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Nutri-System- Anyone try it? good? Bad?


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Has anyone tried Nutri System lately? I did the atkins, lost then gained.... Any diet I have done, it has been similar to it...But I have no time and I figure getting meals already prepared keeps you from cheating. Any comments?

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I have done all of them too - just got my NutriSystem meals today and starting tomorrow. Will let you know how they taste and work. Am hopeful. If you want send me your email and I will send you a coupon for fifteen dollars off. Just put cc in the title.

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Yup I did. I actually still have maybe a dozen meals from a year ago which I plan on breaking out the week before my cruise to drop a few quick pounds. The portions look very small, but if you take them out of the container they come in and put them on a plate w/ a small salad or vegetable, it's amazing how much they fill you up.


And it really does work.

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rvalent, I did send the coupon. Today is day 1 so will let you know. My daughter, who I think was already thin at 155 pounds (5'10") lost 16 pounds in 1 month and really liked it. Said it taught her portion control and got her off the Atkins mindset. We have both lost (and gained) on that diet. You do have to buy other things like fruit, veggies and such.

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The only food I didn't really care for with Nutri-system was the powdered egg stuff and the pasta and rice dishes that you add hot water and "cook". The heat and eat stuff was tasty in my opinion, and I was never hungry.


I did really well on NS while my husband was traveling, but didn't seem to be able to stick with it when he was home and eating 'real' food. I keep saying I'm going to try it again (it definately worked!), but just haven't mustered up the will power yet.


Maybe I need to book another cruise to motivate me - yup, that would work.....

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Morriscats: My email is granitegal1975@sbcglobal.net. Thank you very much.

You say you still have to buy more food to go with what they give you? Can you give me an example? Any of you guys tried Jenny Craig? I bought some slimfast last night...I will try that until it runs out and then I will decide on the NS or not. I just can't see spending that much money when I should (key word there) be able to do it myself. Still saving for my Cruise!!!

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I understand the cost for nutrisystem and the savings for the cruise. Luckily my cruise isn't until May of next year. I'm only planning to stay on nutrisystem for 2 months and hopefully i will be successful in losing at least 20-30lbs. From reading all of the messages, I should be able to if I stick to the plan they have outlined.

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Well my DH had the eggs with mushroom - powdered but he liked it. Made it into kind of an omlet with his dairy choice - low fat cheese. I had granola and yogurt. You will get a booklet for each day and it tells you how much protein/dairy, fat, veggies and fruit. Today I bought string cheese, fruits, salad stuff, veggies, yogurt and such. It is the same thing with Jenny Craig. They provide the "entree" and you supply the rest. It sounds expensive but I don't think I could put together everything that goes into their "entree" for their price and they are giving you the exact portion. My daughter also said stay away from the things you add water to. I had, for lunch, chicken with noodles and vegetables. Comes in a soup-like contained and you just microwave it. It was good. I did not have the salad. Looking forward to dinner.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I did the nutri-system about a year ago. The only downfall is it is very costly. However, the food is very good. I am use to eating diet foods like lean cuisine and such. The nutri-system food is one of the best out there. I do not eat eggs, so I am not sure about those, but I had the meals in bowls and boxes, the snacks from soy chips to bars and the cereals and they were all good. Enough to make me want to come back the next meal and not dread it.

I tried Atkins a few years ago and it did not work for me at all. The nutri-system worked slightly, but not enough, which is why I am getting WLS myself.

The plan they give you is good and you will not go hungry at all. I wish you lots of luck!!!

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I understand the cost for nutrisystem and the savings for the cruise. Luckily my cruise isn't until May of next year. I'm only planning to stay on nutrisystem for 2 months and hopefully i will be successful in losing at least 20-30lbs. From reading all of the messages, I should be able to if I stick to the plan they have outlined.


I don't know if you are aware that such a fast weight loss is not good for you. Over a 2-month period, you should expect to loose anywhere from 8 to 16 lbs from a healthy weight loss plan. Over 2lbs per week, you are also loosing lean muscle and it's a diet you won't be able to follow on a long period of time, your body will think its starving and as soon as you will increase your food intake (even good food), your body will stock (fat) as much as he can in the case its ''starving'' again. To loose 20-30 lbs, you give yourself 3-4 months.


Have you looked at the South Beach Diet? Many doctors agree to say it's the best diet on the market since it is not a ''loose fast no matter what'' diet but more of a lifestyle change. If you need basic information regarding the diet, I can give you some links and other information.


I wish you the best success, no matter what your choice is.

