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I’m Onboard Celebrity Century – Got Any Questions?

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Hi, just wanted to let you know that I’m onboard Celebrity Century this week, sailing from Amsterdam roundtrip to the Baltic’s. Ports of call include Stockholm, Helsinki, St. Petersburg, Tallinn, Oslo and Copenhagen.

First things first: the ship is really beautiful. Feels fresh and contemporary. Cabins are lovely, boutique-style. The spa is much nicer in my mind than those on the Millennium class ships (except there's no thal. pool). And the balconies, well, blissful.

Am happy to answer any questions – whether it be related to this massively-refurbished ship or to the ports of call – so please ask them on this thread. One caveat: the ship is full and I cannot check individual cabins (such as inquiries such as “can you tell me whether 4068 is under the dining room…etc. – check the deck plan for that kind of thing). I have asked the onboard powers-that-be, however, for a chance, if possible, to look at the family suite, sky suite, royal suite.

So fire away! Just please be patient as this is a destination oriented itinerary, there’s not a whole lot of lovely lazy time-at-sea (though today and tomorrow are sailing days). And please feel free to ask questions about the destination – I’ve sailed this itinerary three times and am happy to offer help if possible. Just a note: I’m disembarking (early) at Tallinn and will miss the final stops at Oslo and Copenhagen but again, I know these ports fairly well so am happy to answer your questions.

In terms of destination-oriented questions I cannot recommend specific tour groups unless I’ve tried them myself (in that case I won’t be shy).



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Hi Carolyn, I am guessing you sailed CENTURY prior to her


She has always been my favorite ship. Can you tell me your personal

thoughts on how she "feels"....as opposed to prior......

I thought she was perfect..not too big or too small with that beautiful

understated elegance.

Did she keep her ambiance? That part of her was always so impressive

to me...she had the most wonderful ambiance.

Did enlarging her take away from that feeling?

I realize this is an opinion type of question but as Editor of this

site I would appreciate your thoughts.



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Carolyn -


Many travel agents and travel writers seem to consider Celebrity's food, service, and overall elegance a cut above the rest of the mass market lines. Since you were on Crown Princess so recently, we'd be very interested in your impressions in these areas. Is there still a "Celebrity Difference"?

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We leave next Wednesday for London and then to Dover for the Constellation cruise to the Baltics. I am wondering how to pack for the weather. Reports from earlier in the summer seemed that it was shorts and tee shirts weather but I am wondering if it will be cooler as the summer goes on. Any packing help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks so much.



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We leave next Wednesday for London and then to Dover for the Constellation cruise to the Baltics. I am wondering how to pack for the weather. Reports from earlier in the summer seemed that it was shorts and tee shirts weather but I am wondering if it will be cooler as the summer goes on. Any packing help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks so much.




Weather in this part of the world is not very stable. Be prepared for some cooler weather, and maybe to dress in layers....this summer is hotter then normal..

Nobody knows how long it will last.

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<<Hi, just wanted to let you know that I’m onboard Celebrity Century this week, sailing from Amsterdam roundtrip to the Baltic’s. Ports of call include Stockholm, Helsinki, St. Petersburg, Tallinn, Oslo and Copenhagen. >>


We earlier posted some photos of the New Century on her 1st trip through Northseacanal a few weeks ago. At that time the weather was very cloudy.

Just yesterday DH went back to the Northseacanal to make new more sunny photos of the ship. See the photos of your sailing.....

Have a great cruise!!



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Hi, Ann. This can change in a mercurial minute but right now it’s quite warm. It was in Amsterdam (and, I hear, in London). Today, at sea heading north, was blissfully cool because it was so foggy but the fog has cleared and it’s hotter now. It’s apparently 26 degrees (celcius) in Oslo, pretty warm for the north.

I didn’t pack any inclement weather gear and probably should have. They have some fleece vests for sale at the shop and I might buy one, just in case.

What I told a pal who’s sailing with me is to plan to wear layers so that if you get chilly or you get hot you can adjust. I’d go with that advice…it seems like this has been a long hot summer in Europe and the north.


PS Thanks, Ine, for the second opinion



We leave next Wednesday for London and then to Dover for the Constellation cruise to the Baltics. I am wondering how to pack for the weather. Reports from earlier in the summer seemed that it was shorts and tee shirts weather but I am wondering if it will be cooler as the summer goes on. Any packing help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks so much.



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Hi, Marlee & John, nice to "see" you again.


It’s too early to answer that question yet (haven’t even been to the main dining room yet!) but later in the week do you mind asking again? It’s a great question; I just don’t know enough yet.

I have been thinking about the Crown Princess partly because it was so recent and partly because one of the qualities that made it so special (and we’re postponing the review for a couple of weeks, by the way, in respect for the accident) is its crew. I’ve been thinking about how they fared, with specific faces in mind, and was glad we were able to run a news item yesterday about their response to the list accident.

