou is a species of opossum - it has a tail, lives mostly in the trees and is largely nocturnal. These are believed to have been introduced by the early Amerindian settlers from the Orinoco delta region of South America, as a source of food. Wild boar were also introduced into the forests for hunting, but are seldom seen. The only indigenous mammal to Dominica is the bat, of which there are several varieties, commonly seen in numbers at dusk - favourite food, mosquitos. Mountain Chicken or Crapaud is a very large smooth skinned frog native to Dominica and Monserrat - colour varies from brown to grey, depending on local habitat. The male is identified by a short black thumb claw, which aids holding on whilst mating. It used to be abundant also in the neighbouring French islands of Martinique and Guadeloupe but, regarded as a delicacy, it has in recent years been hunted to extinction. There are also three varieties of tiny tree frog.

Vivid green Iguanas are prevalent in coastal areas, spending most of their time in trees, where they often go unnoticed due to their excellent camouflage. The predominant old males turn grey and black and grow a frill under their chin. Most commonly seen throughout the island are tree lizards, local name zandoli. They have the ability to lighten or darken their colour (though not rapidly) to suit their surroundings. The males are territorial and swing out a bright orange neck fan to intimidate rivals. The nocturnal gecko is also commonly seen, often around patio lights, which attract a good meal of insects. Ground lizards, local name abalo, can grow almost as large as iguanas. They are carnivors and scavengers, common but shy, and can run exceedingly fast. Males are tinged with blue, whilst females are brown with two yellow stripes down their back. As well as the tiny legged skink, there are several varieties of grass snake and the larger boa, which usually keeps well hidden in the forest and scrubland - none are poisonous. Soon to come - flora and fauna pages.


19. Eating local food Fresh fish may be obtained locally from many of the coastal villages. A conche being blown can usually be heard throughout the vicinity, indicating when fish are available for sale from the local fishermen. Red Snapper, Balou, Dorade and Tuna are commonly available. Crabs, crayfish and shrimps can be found in the rivers and streams. Fresh fruit and vegetables are of amazing quality and succulence; bananas, limes, grapefruit, oranges, pawpaw, mangoes, avocado pears, starfruit (carambola), water melon, pineapple, guava, passion fruit, coconuts, soursop, sugar apples, custard apples, golden apples (pome-cite), easter apples, mammee apples - often referred to as apricot, local cherries, tamarind, yellow goosberries, cocoa etc. Vegetables include green bananas, plantains, cristophene, green pawpaw, pumpkin, bredfruit, breadnuts, cucumber, spinach, zucchini, celery and very full flavoured tomatoes. Root vegetables include beetroot, dasheen, tania, yam and several variety of sweet potato. The main outlet is Roseau's market place, located at the Riverside, close to the Bayfront. Dasheen and Tania bear large 'elephant ear' leaves - from the young tender shoots is made thick, green Calaloo soup, a local delicacy. Floral Gardens Hotel, in the north east, grow sufficient Hibiscus to make a refreshing and delicately flavoured cold drink from the red flower petals, served daily in their riverside restaurant.


20. Activities For the hyperactive, bicycles and kayaks can be hired by the hour, dayor half day at Scotts Head and Soufriere. Snorkelling gear may also be hired.

Sports fishing - charter a boat (half day US$350, full day US$600)




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Thanks for the informative post!


15. The north facing north-east coast has many attractive and secluded beaches, often sheltered from the Atlantic by rocks and islets - Hodges Bay, Grand Babtiste Bay and Calibishie are favourites. Calibishi is a small and very pleasant village with a handful of shops, bars and restaurants. From the ridgetop road through and beyond the village of Bense, a trail leads down to the Hampstead River. After crossing the first part of the river, follow the second to where a deep diving pool can be found below a small waterfall.




Do you know of a semi-inexpensive way to get to Calibishie? From what I understand, cabs are very expensive.


Thanks. :)

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I guess you asking about coming from a cruise ship to the Calibishie Coast~?




I would think of it as more of time investment -


"Capital city Roseau and cruise line berthing is a ninety minute drive, and well worth the time (Bus transportation is available)."


If you find a driver that could make it that fast make sure your affairs are in order before you leave.


"Taxis and minivans are widely available on the island. Standard taxi fares exist from both airports. Taxi and minivans are designated by *H,*HA or *HB on the license plates and are insured. Taxis are readily available at the airports, and taxi services can also be recommended by your hotel. * Means ‘hire’


Standard taxi fares? General Q: Are there standard fares for transport from Melville Airport to Portsmouth, if so what are they? And where do I go at the airport to get this standard fare. Are there cheaper ways to get from the airport to this hotel, public transportation perhaps?