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Actually, I believe you will lose on almost ANY program IF you stick with it. I have one friend who tried nutri-system and hated the food, but a gal at my gym is on it and loves it. One gal in my office is on Jenny Craig and loves that also. I've done WW in the past and, while not attending meetings, devised my own WOE in January based loosely on their plan.


Basically, I do fruit and cereal or HB egg for breakfast, frozen Lean Cuisine or WW entree with salad or raw veggies for lunch (in the office), fruit or popcorn snack in late afternoon and some kind of protein (chicken, fish, etc.) with veggies and a starch for dinner. Usually a WW ice cream "treat" or yogurt at night. So far, I'm down a little over 50 lbs. since January. Just started going to Cuts for Women (like Curves, circuit training for the unfit and flabby) in June. Try to go three times a week, but I'm just not an exercise fan. Oh, I'll be 60 next month and, let me tell you, it is slow going at this age - at 30, all I had to do was think diet and it dropped off!


The good thing is that this is something I feel I can live with forever with an occasional "slip" every now and again. If we go out to dinner, I have wine and sometimes share a "real" dessert, but it's not every day. Still have 25-30 lbs. to go, but at least I can go on my cruise next month and not feel like the goodyear blimp.


So, basically what I'm saying is pick something you like and feel you can stick with forever with occasional modifications - otherwise, like with Atkins, it will come right back on. My way is cheaper than WW, nutri-system or JC (I stock the freezer when the frozen meals are 1/2 price), but you don't get the individual counseling that many people need.

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Thanks to everybodys posts!!! I really think I would like nutrisystem, and thanks to Morriscats for the coupon!! I bought this slim in six program about a year ago (tried it 2 weeks and gave up-thank you infomercials!) and lost 5 pounds then..... I am trying it this week. I figured I already bought it, so I might as well try it. I have been on so many diets it is unreal. I'm sure I am not alone in my boat.


jp- I tried the southbeach diet about a year and a half ago (bought the cookbook, etc) and ended up gaining weight. :( Not that I am against it, a girl I used to work with actually lost alot on it!


I think it does matter that you stick with what you start with. Maybe that is my problem? I'm sure I am not alone with this one either.... we live in the time that everyone expects "instant results" no matter what. It is very helpfull with all advice as no one can think of every angle!

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I know losing fast is not good for me but I have been eating everything they tell me to, almost ever 2 hours something goes in my mouth and I have lost 11.4 - Saturday will be my second week on Nutrisystem. I know this will not last forever but I am enjoying it while I can. I am learning portion control and am already seeing how I can do this when I come off this plan.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Those commercials are so darn intriguing!!! Along with the questions asked by the poster immediately above, can you tell me:


1. Do you get to select the foods that make up your package, or is it

pre-determined by Nutri-System?


2. I try to limit artificial flavors and preservatives, are there lots of words you

can't pronounce on the labels?:)



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I'm not interested in joining the diet,but what I haven't figured out is, how is it different than making your own food with "real" food, measuring yourself the correct portion size, and taking the time to make it?


In the end,isn't that what dieting is about, portion size, careful eating, an occasional treat, and a little exercise? I always thought that the nutrisytem program was a clever way for a company to make money. I am sure it helps, but in the end it seems like it's stuff you could do at home cheaper. The other issue is, most premade food has a lot of sodium in it..the average body is supposed to have less than 2000mg per day, and many times prepackaged meals (even lean cuisines) have more than half of what your supposed to have for sodium in one meal alone. Then the consequence is water retention, and being more thirsty, which can also disguise itself as being "hungry" and the real issue is thirst. At least if you make your own food you can control to some degree how much sodium is in it.




Those commercials are so darn intriguing!!! Along with the questions asked by the poster immediately above, can you tell me:


1. Do you get to select the foods that make up your package, or is it

pre-determined by Nutri-System?


2. I try to limit artificial flavors and preservatives, are there lots of words you

can't pronounce on the labels?:)



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I did NutriSystem for 1 month and lost 17 pounds. But we canceled our next order - I found I could do this myself also. With NS, they provide the "entree" and you provide the fruits and vegetables, bread, etc. It was getting costly. And I found that Lean Cuisine and frozen foods such as those had less calories and a little less sodium than NS dinner entree (and costs less too) so we do that for dinner. I still follow their guidelines - and am still losing. I have found many things to substitute for what we used to eat. Low fat and low calorie soy chips. Low fat popcorn. Egg beaters. Lots of fruits and veggies. We are learning portion control. We can do this!!