Anyway, when I got onboard Crown Princess there was felt immediately a super-positive happy vibe. I can’t dissect that, exactly, but the atmosphere was light and the staff and crew genuninely great. On Century, my first impression was that it was not a happy ship. But: again it’s early days yet and most of my relatively negative impressions have from the cabin stewards (“no” comes more easily than yes, nobody smiles genuinely and says hello in the corridors, simple requests seem to get messed up). The staff of the lido (Islands Café) is another area that seemed lackluster in terms of spirit. The restaurant staff at Murano’s was exceptional and the guest relations folks have been helpful.

Will say the “pantry assistant” (I think I’ve got that right) who tried to deliver my breakfast to three different cabins before getting to mine this morning (er, I put the wrong cabin number down, totally my fault) was a sweetheart, just darling, and I tipped her well for the trouble. She couldn’t been more gracious.

So we’ll see. But I’m getting mixed signals.


Carolyn -


Many travel agents and travel writers seem to consider Celebrity's food, service, and overall elegance a cut above the rest of the mass market lines. Since you were on Crown Princess so recently, we'd be very interested in your impressions in these areas. Is there still a "Celebrity Difference"?

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We are having a heatwave here in England and in fact all over the UK and Ireland. This is 2+ weeks and still it continues.

Today we have had some thunder and now a little rain. This has never happened to me in the UK but today I was wearing just a summer dress and had an umbrella for the rain. Too hot for a cardigan or a jacket.


It has been hotter here then in Tunisia and the Mediterraen countries. Hottest July for a 100 years and it was 39C in London the other day. I wouldn't count on it lasting for too long.


The children were kept in at lunchtime in the school my grandchildren attend and also were lying on the floor for relaxation listening to story tapes. Very very strange for us.


Like the others I would say being a mixture of clothing. I did the Baltic in 1998 in July and we had good weather. Sitting out at the Tivoli at night without a cardigan. I suppose the real answer is how long is a piece of string!





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Hey Carolyn :D

I hope your trip is fantastic! I hope the service atmosphere improves! Thank you so much for offering to answer our questions while you are traveling.

The new SV cabins! Maybe you could get the Hotel Manager to clarify something that many of us have been wondering about. How big are they really? The web site says 191 sq ft but the folks on the phone at Celebrity insist only 175 sq ft!

SV balcony privacy. We have one of the middle ones booked and have seen snippets of the balcony in some posted pictures. Is there ANY privacy on any of the SV balconies when you look up from the Sunset Bar?

I'm looking forward to reading everything you post about this marvelous ship!

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Hi, Char, do you mean "standard verandah?" If so they're smallish but beautifully redecorated (fresh carpets, curtains, bedding) and the balconies are private and feature a fantastic "dining' table plus two upright chairs....




Hey Carolyn :D


I hope your trip is fantastic! I hope the service atmosphere improves! Thank you so much for offering to answer our questions while you are traveling.


The new SV cabins! Maybe you could get the Hotel Manager to clarify something that many of us have been wondering about. How big are they really? The web site says 191 sq ft but the folks on the phone at Celebrity insist only 175 sq ft!


SV balcony privacy. We have one of the middle ones booked and have seen snippets of the balcony in some posted pictures. Is there ANY privacy on any of the SV balconies when you look up from the Sunset Bar?


I'm looking forward to reading everything you post about this marvelous ship!

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Tonight is to be my first night at the Grand Dining Room and being that it’s formal night, there’s the usual added extra spark in the bars beforehand. Checking out the pretty-packed Martini Bar (which Celebrity calls the Ice Bar in deference to its cool colors but there’s nothing cool about the place – it hops beyond capacity), I snagged a table along the wall and looked for a martini menu. There was none. After a few minutes, a group of three passed by, taking the table behind me. Immediately, the bar waitress was on them, taking their order, proffering breadsticks. As if I, the lone traveler, did not exist.

The slight was not lost on the bar manager and to his credit he immediately came over and talked me up a bit and made some recommendations. The menus were far and few between and I never did get to see one but ordered at his behest a lovely orange/tropical juice flavored martini and it was promptly delivered and delicious. Still, and please understand that I have traveled alone on more cruises than not and I can handle myself just fine, this slight (along with another one that was quite similar in the bar outside the Island’s Café earlier that day) rankled. I call it solo syndrome and frankly it’s rare to feel it on a cruise ship. I appreciated his honesty, though, as he said he noticed that I’d been bypassed, and ultimately the waitress came over and made a cold apology.

I moved on.

Heading to dinner, the late seating, I was intrigued to meet some other passengers. Formal nights tend to be fun! Entering the dining room, the maitre ‘d or whomever directs people to tables was rather rude – first he took my table number to find out where it was, then he got distracted by another party (more of the solo syndrome it would appear), then he barked at a waiter to take me to the table. Gracious? Not at all, rather rude, actually. The waiter was sweet though, alas, didn’t know where the table actually was so we bumbled around the deck five portion of the dining room for awhile until we found it.