A: Yes, fares from the airport are set by the Government and displayed at the airport. Melville Hall to Roseau is for example EC$45. Expect to pay more if your final destination is a village beyond Roseau. As you exit the immigration/customs area you will be greeted by an official who will direct you to an appropriate taxi. While there are buses that pass by the airport they are not very frequent and a taxi is your best option.


The public transportation system consists of private minibus service between Roseau and the rest of Dominica. Fares range from EC$1.50 to EC$10.25 which became effective from February 2003. In Roseau, buses depart from designated areas at the Old Market Plaza and between the West and East Bridge."


Of course buses would be much slower - so - why go :confused:


If you are after the beaches, there will be better ones at every other place a cruise ship can stop in the Caribbean. This island has the BEST other things!


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twomikea - what a wealth of info - thanks so much!!! We are hoping to snokel Champagne Reef on our port stop next April. What is the best way to get there from the piers??? Should we do a "tour" or is this something we can do on our own???

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My personal recommendation is Nature Island Dive. :D There are others that do it but they are the best I have ever seen on any island. I suppose you could do the bus/taxi but I have heard bad reports from some who tried it. It's a bit a a swim out over sand flats and it's not like the site is prepared for you to walk down to - think rocks, etc. Dive Dominica is also a well-run operation.


From: http://www.natureislanddive.com/snorkeling.html


Snorkeling Trips

Take a boat trip to one of Dominica's premier snorkeling sites. Once in the water, our snorkeling guides can help you learn more about the marine life or help you to improve your snorkeling technique. No matter whether you are highly experienced or on your very first snorkeling trip, you will be amazed at the diversity of Dominica's marine life.


All trips include a brief lecture on the underwater seascape of the island as well as a detailed explanation of the different types of corals and fish that you will encounter. Our instructors and divemasters are trained in coral reef ecology and can introduce you to the underwater world of Dominica.


Equipment Rentals

Both of the sites we visit on the boat trip are also accessible from shore. At Nature Island Dive you can rent excellent quality equipment for the day. We will be happy to give you directions to the sites and inform you which one might be the best choice for that day (due to the visibility and the possibility of an invasion of cruise ship visitors!). We can also store your valuables and offer you a shower at the end of your day.


You can also hire a sea kayak if you'd like to paddle to either of these snorkeling sites.


The Snorkeling Sites



Dominica's Unique Champagne Reef

Discover the wonders of Dominica's sub-aquatic sulphur spring "Champagne." Snorkelers can get a first-hand look at Dominica's untamed volcanic activity, in only 4 to 15 feet of water. Hot water and bubbles filter out of vents, attracting a variety of marine life. Parrotfish, octopus, squid, and other amazing underwater creatures join you as you glide through the bubbles at this natural phenomenon. Barrel sponges, vase sponges, brain coral, and finger coral cloak the reef. Champagne Reef is close to shore and provides a perfect example of the wide diversification of underwater life that Dominica has to offer:


Scotts Head Wall

The Soufriere - Scott's Head Bay is formed by an ancient submerged volcano and is home to an amazing amount of marine life. Scotts Head Wall forms part of this submerged volcano. Here you can snorkel along the top of the underwater wall which is covered in hard and soft corals and schools of reef fish. Experienced snorkelers can follow the coastline to the point where the wall falls away, revealing a dramatic seascape. After a brief swim, you'll be surprised by the sudden appearance of a shallow plateau engulfed in yellow tube sponges.


From: http://www.dominicawatersports.com/watersports.cfm





From: http://boards.cruisecritic.com/showthread.php?t=280606


The dive itself usually consists of a circuit around Champagne reef, just a bit further offshore, followed by a safety stop exploring the hot springs and bubbles. This is a dive for all levels, calm water and light to no currents. It is not unusual to find seahorses and frogfish here, and flying gurnards are common over the shallow sandy areas. Squid can often be seen in-shore not far from the bubbles. The best time to see this site in all its glory is at night, when the reef explodes with life: huge crabs and lobsters are common sightings.

This site is easily accessible from shore and many people snorkel here. The road passes a couple of hundred yards to the north, making it easy for buses to drop off visitors without cars.:rolleyes:



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Hi Mike - good stuff!


We ended up booking our dives with Nature Island - not only are they coming to pick us up at the ship, they said they'd be willing to delay the start of their first dive until we get there since our ship's arrival is close to the scheduled dive time.