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I'm not interested in joining the diet,but what I haven't figured out is, how is it different than making your own food with "real" food, measuring yourself the correct portion size, and taking the time to make it?


The thing is that most people that need to lose weight DON'T eat the correct portion size or take the time and that's why they need to lose in the first place. Places like NS or JC take care of that for you, so it's a no brainer. As you lose the weight, you learn what a portion size really is and looks like and feels like and then they wean you off their food and back onto your own



In the end,isn't that what dieting is about, portion size, careful eating, an occasional treat, and a little exercise? The other issue is, most premade food has a lot of sodium in it..the average body is supposed to have less than 2000mg per day, and many times prepackaged meals (even lean cuisines) have more than half of what your supposed to have for sodium in one meal alone.


I can't speak for NS, but I can for Jenny Craig. I've compared their food to that of WW or LC frozen foods and JC has much less sodium in them. Plus as with all weight loss programs (and even just for optimum health) you should be drinking at least 8 glasses of water a day to help flush things out.


I've always been a dedicated WW gal, but this time I couldn't face all the planning, point counting, journalling, etc. that went with it. For me, right now, my lifestyle just can't handle that. So I gave Jenny a try and I have got to say it's the easiest program I've ever tried. I also don't think it's expensive either. I took what is called the "Rewards" program where you start with a 10% discount on the food for the first 10 weeks, then move to 20% for the next 10, 30% for the next 10 and that's where you stay till you reach your goal. From that point on the food is 35% off. So, with the savings from that in the end it winds up paying for your program and then some.


What I do know is that I'm less than 5 lb. from my goal and I feel fantastic (don't look too bad either if I do say so myself) and it didn't "hurt" at all to get this way. Now the hard part...maintenance. That, for me, is the biggest challenge ever - no matter what program I used to get me where I am now.



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I tried Nutri System and oh how I wanted it to work. The food made me feel sick, it exploded in my mouth like it wasen't real!!!! I really did want it to work!!! Sent it back, even seeing a add on TV makes me want to hurl!!!! I need help fast cruise coming in Jan!!!! Is jenney craig much diff????

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Sounds like it worked for you, but in the end as with all diets,eventually one has to measure their food, and take the time to plan/prepare. Portion sizes are easy to figure out if you read the labels.


But if it worked for you, that's good.


The thing is that most people that need to lose weight DON'T eat the correct portion size or take the time and that's why they need to lose in the first place. Places like NS or JC take care of that for you, so it's a no brainer. As you lose the weight, you learn what a portion size really is and looks like and feels like and then they wean you off their food and back onto your own





I can't speak for NS, but I can for Jenny Craig. I've compared their food to that of WW or LC frozen foods and JC has much less sodium in them. Plus as with all weight loss programs (and even just for optimum health) you should be drinking at least 8 glasses of water a day to help flush things out.


I've always been a dedicated WW gal, but this time I couldn't face all the planning, point counting, journalling, etc. that went with it. For me, right now, my lifestyle just can't handle that. So I gave Jenny a try and I have got to say it's the easiest program I've ever tried. I also don't think it's expensive either. I took what is called the "Rewards" program where you start with a 10% discount on the food for the first 10 weeks, then move to 20% for the next 10, 30% for the next 10 and that's where you stay till you reach your goal. From that point on the food is 35% off. So, with the savings from that in the end it winds up paying for your program and then some.


What I do know is that I'm less than 5 lb. from my goal and I feel fantastic (don't look too bad either if I do say so myself) and it didn't "hurt" at all to get this way. Now the hard part...maintenance. That, for me, is the biggest challenge ever - no matter what program I used to get me where I am now.



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I tried Nutri System and oh how I wanted it to work. The food made me feel sick, it exploded in my mouth like it wasen't real!!!! I really did want it to work!!! Sent it back, even seeing a add on TV makes me want to hurl!!!! I need help fast cruise coming in Jan!!!! Is jenney craig much diff????

I started NS last Monday, hate, hate the food.

Makes me ill just thinking about it.

I need to lose 5 - 8 pounds, have to find some other way to do it tho:(

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I started NS last Monday, hate, hate the food.

Makes me ill just thinking about it.

I need to lose 5 - 8 pounds, have to find some other way to do it tho:(


Just finished my yummy chocolate cake - have you called Jenny yet? ;) The food's fantastic and it works! I'm down 25 lb. since the end of April.



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Since Feb 06 I've lost 46 pounds with NutriSystem. Some of the food is ok, some is gross and a few things are really good. I love the pizza, hamburgers and the chocolate chip granola bars. Stay away from the muffins and anything that has potatos in the title.

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