My table of six remained empty (save me); my traveling pal is in Stockholm waiting to board Monday (long story, cancelled flights); two of the women, the (very nice) waiter explained, had dinner with the captain at the early seating so wouldn’t be dining, and the other two? Who knows. They didn’t show up. The good news is my leftover wine from last night at Murano was ready and waiting. Nicely done.

But when it was clear that no one else would show, and my formal night frisson was starting to deflate, I asked to be moved. With the best of intentions (though lacking in sensitivity) the waiter asked me to follow him up the curving stairwell to deck six. We waited for a few minutes as other passengers complained about their assignments for one reason or another, all seemingly legitimate. Finally the “other”? maitre ‘d looked at the waiter, who perfectly explained the situation. His superior barked a table number at him – I was ignored – and back we went downstairs on the curving stairwell.

Please understand that I’m a pretty resilient traveler. But at this point, as the hum of the dining room is rising – again remember it’s formal night and most of us have taken care with our appearance – I start to feel completely and utterly humiliated. I feel mortified. So much so that I started to cry. How embarrassing is that, I’m thinking even as I can’t stop the tears. On formal night. All dressed up.

At my new table for one, I tried to focus on the menu. I asked several waiters at the station to please bring my wine bottle to the table. No one could find it. Finally I ordered. Still waiting for the wine. It’s a big deal to me that wine is to be enjoyed with food, that it is a special part of the meal. And yet when the opening course – the escargots – arrived fairly quickly, there still was no sign of my wine, no explanation, no apology, nothin’.

Enough, as my husband says, is enough.

I looked at the food, looked at the waiter (who must’ve been oblivious to the tears that streamed down my face), and just said “I’m out of here.”

I have had better dining experiences in bus station cafeterias. At least you don’t expect graciousness there so it’s not so demeaning when you’re treated as if you don’t exist.

I write this from my cabin. I have ordered room service from the dining room menu, the same selections that I chose downstairs. I was firm but polite when I told the order taker that if it was a problem getting my wine delivered to my room to be enjoyed with my formal night dinner than I wanted to talk with a supervisor. Frankly, the benefit of all this is that I get to have dinner outdoors in concert with a beautiful sunset, balmy temperatures, and a lovely pink-hued sky.

But why it would be necessary to experience quite so much humiliation and such sturm-und-drang just to get to this point I will never understand.


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Hi, Char, do you mean "standard verandah?" If so they're smallish but beautifully redecorated (fresh carpets, curtains, bedding) and the balconies are private and feature a fantastic "dining' table plus two upright chairs....



Make that Sunset Veranda. The aft facing cabins on the Sports deck that overlook the Sunset Bar.

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Oh Carolyn! :( We were posting at the same time. I'm SO SORRY to hear of your horrible experience at formal dinner!!!! Please speak to the Restaurant Manager and relay what happened. Something is very wrong there!

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Second time trying (the Internet on this ship is almost, very closely almost, as ridiculous as Crown Princess...I'm posting the same messages again and again).

The original message, Char, was something along the lines of the cabins are all about the same size. 175 square ft. on a so-called premium ship is very small (mind you Carnival regularly offers cabins in the 200 sq. ft. range, even on older ships). The extra 20 feet or so goes to the "new" balcony. It's compact but still utterly lovely.



Hey Carolyn :D


I hope your trip is fantastic! I hope the service atmosphere improves! Thank you so much for offering to answer our questions while you are traveling.


The new SV cabins! Maybe you could get the Hotel Manager to clarify something that many of us have been wondering about. How big are they really? The web site says 191 sq ft but the folks on the phone at Celebrity insist only 175 sq ft!


SV balcony privacy. We have one of the middle ones booked and have seen snippets of the balcony in some posted pictures. Is there ANY privacy on any of the SV balconies when you look up from the Sunset Bar?


I'm looking forward to reading everything you post about this marvelous ship!

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I also want to say how sorry I am to read of your horrible

experience in the dining room:mad: :(

And I do agree, you must go see the Restaurant Manager and

voice your utter displeasure.

How terrible and this is from one who cruises solo all the time.

Nobody should be treated that way.


Also, not sure if you saw my 1st post...but would like to hear

your feelings about the ship (the ambiance, etc.).


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Hi, Lois, and thanks to all who are kind about my horrid experience.

Lois, I wrote the following message before my disastrous and frankly appalling experience at dinner tonight. The irony is that much of the food that was ultimately delivered to my cabin (particularly the escargots, the shrimp and the delicious calvados apple tart) – albeit COLD -- was (still) exceptional. But the experience leaves a bitter taste nevertheless. One would hope that Michel Roux, the line’s celebrity chef, would understand the disparity – he certainly has improved the cuisine but the service is so poor….