We're scheduled to be in port until 6:00PM. In your opinion is there enough to do and see in the vicinity of the dive shop to fill our day? We'd kind of like to make that our base for the day, then we can collect our drying gear at the shop before we head back to the ship.




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I guess it depends on how you feel after diving - we had such wonderful dives we just hung around enjoying the "afterglow" & let our gear dry out a bit after rinsing (Nature Island has a great set up with lots of room). We brought our own food and drinks from the ship so we ate there. The church and ocean hot tub are within a 100 yds. of of the dock & dive shop.


The Scott head area is very pretty - you could run down there, too - it's only 5 minutes or so ride from Soufriere.


You might have time for a quick run up to the close falls - Trafalgar Falls as it is in the Roseau Valley by the ship.


There is also a 'hot spot' in the sea, just in front of the Soufriere Church.


Hot water bubbling up from the sand is cooled by the sea's waves flowing in over the stone wall, creating a perfect soaking temperature.




A small church at the coastal village of Soufriere. We were told the church has beautiful stained glass windows, but we did not have the opportunity to see them. Soufriere is a French word and a derivative of the word, "sulfur."








The Soufriere-Scotts Head Marine Reserve was ratified in 1998 to protect and preserve the spectacular underwater features of the Soufriere crater.




The bay is an extinct volcanic crater whose walls drop to an uncharted depth within a lava chute. The majority of the dives are on the submerged remains of this crater: vertical walls in some cases with no ledge separating surface from the depths below, submerged pinnacles rise form the depths close to and just offshore providing another type of dive habitat, and in other areas gently sloping shelves extend from shore to the depths of the middle of the bay. At one particular site pockets of air are warmed within the rock by the latent volcanic activity of the island and as it expands are squeezed out through cracks, giving the effect of diving, swimming, or snorkeling through a glass of champagne.


Due to the nature of the reef, the SSMR is home to many rare and unusual creatures which are found in relative abundance here. This makes the area a delight for those who have just discovered it, and brings back those who have already found this place. Professional and amateur underwater photographers, and the discerning diver frequently return time and time again.


You don't have to be a diver to enjoy the marine reserve - dolphins are quite often seen playing in the bay, especially around sunset.

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A very good panorama of Soufriere Bay taken from Scott's Head. Soufriere is in the middle. And Scott's Head Village is the cluster at the other end of the causeway.



Looking south towards Scott's Head Village. The start of Scott's Head is at the right.



Looking back at Dominica. That's Scott's Head and Scott's Head Village.


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Breathtaking, really incredible!


I can't wait to take the whalewatching tour. It's on my list of things to do in life! I always thought I'd have to go to Hawaii or back to the West Coast (where I was born and raised) to see the whales, but as destiny would have it, we're cruising in October and stopping in Dominica. I will contact the company you mentioned.

Do you have any pictures of the whales?

I'd love to know more before I go.

Thanks in advance.

Karen in Kentucky:rolleyes:

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We have not gone whale watching but I understand a good number of whales live on the west side of the island year around. The boats they took out look very nice. Several years ago our cruise ship announced that sonar showed whales were between us and the island as we left Dominica but no one saw any.


Best of luck!


This site has movies they took:


Listening For Sperm Whales:


This site let's you book it:



To see one reason why Dominica is commonly called the "Nature Island" of the Caribbean, all you have to do is pay us a visit. Our tropical paradise currently sports a 90% success rate in viewing whales and dolphins while on whale watching tours.


You can often see these magnificent creatures at close range, along with frigate birds, flying fish, and other forms of marine life, all from the comfort of your hydrophone equipped catamaran.


Watching whales in Dominica is spectacular!


Due to the fact that Dominica is concerned about the overall welfare of these marine creatures, your tour usually begins with educational and boat safety briefing.


Whale watching tours start along the west coast of the island (that's where a majority of sightings occur) and can last up to 3 1/2 hours.


Generally trips range from just south of Scott's Head to Salisbury, or the southern half of the island.


Over the years, 22 different species of Cetaceans (the marine order which includes Whales, Dolphins and Porpoises) have been sighted in Dominica's waters. The most common sightings are:

Sperm Whales


Spotted Dolphins

Pilot Whales

It's also important to add that success rates on these trips are much higher during the winter months from the end of November to March.


Watching Whales in Dominica is Exhilarating!


During the tour, hydrophones are dropped into the water every 15 minutes or 3 miles, in order to pick up the clicking, pinging, and whistling sounds of these magnificent creatures.


This way you will be prepared to watch with fascination as they break the surface of the water.


One thing is that Dominica has a very unique underwater terrain - very close to the coast the seascape drops off thousands of feet, providing nutrients for whales to feed on which are not normally found so near shore.


In addition to this, the sheltered, deep water along Dominica's West Coast provides an ideal calving and breeding ground for this planets' largest toothed animal, the Sperm Whale.







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  • 1 month later...

Hi Mike,loads of info here,the island looks great.

I was wondering if you knew anything about any horseridng trips on the island.In last years NCL excursions there was one that went down the Picard river to Prince Rupert bay and then allowed you to go into the sea on your horse.I have just received this years excursion book and they no longer do that tour !

My daughter loves horse riding and was really looking forward to doing this (so was I! )

I have found a website (caribbean.com) and contacted High Ride Nature Adventure to see if they can offer us something similar,but would welcome any suggestions .

thanks Kathy

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Yes. I'm Mike from Carnival Spirit - Vancouver to Hawaii! They wipe out the old stuff but I'm loading up again with photos. That was a great & fun cruise! He was very sad when it was over.:mad:


GeorgieBoy - I haven't seen anything around about horseback riding in Dominica but a search shows the following website:




Check this site for some photos - looks like they're in the far north of the island. Figure an hour and half drive each way. Be careful in searching - a lot of the stuff is from Donincan Republic - very far from Dominica.




Horseback Riding (High Ride Nature Adventure)

Leisurely cruise through the rain-forest on a fully guided nature adventure! Our docile, well-trained, riding horses will take you deep into the rain-forest along mountain trails. Relax in your western style saddle and enjoy all that nature has to offer!

Telephone: (767) 448-6298

Email: highriders@cwdom.dm


Discover Dominica

on the Ultimate

Nature Adventure!

Enjoy fully guided Eco-Adventures through the tropical rain-forest on our private estate and certified organic farm.


Mountain trails weave through emerald green rain-forest canopies where nature comes alive!!... talking bamboo, whispering pines and birds in song!


Enjoy an endless array of wild and cultivated tropical flowers, ornamental plants and exotic fruit trees. Capture the luxuriance of the rain-forest as you venture along the soft tropical floor, home to hundreds of species of plant and animal life.


Take in panoramic views of the Caribbean and Atlantic coasts, Morne Anglais and the picturesque village of Bellevue-Chopin on the mountainside. Leisurely cruise through the local farming community observing the colourful Dominican homes and gardens. Have your camera ready for the breathtaking natural beauty you will encounter on this once in a lifetime adventure on one of the world's last remaining oceanic rain-forests!






Leisurely cruise through the rain-forest on a fully guided nature adventure!




Our docile, well-trained, riding horses will take you deep into the rain-forest along mountain trails. Relax in your western style saddle and enjoy all that nature has to offer!




Horseback Riding Tour includes...

One-hour fully guided ride through rain-forest trails

Safety helmets provided


Transportation can be arranged. Recommended wear is long trousers and protective footwear such as sneakers or hiking boots. Rainwear, boots available for rent.



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Want To See Both Of These. The Ships Says That The Hike To The Emerald Pool Is Very Slippery. I'm In Low 60's And Walk A Lot. Do You Think This Is Too Much For Me. Thanks.


I don't think you'll have any problem getting to the Emerald Pool. The only time it really gets a bit tricky is if you want to get in and swim.

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You have alot of great info. Thank you. Any suggestions of what to do on the island with two toddlers in tow- 2 and 3 year olds. Would Scotts head area be good? We're there for only one day (cruise) and don't want to stay on boat and miss this beautiful island. An suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I would love some advice so we can maximize our time in Dominica. We are there from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. on a Monday in April. We really want to see some sites and do some hiking in Morne Trois Pitons National Park and combine that with a trip to the Carib Indian Reservation. Is this possible? What advice do you have as far as what we might be able to get done in that amount of time. We REALLY wanted to see the Boiling Lake, but that definitely doesn't look feasible with our limited time in port. We're very adventurous, and want to see as much as possible while we're there. Thanks.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Hello Twomikea

We shall be visiting Dominica as one of our cruise stops in December. My husband is a dedicated keen bird watcher, If we hired a car or jeep would we be able to go to Colihaut Heights and Syndicate forest on our own?How far is it from the cruise docking area? Your information on What to do in Dominica is extremely informative. :) Thanks English Muffin

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