And yet Princess, which has less of a reputation for food, was, in my experience on the new Crown Princess, much more savvy in service. Sure you expect the extra-fee alternative restaurants to deliver (and if they don’t you should complain, loudly). But the dining rooms? I sampled Crown Princess’ different dining rooms – on my own – for each of three meals – and was pleasantly comforted by food AND service at each.

Ultimately, when you weigh one or the other, if you can only deliver, er, one or the other, I’d say deliver good service. Treat people with respect and they’ll forgive a lot of failings. Treat people poorly and the food itself doesn’t so much matter. But Celebrity’s marketing machine naturally elevates expectations.

I question myself: Would I have felt so humiliated if I were not alone? A. that’s not the point; people who cruise expect good service regardless. And b? I would have been angry and annoyed and might have left the restaurant (but I will admit that I probably wouldn’t have gotten tearful). Even so, the whole thing was unacceptable. Absolutely, after 100 cruises plus, unacceptable.

It’s an embarrassment to Michel Roux and to Celebrity.

To my mind.

What do y’all think?






I also want to say how sorry I am to read of your horrible

experience in the dining room:mad: :(

And I do agree, you must go see the Restaurant Manager and

voice your utter displeasure.

How terrible and this is from one who cruises solo all the time.

Nobody should be treated that way.


Also, not sure if you saw my 1st post...but would like to hear

your feelings about the ship (the ambiance, etc.).


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Carolyn, I totally agree! I love Celebrity for many reasons but

primarily the service I have received has always been



I can relate to your experience because it happened to me.

I sailed on HAL in 2004 and my tablemates didn't show up for

one of the formal nights. It was definitely upsetting and to be honest

with you, their Maitr'd was just as bad.....actually I cried too...

ate my dinner and left before dessert.

I never thought X would do that to anyone.....I see I am wrong and that

makes me very sad. And you used the correct word...it is humiliating.


And I agree if my service is there...I will overlook food that is

not "top of the line'.


Again, I am so sorry and please tell us if and when you see

the Restaurant Manager and what he has to say about the


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Hi Carolyn, I'm so sorry about your horrible experience. I am going on the same ship next June 3rd. I have invited friends and family and feel like we should cancel now. Please continue to help us by sharing your experiences and speaking to the right people to get this situation rectified. If this happened to you, it surely has happened to others.

I hope you get the service you deserve for the rest of your cruise.


I am interested in finding out how to have the best experiences in each port in the most economical way. We have a group of 8 people at this time. Did you stay in a hotel in Amsterdam before? Which one? How is the best way to get around in Amsterdam and from airport to cruise port? I'll be anxiously awaiting your input and hope your experience becomes drastically more positive. Thank You!!:)

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Hi Carolyn,


I don't mean to be rude, but your post gives me first and foremost the impression that you are a very lonely person. You immediately link everything that happens to you to being a solo traveller. Why is that? It makes me sad! As to the service... If I want to order a Martini, I just raise my hand and call a waitress. And if my tablemates don't show up for dinner, I enjoy my own company. With so much horrible things going on in the world, surely a table assignment on a 4+ star cruise ship isn't something to cry about? Are you sure there isn't something else on your mind that is completely unrelated to this cruise?


Your post is resulting in people thinking about cancelling their cruise :eek: That really is beyond me. Any day on a cruise is better then a day in the office!


Best Regards,


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and I love my own company..and I love to sail solo.


Personally I don't think Carolyn's post sounded as if she is a lonely

person...I think she encountered a totally rude Maitr'd.

(That is how it sounded to me).


I agree the gal shouldn't cancel her cruise but I also understand

how a person might feel bad by the lack of service experienced.


And as for tears, some of us are not thick skinned...(that would include



And of course there are horrible things going on around the world...

nobody is saying anything otherwise.

Carolyn was relaying her experience on the ship...not sure what

one has to do with other.

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Carolyn, I am so sorry to hear of what you encountered in the dining room on formal night, of all nights! I do hope you follow through with the restaurant manager. There is absolutely no excuse for the staff to behave the way they did. After all, they are paid to be gracious hosts. And when the Asst Maitre 'd is involved in the rudeness, it makes it very difficult for you to resolve the matter at the time it happens.

As a Celebrity fan who has a Century cruise booked for December 2007, I am very disappointed to hear of this type of service failure. I hope your cruise experience improves as it continues.


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Carolyn, my heart goes out to you. That is just NOT right:(


Next time you go to that dang dining room, you wear a big button that says...I am a Cruise Critic....see if that changes anything. Hopefully by now your dinner mates have shown up.


Enjoy the rest of your trip and if you get around to it....tell us everything about Stockholm. We will be there September 14:)

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